/* * Mach Operating System * Copyright (c) 1991,1990 Carnegie Mellon University * All Rights Reserved. * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the * software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions * thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation. * * CARNEGIE MELLON ALLOWS FREE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE IN ITS * CONDITION. CARNEGIE MELLON DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY OF ANY KIND FOR * ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to * * Software Distribution Coordinator or Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU * School of Computer Science * Carnegie Mellon University * Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890 * * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie the * rights to redistribute these changes. */ #include "write.h" #include "utils.h" #include "global.h" #include "error.h" static void WriteIncludes(FILE *file) { fprintf(file, "#include <mach/kern_return.h>\n"); fprintf(file, "#include <mach/port.h>\n"); fprintf(file, "#include <mach/message.h>\n"); fprintf(file, "\n"); } static void WriteDefines(FILE *file) { } static void WriteMigExternal(FILE *file) { fprintf(file, "#ifdef\tmig_external\n"); fprintf(file, "mig_external\n"); fprintf(file, "#else\n"); fprintf(file, "extern\n"); fprintf(file, "#endif\n"); } static void WriteProlog(FILE *file, const char *protect) { if (protect != strNULL) { fprintf(file, "#ifndef\t_%s\n", protect); fprintf(file, "#define\t_%s\n", protect); fprintf(file, "\n"); } fprintf(file, "/* Module %s */\n", SubsystemName); fprintf(file, "\n"); WriteIncludes(file); WriteDefines(file); } static void WriteEpilog(FILE *file, const char *protect) { if (protect != strNULL) { fprintf(file, "\n"); fprintf(file, "#endif\t/* not defined(_%s) */\n", protect); } } static void WriteUserRoutine(FILE *file, const routine_t *rt) { fprintf(file, "\n"); fprintf(file, "/* %s %s */\n", rtRoutineKindToStr(rt->rtKind), rt->rtName); WriteMigExternal(file); fprintf(file, "%s %s\n", ReturnTypeStr(rt), rt->rtUserName); fprintf(file, "#if\t%s\n", LintLib); fprintf(file, " ("); WriteList(file, rt->rtArgs, WriteNameDecl, akbUserArg, ", " , ""); fprintf(file, ")\n"); WriteList(file, rt->rtArgs, WriteUserVarDecl, akbUserArg, ";\n", ";\n"); fprintf(file, "{ "); if (!rt->rtProcedure) fprintf(file, "return "); fprintf(file, "%s(", rt->rtUserName); WriteList(file, rt->rtArgs, WriteNameDecl, akbUserArg, ", ", ""); fprintf(file, "); }\n"); fprintf(file, "#else\n"); fprintf(file, "(\n"); WriteList(file, rt->rtArgs, WriteUserVarDecl, akbUserArg, ",\n", "\n"); fprintf(file, ");\n"); fprintf(file, "#endif\n"); } void WriteUserHeader(FILE *file, const statement_t *stats) { register const statement_t *stat; const char *protect = strconcat(SubsystemName, "_user_"); WriteProlog(file, protect); for (stat = stats; stat != stNULL; stat = stat->stNext) switch (stat->stKind) { case skRoutine: WriteUserRoutine(file, stat->stRoutine); break; case skImport: case skUImport: WriteImport(file, stat->stFileName); break; case skSImport: break; default: fatal("WriteHeader(): bad statement_kind_t (%d)", (int) stat->stKind); } WriteEpilog(file, protect); } static void WriteServerRoutine(FILE *file, const routine_t *rt) { fprintf(file, "\n"); fprintf(file, "/* %s %s */\n", rtRoutineKindToStr(rt->rtKind), rt->rtName); WriteMigExternal(file); fprintf(file, "%s %s\n", ReturnTypeStr(rt), rt->rtServerName); fprintf(file, "#if\t%s\n", LintLib); fprintf(file, " ("); WriteList(file, rt->rtArgs, WriteNameDecl, akbServerArg, ", " , ""); fprintf(file, ")\n"); WriteList(file, rt->rtArgs, WriteServerVarDecl, akbServerArg, ";\n", ";\n"); fprintf(file, "{ "); if (!rt->rtProcedure) fprintf(file, "return "); fprintf(file, "%s(", rt->rtServerName); WriteList(file, rt->rtArgs, WriteNameDecl, akbServerArg, ", ", ""); fprintf(file, "); }\n"); fprintf(file, "#else\n"); fprintf(file, "(\n"); WriteList(file, rt->rtArgs, WriteServerVarDecl, akbServerArg, ",\n", "\n"); fprintf(file, ");\n"); fprintf(file, "#endif\n"); } void WriteServerHeader(FILE *file, const statement_t *stats) { register const statement_t *stat; const char *protect = strconcat(SubsystemName, "_server_"); WriteProlog(file, protect); for (stat = stats; stat != stNULL; stat = stat->stNext) switch (stat->stKind) { case skRoutine: WriteServerRoutine(file, stat->stRoutine); break; case skImport: case skSImport: WriteImport(file, stat->stFileName); break; case skUImport: break; default: fatal("WriteServerHeader(): bad statement_kind_t (%d)", (int) stat->stKind); } WriteEpilog(file, protect); } static void WriteInternalRedefine(FILE *file, register const routine_t *rt) { fprintf(file, "#define %s %s_external\n", rt->rtUserName, rt->rtUserName); } void WriteInternalHeader(FILE *file, const statement_t *stats) { register const statement_t *stat; for (stat = stats; stat != stNULL; stat = stat->stNext) switch (stat->stKind) { case skRoutine: WriteInternalRedefine(file, stat->stRoutine); break; case skImport: case skUImport: case skSImport: break; default: fatal("WriteInternalHeader(): bad statement_kind_t (%d)", (int) stat->stKind); } }