/*********************************************************************** * FILE NAME : TMSCSIM.C * * BY : C.L. Huang, ching@tekram.com.tw * * Description: Device Driver for Tekram DC-390(T) PCI SCSI * * Bus Master Host Adapter * * (C)Copyright 1995-1996 Tekram Technology Co., Ltd. * ***********************************************************************/ /* Minor enhancements and bugfixes by * * Kurt Garloff <K.Garloff@ping.de> * ***********************************************************************/ /* HISTORY: * * * * REV# DATE NAME DESCRIPTION * * 1.00 04/24/96 CLH First release * * 1.01 06/12/96 CLH Fixed bug of Media Change for Removable * * Device, scan all LUN. Support Pre2.0.10 * * 1.02 06/18/96 CLH Fixed bug of Command timeout ... * * 1.03 09/25/96 KG Added tmscsim_proc_info() * * 1.04 10/11/96 CLH Updating for support KV 2.0.x * * 1.05 10/18/96 KG Fixed bug in DC390_abort(null ptr deref)* * 1.06 10/25/96 KG Fixed module support * * 1.07 11/09/96 KG Fixed tmscsim_proc_info() * * 1.08 11/18/96 KG Fixed null ptr in DC390_Disconnect() * * 1.09 11/30/96 KG Added register the allocated IO space * * 1.10 12/05/96 CLH Modified tmscsim_proc_info(), and reset * * pending interrupt in DC390_detect() * * 1.11 02/05/97 KG/CLH Fixeds problem with partitions greater * * than 1GB * ***********************************************************************/ #define DC390_DEBUG #define SCSI_MALLOC #ifdef MODULE #include <linux/module.h> #endif #include <asm/dma.h> #include <asm/io.h> #include <asm/system.h> #include <linux/delay.h> #include <linux/signal.h> #include <linux/sched.h> #include <linux/errno.h> #include <linux/kernel.h> #include <linux/ioport.h> #include <linux/bios32.h> #include <linux/pci.h> #include <linux/proc_fs.h> #include <linux/string.h> #include <linux/mm.h> #include <linux/config.h> #include <linux/version.h> #if LINUX_VERSION_CODE < 66354 /* 1.3.50 */ #include "../block/blk.h" #else #include <linux/blk.h> #endif #include "scsi.h" #include "hosts.h" #include "tmscsim.h" #include "constants.h" #include "sd.h" #include <linux/stat.h> #include "dc390.h" #define PCI_DEVICE_ID_AMD53C974 PCI_DEVICE_ID_AMD_SCSI #ifndef VERSION_ELF_1_2_13 struct proc_dir_entry proc_scsi_tmscsim ={ PROC_SCSI_DC390T, 7 ,"tmscsim", S_IFDIR | S_IRUGO | S_IXUGO, 2 }; #endif static USHORT DC390_StartSCSI( PACB pACB, PDCB pDCB, PSRB pSRB ); static void DC390_DataOut_0( PACB pACB, PSRB pSRB, PUCHAR psstatus); static void DC390_DataIn_0( PACB pACB, PSRB pSRB, PUCHAR psstatus); static void DC390_Command_0( PACB pACB, PSRB pSRB, PUCHAR psstatus); static void DC390_Status_0( PACB pACB, PSRB pSRB, PUCHAR psstatus); static void DC390_MsgOut_0( PACB pACB, PSRB pSRB, PUCHAR psstatus); static void DC390_MsgIn_0( PACB pACB, PSRB pSRB, PUCHAR psstatus); static void DC390_DataOutPhase( PACB pACB, PSRB pSRB, PUCHAR psstatus); static void DC390_DataInPhase( PACB pACB, PSRB pSRB, PUCHAR psstatus); static void DC390_CommandPhase( PACB pACB, PSRB pSRB, PUCHAR psstatus); static void DC390_StatusPhase( PACB pACB, PSRB pSRB, PUCHAR psstatus); static void DC390_MsgOutPhase( PACB pACB, PSRB pSRB, PUCHAR psstatus); static void DC390_MsgInPhase( PACB pACB, PSRB pSRB, PUCHAR psstatus); static void DC390_Nop_0( PACB pACB, PSRB pSRB, PUCHAR psstatus); static void DC390_Nop_1( PACB pACB, PSRB pSRB, PUCHAR psstatus); static void SetXferRate( PACB pACB, PDCB pDCB ); static void DC390_Disconnect( PACB pACB ); static void DC390_Reselect( PACB pACB ); static void SRBdone( PACB pACB, PDCB pDCB, PSRB pSRB ); static void DoingSRB_Done( PACB pACB ); static void DC390_ScsiRstDetect( PACB pACB ); static void DC390_ResetSCSIBus( PACB pACB ); static void RequestSense( PACB pACB, PDCB pDCB, PSRB pSRB ); static void EnableMsgOut2( PACB pACB, PSRB pSRB ); static void EnableMsgOut( PACB pACB, PSRB pSRB ); static void DC390_InvalidCmd( PACB pACB ); int DC390_initAdapter( PSH psh, ULONG io_port, UCHAR Irq, USHORT index ); void DC390_initDCB( PACB pACB, PDCB pDCB, PSCSICMD cmd ); #ifdef MODULE static int DC390_release(struct Scsi_Host *host); static int DC390_shutdown (struct Scsi_Host *host); #endif static PSHT pSHT_start = NULL; static PSH pSH_start = NULL; static PSH pSH_current = NULL; static PACB pACB_start= NULL; static PACB pACB_current = NULL; static PDCB pPrevDCB = NULL; static USHORT adapterCnt = 0; static USHORT InitialTime = 0; static USHORT CurrSyncOffset = 0; static ULONG mech1addr; static UCHAR mech2bus, mech2Agent, mech2CfgSPenR; static PVOID DC390_phase0[]={ DC390_DataOut_0, DC390_DataIn_0, DC390_Command_0, DC390_Status_0, DC390_Nop_0, DC390_Nop_0, DC390_MsgOut_0, DC390_MsgIn_0, DC390_Nop_1 }; static PVOID DC390_phase1[]={ DC390_DataOutPhase, DC390_DataInPhase, DC390_CommandPhase, DC390_StatusPhase, DC390_Nop_0, DC390_Nop_0, DC390_MsgOutPhase, DC390_MsgInPhase, DC390_Nop_1, }; UCHAR eepromBuf[MAX_ADAPTER_NUM][128]; UCHAR clock_period1[] = {4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 13, 20}; UCHAR baddevname1[2][28] ={ "SEAGATE ST3390N 9546", "HP C3323-300 4269"}; #define BADDEVCNT 2 /*********************************************************************** * * * **********************************************************************/ static void QLinkcmd( PSCSICMD cmd, PDCB pDCB ) { ULONG flags; PSCSICMD pcmd; save_flags(flags); cli(); if( !pDCB->QIORBCnt ) { pDCB->pQIORBhead = cmd; pDCB->pQIORBtail = cmd; pDCB->QIORBCnt++; cmd->next = NULL; } else { pcmd = pDCB->pQIORBtail; pcmd->next = cmd; pDCB->pQIORBtail = cmd; pDCB->QIORBCnt++; cmd->next = NULL; } restore_flags(flags); } static PSCSICMD Getcmd( PDCB pDCB ) { ULONG flags; PSCSICMD pcmd; save_flags(flags); cli(); pcmd = pDCB->pQIORBhead; pDCB->pQIORBhead = pcmd->next; pcmd->next = NULL; pDCB->QIORBCnt--; restore_flags(flags); return( pcmd ); } static PSRB GetSRB( PACB pACB ) { ULONG flags; PSRB pSRB; save_flags(flags); cli(); pSRB = pACB->pFreeSRB; if( pSRB ) { pACB->pFreeSRB = pSRB->pNextSRB; pSRB->pNextSRB = NULL; } restore_flags(flags); return( pSRB ); } static void RewaitSRB0( PDCB pDCB, PSRB pSRB ) { PSRB psrb1; ULONG flags; save_flags(flags); cli(); if( (psrb1 = pDCB->pWaitingSRB) ) { pSRB->pNextSRB = psrb1; pDCB->pWaitingSRB = pSRB; } else { pSRB->pNextSRB = NULL; pDCB->pWaitingSRB = pSRB; pDCB->pWaitLast = pSRB; } restore_flags(flags); } static void RewaitSRB( PDCB pDCB, PSRB pSRB ) { PSRB psrb1; ULONG flags; UCHAR bval; save_flags(flags); cli(); pDCB->GoingSRBCnt--; psrb1 = pDCB->pGoingSRB; if( pSRB == psrb1 ) { pDCB->pGoingSRB = psrb1->pNextSRB; } else { while( pSRB != psrb1->pNextSRB ) psrb1 = psrb1->pNextSRB; psrb1->pNextSRB = pSRB->pNextSRB; if( pSRB == pDCB->pGoingLast ) pDCB->pGoingLast = psrb1; } if( (psrb1 = pDCB->pWaitingSRB) ) { pSRB->pNextSRB = psrb1; pDCB->pWaitingSRB = pSRB; } else { pSRB->pNextSRB = NULL; pDCB->pWaitingSRB = pSRB; pDCB->pWaitLast = pSRB; } bval = pSRB->TagNumber; pDCB->TagMask &= (~(1 << bval)); /* Free TAG number */ restore_flags(flags); } static void DoWaitingSRB( PACB pACB ) { ULONG flags; PDCB ptr, ptr1; PSRB pSRB; save_flags(flags); cli(); if( !(pACB->pActiveDCB) && !(pACB->ACBFlag & (RESET_DETECT+RESET_DONE+RESET_DEV) ) ) { ptr = pACB->pDCBRunRobin; if( !ptr ) { ptr = pACB->pLinkDCB; pACB->pDCBRunRobin = ptr; } ptr1 = ptr; for( ;ptr1; ) { pACB->pDCBRunRobin = ptr1->pNextDCB; if( !( ptr1->MaxCommand > ptr1->GoingSRBCnt ) || !( pSRB = ptr1->pWaitingSRB ) ) { if(pACB->pDCBRunRobin == ptr) break; ptr1 = ptr1->pNextDCB; } else { if( !DC390_StartSCSI(pACB, ptr1, pSRB) ) { ptr1->GoingSRBCnt++; if( ptr1->pWaitLast == pSRB ) { ptr1->pWaitingSRB = NULL; ptr1->pWaitLast = NULL; } else { ptr1->pWaitingSRB = pSRB->pNextSRB; } pSRB->pNextSRB = NULL; if( ptr1->pGoingSRB ) ptr1->pGoingLast->pNextSRB = pSRB; else ptr1->pGoingSRB = pSRB; ptr1->pGoingLast = pSRB; } break; } } } restore_flags(flags); return; } static void SRBwaiting( PDCB pDCB, PSRB pSRB) { if( pDCB->pWaitingSRB ) { pDCB->pWaitLast->pNextSRB = pSRB; pDCB->pWaitLast = pSRB; pSRB->pNextSRB = NULL; } else { pDCB->pWaitingSRB = pSRB; pDCB->pWaitLast = pSRB; } } static void SendSRB( PSCSICMD pcmd, PACB pACB, PSRB pSRB ) { ULONG flags; PDCB pDCB; save_flags(flags); cli(); pDCB = pSRB->pSRBDCB; if( !(pDCB->MaxCommand > pDCB->GoingSRBCnt) || (pACB->pActiveDCB) || (pACB->ACBFlag & (RESET_DETECT+RESET_DONE+RESET_DEV)) ) { SRBwaiting(pDCB, pSRB); goto SND_EXIT; } if( pDCB->pWaitingSRB ) { SRBwaiting(pDCB, pSRB); /* pSRB = GetWaitingSRB(pDCB); */ pSRB = pDCB->pWaitingSRB; pDCB->pWaitingSRB = pSRB->pNextSRB; pSRB->pNextSRB = NULL; } if( !DC390_StartSCSI(pACB, pDCB, pSRB) ) { pDCB->GoingSRBCnt++; if( pDCB->pGoingSRB ) { pDCB->pGoingLast->pNextSRB = pSRB; pDCB->pGoingLast = pSRB; } else { pDCB->pGoingSRB = pSRB; pDCB->pGoingLast = pSRB; } } else RewaitSRB0( pDCB, pSRB ); SND_EXIT: restore_flags(flags); return; } /*********************************************************************** * Function : static int DC390_queue_command (Scsi_Cmnd *cmd, * void (*done)(Scsi_Cmnd *)) * * Purpose : enqueues a SCSI command * * Inputs : cmd - SCSI command, done - function called on completion, with * a pointer to the command descriptor. * * Returns : 0 * ***********************************************************************/ int DC390_queue_command (Scsi_Cmnd *cmd, void (* done)(Scsi_Cmnd *)) { USHORT ioport, i; Scsi_Cmnd *pcmd; struct Scsi_Host *psh; PACB pACB; PDCB pDCB; PSRB pSRB; ULONG flags; PUCHAR ptr,ptr1; psh = cmd->host; pACB = (PACB ) psh->hostdata; ioport = pACB->IOPortBase; #ifdef DC390_DEBUG0 /* if(pACB->scan_devices) */ printk("Cmd=%2x,ID=%d,LUN=%d,",cmd->cmnd[0],cmd->target,cmd->lun); #endif if( (pACB->scan_devices == END_SCAN) && (cmd->cmnd[0] != INQUIRY) ) { pACB->scan_devices = 0; pPrevDCB->pNextDCB = pACB->pLinkDCB; } else if( (pACB->scan_devices) && (cmd->cmnd[0] == 8) ) { pACB->scan_devices = 0; pPrevDCB->pNextDCB = pACB->pLinkDCB; } if ( ( cmd->target > pACB->max_id ) || (cmd->lun > pACB->max_lun) ) { /* printk("DC390: Ignore target %d lun %d\n", cmd->target, cmd->lun); */ cmd->result = (DID_BAD_TARGET << 16); done(cmd); return( 0 ); } if( (pACB->scan_devices) && !(pACB->DCBmap[cmd->target] & (1 << cmd->lun)) ) { if( pACB->DeviceCnt < MAX_DEVICES ) { pACB->DCBmap[cmd->target] |= (1 << cmd->lun); pDCB = pACB->pDCB_free; #ifdef DC390_DEBUG0 printk("pDCB=%8x,ID=%2x,", (UINT) pDCB, cmd->target); #endif DC390_initDCB( pACB, pDCB, cmd ); } else /* ???? */ { /* printk("DC390: Ignore target %d lun %d\n", cmd->target, cmd->lun); */ cmd->result = (DID_BAD_TARGET << 16); done(cmd); return(0); } } else if( !(pACB->scan_devices) && !(pACB->DCBmap[cmd->target] & (1 << cmd->lun)) ) { /* printk("DC390: Ignore target %d lun %d\n", cmd->target, cmd->lun); */ cmd->result = (DID_BAD_TARGET << 16); done(cmd); return(0); } else { pDCB = pACB->pLinkDCB; while( (pDCB->UnitSCSIID != cmd->target) || (pDCB->UnitSCSILUN != cmd->lun) ) { pDCB = pDCB->pNextDCB; } #ifdef DC390_DEBUG0 printk("pDCB=%8x,ID=%2x,", (UINT) pDCB, cmd->target); #endif } cmd->scsi_done = done; cmd->result = 0; save_flags(flags); cli(); if( pDCB->QIORBCnt ) { QLinkcmd( cmd, pDCB ); pcmd = Getcmd( pDCB ); } else pcmd = cmd; pSRB = GetSRB( pACB ); if( !pSRB ) { QLinkcmd( pcmd, pDCB ); restore_flags(flags); return(0); } /* BuildSRB(pSRB); */ pSRB->pSRBDCB = pDCB; pSRB->pcmd = pcmd; ptr = (PUCHAR) pSRB->CmdBlock; ptr1 = (PUCHAR) pcmd->cmnd; pSRB->ScsiCmdLen = pcmd->cmd_len; for(i=0; i< pcmd->cmd_len; i++) { *ptr = *ptr1; ptr++; ptr1++; } if( pcmd->use_sg ) { pSRB->SGcount = (UCHAR) pcmd->use_sg; pSRB->pSegmentList = (PSGL) pcmd->request_buffer; } else if( pcmd->request_buffer ) { pSRB->SGcount = 1; pSRB->pSegmentList = (PSGL) &pSRB->Segmentx; pSRB->Segmentx.address = (PUCHAR) pcmd->request_buffer; pSRB->Segmentx.length = pcmd->request_bufflen; } else pSRB->SGcount = 0; pSRB->SGIndex = 0; pSRB->AdaptStatus = 0; pSRB->TargetStatus = 0; pSRB->MsgCnt = 0; if( pDCB->DevType != TYPE_TAPE ) pSRB->RetryCnt = 1; else pSRB->RetryCnt = 0; pSRB->SRBStatus = 0; pSRB->SRBFlag = 0; pSRB->SRBState = 0; pSRB->TotalXferredLen = 0; pSRB->SGPhysAddr = 0; pSRB->SGToBeXferLen = 0; pSRB->ScsiPhase = 0; pSRB->EndMessage = 0; SendSRB( pcmd, pACB, pSRB ); restore_flags(flags); return(0); } static void DoNextCmd( PACB pACB, PDCB pDCB ) { Scsi_Cmnd *pcmd; PSRB pSRB; ULONG flags; PUCHAR ptr,ptr1; USHORT i; if( pACB->ACBFlag & (RESET_DETECT+RESET_DONE+RESET_DEV) ) return; save_flags(flags); cli(); pcmd = Getcmd( pDCB ); pSRB = GetSRB( pACB ); if( !pSRB ) { QLinkcmd( pcmd, pDCB ); restore_flags(flags); return; } pSRB->pSRBDCB = pDCB; pSRB->pcmd = pcmd; ptr = (PUCHAR) pSRB->CmdBlock; ptr1 = (PUCHAR) pcmd->cmnd; pSRB->ScsiCmdLen = pcmd->cmd_len; for(i=0; i< pcmd->cmd_len; i++) { *ptr = *ptr1; ptr++; ptr1++; } if( pcmd->use_sg ) { pSRB->SGcount = (UCHAR) pcmd->use_sg; pSRB->pSegmentList = (PSGL) pcmd->request_buffer; } else if( pcmd->request_buffer ) { pSRB->SGcount = 1; pSRB->pSegmentList = (PSGL) &pSRB->Segmentx; pSRB->Segmentx.address = (PUCHAR) pcmd->request_buffer; pSRB->Segmentx.length = pcmd->request_bufflen; } else pSRB->SGcount = 0; pSRB->SGIndex = 0; pSRB->AdaptStatus = 0; pSRB->TargetStatus = 0; pSRB->MsgCnt = 0; if( pDCB->DevType != TYPE_TAPE ) pSRB->RetryCnt = 1; else pSRB->RetryCnt = 0; pSRB->SRBStatus = 0; pSRB->SRBFlag = 0; pSRB->SRBState = 0; pSRB->TotalXferredLen = 0; pSRB->SGPhysAddr = 0; pSRB->SGToBeXferLen = 0; pSRB->ScsiPhase = 0; pSRB->EndMessage = 0; SendSRB( pcmd, pACB, pSRB ); restore_flags(flags); return; } /*********************************************************************** * Function: * DC390_bios_param * * Description: * Return the disk geometry for the given SCSI device. ***********************************************************************/ #ifdef VERSION_ELF_1_2_13 int DC390_bios_param(Disk *disk, int devno, int geom[]) #else int DC390_bios_param(Disk *disk, kdev_t devno, int geom[]) #endif { int heads, sectors, cylinders; PACB pACB; pACB = (PACB) disk->device->host->hostdata; heads = 64; sectors = 32; cylinders = disk->capacity / (heads * sectors); if ( (pACB->Gmode2 & GREATER_1G) && (cylinders > 1024) ) { heads = 255; sectors = 63; cylinders = disk->capacity / (heads * sectors); } geom[0] = heads; geom[1] = sectors; geom[2] = cylinders; return (0); } /*********************************************************************** * Function : int DC390_abort (Scsi_Cmnd *cmd) * * Purpose : Abort an errant SCSI command * * Inputs : cmd - command to abort * * Returns : 0 on success, -1 on failure. ***********************************************************************/ int DC390_abort (Scsi_Cmnd *cmd) { ULONG flags; PACB pACB; PDCB pDCB, pdcb; PSRB pSRB, psrb; USHORT count, i; PSCSICMD pcmd, pcmd1; int status; #ifdef DC390_DEBUG0 printk("DC390 : Abort Cmd."); #endif save_flags(flags); cli(); pACB = (PACB) cmd->host->hostdata; pDCB = pACB->pLinkDCB; pdcb = pDCB; while( (pDCB->UnitSCSIID != cmd->target) || (pDCB->UnitSCSILUN != cmd->lun) ) { pDCB = pDCB->pNextDCB; if( pDCB == pdcb ) goto NOT_RUN; } if( pDCB->QIORBCnt ) { pcmd = pDCB->pQIORBhead; if( pcmd == cmd ) { pDCB->pQIORBhead = pcmd->next; pcmd->next = NULL; pDCB->QIORBCnt--; status = SCSI_ABORT_SUCCESS; goto ABO_X; } for( count = pDCB->QIORBCnt, i=0; i<count-1; i++) { if( pcmd->next == cmd ) { pcmd1 = pcmd->next; pcmd->next = pcmd1->next; pcmd1->next = NULL; pDCB->QIORBCnt--; status = SCSI_ABORT_SUCCESS; goto ABO_X; } else { pcmd = pcmd->next; } } } pSRB = pDCB->pWaitingSRB; if( !pSRB ) goto ON_GOING; if( pSRB->pcmd == cmd ) { pDCB->pWaitingSRB = pSRB->pNextSRB; goto IN_WAIT; } else { psrb = pSRB; if( !(psrb->pNextSRB) ) goto ON_GOING; while( psrb->pNextSRB->pcmd != cmd ) { psrb = psrb->pNextSRB; if( !(psrb->pNextSRB) ) goto ON_GOING; } pSRB = psrb->pNextSRB; psrb->pNextSRB = pSRB->pNextSRB; if( pSRB == pDCB->pWaitLast ) pDCB->pWaitLast = psrb; /* No check for psrb == NULL ? */ IN_WAIT: pSRB->pNextSRB = pACB->pFreeSRB; pACB->pFreeSRB = pSRB; cmd->next = NULL; status = SCSI_ABORT_SUCCESS; goto ABO_X; } ON_GOING: pSRB = pDCB->pGoingSRB; for( count = pDCB->GoingSRBCnt, i=0; i<count; i++) { if( pSRB->pcmd != cmd ) pSRB = pSRB->pNextSRB; else { if( (pACB->pActiveDCB == pDCB) && (pDCB->pActiveSRB == pSRB) ) { status = SCSI_ABORT_BUSY; goto ABO_X; } else { status = SCSI_ABORT_SNOOZE; goto ABO_X; } } } NOT_RUN: status = SCSI_ABORT_NOT_RUNNING; ABO_X: cmd->result = DID_ABORT << 16; cmd->scsi_done(cmd); restore_flags(flags); return( status ); } static void ResetDevParam( PACB pACB ) { PDCB pDCB, pdcb; pDCB = pACB->pLinkDCB; if( pDCB == NULL ) return; pdcb = pDCB; do { pDCB->SyncMode &= ~SYNC_NEGO_DONE; pDCB->SyncPeriod = 0; pDCB->SyncOffset = 0; pDCB->CtrlR3 = FAST_CLK; pDCB->CtrlR4 &= NEGATE_REQACKDATA; pDCB->CtrlR4 |= EATER_25NS; pDCB = pDCB->pNextDCB; } while( pdcb != pDCB ); } static void RecoverSRB( PACB pACB ) { PDCB pDCB, pdcb; PSRB psrb, psrb2; USHORT cnt, i; pDCB = pACB->pLinkDCB; if( pDCB == NULL ) return; pdcb = pDCB; do { cnt = pdcb->GoingSRBCnt; psrb = pdcb->pGoingSRB; for (i=0; i<cnt; i++) { psrb2 = psrb; psrb = psrb->pNextSRB; /* RewaitSRB( pDCB, psrb ); */ if( pdcb->pWaitingSRB ) { psrb2->pNextSRB = pdcb->pWaitingSRB; pdcb->pWaitingSRB = psrb2; } else { pdcb->pWaitingSRB = psrb2; pdcb->pWaitLast = psrb2; psrb2->pNextSRB = NULL; } } pdcb->GoingSRBCnt = 0; pdcb->pGoingSRB = NULL; pdcb->TagMask = 0; pdcb = pdcb->pNextDCB; } while( pdcb != pDCB ); } /*********************************************************************** * Function : int DC390_reset (Scsi_Cmnd *cmd, ...) * * Purpose : perform a hard reset on the SCSI bus * * Inputs : cmd - command which caused the SCSI RESET * * Returns : 0 on success. ***********************************************************************/ #ifdef VERSION_2_0_0 int DC390_reset(Scsi_Cmnd *cmd, unsigned int resetFlags) #else int DC390_reset (Scsi_Cmnd *cmd) #endif { USHORT ioport; unsigned long flags; PACB pACB; UCHAR bval; USHORT i; #ifdef DC390_DEBUG1 printk("DC390: RESET,"); #endif pACB = (PACB ) cmd->host->hostdata; ioport = pACB->IOPortBase; save_flags(flags); cli(); bval = inb(ioport+CtrlReg1); bval |= DIS_INT_ON_SCSI_RST; outb(bval,ioport+CtrlReg1); /* disable interrupt */ DC390_ResetSCSIBus( pACB ); for( i=0; i<500; i++ ) udelay(1000); bval = inb(ioport+CtrlReg1); bval &= ~DIS_INT_ON_SCSI_RST; outb(bval,ioport+CtrlReg1); /* re-enable interrupt */ bval = DMA_IDLE_CMD; outb(bval,ioport+DMA_Cmd); bval = CLEAR_FIFO_CMD; outb(bval,ioport+ScsiCmd); ResetDevParam( pACB ); DoingSRB_Done( pACB ); pACB->pActiveDCB = NULL; pACB->ACBFlag = 0; DoWaitingSRB( pACB ); restore_flags(flags); #ifdef DC390_DEBUG1 printk("DC390: RESET1,"); #endif return( SCSI_RESET_SUCCESS ); } #include "scsiiom.c" /*********************************************************************** * Function : static void DC390_initDCB * * Purpose : initialize the internal structures for a given DCB * * Inputs : cmd - pointer to this scsi cmd request block structure * ***********************************************************************/ void DC390_initDCB( PACB pACB, PDCB pDCB, PSCSICMD cmd ) { PEEprom prom; UCHAR bval; USHORT index; if( pACB->DeviceCnt == 0 ) { pACB->pLinkDCB = pDCB; pACB->pDCBRunRobin = pDCB; pDCB->pNextDCB = pDCB; pPrevDCB = pDCB; } else pPrevDCB->pNextDCB = pDCB; pDCB->pDCBACB = pACB; pDCB->QIORBCnt = 0; pDCB->UnitSCSIID = cmd->target; pDCB->UnitSCSILUN = cmd->lun; pDCB->pWaitingSRB = NULL; pDCB->pGoingSRB = NULL; pDCB->GoingSRBCnt = 0; pDCB->pActiveSRB = NULL; pDCB->TagMask = 0; pDCB->MaxCommand = 1; pDCB->AdaptIndex = pACB->AdapterIndex; index = pACB->AdapterIndex; pDCB->DCBFlag = 0; prom = (PEEprom) &eepromBuf[index][cmd->target << 2]; pDCB->DevMode = prom->EE_MODE1; pDCB->AdpMode = eepromBuf[index][EE_MODE2]; if( pDCB->DevMode & EN_DISCONNECT_ ) bval = 0xC0; else bval = 0x80; bval |= cmd->lun; pDCB->IdentifyMsg = bval; pDCB->SyncMode = 0; if( pDCB->DevMode & SYNC_NEGO_ ) { if( !(cmd->lun) || CurrSyncOffset ) pDCB->SyncMode = SYNC_ENABLE; } pDCB->SyncPeriod = 0; pDCB->SyncOffset = 0; pDCB->NegoPeriod = (clock_period1[prom->EE_SPEED] * 25) >> 2; pDCB->CtrlR1 = pACB->AdaptSCSIID; if( pDCB->DevMode & PARITY_CHK_ ) pDCB->CtrlR1 |= PARITY_ERR_REPO; pDCB->CtrlR3 = FAST_CLK; pDCB->CtrlR4 = EATER_25NS; if( pDCB->AdpMode & ACTIVE_NEGATION) pDCB->CtrlR4 |= NEGATE_REQACKDATA; } /*********************************************************************** * Function : static void DC390_initSRB * * Purpose : initialize the internal structures for a given SRB * * Inputs : psrb - pointer to this scsi request block structure * ***********************************************************************/ void DC390_initSRB( PSRB psrb ) { #ifndef VERSION_ELF_1_2_13 #ifdef DC390_DEBUG0 printk("DC390 init: %08lx %08lx,",(ULONG)psrb,(ULONG)virt_to_bus(psrb)); #endif psrb->PhysSRB = virt_to_bus( psrb ); #else psrb->PhysSRB = (ULONG) psrb; #endif } void DC390_linkSRB( PACB pACB ) { USHORT count, i; PSRB psrb; count = pACB->SRBCount; for( i=0; i< count; i++) { if( i != count - 1) pACB->SRB_array[i].pNextSRB = &pACB->SRB_array[i+1]; else pACB->SRB_array[i].pNextSRB = NULL; psrb = (PSRB) &pACB->SRB_array[i]; DC390_initSRB( psrb ); } } /*********************************************************************** * Function : static void DC390_initACB * * Purpose : initialize the internal structures for a given SCSI host * * Inputs : psh - pointer to this host adapter's structure * ***********************************************************************/ void DC390_initACB( PSH psh, ULONG io_port, UCHAR Irq, USHORT index ) { PACB pACB; USHORT i; psh->can_queue = MAX_CMD_QUEUE; psh->cmd_per_lun = MAX_CMD_PER_LUN; psh->this_id = (int) eepromBuf[index][EE_ADAPT_SCSI_ID]; psh->io_port = io_port; psh->n_io_port = 0x80; psh->irq = Irq; pACB = (PACB) psh->hostdata; #ifndef VERSION_ELF_1_2_13 psh->max_id = 8; #ifdef CONFIG_SCSI_MULTI_LUN if( eepromBuf[index][EE_MODE2] & LUN_CHECK ) psh->max_lun = 8; else #endif psh->max_lun = 1; #endif pACB->max_id = 7; if( pACB->max_id == eepromBuf[index][EE_ADAPT_SCSI_ID] ) pACB->max_id--; #ifdef CONFIG_SCSI_MULTI_LUN if( eepromBuf[index][EE_MODE2] & LUN_CHECK ) pACB->max_lun = 7; else #endif pACB->max_lun = 0; pACB->pScsiHost = psh; pACB->IOPortBase = (USHORT) io_port; pACB->pLinkDCB = NULL; pACB->pDCBRunRobin = NULL; pACB->pActiveDCB = NULL; pACB->pFreeSRB = pACB->SRB_array; pACB->SRBCount = MAX_SRB_CNT; pACB->AdapterIndex = index; pACB->status = 0; pACB->AdaptSCSIID = eepromBuf[index][EE_ADAPT_SCSI_ID]; pACB->HostID_Bit = (1 << pACB->AdaptSCSIID); pACB->AdaptSCSILUN = 0; pACB->DeviceCnt = 0; pACB->IRQLevel = Irq; pACB->TagMaxNum = eepromBuf[index][EE_TAG_CMD_NUM] << 2; pACB->ACBFlag = 0; pACB->scan_devices = 1; pACB->Gmode2 = eepromBuf[index][EE_MODE2]; if( eepromBuf[index][EE_MODE2] & LUN_CHECK ) pACB->LUNchk = 1; pACB->pDCB_free = &pACB->DCB_array[0]; DC390_linkSRB( pACB ); pACB->pTmpSRB = &pACB->TmpSRB; DC390_initSRB( pACB->pTmpSRB ); for(i=0; i<MAX_SCSI_ID; i++) pACB->DCBmap[i] = 0; } /*********************************************************************** * Function : static int DC390_initAdapter * * Purpose : initialize the SCSI chip ctrl registers * * Inputs : psh - pointer to this host adapter's structure * ***********************************************************************/ int DC390_initAdapter( PSH psh, ULONG io_port, UCHAR Irq, USHORT index ) { USHORT ioport; UCHAR bval; PACB pACB, pacb; USHORT used_irq = 0; pacb = pACB_start; if( pacb != NULL ) { for ( ; (pacb != (PACB) -1) ; ) { if( pacb->IRQLevel == Irq ) { used_irq = 1; break; } else pacb = pacb->pNextACB; } } if( !used_irq ) { #ifdef VERSION_ELF_1_2_13 if( request_irq(Irq, DC390_Interrupt, SA_INTERRUPT, "tmscsim")) #else if( request_irq(Irq, DC390_Interrupt, SA_INTERRUPT | SA_SHIRQ, "tmscsim", NULL)) #endif { printk("DC390: register IRQ error!\n"); return( -1 ); } } request_region(io_port,psh->n_io_port,"tmscsim"); ioport = (USHORT) io_port; pACB = (PACB) psh->hostdata; bval = SEL_TIMEOUT; /* 250ms selection timeout */ outb(bval,ioport+Scsi_TimeOut); bval = CLK_FREQ_40MHZ; /* Conversion factor = 0 , 40MHz clock */ outb(bval,ioport+Clk_Factor); bval = NOP_CMD; /* NOP cmd - clear command register */ outb(bval,ioport+ScsiCmd); bval = EN_FEATURE+EN_SCSI2_CMD; /* Enable Feature and SCSI-2 */ outb(bval,ioport+CtrlReg2); bval = FAST_CLK; /* fast clock */ outb(bval,ioport+CtrlReg3); bval = EATER_25NS; if( eepromBuf[index][EE_MODE2] & ACTIVE_NEGATION ) bval |= NEGATE_REQACKDATA; outb(bval,ioport+CtrlReg4); bval = DIS_INT_ON_SCSI_RST; /* Disable SCSI bus reset interrupt */ outb(bval,ioport+CtrlReg1); return(0); } void DC390_EnableCfg( USHORT mechnum, UCHAR regval ) { ULONG wlval; if(mechnum == 2) { outb(mech2bus, PCI_CFG2_FORWARD_REG); outb(mech2CfgSPenR, PCI_CFG2_ENABLE_REG); } else { regval &= 0xFC; wlval = mech1addr; wlval |= (((ULONG)regval) & 0xff); outl(wlval, PCI_CFG1_ADDRESS_REG); } } void DC390_DisableCfg( USHORT mechnum ) { if(mechnum == 2) outb(0, PCI_CFG2_ENABLE_REG); else outl(0, PCI_CFG1_ADDRESS_REG); } UCHAR DC390_inByte( USHORT mechnum, UCHAR regval ) { UCHAR bval; ULONG wval; ULONG flags; save_flags(flags); cli(); DC390_EnableCfg( mechnum, regval ); if(mechnum == 2) { wval = mech2Agent; wval <<= 8; wval |= ((USHORT) regval) & 0xff; bval = inb(wval); } else { regval &= 3; bval = inb(PCI_CFG1_DATA_REG | regval); } DC390_DisableCfg(mechnum); restore_flags(flags); return(bval); } USHORT DC390_inWord( USHORT mechnum, UCHAR regval ) { USHORT wval; ULONG flags; save_flags(flags); cli(); DC390_EnableCfg(mechnum,regval); if(mechnum == 2) { wval = mech2Agent; wval <<= 8; wval |= regval; wval = inw(wval); } else { regval &= 3; wval = inw(PCI_CFG1_DATA_REG | regval); } DC390_DisableCfg(mechnum); restore_flags(flags); return(wval); } ULONG DC390_inDword(USHORT mechnum, UCHAR regval ) { ULONG wlval; ULONG flags; USHORT wval; save_flags(flags); cli(); DC390_EnableCfg(mechnum,regval); if(mechnum == 2) { wval = mech2Agent; wval <<= 8; wval |= regval; wlval = inl(wval); } else { wlval = inl(PCI_CFG1_DATA_REG); } DC390_DisableCfg(mechnum); restore_flags(flags); return(wlval); } void DC390_OutB(USHORT mechnum, UCHAR regval, UCHAR bval ) { USHORT wval; ULONG flags; save_flags(flags); cli(); DC390_EnableCfg(mechnum,regval); if(mechnum == 2) { wval = mech2Agent; wval <<= 8; wval |= regval; outb(bval, wval); } else { regval &= 3; outb(bval, PCI_CFG1_DATA_REG | regval); } DC390_DisableCfg(mechnum); restore_flags(flags); } void DC390_EnDisableCE( UCHAR mode, USHORT mechnum, PUCHAR regval ) { UCHAR bval; bval = 0; if(mode == ENABLE_CE) *regval = 0xc0; else *regval = 0x80; DC390_OutB(mechnum,*regval,bval); if(mode == DISABLE_CE) DC390_OutB(mechnum,*regval,bval); udelay(160); } void DC390_EEpromOutDI( USHORT mechnum, PUCHAR regval, USHORT Carry ) { UCHAR bval; bval = 0; if(Carry) { bval = 0x40; *regval = 0x80; DC390_OutB(mechnum,*regval,bval); } udelay(160); bval |= 0x80; DC390_OutB(mechnum,*regval,bval); udelay(160); bval = 0; DC390_OutB(mechnum,*regval,bval); udelay(160); } UCHAR DC390_EEpromInDO( USHORT mechnum ) { UCHAR bval,regval; regval = 0x80; bval = 0x80; DC390_OutB(mechnum,regval,bval); udelay(160); bval = 0x40; DC390_OutB(mechnum,regval,bval); udelay(160); regval = 0x0; bval = DC390_inByte(mechnum,regval); if(bval == 0x22) return(1); else return(0); } USHORT EEpromGetData1( USHORT mechnum ) { UCHAR i; UCHAR carryFlag; USHORT wval; wval = 0; for(i=0; i<16; i++) { wval <<= 1; carryFlag = DC390_EEpromInDO(mechnum); wval |= carryFlag; } return(wval); } void DC390_Prepare( USHORT mechnum, PUCHAR regval, UCHAR EEpromCmd ) { UCHAR i,j; USHORT carryFlag; carryFlag = 1; j = 0x80; for(i=0; i<9; i++) { DC390_EEpromOutDI(mechnum,regval,carryFlag); carryFlag = (EEpromCmd & j) ? 1 : 0; j >>= 1; } } void DC390_ReadEEprom( USHORT mechnum, USHORT index ) { UCHAR regval,cmd; PUSHORT ptr; USHORT i; ptr = (PUSHORT) &eepromBuf[index][0]; cmd = EEPROM_READ; for(i=0; i<0x40; i++) { DC390_EnDisableCE(ENABLE_CE, mechnum, ®val); DC390_Prepare(mechnum, ®val, cmd); *ptr = EEpromGetData1(mechnum); ptr++; cmd++; DC390_EnDisableCE(DISABLE_CE,mechnum,®val); } } USHORT DC390_CheckEEpromCheckSum( USHORT MechNum, USHORT index ) { USHORT wval, rc, *ptr; UCHAR i; DC390_ReadEEprom( MechNum, index ); wval = 0; ptr = (PUSHORT) &eepromBuf[index][0]; for(i=0; i<128 ;i+=2, ptr++) wval += *ptr; if( wval == 0x1234 ) rc = 0; else rc = -1; return( rc ); } USHORT DC390_ToMech( USHORT Mechnum, USHORT BusDevFunNum ) { USHORT devnum; devnum = BusDevFunNum; if(Mechnum == 2) { if(devnum & 0x80) return(-1); mech2bus = (UCHAR)((devnum & 0xff00) >> 8); /* Bus num */ mech2Agent = ((UCHAR)(devnum & 0xff)) >> 3; /* Dev num */ mech2Agent |= 0xc0; mech2CfgSPenR = ((UCHAR)(devnum & 0xff)) & 0x07; /* Fun num */ mech2CfgSPenR = (mech2CfgSPenR << 1) | 0x20; } else /* use mech #1 method */ { mech1addr = 0x80000000 | ((ULONG)devnum << 8); } return(0); } /*********************************************************************** * Function : static int DC390_init (struct Scsi_Host *host) * * Purpose : initialize the internal structures for a given SCSI host * * Inputs : host - pointer to this host adapter's structure/ * * Preconditions : when this function is called, the chip_type * field of the pACB structure MUST have been set. ***********************************************************************/ static int DC390_init (PSHT psht, ULONG io_port, UCHAR Irq, USHORT index, USHORT MechNum) { PSH psh; PACB pACB; if( !DC390_CheckEEpromCheckSum( MechNum, index) ) { psh = scsi_register( psht, sizeof(DC390_ACB) ); if( !psh ) return( -1 ); if( !pSH_start ) { pSH_start = psh; pSH_current = psh; } else { pSH_current->next = psh; pSH_current = psh; } #ifdef DC390_DEBUG0 printk("DC390: pSH = %8x,", (UINT) psh); printk("DC390: Index %02i,", index); #endif DC390_initACB( psh, io_port, Irq, index ); if( !DC390_initAdapter( psh, io_port, Irq, index ) ) { pACB = (PACB) psh->hostdata; if( !pACB_start ) { pACB_start = pACB; pACB_current = pACB; pACB->pNextACB = (PACB) -1; } else { pACB_current->pNextACB = pACB; pACB_current = pACB; pACB->pNextACB = (PACB) -1; } #ifdef DC390_DEBUG0 printk("DC390: pACB = %8x, pDCB_array = %8x, pSRB_array = %8x\n", (UINT) pACB, (UINT) pACB->DCB_array, (UINT) pACB->SRB_array); printk("DC390: ACB size= %4x, DCB size= %4x, SRB size= %4x\n", sizeof(DC390_ACB), sizeof(DC390_DCB), sizeof(DC390_SRB) ); #endif } else { pSH_start = NULL; scsi_unregister( psh ); return( -1 ); } return( 0 ); } else { printk("DC390_init: EEPROM reading error!\n"); return( -1 ); } } /*********************************************************************** * Function : int DC390_detect(Scsi_Host_Template *psht) * * Purpose : detects and initializes AMD53C974 SCSI chips * that were autoprobed, overridden on the LILO command line, * or specified at compile time. * * Inputs : psht - template for this SCSI adapter * * Returns : number of host adapters detected * ***********************************************************************/ int DC390_detect(Scsi_Host_Template *psht) { #ifdef FOR_PCI_OK UCHAR pci_bus, pci_device_fn; int error = 0; USHORT chipType = 0; USHORT i; #endif UCHAR irq; UCHAR istatus; #ifndef VERSION_ELF_1_2_13 UINT io_port; #else ULONG io_port; #endif USHORT adaptCnt = 0; /* Number of boards detected */ USHORT pci_index = 0; /* Device index to PCI BIOS calls */ USHORT MechNum, BusDevFunNum; ULONG wlval; #ifndef VERSION_ELF_1_2_13 psht->proc_dir = &proc_scsi_tmscsim; #endif InitialTime = 1; pSHT_start = psht; pACB_start = NULL; MechNum = 1; for( ; (MechNum < 3) && (!adaptCnt); MechNum++) { BusDevFunNum = 0; for (; adaptCnt < MAX_ADAPTER_NUM ;) { if( !DC390_ToMech( MechNum, BusDevFunNum) ) { wlval = DC390_inDword( MechNum, PCI_VENDOR_ID); if(wlval == ( (PCI_DEVICE_ID_AMD53C974 << 16)+ PCI_VENDOR_ID_AMD) ) { io_port =DC390_inDword(MechNum,PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_0) & 0xFFFE; irq = DC390_inByte( MechNum, PCI_INTERRUPT_LINE); #ifdef DC390_DEBUG0 printk("DC390: IO_PORT=%4x,IRQ=%x,\n",(UINT) io_port, irq); #endif if( !DC390_init(psht, io_port, irq, pci_index, MechNum) ) { adaptCnt++; pci_index++; istatus = inb( (USHORT)io_port+INT_Status ); /* Reset Pending INT */ #ifdef DC390_DEBUG0 printk("DC390: Mech=%2x,\n",(UCHAR) MechNum); #endif } } } if( BusDevFunNum != 0xfff8 ) BusDevFunNum += 8; /* next device # */ else break; } } #ifdef FOR_PCI_OK if ( pcibios_present() ) { for (i = 0; i < MAX_ADAPTER_NUM; ++i) { if( !pcibios_find_device( PCI_VENDOR_ID_AMD, PCI_DEVICE_ID_AMD53C974, pci_index, &pci_bus, &pci_device_fn) ) { chipType = PCI_DEVICE_ID_AMD53C974; pci_index++; } if( chipType ) { error = pcibios_read_config_dword(pci_bus, pci_device_fn, PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_0, &io_port); error |= pcibios_read_config_byte(pci_bus, pci_device_fn, PCI_INTERRUPT_LINE, &irq); if( error ) { printk("DC390_detect: reading configuration registers error!\n"); InitialTime = 0; return( 0 ); } (USHORT) io_port = (USHORT) io_port & 0xFFFE; #ifdef DC390_DEBUG0 printk("DC390: IO_PORT=%4x,IRQ=%x,\n",(UINT) io_port, irq); #endif if( !DC390_init(psht, io_port, irq, i) ) adaptCnt++; chipType = 0; } else break; } } #endif InitialTime = 0; adapterCnt = adaptCnt; return( adaptCnt ); } #ifndef VERSION_ELF_1_2_13 /******************************************************************** * Function: tmscsim_set_info() * * Purpose: Set adapter info (!) * * Not yet implemented * *******************************************************************/ int tmscsim_set_info(char *buffer, int length, struct Scsi_Host *shpnt) { return(-ENOSYS); /* Currently this is a no-op */ } /******************************************************************** * Function: tmscsim_proc_info(char* buffer, char **start, * off_t offset, int length, int hostno, int inout) * * Purpose: return SCSI Adapter/Device Info * * Input: buffer: Pointer to a buffer where to write info * start : * offset: * hostno: Host adapter index * inout : Read (=0) or set(!=0) info * * Output: buffer: contains info * length; length of info in buffer * * return value: length * ********************************************************************/ /* KG: proc_info taken from driver aha152x.c */ #undef SPRINTF #define SPRINTF(args...) pos += sprintf(pos, ## args) #define YESNO(YN)\ if (YN) SPRINTF(" Yes ");\ else SPRINTF(" No ") int tmscsim_proc_info(char *buffer, char **start, off_t offset, int length, int hostno, int inout) { int dev, spd, spd1; char *pos = buffer; PSH shpnt; PACB acbpnt; PDCB dcbpnt; unsigned long flags; /* Scsi_Cmnd *ptr; */ acbpnt = pACB_start; while(acbpnt != (PACB)-1) { shpnt = acbpnt->pScsiHost; if (shpnt->host_no == hostno) break; acbpnt = acbpnt->pNextACB; } if (acbpnt == (PACB)-1) return(-ESRCH); if(!shpnt) return(-ESRCH); if(inout) /* Has data been written to the file ? */ return(tmscsim_set_info(buffer, length, shpnt)); SPRINTF("Tekram DC390(T) PCI SCSI Host Adadpter, "); SPRINTF("Driver Version 1.10, 1996/12/05\n"); save_flags(flags); cli(); SPRINTF("SCSI Host Nr %i, ", shpnt->host_no); SPRINTF("DC390 Adapter Nr %i\n", acbpnt->AdapterIndex); SPRINTF("IOPortBase 0x%04x, ", acbpnt->IOPortBase); SPRINTF("IRQLevel 0x%02x\n", acbpnt->IRQLevel); SPRINTF("MaxID %i, MaxLUN %i, ",acbpnt->max_id, acbpnt->max_lun); SPRINTF("AdapterID %i, AdapterLUN %i\n", acbpnt->AdaptSCSIID, acbpnt->AdaptSCSILUN); SPRINTF("TagMaxNum %i, Status %i\n", acbpnt->TagMaxNum, acbpnt->status); SPRINTF("Nr of attached devices: %i\n", acbpnt->DeviceCnt); SPRINTF("Un ID LUN Prty Sync DsCn SndS TagQ NegoPeriod SyncSpeed SyncOffs\n"); dcbpnt = acbpnt->pLinkDCB; for (dev = 0; dev < acbpnt->DeviceCnt; dev++) { SPRINTF("%02i %02i %02i ", dev, dcbpnt->UnitSCSIID, dcbpnt->UnitSCSILUN); YESNO(dcbpnt->DevMode & PARITY_CHK_); YESNO(dcbpnt->SyncMode & SYNC_NEGO_DONE); YESNO(dcbpnt->DevMode & EN_DISCONNECT_); YESNO(dcbpnt->DevMode & SEND_START_); YESNO(dcbpnt->SyncMode & EN_TAG_QUEUING); SPRINTF(" %03i ns ", (dcbpnt->NegoPeriod) << 2); if (dcbpnt->SyncOffset & 0x0f) { spd = 1000/(dcbpnt->NegoPeriod <<2); spd1 = 1000%(dcbpnt->NegoPeriod <<2); spd1 = (spd1 * 10)/(dcbpnt->NegoPeriod <<2); SPRINTF(" %2i.%1i M %02i\n", spd, spd1, (dcbpnt->SyncOffset & 0x0f)); } else SPRINTF("\n"); /* Add more info ...*/ dcbpnt = dcbpnt->pNextDCB; } restore_flags(flags); *start = buffer + offset; if (pos - buffer < offset) return 0; else if (pos - buffer - offset < length) return pos - buffer - offset; else return length; } #endif /* VERSION_ELF_1_2_13 */ #ifdef MODULE /*********************************************************************** * Function : static int DC390_shutdown (struct Scsi_Host *host) * * Purpose : does a clean (we hope) shutdown of the SCSI chip. * Use prior to dumping core, unloading the driver, etc. * * Returns : 0 on success ***********************************************************************/ static int DC390_shutdown (struct Scsi_Host *host) { UCHAR bval; USHORT ioport; unsigned long flags; PACB pACB = (PACB)(host->hostdata); ioport = (unsigned int) pACB->IOPortBase; save_flags (flags); cli(); /* pACB->soft_reset(host); */ #ifdef DC390_DEBUG0 printk("DC390: shutdown,"); #endif bval = inb(ioport+CtrlReg1); bval |= DIS_INT_ON_SCSI_RST; outb(bval,ioport+CtrlReg1); /* disable interrupt */ DC390_ResetSCSIBus( pACB ); restore_flags (flags); return( 0 ); } int DC390_release(struct Scsi_Host *host) { int irq_count; struct Scsi_Host *tmp; DC390_shutdown (host); if (host->irq != IRQ_NONE) { for (irq_count = 0, tmp = pSH_start; tmp; tmp = tmp->next) { if ( tmp->irq == host->irq ) ++irq_count; } if (irq_count == 1) { #ifdef DC390_DEBUG0 printk("DC390: Free IRQ %i.",host->irq); #endif #ifndef VERSION_ELF_1_2_13 free_irq(host->irq,NULL); #else free_irq(host->irq); #endif } } release_region(host->io_port,host->n_io_port); return( 1 ); } Scsi_Host_Template driver_template = DC390_T; #include "scsi_module.c" #endif /* def MODULE */