#ifndef _AHA152X_H #define _AHA152X_H /* * $Id: aha152x.h,v 1.1 1999/04/26 05:54:10 tb Exp $ */ #if defined(__KERNEL__) #include <linux/blk.h> #include "scsi.h" #include <asm/io.h> int aha152x_detect(Scsi_Host_Template *); int aha152x_command(Scsi_Cmnd *); int aha152x_queue(Scsi_Cmnd *, void (*done)(Scsi_Cmnd *)); int aha152x_abort(Scsi_Cmnd *); int aha152x_reset(Scsi_Cmnd *, unsigned int); int aha152x_biosparam(Disk *, kdev_t, int*); int aha152x_proc_info(char *buffer, char **start, off_t offset, int length, int hostno, int inout); /* number of queueable commands (unless we support more than 1 cmd_per_lun this should do) */ #define AHA152X_MAXQUEUE 7 #define AHA152X_REVID "Adaptec 152x SCSI driver; $Revision: 1.1 $" extern struct proc_dir_entry proc_scsi_aha152x; /* Initial value of Scsi_Host entry */ #define AHA152X { /* next */ 0, \ /* usage_count */ 0, \ /* proc_dir */ &proc_scsi_aha152x, \ /* proc_info */ aha152x_proc_info, \ /* name */ AHA152X_REVID, \ /* detect */ aha152x_detect, \ /* release */ 0, \ /* info */ 0, \ /* command */ aha152x_command, \ /* queuecommand */ aha152x_queue, \ /* abort */ aha152x_abort, \ /* reset */ aha152x_reset, \ /* slave_attach */ 0, \ /* bios_param */ aha152x_biosparam, \ /* can_queue */ 1, \ /* this_id */ 7, \ /* sg_tablesize */ SG_ALL, \ /* cmd_per_lun */ 1, \ /* present */ 0, \ /* unchecked_isa_dma */ 0, \ /* use_clustering */ DISABLE_CLUSTERING } #endif /* port addresses */ #define SCSISEQ (shpnt->io_port+0x00) /* SCSI sequence control */ #define SXFRCTL0 (shpnt->io_port+0x01) /* SCSI transfer control 0 */ #define SXFRCTL1 (shpnt->io_port+0x02) /* SCSI transfer control 1 */ #define SCSISIG (shpnt->io_port+0x03) /* SCSI signal in/out */ #define SCSIRATE (shpnt->io_port+0x04) /* SCSI rate control */ #define SELID (shpnt->io_port+0x05) /* selection/reselection ID */ #define SCSIID SELID /* SCSI ID */ #define SCSIDAT (shpnt->io_port+0x06) /* SCSI latched data */ #define SCSIBUS (shpnt->io_port+0x07) /* SCSI data bus */ #define STCNT0 (shpnt->io_port+0x08) /* SCSI transfer count 0 */ #define STCNT1 (shpnt->io_port+0x09) /* SCSI transfer count 1 */ #define STCNT2 (shpnt->io_port+0x0a) /* SCSI transfer count 2 */ #define SSTAT0 (shpnt->io_port+0x0b) /* SCSI interrupt status 0 */ #define SSTAT1 (shpnt->io_port+0x0c) /* SCSI interrupt status 1 */ #define SSTAT2 (shpnt->io_port+0x0d) /* SCSI interrupt status 2 */ #define SCSITEST (shpnt->io_port+0x0e) /* SCSI test control */ #define SSTAT3 SCSITEST /* SCSI interrupt status 3 */ #define SSTAT4 (shpnt->io_port+0x0f) /* SCSI status 4 */ #define SIMODE0 (shpnt->io_port+0x10) /* SCSI interrupt mode 0 */ #define SIMODE1 (shpnt->io_port+0x11) /* SCSI interrupt mode 1 */ #define DMACNTRL0 (shpnt->io_port+0x12) /* DMA control 0 */ #define DMACNTRL1 (shpnt->io_port+0x13) /* DMA control 1 */ #define DMASTAT (shpnt->io_port+0x14) /* DMA status */ #define FIFOSTAT (shpnt->io_port+0x15) /* FIFO status */ #define DATAPORT (shpnt->io_port+0x16) /* DATA port */ #define BRSTCNTRL (shpnt->io_port+0x18) /* burst control */ #define PORTA (shpnt->io_port+0x1a) /* PORT A */ #define PORTB (shpnt->io_port+0x1b) /* PORT B */ #define REV (shpnt->io_port+0x1c) /* revision */ #define STACK (shpnt->io_port+0x1d) /* stack */ #define TEST (shpnt->io_port+0x1e) /* test register */ /* used in aha152x_porttest */ #define O_PORTA 0x1a /* PORT A */ #define O_PORTB 0x1b /* PORT B */ #define O_DMACNTRL1 0x13 /* DMA control 1 */ #define O_STACK 0x1d /* stack */ #define IO_RANGE 0x20 /* bits and bitmasks to ports */ /* SCSI sequence control */ #define TEMODEO 0x80 #define ENSELO 0x40 #define ENSELI 0x20 #define ENRESELI 0x10 #define ENAUTOATNO 0x08 #define ENAUTOATNI 0x04 #define ENAUTOATNP 0x02 #define SCSIRSTO 0x01 /* SCSI transfer control 0 */ #define SCSIEN 0x80 #define DMAEN 0x40 #define CH1 0x20 #define CLRSTCNT 0x10 #define SPIOEN 0x08 #define CLRCH1 0x02 /* SCSI transfer control 1 */ #define BITBUCKET 0x80 #define SWRAPEN 0x40 #define ENSPCHK 0x20 #define STIMESEL 0x18 /* mask */ #define STIMESEL_ 3 #define ENSTIMER 0x04 #define BYTEALIGN 0x02 /* SCSI signal IN */ #define CDI 0x80 #define IOI 0x40 #define MSGI 0x20 #define ATNI 0x10 #define SELI 0x08 #define BSYI 0x04 #define REQI 0x02 #define ACKI 0x01 /* SCSI Phases */ #define P_MASK (MSGI|CDI|IOI) #define P_DATAO (0) #define P_DATAI (IOI) #define P_CMD (CDI) #define P_STATUS (CDI|IOI) #define P_MSGO (MSGI|CDI) #define P_MSGI (MSGI|CDI|IOI) /* SCSI signal OUT */ #define CDO 0x80 #define IOO 0x40 #define MSGO 0x20 #define ATNO 0x10 #define SELO 0x08 #define BSYO 0x04 #define REQO 0x02 #define ACKO 0x01 /* SCSI rate control */ #define SXFR 0x70 /* mask */ #define SXFR_ 4 #define SOFS 0x0f /* mask */ /* SCSI ID */ #define OID 0x70 #define OID_ 4 #define TID 0x07 /* SCSI transfer count */ #define GETSTCNT() ( (GETPORT(STCNT2)<<16) \ + (GETPORT(STCNT1)<< 8) \ + GETPORT(STCNT0) ) #define SETSTCNT(X) { SETPORT(STCNT2, ((X) & 0xFF0000) >> 16); \ SETPORT(STCNT1, ((X) & 0x00FF00) >> 8); \ SETPORT(STCNT0, ((X) & 0x0000FF) ); } /* SCSI interrupt status */ #define TARGET 0x80 #define SELDO 0x40 #define SELDI 0x20 #define SELINGO 0x10 #define SWRAP 0x08 #define SDONE 0x04 #define SPIORDY 0x02 #define DMADONE 0x01 #define SETSDONE 0x80 #define CLRSELDO 0x40 #define CLRSELDI 0x20 #define CLRSELINGO 0x10 #define CLRSWRAP 0x08 #define CLRSDONE 0x04 #define CLRSPIORDY 0x02 #define CLRDMADONE 0x01 /* SCSI status 1 */ #define SELTO 0x80 #define ATNTARG 0x40 #define SCSIRSTI 0x20 #define PHASEMIS 0x10 #define BUSFREE 0x08 #define SCSIPERR 0x04 #define PHASECHG 0x02 #define REQINIT 0x01 #define CLRSELTIMO 0x80 #define CLRATNO 0x40 #define CLRSCSIRSTI 0x20 #define CLRBUSFREE 0x08 #define CLRSCSIPERR 0x04 #define CLRPHASECHG 0x02 #define CLRREQINIT 0x01 /* SCSI status 2 */ #define SOFFSET 0x20 #define SEMPTY 0x10 #define SFULL 0x08 #define SFCNT 0x07 /* mask */ /* SCSI status 3 */ #define SCSICNT 0xf0 /* mask */ #define SCSICNT_ 4 #define OFFCNT 0x0f /* mask */ /* SCSI TEST control */ #define SCTESTU 0x08 #define SCTESTD 0x04 #define STCTEST 0x01 /* SCSI status 4 */ #define SYNCERR 0x04 #define FWERR 0x02 #define FRERR 0x01 #define CLRSYNCERR 0x04 #define CLRFWERR 0x02 #define CLRFRERR 0x01 /* SCSI interrupt mode 0 */ #define ENSELDO 0x40 #define ENSELDI 0x20 #define ENSELINGO 0x10 #define ENSWRAP 0x08 #define ENSDONE 0x04 #define ENSPIORDY 0x02 #define ENDMADONE 0x01 /* SCSI interrupt mode 1 */ #define ENSELTIMO 0x80 #define ENATNTARG 0x40 #define ENSCSIRST 0x20 #define ENPHASEMIS 0x10 #define ENBUSFREE 0x08 #define ENSCSIPERR 0x04 #define ENPHASECHG 0x02 #define ENREQINIT 0x01 /* DMA control 0 */ #define ENDMA 0x80 #define _8BIT 0x40 #define DMA 0x20 #define WRITE_READ 0x08 #define INTEN 0x04 #define RSTFIFO 0x02 #define SWINT 0x01 /* DMA control 1 */ #define PWRDWN 0x80 #define STK 0x07 /* mask */ /* DMA status */ #define ATDONE 0x80 #define WORDRDY 0x40 #define INTSTAT 0x20 #define DFIFOFULL 0x10 #define DFIFOEMP 0x08 /* BURST control */ #define BON 0xf0 #define BOFF 0x0f /* TEST REGISTER */ #define BOFFTMR 0x40 #define BONTMR 0x20 #define STCNTH 0x10 #define STCNTM 0x08 #define STCNTL 0x04 #define SCSIBLK 0x02 #define DMABLK 0x01 /* On the AHA-152x board PORTA and PORTB contain some information about the board's configuration. */ typedef union { struct { unsigned reserved:2; /* reserved */ unsigned tardisc:1; /* Target disconnect: 0=disabled, 1=enabled */ unsigned syncneg:1; /* Initial sync neg: 0=disabled, 1=enabled */ unsigned msgclasses:2; /* Message classes 0=#4 1=#0, #1, #2, #3, #4 2=#0, #3, #4 3=#0, #4 */ unsigned boot:1; /* boot: 0=disabled, 1=enabled */ unsigned dma:1; /* Transfer mode: 0=PIO; 1=DMA */ unsigned id:3; /* SCSI-id */ unsigned irq:2; /* IRQ-Channel: 0,3=12, 1=10, 2=11 */ unsigned dmachan:2; /* DMA-Channel: 0=0, 1=5, 2=6, 3=7 */ unsigned parity:1; /* SCSI-parity: 1=enabled 0=disabled */ } fields; unsigned short port; } aha152x_config ; #define cf_parity fields.parity #define cf_dmachan fields.dmachan #define cf_irq fields.irq #define cf_id fields.id #define cf_dma fields.dma #define cf_boot fields.boot #define cf_msgclasses fields.msgclasses #define cf_syncneg fields.syncneg #define cf_tardisc fields.tardisc #define cf_port port /* Some macros to manipulate ports and their bits */ #define SETPORT(PORT, VAL) outb( (VAL), (PORT) ) #define SETPORTP(PORT, VAL) outb_p( (VAL), (PORT) ) #define SETPORTW(PORT, VAL) outw( (VAL), (PORT) ) #define GETPORT(PORT) inb( PORT ) #define GETPORTW(PORT) inw( PORT ) #define SETBITS(PORT, BITS) outb( (inb(PORT) | (BITS)), (PORT) ) #define CLRBITS(PORT, BITS) outb( (inb(PORT) & ~(BITS)), (PORT) ) #define CLRSETBITS(PORT, CLR, SET) outb( (inb(PORT) & ~(CLR)) | (SET) , (PORT) ) #define TESTHI(PORT, BITS) ((inb(PORT) & (BITS)) == BITS) #define TESTLO(PORT, BITS) ((inb(PORT) & (BITS)) == 0) #ifdef DEBUG_AHA152X enum { debug_skipports = 0x0001, debug_queue = 0x0002, debug_intr = 0x0004, debug_selection = 0x0008, debug_msgo = 0x0010, debug_msgi = 0x0020, debug_status = 0x0040, debug_cmd = 0x0080, debug_datai = 0x0100, debug_datao = 0x0200, debug_abort = 0x0400, debug_done = 0x0800, debug_biosparam = 0x1000, debug_phases = 0x2000, debug_queues = 0x4000, debug_reset = 0x8000, }; #endif #endif /* _AHA152X_H */