/* * Mach Operating System * Copyright (c) 1991,1990,1989,1988,1987 Carnegie Mellon University * All Rights Reserved. * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the * software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions * thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation. * * CARNEGIE MELLON ALLOWS FREE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE IN ITS "AS IS" * CONDITION. CARNEGIE MELLON DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY OF ANY KIND FOR * ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to * * Software Distribution Coordinator or Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU * School of Computer Science * Carnegie Mellon University * Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890 * * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie Mellon * the rights to redistribute these changes. */ #include <mach/error.h> #include <mach/vm_param.h> #include <kern/syscall_emulation.h> #include <kern/task.h> #include <kern/kalloc.h> #include <vm/vm_kern.h> /* XXX */ #define syscall_emulation_sync(task) /* * WARNING: * This code knows that kalloc() allocates memory most efficiently * in sizes that are powers of 2, and asks for those sizes. */ /* * Go from number of entries to size of struct eml_dispatch and back. */ #define base_size (sizeof(struct eml_dispatch) - sizeof(eml_routine_t)) #define count_to_size(count) \ (base_size + sizeof(vm_offset_t) * (count)) #define size_to_count(size) \ ( ((size) - base_size) / sizeof(vm_offset_t) ) /* * eml_init: initialize user space emulation code */ void eml_init() { } /* * eml_task_reference() [Exported] * * Bumps the reference count on the common emulation * vector. */ void eml_task_reference(task, parent) task_t task, parent; { register eml_dispatch_t eml; if (parent == TASK_NULL) eml = EML_DISPATCH_NULL; else eml = parent->eml_dispatch; if (eml != EML_DISPATCH_NULL) { simple_lock(&eml->lock); eml->ref_count++; simple_unlock(&eml->lock); } task->eml_dispatch = eml; } /* * eml_task_deallocate() [Exported] * * Cleans up after the emulation code when a process exits. */ void eml_task_deallocate(task) task_t task; { register eml_dispatch_t eml; eml = task->eml_dispatch; if (eml != EML_DISPATCH_NULL) { int count; simple_lock(&eml->lock); count = --eml->ref_count; simple_unlock(&eml->lock); if (count == 0) kfree((vm_offset_t)eml, count_to_size(eml->disp_count)); } } /* * task_set_emulation_vector: [Server Entry] * set a list of emulated system calls for this task. */ kern_return_t task_set_emulation_vector_internal(task, vector_start, emulation_vector, emulation_vector_count) task_t task; int vector_start; emulation_vector_t emulation_vector; unsigned int emulation_vector_count; { eml_dispatch_t cur_eml, new_eml, old_eml; vm_size_t new_size; int cur_start, cur_end; int new_start = 0, new_end = 0; int vector_end; if (task == TASK_NULL) return EML_BAD_TASK; vector_end = vector_start + emulation_vector_count; /* * We try to re-use the existing emulation vector * if possible. We can reuse the vector if it * is not shared with another task and if it is * large enough to contain the entries we are * supplying. * * We must grab the lock on the task to check whether * there is an emulation vector. * If the vector is shared or not large enough, we * need to drop the lock and allocate a new emulation * vector. * * While the lock is dropped, the emulation vector * may be released by all other tasks (giving us * exclusive use), or may be enlarged by another * task_set_emulation_vector call. Therefore, * after allocating the new emulation vector, we * must grab the lock again to check whether we * really need the new vector we just allocated. * * Since an emulation vector cannot be altered * if it is in use by more than one task, the * task lock is sufficient to protect the vector`s * start, count, and contents. The lock in the * vector protects only the reference count. */ old_eml = EML_DISPATCH_NULL; /* vector to discard */ new_eml = EML_DISPATCH_NULL; /* new vector */ for (;;) { /* * Find the current emulation vector. * See whether we can overwrite it. */ task_lock(task); cur_eml = task->eml_dispatch; if (cur_eml != EML_DISPATCH_NULL) { cur_start = cur_eml->disp_min; cur_end = cur_eml->disp_count + cur_start; simple_lock(&cur_eml->lock); if (cur_eml->ref_count == 1 && cur_start <= vector_start && cur_end >= vector_end) { /* * Can use the existing emulation vector. * Discard any new one we allocated. */ simple_unlock(&cur_eml->lock); old_eml = new_eml; break; } if (new_eml != EML_DISPATCH_NULL && new_start <= cur_start && new_end >= cur_end) { /* * A new vector was allocated, and it is large enough * to hold all the entries from the current vector. * Copy the entries to the new emulation vector, * deallocate the current one, and use the new one. */ bcopy((char *)&cur_eml->disp_vector[0], (char *)&new_eml->disp_vector[cur_start-new_start], cur_eml->disp_count * sizeof(vm_offset_t)); if (--cur_eml->ref_count == 0) old_eml = cur_eml; /* discard old vector */ simple_unlock(&cur_eml->lock); task->eml_dispatch = new_eml; syscall_emulation_sync(task); cur_eml = new_eml; break; } simple_unlock(&cur_eml->lock); /* * Need a new emulation vector. * Ensure it will hold all the entries from * both the old and new emulation vectors. */ new_start = vector_start; if (new_start > cur_start) new_start = cur_start; new_end = vector_end; if (new_end < cur_end) new_end = cur_end; } else { /* * There is no current emulation vector. * If a new one was allocated, use it. */ if (new_eml != EML_DISPATCH_NULL) { task->eml_dispatch = new_eml; cur_eml = new_eml; break; } /* * Compute the size needed for the new vector. */ new_start = vector_start; new_end = vector_end; } /* * Have no vector (or one that is no longer large enough). * Drop all the locks and allocate a new vector. * Repeat the loop to check whether the old vector was * changed while we didn`t hold the locks. */ task_unlock(task); if (new_eml != EML_DISPATCH_NULL) kfree((vm_offset_t)new_eml, count_to_size(new_eml->disp_count)); new_size = count_to_size(new_end - new_start); new_eml = (eml_dispatch_t) kalloc(new_size); bzero((char *)new_eml, new_size); simple_lock_init(&new_eml->lock); new_eml->ref_count = 1; new_eml->disp_min = new_start; new_eml->disp_count = new_end - new_start; continue; } /* * We have the emulation vector. * Install the new emulation entries. */ bcopy((char *)&emulation_vector[0], (char *)&cur_eml->disp_vector[vector_start - cur_eml->disp_min], emulation_vector_count * sizeof(vm_offset_t)); task_unlock(task); /* * Discard any old emulation vector we don`t need. */ if (old_eml) kfree((vm_offset_t) old_eml, count_to_size(old_eml->disp_count)); return KERN_SUCCESS; } /* * task_set_emulation_vector: [Server Entry] * * Set the list of emulated system calls for this task. * The list is out-of-line. */ kern_return_t task_set_emulation_vector(task, vector_start, emulation_vector, emulation_vector_count) task_t task; int vector_start; emulation_vector_t emulation_vector; unsigned int emulation_vector_count; { kern_return_t kr; vm_offset_t emul_vector_addr; if (task == TASK_NULL) return EML_BAD_TASK; /* XXX sb KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT */ /* * The emulation vector is really a vm_map_copy_t. */ kr = vm_map_copyout(ipc_kernel_map, &emul_vector_addr, (vm_map_copy_t) emulation_vector); if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) return kr; /* * Do the work. */ kr = task_set_emulation_vector_internal( task, vector_start, (emulation_vector_t) emul_vector_addr, emulation_vector_count); /* * Discard the memory */ (void) kmem_free(ipc_kernel_map, emul_vector_addr, emulation_vector_count * sizeof(eml_dispatch_t)); return kr; } /* * Compatibility entry. Vector is passed inline. */ kern_return_t xxx_task_set_emulation_vector(task, vector_start, emulation_vector, emulation_vector_count) task_t task; int vector_start; emulation_vector_t emulation_vector; unsigned int emulation_vector_count; { return task_set_emulation_vector_internal( task, vector_start, emulation_vector, emulation_vector_count); } /* * task_get_emulation_vector: [Server Entry] * * Get the list of emulated system calls for this task. * List is returned out-of-line. */ kern_return_t task_get_emulation_vector(task, vector_start, emulation_vector, emulation_vector_count) task_t task; int *vector_start; /* out */ emulation_vector_t *emulation_vector; /* out */ unsigned int *emulation_vector_count; /* out */ { eml_dispatch_t eml; vm_size_t vector_size, size; vm_offset_t addr; if (task == TASK_NULL) return EML_BAD_TASK; addr = 0; size = 0; for(;;) { vm_size_t size_needed; task_lock(task); eml = task->eml_dispatch; if (eml == EML_DISPATCH_NULL) { task_unlock(task); if (addr) (void) kmem_free(ipc_kernel_map, addr, size); *vector_start = 0; *emulation_vector = 0; *emulation_vector_count = 0; return KERN_SUCCESS; } /* * Do we have the memory we need? */ vector_size = eml->disp_count * sizeof(vm_offset_t); size_needed = round_page(vector_size); if (size_needed <= size) break; /* * If not, unlock the task and allocate more memory. */ task_unlock(task); if (size != 0) kmem_free(ipc_kernel_map, addr, size); size = size_needed; if (kmem_alloc(ipc_kernel_map, &addr, size) != KERN_SUCCESS) return KERN_RESOURCE_SHORTAGE; } /* * Copy out the dispatch addresses */ *vector_start = eml->disp_min; *emulation_vector_count = eml->disp_count; bcopy((char *)eml->disp_vector, (char *)addr, vector_size); /* * Unlock the task and free any memory we did not need */ task_unlock(task); { vm_size_t size_used, size_left; vm_map_copy_t memory; /* * Free any unused memory beyond the end of the last page used */ size_used = round_page(vector_size); if (size_used != size) (void) kmem_free(ipc_kernel_map, addr + size_used, size - size_used); /* * Zero the remainder of the page being returned. */ size_left = size_used - vector_size; if (size_left > 0) bzero((char *)addr + vector_size, size_left); /* * Make memory into copyin form - this unwires it. */ (void) vm_map_copyin(ipc_kernel_map, addr, vector_size, TRUE, &memory); *emulation_vector = (emulation_vector_t) memory; } return KERN_SUCCESS; } /* * xxx_task_get_emulation: [Server Entry] * get the list of emulated system calls for this task. * Compatibility code: return list in-line. */ kern_return_t xxx_task_get_emulation_vector(task, vector_start, emulation_vector, emulation_vector_count) task_t task; int *vector_start; emulation_vector_t emulation_vector; /* pointer to OUT array */ unsigned int *emulation_vector_count; /*IN/OUT*/ { register eml_dispatch_t eml; if (task == TASK_NULL) return( EML_BAD_TASK ); task_lock(task); eml = task->eml_dispatch; if (eml == EML_DISPATCH_NULL) { task_unlock(task); *vector_start = 0; *emulation_vector_count = 0; return( KERN_SUCCESS ); } simple_lock(&eml->lock); if (*emulation_vector_count < eml->disp_count) { simple_unlock(&eml->lock); task_unlock(task); return( EML_BAD_CNT ); } *vector_start = eml->disp_min; *emulation_vector_count = eml->disp_count; bcopy((char *)eml->disp_vector, (char *)emulation_vector, *emulation_vector_count * sizeof(vm_offset_t)); simple_unlock(&eml->lock); task_unlock(task); return( KERN_SUCCESS ); } /* * task_set_emulation: [Server Entry] * set up for user space emulation of syscalls within this task. */ kern_return_t task_set_emulation(task, routine_entry_pt, routine_number) task_t task; vm_offset_t routine_entry_pt; int routine_number; { return task_set_emulation_vector_internal(task, routine_number, &routine_entry_pt, 1); }