/* * Mach Operating System * Copyright (c) 1993 Carnegie Mellon University * All Rights Reserved. * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the * software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions * thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation. * * CARNEGIE MELLON ALLOWS FREE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE IN ITS "AS IS" * CONDITION. CARNEGIE MELLON DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY OF ANY KIND FOR * ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to * * Software Distribution Coordinator or Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU * School of Computer Science * Carnegie Mellon University * Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890 * * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie Mellon * the rights to redistribute these changes. */ /* * Common code for printf et al. * * The calling routine typically takes a variable number of arguments, * and passes the address of the first one. This implementation * assumes a straightforward, stack implementation, aligned to the * machine's wordsize. Increasing addresses are assumed to point to * successive arguments (left-to-right), as is the case for a machine * with a downward-growing stack with arguments pushed right-to-left. * * To write, for example, fprintf() using this routine, the code * * fprintf(fd, format, args) * FILE *fd; * char *format; * { * _doprnt(format, &args, fd); * } * * would suffice. (This example does not handle the fprintf's "return * value" correctly, but who looks at the return value of fprintf * anyway?) * * This version implements the following printf features: * * %d decimal conversion * %u unsigned conversion * %x hexadecimal conversion * %X hexadecimal conversion with capital letters * %o octal conversion * %c character * %s string * %m.n field width, precision * %-m.n left adjustment * %0m.n zero-padding * %*.* width and precision taken from arguments * * This version does not implement %f, %e, or %g. It accepts, but * ignores, an `l' as in %ld, %lo, %lx, and %lu, and therefore will not * work correctly on machines for which sizeof(long) != sizeof(int). * It does not even parse %D, %O, or %U; you should be using %ld, %o and * %lu if you mean long conversion. * * As mentioned, this version does not return any reasonable value. * * Permission is granted to use, modify, or propagate this code as * long as this notice is incorporated. * * Steve Summit 3/25/87 */ /* * Added formats for decoding device registers: * * printf("reg = %b", regval, "<base><arg>*") * * where <base> is the output base expressed as a control character: * i.e. '\10' gives octal, '\20' gives hex. Each <arg> is a sequence of * characters, the first of which gives the bit number to be inspected * (origin 1), and the rest (up to a control character (<= 32)) give the * name of the register. Thus * printf("reg = %b\n", 3, "\10\2BITTWO\1BITONE") * would produce * reg = 3<BITTWO,BITONE> * * If the second character in <arg> is also a control character, it * indicates the last bit of a bit field. In this case, printf will extract * bits <1> to <2> and print it. Characters following the second control * character are printed before the bit field. * printf("reg = %b\n", 0xb, "\10\4\3FIELD1=\2BITTWO\1BITONE") * would produce * reg = b<FIELD1=2,BITONE> */ /* * Added for general use: * # prefix for alternate format: * 0x (0X) for hex * leading 0 for octal * + print '+' if positive * blank print ' ' if positive * * z signed hexadecimal * r signed, 'radix' * n unsigned, 'radix' * * D,U,O,Z same as corresponding lower-case versions * (compatibility) */ #include <mach/boolean.h> #include <kern/lock.h> #include <kern/strings.h> #include <stdarg.h> #define isdigit(d) ((d) >= '0' && (d) <= '9') #define Ctod(c) ((c) - '0') #define MAXBUF (sizeof(long int) * 8) /* enough for binary */ void printnum( register unsigned long u, register int base, void (*putc)( char, vm_offset_t ), vm_offset_t putc_arg) { char buf[MAXBUF]; /* build number here */ register char * p = &buf[MAXBUF-1]; static char digs[] = "0123456789abcdef"; do { *p-- = digs[u % base]; u /= base; } while (u != 0); while (++p != &buf[MAXBUF]) (*putc)(*p, putc_arg); } boolean_t _doprnt_truncates = FALSE; /* printf could be called at _any_ point during system initialization, including before printf_init() gets called from the "normal" place in kern/startup.c. */ boolean_t _doprnt_lock_initialized = FALSE; decl_simple_lock_data(,_doprnt_lock) void printf_init() { if (!_doprnt_lock_initialized) { _doprnt_lock_initialized = TRUE; simple_lock_init(&_doprnt_lock); } } void _doprnt( register const char *fmt, va_list *argp, /* character output routine */ void (*putc)( char, vm_offset_t), int radix, /* default radix - for '%r' */ vm_offset_t putc_arg) { int length; int prec; boolean_t ladjust; char padc; long n; unsigned long u; int plus_sign; int sign_char; boolean_t altfmt, truncate; int base; register char c; printf_init(); #if 0 /* Make sure that we get *some* printout, no matter what */ simple_lock(&_doprnt_lock); #else { register int i = 0; while (i < 1*1024*1024) { if (simple_lock_try(&_doprnt_lock)) break; i++; } } #endif while ((c = *fmt) != '\0') { if (c != '%') { (*putc)(c, putc_arg); fmt++; continue; } fmt++; length = 0; prec = -1; ladjust = FALSE; padc = ' '; plus_sign = 0; sign_char = 0; altfmt = FALSE; while (TRUE) { c = *fmt; if (c == '#') { altfmt = TRUE; } else if (c == '-') { ladjust = TRUE; } else if (c == '+') { plus_sign = '+'; } else if (c == ' ') { if (plus_sign == 0) plus_sign = ' '; } else break; fmt++; } if (c == '0') { padc = '0'; c = *++fmt; } if (isdigit(c)) { while(isdigit(c)) { length = 10 * length + Ctod(c); c = *++fmt; } } else if (c == '*') { length = va_arg(*argp, int); c = *++fmt; if (length < 0) { ladjust = !ladjust; length = -length; } } if (c == '.') { c = *++fmt; if (isdigit(c)) { prec = 0; while(isdigit(c)) { prec = 10 * prec + Ctod(c); c = *++fmt; } } else if (c == '*') { prec = va_arg(*argp, int); c = *++fmt; } } if (c == 'l') c = *++fmt; /* need it if sizeof(int) < sizeof(long) */ truncate = FALSE; switch(c) { case 'b': case 'B': { register char *p; boolean_t any; register int i; u = va_arg(*argp, unsigned long); p = va_arg(*argp, char *); base = *p++; printnum(u, base, putc, putc_arg); if (u == 0) break; any = FALSE; while (i = *p++) { /* NOTE: The '32' here is because ascii space */ if (*p <= 32) { /* * Bit field */ register int j; if (any) (*putc)(',', putc_arg); else { (*putc)('<', putc_arg); any = TRUE; } j = *p++; for (; (c = *p) > 32; p++) (*putc)(c, putc_arg); printnum((unsigned)( (u>>(j-1)) & ((2<<(i-j))-1)), base, putc, putc_arg); } else if (u & (1<<(i-1))) { if (any) (*putc)(',', putc_arg); else { (*putc)('<', putc_arg); any = TRUE; } for (; (c = *p) > 32; p++) (*putc)(c, putc_arg); } else { for (; *p > 32; p++) continue; } } if (any) (*putc)('>', putc_arg); break; } case 'c': c = va_arg(*argp, int); (*putc)(c, putc_arg); break; case 's': { register char *p; register char *p2; if (prec == -1) prec = 0x7fffffff; /* MAXINT */ p = va_arg(*argp, char *); if (p == (char *)0) p = ""; if (length > 0 && !ladjust) { n = 0; p2 = p; for (; *p != '\0' && n < prec; p++) n++; p = p2; while (n < length) { (*putc)(' ', putc_arg); n++; } } n = 0; while (*p != '\0') { if (++n > prec) break; (*putc)(*p++, putc_arg); } if (n < length && ladjust) { while (n < length) { (*putc)(' ', putc_arg); n++; } } break; } case 'o': truncate = _doprnt_truncates; case 'O': base = 8; goto print_unsigned; case 'd': truncate = _doprnt_truncates; case 'D': base = 10; goto print_signed; case 'u': truncate = _doprnt_truncates; case 'U': base = 10; goto print_unsigned; case 'x': truncate = _doprnt_truncates; case 'X': base = 16; goto print_unsigned; case 'z': truncate = _doprnt_truncates; case 'Z': base = 16; goto print_signed; case 'r': truncate = _doprnt_truncates; case 'R': base = radix; goto print_signed; case 'n': truncate = _doprnt_truncates; case 'N': base = radix; goto print_unsigned; print_signed: n = va_arg(*argp, long); if (n >= 0) { u = n; sign_char = plus_sign; } else { u = -n; sign_char = '-'; } goto print_num; print_unsigned: u = va_arg(*argp, unsigned long); goto print_num; print_num: { char buf[MAXBUF]; /* build number here */ register char * p = &buf[MAXBUF-1]; static char digits[] = "0123456789abcdef"; char *prefix = 0; if (truncate) u = (long)((int)(u)); if (u != 0 && altfmt) { if (base == 8) prefix = "0"; else if (base == 16) prefix = "0x"; } do { *p-- = digits[u % base]; u /= base; } while (u != 0); length -= (&buf[MAXBUF-1] - p); if (sign_char) length--; if (prefix) length -= strlen(prefix); if (padc == ' ' && !ladjust) { /* blank padding goes before prefix */ while (--length >= 0) (*putc)(' ', putc_arg); } if (sign_char) (*putc)(sign_char, putc_arg); if (prefix) while (*prefix) (*putc)(*prefix++, putc_arg); if (padc == '0') { /* zero padding goes after sign and prefix */ while (--length >= 0) (*putc)('0', putc_arg); } while (++p != &buf[MAXBUF]) (*putc)(*p, putc_arg); if (ladjust) { while (--length >= 0) (*putc)(' ', putc_arg); } break; } case '\0': fmt--; break; default: (*putc)(c, putc_arg); } fmt++; } simple_unlock(&_doprnt_lock); } /* * Printing (to console) */ extern void cnputc( char, /*not really*/vm_offset_t); void vprintf(const char *fmt, va_list listp) { _doprnt(fmt, &listp, cnputc, 16, 0); } /*VARARGS1*/ void printf(const char *fmt, ...) { va_list listp; va_start(listp, fmt); vprintf(fmt, listp); va_end(listp); } int indent = 0; /* * Printing (to console) with indentation. */ /*VARARGS1*/ void iprintf(const char *fmt, ...) { va_list listp; register int i; for (i = indent; i > 0; ){ if (i >= 8) { printf("\t"); i -= 8; } else { printf(" "); i--; } } va_start(listp, fmt); _doprnt(fmt, &listp, cnputc, 16, 0); va_end(listp); } /* * Printing to generic buffer * Returns #bytes printed. * Strings are zero-terminated. */ static void sputc( char c, vm_offset_t arg) { register char **bufp = (char **) arg; register char *p = *bufp; *p++ = c; *bufp = p; } int sprintf(char *buf, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list listp; char *start = buf; va_start(listp, fmt); _doprnt(fmt, &listp, sputc, 16, (vm_offset_t)&buf); va_end(listp); *buf = 0; return (buf - start); } struct vsnprintf_cookie { char *buf; int index; int max_len; }; static void snputc(char c, vm_offset_t arg) { struct vsnprintf_cookie *cookie = (void *) arg; if (cookie->index < cookie->max_len) cookie->buf[cookie->index ++] = c; } int vsnprintf(char *buf, int size, const char *fmt, va_list args) { struct vsnprintf_cookie cookie = { .buf = buf, .index = 0, .max_len = size }; _doprnt (fmt, &args, snputc, 16, (vm_offset_t)&cookie); cookie.buf[cookie.index] = '\0'; return cookie.index; } void safe_gets(str, maxlen) char *str; int maxlen; { register char *lp; register int c; char *strmax = str + maxlen - 1; /* allow space for trailing 0 */ lp = str; for (;;) { c = cngetc(); switch (c) { case '\n': case '\r': printf("\n"); *lp++ = 0; return; case '\b': case '#': case '\177': if (lp > str) { printf("\b \b"); lp--; } continue; case '@': case 'u'&037: lp = str; printf("\n\r"); continue; default: if (c >= ' ' && c < '\177') { if (lp < strmax) { *lp++ = c; printf("%c", c); } else { printf("%c", '\007'); /* beep */ } } } } }