/* * Mach Operating System * Copyright (c) 1993,1992 Carnegie Mellon University * All Rights Reserved. * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the * software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions * thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation. * * CARNEGIE MELLON ALLOWS FREE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE IN ITS "AS IS" * CONDITION. CARNEGIE MELLON DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY OF ANY KIND FOR * ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to * * Software Distribution Coordinator or Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU * School of Computer Science * Carnegie Mellon University * Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890 * * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie Mellon * the rights to redistribute these changes. */ #include <kern/printf.h> #include <string.h> #include <mach/mach_types.h> /* vm_address_t */ #include <mach/std_types.h> /* pointer_t */ #include <mach/pc_sample.h> #include <machine/trap.h> #include <kern/kalloc.h> #include <kern/host.h> #include <kern/thread.h> #include <kern/pc_sample.h> #include <kern/mach_clock.h> #if MACH_PCSAMPLE #define MAX_PC_SAMPLES 512 typedef sampled_pc_t sampled_pcs[MAX_PC_SAMPLES]; int pc_sampling_enabled = 0; decl_simple_lock_data(, pc_sampling_lock) /* lock for enabling */ void take_pc_sample( register thread_t t, register sample_control_t *cp, sampled_pc_flavor_t flavor) { vm_offset_t pc; struct sampled_pc *sample; pc = interrupted_pc(t); cp->seqno++; sample = &((sampled_pc_t *)cp->buffer)[cp->seqno % MAX_PC_SAMPLES]; sample->id = (vm_offset_t)t; sample->pc = pc; sample->sampletype = flavor; } kern_return_t thread_enable_pc_sampling( thread_t thread, int *tickp, sampled_pc_flavor_t flavors) { vm_offset_t buf; if (thread == THREAD_NULL) { return KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } if (thread->pc_sample.buffer == 0) { buf = (vm_offset_t) kalloc(sizeof (sampled_pcs)); if (buf == 0) { printf("thread_enable_pc_sampling: kalloc failed\n"); return KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } thread->pc_sample.buffer = buf; thread->pc_sample.seqno = 0; } *tickp = tick; thread->pc_sample.sampletypes = flavors; return KERN_SUCCESS; } kern_return_t task_enable_pc_sampling( task_t task, int *tickp, sampled_pc_flavor_t flavors) { vm_offset_t buf; if (task == TASK_NULL) { return KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } if (task->pc_sample.buffer == 0) { buf = (vm_offset_t) kalloc(sizeof (sampled_pcs)); if (buf == 0) { printf("task_enable_pc_sampling: kalloc failed\n"); return KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } task->pc_sample.buffer = buf; task->pc_sample.seqno = 0; } *tickp = tick; task->pc_sample.sampletypes = flavors; return KERN_SUCCESS; } kern_return_t thread_disable_pc_sampling( thread_t thread, int *samplecntp) { vm_offset_t buf; if (thread == THREAD_NULL) { return KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } if ((buf = thread->pc_sample.buffer) != 0) kfree(buf, sizeof (sampled_pcs)); thread->pc_sample.buffer = (vm_offset_t) 0; thread->pc_sample.seqno = 0; thread->pc_sample.sampletypes = 0; /* shut off sampling */ return KERN_SUCCESS; } kern_return_t task_disable_pc_sampling( task_t task, int *samplecntp) { vm_offset_t buf; if (task == TASK_NULL) { return KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } if ((buf = task->pc_sample.buffer) != 0) kfree(buf, sizeof (sampled_pcs)); task->pc_sample.buffer = (vm_offset_t) 0; task->pc_sample.seqno = 0; task->pc_sample.sampletypes = 0; /* shut off sampling */ return KERN_SUCCESS; } static kern_return_t get_sampled_pcs( sample_control_t *cp, sampled_pc_seqno_t *seqnop, sampled_pc_array_t sampled_pcs_out, int *sampled_pcs_cntp) { int nsamples; sampled_pc_seqno_t seqidx1, seqidx2; nsamples = cp->seqno - *seqnop; seqidx1 = *seqnop % MAX_PC_SAMPLES; /* index of *seqnop */ seqidx2 = cp->seqno % MAX_PC_SAMPLES; /* index of cp->seqno */ if (nsamples > MAX_PC_SAMPLES) { nsamples = MAX_PC_SAMPLES; seqidx1 = (seqidx2 + 1) % MAX_PC_SAMPLES; } if (nsamples > 0) { /* * Carefully copy sampled_pcs into sampled_pcs_msgbuf IN ORDER. */ if (seqidx1 < seqidx2) { /* * Simple case: no wraparound. * Copy from seqidx1 to seqidx2. */ memcpy(sampled_pcs_out, (sampled_pc_array_t)cp->buffer + seqidx1 + 1, nsamples * sizeof(sampled_pc_t)); } else { /* seqidx1 > seqidx2 -- Handle wraparound. */ memcpy(sampled_pcs_out, (sampled_pc_array_t)cp->buffer + seqidx1 + 1, (MAX_PC_SAMPLES - seqidx1 - 1) * sizeof(sampled_pc_t)); memcpy(sampled_pcs_out + (MAX_PC_SAMPLES - seqidx1 - 1), (sampled_pc_array_t)cp->buffer, (seqidx2 + 1) * sizeof(sampled_pc_t)); } } else { /* could either be zero because of overflow, or because * we are being lied to. In either case, return nothing. * If overflow, only once in a blue moon. If being lied to, * then we have no obligation to return anything useful anyway. */ ; } *sampled_pcs_cntp = nsamples; *seqnop = cp->seqno; return KERN_SUCCESS; } kern_return_t thread_get_sampled_pcs( thread_t thread, sampled_pc_seqno_t *seqnop, sampled_pc_array_t sampled_pcs_out, int *sampled_pcs_cntp) { if (thread == THREAD_NULL) return KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT; if (thread->pc_sample.buffer == 0) return KERN_FAILURE; return get_sampled_pcs(&thread->pc_sample, seqnop, sampled_pcs_out, sampled_pcs_cntp); } kern_return_t task_get_sampled_pcs( task_t task, sampled_pc_seqno_t *seqnop, sampled_pc_array_t sampled_pcs_out, int *sampled_pcs_cntp) { if (task == TASK_NULL) return KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT; if (task->pc_sample.buffer == 0) return KERN_FAILURE; return get_sampled_pcs(&task->pc_sample, seqnop, sampled_pcs_out, sampled_pcs_cntp); } #else /* MACH_PCSAMPLE */ kern_return_t thread_enable_pc_sampling( thread_t thread, int *tickp, sampled_pc_flavor_t flavors) { return KERN_FAILURE; /* not implemented */ } kern_return_t task_enable_pc_sampling( task_t task, int *tickp, sampled_pc_flavor_t flavors) { return KERN_FAILURE; /* not implemented */ } kern_return_t thread_disable_pc_sampling( thread_t thread, int *samplecntp) { return KERN_FAILURE; /* not implemented */ } kern_return_t task_disable_pc_sampling( task_t task, int *samplecntp) { return KERN_FAILURE; /* not implemented */ } kern_return_t thread_get_sampled_pcs( thread_t thread, sampled_pc_seqno_t *seqnop, sampled_pc_array_t sampled_pcs_out, int *sampled_pcs_cntp) { return KERN_FAILURE; /* not implemented */ } kern_return_t task_get_sampled_pcs( task_t task, sampled_pc_seqno_t *seqnop, sampled_pc_array_t sampled_pcs_out, int *sampled_pcs_cntp) { return KERN_FAILURE; /* not implemented */ } #endif /* MACH_PCSAMPLE */