/* * Mach Operating System * Copyright (c) 1991,1990,1989,1988 Carnegie Mellon University. * Copyright (c) 1993,1994 The University of Utah and * the Computer Systems Laboratory (CSL). * All rights reserved. * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the * software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions * thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation. * * CARNEGIE MELLON, THE UNIVERSITY OF UTAH AND CSL ALLOW FREE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE IN ITS "AS IS" CONDITION, AND DISCLAIM ANY LIABILITY * OF ANY KIND FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM THE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE. * * Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to * * Software Distribution Coordinator or Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU * School of Computer Science * Carnegie Mellon University * Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890 * * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie Mellon * the rights to redistribute these changes. */ /* * kern/ipc_host.c * * Routines to implement host ports. */ #include <mach/message.h> #include <kern/debug.h> #include <kern/host.h> #include <kern/processor.h> #include <kern/task.h> #include <kern/thread.h> #include <kern/ipc_host.h> #include <kern/ipc_kobject.h> #include <ipc/ipc_port.h> #include <ipc/ipc_space.h> #include <machine/machspl.h> /* for spl */ /* * ipc_host_init: set up various things. */ void ipc_host_init(void) { ipc_port_t port; /* * Allocate and set up the two host ports. */ port = ipc_port_alloc_kernel(); if (port == IP_NULL) panic("ipc_host_init"); ipc_kobject_set(port, (ipc_kobject_t) &realhost, IKOT_HOST); realhost.host_self = port; port = ipc_port_alloc_kernel(); if (port == IP_NULL) panic("ipc_host_init"); ipc_kobject_set(port, (ipc_kobject_t) &realhost, IKOT_HOST_PRIV); realhost.host_priv_self = port; /* * Set up ipc for default processor set. */ ipc_pset_init(&default_pset); ipc_pset_enable(&default_pset); /* * And for master processor */ ipc_processor_init(master_processor); } /* * Routine: mach_host_self [mach trap] * Purpose: * Give the caller send rights for his own host port. * Conditions: * Nothing locked. * Returns: * MACH_PORT_NULL if there are any resource failures * or other errors. */ mach_port_t mach_host_self(void) { ipc_port_t sright; sright = ipc_port_make_send(realhost.host_self); return ipc_port_copyout_send(sright, current_space()); } /* * ipc_processor_init: * * Initialize ipc access to processor by allocating port. * Enable ipc control of processor by setting port object. */ void ipc_processor_init( processor_t processor) { ipc_port_t port; port = ipc_port_alloc_kernel(); if (port == IP_NULL) panic("ipc_processor_init"); processor->processor_self = port; ipc_kobject_set(port, (ipc_kobject_t) processor, IKOT_PROCESSOR); } /* * ipc_pset_init: * * Initialize ipc control of a processor set by allocating its ports. */ void ipc_pset_init( processor_set_t pset) { ipc_port_t port; port = ipc_port_alloc_kernel(); if (port == IP_NULL) panic("ipc_pset_init"); pset->pset_self = port; port = ipc_port_alloc_kernel(); if (port == IP_NULL) panic("ipc_pset_init"); pset->pset_name_self = port; } /* * ipc_pset_enable: * * Enable ipc access to a processor set. */ void ipc_pset_enable( processor_set_t pset) { pset_lock(pset); if (pset->active) { ipc_kobject_set(pset->pset_self, (ipc_kobject_t) pset, IKOT_PSET); ipc_kobject_set(pset->pset_name_self, (ipc_kobject_t) pset, IKOT_PSET_NAME); pset_ref_lock(pset); pset->ref_count += 2; pset_ref_unlock(pset); } pset_unlock(pset); } /* * ipc_pset_disable: * * Disable ipc access to a processor set by clearing the port objects. * Caller must hold pset lock and a reference to the pset. Ok to * just decrement pset reference count as a result. */ void ipc_pset_disable( processor_set_t pset) { ipc_kobject_set(pset->pset_self, IKO_NULL, IKOT_NONE); ipc_kobject_set(pset->pset_name_self, IKO_NULL, IKOT_NONE); pset->ref_count -= 2; } /* * ipc_pset_terminate: * * Processor set is dead. Deallocate the ipc control structures. */ void ipc_pset_terminate( processor_set_t pset) { ipc_port_dealloc_kernel(pset->pset_self); ipc_port_dealloc_kernel(pset->pset_name_self); } /* * processor_set_default: * * Return ports for manipulating default_processor set. */ kern_return_t processor_set_default( const host_t host, processor_set_t *pset) { if (host == HOST_NULL) return KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT; *pset = &default_pset; pset_reference(*pset); return KERN_SUCCESS; } /* * Routine: convert_port_to_host * Purpose: * Convert from a port to a host. * Doesn't consume the port ref; the host produced may be null. * Conditions: * Nothing locked. */ host_t convert_port_to_host( ipc_port_t port) { host_t host = HOST_NULL; if (IP_VALID(port)) { ip_lock(port); if (ip_active(port) && ((ip_kotype(port) == IKOT_HOST) || (ip_kotype(port) == IKOT_HOST_PRIV))) host = (host_t) port->ip_kobject; ip_unlock(port); } return host; } /* * Routine: convert_port_to_host_priv * Purpose: * Convert from a port to a host. * Doesn't consume the port ref; the host produced may be null. * Conditions: * Nothing locked. */ host_t convert_port_to_host_priv( ipc_port_t port) { host_t host = HOST_NULL; if (IP_VALID(port)) { ip_lock(port); if (ip_active(port) && (ip_kotype(port) == IKOT_HOST_PRIV)) host = (host_t) port->ip_kobject; ip_unlock(port); } return host; } /* * Routine: convert_port_to_processor * Purpose: * Convert from a port to a processor. * Doesn't consume the port ref; * the processor produced may be null. * Conditions: * Nothing locked. */ processor_t convert_port_to_processor( ipc_port_t port) { processor_t processor = PROCESSOR_NULL; if (IP_VALID(port)) { ip_lock(port); if (ip_active(port) && (ip_kotype(port) == IKOT_PROCESSOR)) processor = (processor_t) port->ip_kobject; ip_unlock(port); } return processor; } /* * Routine: convert_port_to_pset * Purpose: * Convert from a port to a pset. * Doesn't consume the port ref; produces a pset ref, * which may be null. * Conditions: * Nothing locked. */ processor_set_t convert_port_to_pset( ipc_port_t port) { processor_set_t pset = PROCESSOR_SET_NULL; if (IP_VALID(port)) { ip_lock(port); if (ip_active(port) && (ip_kotype(port) == IKOT_PSET)) { pset = (processor_set_t) port->ip_kobject; pset_reference(pset); } ip_unlock(port); } return pset; } /* * Routine: convert_port_to_pset_name * Purpose: * Convert from a port to a pset. * Doesn't consume the port ref; produces a pset ref, * which may be null. * Conditions: * Nothing locked. */ processor_set_t convert_port_to_pset_name( ipc_port_t port) { processor_set_t pset = PROCESSOR_SET_NULL; if (IP_VALID(port)) { ip_lock(port); if (ip_active(port) && ((ip_kotype(port) == IKOT_PSET) || (ip_kotype(port) == IKOT_PSET_NAME))) { pset = (processor_set_t) port->ip_kobject; pset_reference(pset); } ip_unlock(port); } return pset; } /* * Routine: convert_host_to_port * Purpose: * Convert from a host to a port. * Produces a naked send right which may be invalid. * Conditions: * Nothing locked. */ ipc_port_t convert_host_to_port( host_t host) { ipc_port_t port; port = ipc_port_make_send(host->host_self); return port; } /* * Routine: convert_processor_to_port * Purpose: * Convert from a processor to a port. * Produces a naked send right which is always valid. * Conditions: * Nothing locked. */ ipc_port_t convert_processor_to_port(processor_t processor) { ipc_port_t port; port = ipc_port_make_send(processor->processor_self); return port; } /* * Routine: convert_pset_to_port * Purpose: * Convert from a pset to a port. * Consumes a pset ref; produces a naked send right * which may be invalid. * Conditions: * Nothing locked. */ ipc_port_t convert_pset_to_port( processor_set_t pset) { ipc_port_t port; pset_lock(pset); if (pset->active) port = ipc_port_make_send(pset->pset_self); else port = IP_NULL; pset_unlock(pset); pset_deallocate(pset); return port; } /* * Routine: convert_pset_name_to_port * Purpose: * Convert from a pset to a port. * Consumes a pset ref; produces a naked send right * which may be invalid. * Conditions: * Nothing locked. */ ipc_port_t convert_pset_name_to_port( processor_set_t pset) { ipc_port_t port; pset_lock(pset); if (pset->active) port = ipc_port_make_send(pset->pset_name_self); else port = IP_NULL; pset_unlock(pset); pset_deallocate(pset); return port; }