/* * Mach Operating System * Copyright (c) 1993,1992,1991,1990,1989,1988 Carnegie Mellon University * All Rights Reserved. * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the * software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions * thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation. * * CARNEGIE MELLON ALLOWS FREE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE IN ITS "AS IS" * CONDITION. CARNEGIE MELLON DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY OF ANY KIND FOR * ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to * * Software Distribution Coordinator or Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU * School of Computer Science * Carnegie Mellon University * Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890 * * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie Mellon * the rights to redistribute these changes. */ /* * host.c * * Non-ipc host functions. */ #include <string.h> #include <kern/assert.h> #include <kern/debug.h> #include <kern/kalloc.h> #include <kern/host.h> #include <mach/host_info.h> #include <mach/kern_return.h> #include <mach/machine.h> #include <mach/port.h> #include <kern/processor.h> #include <kern/ipc_host.h> #include <kern/mach_clock.h> #include <mach/vm_param.h> host_data_t realhost; kern_return_t host_processors( const host_t host, processor_array_t *processor_list, natural_t *countp) { int i; processor_t *tp; vm_offset_t addr; unsigned int count; if (host == HOST_NULL) return KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT; /* * Determine how many processors we have. * (This number shouldn't change.) */ count = 0; for (i = 0; i < NCPUS; i++) if (machine_slot[i].is_cpu) count++; if (count == 0) panic("host_processors"); addr = kalloc((vm_size_t) (count * sizeof(mach_port_t))); if (addr == 0) return KERN_RESOURCE_SHORTAGE; tp = (processor_t *) addr; for (i = 0; i < NCPUS; i++) if (machine_slot[i].is_cpu) *tp++ = cpu_to_processor(i); *countp = count; *processor_list = (mach_port_t *) addr; /* do the conversion that Mig should handle */ tp = (processor_t *) addr; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) ((mach_port_t *) tp)[i] = (mach_port_t)convert_processor_to_port(tp[i]); return KERN_SUCCESS; } kern_return_t host_info( const host_t host, int flavor, host_info_t info, natural_t *count) { integer_t i, *slot_ptr; if (host == HOST_NULL) return KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT; switch(flavor) { case HOST_BASIC_INFO: { host_basic_info_t basic_info; /* * Basic information about this host. */ if (*count < HOST_BASIC_INFO_COUNT) return KERN_FAILURE; basic_info = (host_basic_info_t) info; basic_info->max_cpus = machine_info.max_cpus; basic_info->avail_cpus = machine_info.avail_cpus; basic_info->memory_size = machine_info.memory_size; basic_info->cpu_type = machine_slot[master_processor->slot_num].cpu_type; basic_info->cpu_subtype = machine_slot[master_processor->slot_num].cpu_subtype; *count = HOST_BASIC_INFO_COUNT; return KERN_SUCCESS; } case HOST_PROCESSOR_SLOTS: /* * Return numbers of slots with active processors * in them. */ if (*count < NCPUS) return KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT; slot_ptr = (integer_t *)info; *count = 0; for (i = 0; i < NCPUS; i++) { if (machine_slot[i].is_cpu && machine_slot[i].running) { *slot_ptr++ = i; (*count)++; } } return KERN_SUCCESS; case HOST_SCHED_INFO: { host_sched_info_t sched_info; extern int min_quantum; /* minimum quantum, in microseconds */ /* * Return scheduler information. */ if (*count < HOST_SCHED_INFO_COUNT) return(KERN_FAILURE); sched_info = (host_sched_info_t) info; sched_info->min_timeout = tick / 1000; sched_info->min_quantum = min_quantum / 1000; /* convert microseconds to milliseconds */ *count = HOST_SCHED_INFO_COUNT; return KERN_SUCCESS; } case HOST_LOAD_INFO: { host_load_info_t load_info; extern long avenrun[3], mach_factor[3]; if (*count < HOST_LOAD_INFO_COUNT) return KERN_FAILURE; load_info = (host_load_info_t) info; memcpy(load_info->avenrun, avenrun, sizeof avenrun); memcpy(load_info->mach_factor, mach_factor, sizeof mach_factor); *count = HOST_LOAD_INFO_COUNT; return KERN_SUCCESS; } default: return KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } } /* * Return kernel version string (more than you ever * wanted to know about what version of the kernel this is). */ kern_return_t host_kernel_version( const host_t host, kernel_version_t out_version) { extern char version[]; if (host == HOST_NULL) return KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT; (void) strncpy(out_version, version, sizeof(kernel_version_t)); return KERN_SUCCESS; } /* * host_processor_sets: * * List all processor sets on the host. */ #if MACH_HOST kern_return_t host_processor_sets( const host_t host, processor_set_name_array_t *pset_list, natural_t *count) { unsigned int actual; /* this many psets */ processor_set_t pset; processor_set_t *psets; int i; vm_size_t size; vm_size_t size_needed; vm_offset_t addr; if (host == HOST_NULL) return KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT; size = 0; addr = 0; for (;;) { simple_lock(&all_psets_lock); actual = all_psets_count; /* do we have the memory we need? */ size_needed = actual * sizeof(mach_port_t); if (size_needed <= size) break; /* unlock and allocate more memory */ simple_unlock(&all_psets_lock); if (size != 0) kfree(addr, size); assert(size_needed > 0); size = size_needed; addr = kalloc(size); if (addr == 0) return KERN_RESOURCE_SHORTAGE; } /* OK, have memory and the all_psets_lock */ psets = (processor_set_t *) addr; for (i = 0, pset = (processor_set_t) queue_first(&all_psets); i < actual; i++, pset = (processor_set_t) queue_next(&pset->all_psets)) { /* take ref for convert_pset_name_to_port */ pset_reference(pset); psets[i] = pset; } assert(queue_end(&all_psets, (queue_entry_t) pset)); /* can unlock now that we've got the pset refs */ simple_unlock(&all_psets_lock); /* * Always have default port. */ assert(actual > 0); /* if we allocated too much, must copy */ if (size_needed < size) { vm_offset_t newaddr; newaddr = kalloc(size_needed); if (newaddr == 0) { for (i = 0; i < actual; i++) pset_deallocate(psets[i]); kfree(addr, size); return KERN_RESOURCE_SHORTAGE; } memcpy((void *) newaddr, (void *) addr, size_needed); kfree(addr, size); psets = (processor_set_t *) newaddr; } *pset_list = (mach_port_t *) psets; *count = actual; /* do the conversion that Mig should handle */ for (i = 0; i < actual; i++) ((mach_port_t *) psets)[i] = (mach_port_t)convert_pset_name_to_port(psets[i]); return KERN_SUCCESS; } #else /* MACH_HOST */ /* * Only one processor set, the default processor set, in this case. */ kern_return_t host_processor_sets( const host_t host, processor_set_name_array_t *pset_list, natural_t *count) { vm_offset_t addr; if (host == HOST_NULL) return KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT; /* * Allocate memory. Can be pageable because it won't be * touched while holding a lock. */ addr = kalloc((vm_size_t) sizeof(mach_port_t)); if (addr == 0) return KERN_RESOURCE_SHORTAGE; /* take for for convert_pset_name_to_port */ pset_reference(&default_pset); /* do the conversion that Mig should handle */ *((mach_port_t *) addr) = (mach_port_t) convert_pset_name_to_port(&default_pset); *pset_list = (mach_port_t *) addr; *count = 1; return KERN_SUCCESS; } #endif /* MACH_HOST */ /* * host_processor_set_priv: * * Return control port for given processor set. */ kern_return_t host_processor_set_priv( const host_t host, processor_set_t pset_name, processor_set_t *pset) { if ((host == HOST_NULL) || (pset_name == PROCESSOR_SET_NULL)) { *pset = PROCESSOR_SET_NULL; return KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } *pset = pset_name; pset_reference(*pset); return KERN_SUCCESS; }