/* * Mach Operating System * Copyright (c) 1991,1990,1989 Carnegie Mellon University * All Rights Reserved. * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the * software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions * thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation. * * CARNEGIE MELLON ALLOWS FREE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE IN ITS "AS IS" * CONDITION. CARNEGIE MELLON DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY OF ANY KIND FOR * ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to * * Software Distribution Coordinator or Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU * School of Computer Science * Carnegie Mellon University * Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890 * * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie Mellon * the rights to redistribute these changes. */ /* * File: ipc/ipc_object.c * Author: Rich Draves * Date: 1989 * * Functions to manipulate IPC objects. */ #include <string.h> #include <mach/boolean.h> #include <mach/kern_return.h> #include <mach/port.h> #include <mach/message.h> #include <ipc/port.h> #include <ipc/ipc_space.h> #include <ipc/ipc_entry.h> #include <ipc/ipc_object.h> #include <ipc/ipc_hash.h> #include <ipc/ipc_right.h> #include <ipc/ipc_notify.h> #include <ipc/ipc_pset.h> #include <kern/debug.h> #include <kern/printf.h> zone_t ipc_object_zones[IOT_NUMBER]; /* * Routine: ipc_object_reference * Purpose: * Take a reference to an object. */ void ipc_object_reference( ipc_object_t object) { io_lock(object); assert(object->io_references > 0); io_reference(object); io_unlock(object); } /* * Routine: ipc_object_release * Purpose: * Release a reference to an object. */ void ipc_object_release( ipc_object_t object) { io_lock(object); assert(object->io_references > 0); io_release(object); io_check_unlock(object); } /* * Routine: ipc_object_translate * Purpose: * Look up an object in a space. * Conditions: * Nothing locked before. If successful, the object * is returned locked. The caller doesn't get a ref. * Returns: * KERN_SUCCESS Objected returned locked. * KERN_INVALID_TASK The space is dead. * KERN_INVALID_NAME The name doesn't denote a right. * KERN_INVALID_RIGHT Name doesn't denote the correct right. */ kern_return_t ipc_object_translate( ipc_space_t space, mach_port_t name, mach_port_right_t right, ipc_object_t *objectp) { ipc_entry_t entry; ipc_object_t object; kern_return_t kr; kr = ipc_right_lookup_read(space, name, &entry); if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) return kr; /* space is read-locked and active */ if ((entry->ie_bits & MACH_PORT_TYPE(right)) == (mach_port_right_t) 0) { is_read_unlock(space); return KERN_INVALID_RIGHT; } object = entry->ie_object; assert(object != IO_NULL); io_lock(object); is_read_unlock(space); *objectp = object; return KERN_SUCCESS; } /* * Routine: ipc_object_alloc_dead * Purpose: * Allocate a dead-name entry. * Conditions: * Nothing locked. * Returns: * KERN_SUCCESS The dead name is allocated. * KERN_INVALID_TASK The space is dead. * KERN_NO_SPACE No room for an entry in the space. * KERN_RESOURCE_SHORTAGE Couldn't allocate memory. */ kern_return_t ipc_object_alloc_dead( ipc_space_t space, mach_port_t *namep) { ipc_entry_t entry; kern_return_t kr; kr = ipc_entry_alloc(space, namep, &entry); if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) return kr; /* space is write-locked */ /* null object, MACH_PORT_TYPE_DEAD_NAME, 1 uref */ assert(entry->ie_object == IO_NULL); entry->ie_bits |= MACH_PORT_TYPE_DEAD_NAME | 1; is_write_unlock(space); return KERN_SUCCESS; } /* * Routine: ipc_object_alloc_dead_name * Purpose: * Allocate a dead-name entry, with a specific name. * Conditions: * Nothing locked. * Returns: * KERN_SUCCESS The dead name is allocated. * KERN_INVALID_TASK The space is dead. * KERN_NAME_EXISTS The name already denotes a right. * KERN_RESOURCE_SHORTAGE Couldn't allocate memory. */ kern_return_t ipc_object_alloc_dead_name( ipc_space_t space, mach_port_t name) { ipc_entry_t entry; kern_return_t kr; kr = ipc_entry_alloc_name(space, name, &entry); if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) return kr; /* space is write-locked */ if (ipc_right_inuse(space, name, entry)) return KERN_NAME_EXISTS; /* null object, MACH_PORT_TYPE_DEAD_NAME, 1 uref */ assert(entry->ie_object == IO_NULL); entry->ie_bits |= MACH_PORT_TYPE_DEAD_NAME | 1; is_write_unlock(space); return KERN_SUCCESS; } /* * Routine: ipc_object_alloc * Purpose: * Allocate an object. * Conditions: * Nothing locked. If successful, the object is returned locked. * The caller doesn't get a reference for the object. * Returns: * KERN_SUCCESS The object is allocated. * KERN_INVALID_TASK The space is dead. * KERN_NO_SPACE No room for an entry in the space. * KERN_RESOURCE_SHORTAGE Couldn't allocate memory. */ kern_return_t ipc_object_alloc( ipc_space_t space, ipc_object_type_t otype, mach_port_type_t type, mach_port_urefs_t urefs, mach_port_t *namep, ipc_object_t *objectp) { ipc_object_t object; ipc_entry_t entry; kern_return_t kr; assert(otype < IOT_NUMBER); assert((type & MACH_PORT_TYPE_ALL_RIGHTS) == type); assert(type != MACH_PORT_TYPE_NONE); assert(urefs <= MACH_PORT_UREFS_MAX); object = io_alloc(otype); if (object == IO_NULL) return KERN_RESOURCE_SHORTAGE; if (otype == IOT_PORT) { ipc_port_t port = (ipc_port_t)object; memset(port, 0, sizeof(*port)); } else if (otype == IOT_PORT_SET) { ipc_pset_t pset = (ipc_pset_t)object; memset(pset, 0, sizeof(*pset)); } kr = ipc_entry_alloc(space, namep, &entry); if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) { io_free(otype, object); return kr; } /* space is write-locked */ entry->ie_bits |= type | urefs; entry->ie_object = object; io_lock_init(object); io_lock(object); is_write_unlock(space); object->io_references = 1; /* for entry, not caller */ object->io_bits = io_makebits(TRUE, otype, 0); *objectp = object; return KERN_SUCCESS; } /* * Routine: ipc_object_alloc_name * Purpose: * Allocate an object, with a specific name. * Conditions: * Nothing locked. If successful, the object is returned locked. * The caller doesn't get a reference for the object. * Returns: * KERN_SUCCESS The object is allocated. * KERN_INVALID_TASK The space is dead. * KERN_NAME_EXISTS The name already denotes a right. * KERN_RESOURCE_SHORTAGE Couldn't allocate memory. */ kern_return_t ipc_object_alloc_name( ipc_space_t space, ipc_object_type_t otype, mach_port_type_t type, mach_port_urefs_t urefs, mach_port_t name, ipc_object_t *objectp) { ipc_object_t object; ipc_entry_t entry; kern_return_t kr; assert(otype < IOT_NUMBER); assert((type & MACH_PORT_TYPE_ALL_RIGHTS) == type); assert(type != MACH_PORT_TYPE_NONE); assert(urefs <= MACH_PORT_UREFS_MAX); object = io_alloc(otype); if (object == IO_NULL) return KERN_RESOURCE_SHORTAGE; if (otype == IOT_PORT) { ipc_port_t port = (ipc_port_t)object; memset(port, 0, sizeof(*port)); } else if (otype == IOT_PORT_SET) { ipc_pset_t pset = (ipc_pset_t)object; memset(pset, 0, sizeof(*pset)); } kr = ipc_entry_alloc_name(space, name, &entry); if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) { io_free(otype, object); return kr; } /* space is write-locked */ if (ipc_right_inuse(space, name, entry)) { io_free(otype, object); return KERN_NAME_EXISTS; } entry->ie_bits |= type | urefs; entry->ie_object = object; io_lock_init(object); io_lock(object); is_write_unlock(space); object->io_references = 1; /* for entry, not caller */ object->io_bits = io_makebits(TRUE, otype, 0); *objectp = object; return KERN_SUCCESS; } /* * Routine: ipc_object_copyin_type * Purpose: * Convert a send type name to a received type name. */ mach_msg_type_name_t ipc_object_copyin_type( mach_msg_type_name_t msgt_name) { switch (msgt_name) { case 0: return 0; case MACH_MSG_TYPE_MOVE_RECEIVE: return MACH_MSG_TYPE_PORT_RECEIVE; case MACH_MSG_TYPE_MOVE_SEND_ONCE: case MACH_MSG_TYPE_MAKE_SEND_ONCE: return MACH_MSG_TYPE_PORT_SEND_ONCE; case MACH_MSG_TYPE_MOVE_SEND: case MACH_MSG_TYPE_MAKE_SEND: case MACH_MSG_TYPE_COPY_SEND: return MACH_MSG_TYPE_PORT_SEND; default: #if MACH_ASSERT assert(!"ipc_object_copyin_type: strange rights"); #else panic("ipc_object_copyin_type: strange rights"); #endif return 0; /* in case assert/panic returns */ } } /* * Routine: ipc_object_copyin * Purpose: * Copyin a capability from a space. * If successful, the caller gets a ref * for the resulting object, unless it is IO_DEAD. * Conditions: * Nothing locked. * Returns: * KERN_SUCCESS Acquired an object, possibly IO_DEAD. * KERN_INVALID_TASK The space is dead. * KERN_INVALID_NAME Name doesn't exist in space. * KERN_INVALID_RIGHT Name doesn't denote correct right. */ kern_return_t ipc_object_copyin( ipc_space_t space, mach_port_t name, mach_msg_type_name_t msgt_name, ipc_object_t *objectp) { ipc_entry_t entry; ipc_port_t soright; kern_return_t kr; /* * Could first try a read lock when doing * MACH_MSG_TYPE_COPY_SEND, MACH_MSG_TYPE_MAKE_SEND, * and MACH_MSG_TYPE_MAKE_SEND_ONCE. */ kr = ipc_right_lookup_write(space, name, &entry); if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) return kr; /* space is write-locked and active */ kr = ipc_right_copyin(space, name, entry, msgt_name, TRUE, objectp, &soright); if (IE_BITS_TYPE(entry->ie_bits) == MACH_PORT_TYPE_NONE) ipc_entry_dealloc(space, name, entry); is_write_unlock(space); if ((kr == KERN_SUCCESS) && (soright != IP_NULL)) ipc_notify_port_deleted(soright, name); return kr; } /* * Routine: ipc_object_copyin_from_kernel * Purpose: * Copyin a naked capability from the kernel. * * MACH_MSG_TYPE_MOVE_RECEIVE * The receiver must be ipc_space_kernel. * Consumes the naked receive right. * MACH_MSG_TYPE_COPY_SEND * A naked send right must be supplied. * The port gains a reference, and a send right * if the port is still active. * MACH_MSG_TYPE_MAKE_SEND * The receiver must be ipc_space_kernel. * The port gains a reference and a send right. * MACH_MSG_TYPE_MOVE_SEND * Consumes a naked send right. * MACH_MSG_TYPE_MAKE_SEND_ONCE * The receiver must be ipc_space_kernel. * The port gains a reference and a send-once right. * MACH_MSG_TYPE_MOVE_SEND_ONCE * Consumes a naked send-once right. * Conditions: * Nothing locked. */ void ipc_object_copyin_from_kernel( ipc_object_t object, mach_msg_type_name_t msgt_name) { assert(IO_VALID(object)); switch (msgt_name) { case MACH_MSG_TYPE_MOVE_RECEIVE: { ipc_port_t port = (ipc_port_t) object; ip_lock(port); assert(ip_active(port)); assert(port->ip_receiver_name != MACH_PORT_NULL); assert(port->ip_receiver == ipc_space_kernel); /* relevant part of ipc_port_clear_receiver */ ipc_port_set_mscount(port, 0); port->ip_receiver_name = MACH_PORT_NULL; port->ip_destination = IP_NULL; ip_unlock(port); break; } case MACH_MSG_TYPE_COPY_SEND: { ipc_port_t port = (ipc_port_t) object; ip_lock(port); if (ip_active(port)) { assert(port->ip_srights > 0); port->ip_srights++; } ip_reference(port); ip_unlock(port); break; } case MACH_MSG_TYPE_MAKE_SEND: { ipc_port_t port = (ipc_port_t) object; ip_lock(port); assert(ip_active(port)); assert(port->ip_receiver_name != MACH_PORT_NULL); assert(port->ip_receiver == ipc_space_kernel); ip_reference(port); port->ip_mscount++; port->ip_srights++; ip_unlock(port); break; } case MACH_MSG_TYPE_MOVE_SEND: /* move naked send right into the message */ break; case MACH_MSG_TYPE_MAKE_SEND_ONCE: { ipc_port_t port = (ipc_port_t) object; ip_lock(port); assert(ip_active(port)); assert(port->ip_receiver_name != MACH_PORT_NULL); assert(port->ip_receiver == ipc_space_kernel); ip_reference(port); port->ip_sorights++; ip_unlock(port); break; } case MACH_MSG_TYPE_MOVE_SEND_ONCE: /* move naked send-once right into the message */ break; default: #if MACH_ASSERT assert(!"ipc_object_copyin_from_kernel: strange rights"); #else panic("ipc_object_copyin_from_kernel: strange rights"); #endif } } /* * Routine: ipc_object_destroy * Purpose: * Destroys a naked capability. * Consumes a ref for the object. * * A receive right should be in limbo or in transit. * Conditions: * Nothing locked. */ void ipc_object_destroy( ipc_object_t object, mach_msg_type_name_t msgt_name) { assert(IO_VALID(object)); assert(io_otype(object) == IOT_PORT); switch (msgt_name) { case MACH_MSG_TYPE_PORT_SEND: ipc_port_release_send((ipc_port_t) object); break; case MACH_MSG_TYPE_PORT_SEND_ONCE: ipc_notify_send_once((ipc_port_t) object); break; case MACH_MSG_TYPE_PORT_RECEIVE: ipc_port_release_receive((ipc_port_t) object); break; default: panic("ipc_object_destroy: strange rights"); } } /* * Routine: ipc_object_copyout * Purpose: * Copyout a capability, placing it into a space. * If successful, consumes a ref for the object. * Conditions: * Nothing locked. * Returns: * KERN_SUCCESS Copied out object, consumed ref. * KERN_INVALID_TASK The space is dead. * KERN_INVALID_CAPABILITY The object is dead. * KERN_NO_SPACE No room in space for another right. * KERN_RESOURCE_SHORTAGE No memory available. * KERN_UREFS_OVERFLOW Urefs limit exceeded * and overflow wasn't specified. */ kern_return_t ipc_object_copyout( ipc_space_t space, ipc_object_t object, mach_msg_type_name_t msgt_name, boolean_t overflow, mach_port_t *namep) { mach_port_t name; ipc_entry_t entry; kern_return_t kr; assert(IO_VALID(object)); assert(io_otype(object) == IOT_PORT); is_write_lock(space); for (;;) { if (!space->is_active) { is_write_unlock(space); return KERN_INVALID_TASK; } if ((msgt_name != MACH_MSG_TYPE_PORT_SEND_ONCE) && ipc_right_reverse(space, object, &name, &entry)) { /* object is locked and active */ assert(entry->ie_bits & MACH_PORT_TYPE_SEND_RECEIVE); break; } kr = ipc_entry_get(space, &name, &entry); if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) { /* unlocks/locks space, so must start again */ kr = ipc_entry_grow_table(space); if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) return kr; /* space is unlocked */ continue; } assert(IE_BITS_TYPE(entry->ie_bits) == MACH_PORT_TYPE_NONE); assert(entry->ie_object == IO_NULL); io_lock(object); if (!io_active(object)) { io_unlock(object); ipc_entry_dealloc(space, name, entry); is_write_unlock(space); return KERN_INVALID_CAPABILITY; } entry->ie_object = object; break; } /* space is write-locked and active, object is locked and active */ kr = ipc_right_copyout(space, name, entry, msgt_name, overflow, object); /* object is unlocked */ is_write_unlock(space); if (kr == KERN_SUCCESS) *namep = name; return kr; } #if 0 /* XXX same, but don't check for already-existing send rights */ kern_return_t ipc_object_copyout_multiname(space, object, namep) ipc_space_t space; ipc_object_t object; mach_port_t *namep; { mach_port_t name; ipc_entry_t entry; kern_return_t kr; assert(IO_VALID(object)); assert(io_otype(object) == IOT_PORT); is_write_lock(space); for (;;) { if (!space->is_active) { is_write_unlock(space); return KERN_INVALID_TASK; } kr = ipc_entry_get(space, &name, &entry); if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) { /* unlocks/locks space, so must start again */ kr = ipc_entry_grow_table(space); if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) return kr; /* space is unlocked */ continue; } assert(IE_BITS_TYPE(entry->ie_bits) == MACH_PORT_TYPE_NONE); assert(entry->ie_object == IO_NULL); io_lock(object); if (!io_active(object)) { io_unlock(object); ipc_entry_dealloc(space, name, entry); is_write_unlock(space); return KERN_INVALID_CAPABILITY; } entry->ie_object = object; break; } /* space is write-locked and active, object is locked and active */ kr = ipc_right_copyout_multiname(space, name, entry, object); /* object is unlocked */ is_write_unlock(space); if (kr == KERN_SUCCESS) *namep = name; return kr; } #endif /* 0 */ /* * Routine: ipc_object_copyout_name * Purpose: * Copyout a capability, placing it into a space. * The specified name is used for the capability. * If successful, consumes a ref for the object. * Conditions: * Nothing locked. * Returns: * KERN_SUCCESS Copied out object, consumed ref. * KERN_INVALID_TASK The space is dead. * KERN_INVALID_CAPABILITY The object is dead. * KERN_RESOURCE_SHORTAGE No memory available. * KERN_UREFS_OVERFLOW Urefs limit exceeded * and overflow wasn't specified. * KERN_RIGHT_EXISTS Space has rights under another name. * KERN_NAME_EXISTS Name is already used. */ kern_return_t ipc_object_copyout_name( ipc_space_t space, ipc_object_t object, mach_msg_type_name_t msgt_name, boolean_t overflow, mach_port_t name) { mach_port_t oname; ipc_entry_t oentry; ipc_entry_t entry; kern_return_t kr; assert(IO_VALID(object)); assert(io_otype(object) == IOT_PORT); kr = ipc_entry_alloc_name(space, name, &entry); if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) return kr; /* space is write-locked and active */ if ((msgt_name != MACH_MSG_TYPE_PORT_SEND_ONCE) && ipc_right_reverse(space, object, &oname, &oentry)) { /* object is locked and active */ if (name != oname) { io_unlock(object); if (IE_BITS_TYPE(entry->ie_bits) == MACH_PORT_TYPE_NONE) ipc_entry_dealloc(space, name, entry); is_write_unlock(space); return KERN_RIGHT_EXISTS; } assert(entry == oentry); assert(entry->ie_bits & MACH_PORT_TYPE_SEND_RECEIVE); } else { if (ipc_right_inuse(space, name, entry)) return KERN_NAME_EXISTS; assert(IE_BITS_TYPE(entry->ie_bits) == MACH_PORT_TYPE_NONE); assert(entry->ie_object == IO_NULL); io_lock(object); if (!io_active(object)) { io_unlock(object); ipc_entry_dealloc(space, name, entry); is_write_unlock(space); return KERN_INVALID_CAPABILITY; } entry->ie_object = object; } /* space is write-locked and active, object is locked and active */ kr = ipc_right_copyout(space, name, entry, msgt_name, overflow, object); /* object is unlocked */ is_write_unlock(space); return kr; } /* * Routine: ipc_object_copyout_dest * Purpose: * Translates/consumes the destination right of a message. * This is unlike normal copyout because the right is consumed * in a funny way instead of being given to the receiving space. * The receiver gets his name for the port, if he has receive * rights, otherwise MACH_PORT_NULL. * Conditions: * The object is locked and active. Nothing else locked. * The object is unlocked and loses a reference. */ void ipc_object_copyout_dest( ipc_space_t space, ipc_object_t object, mach_msg_type_name_t msgt_name, mach_port_t *namep) { mach_port_t name; assert(IO_VALID(object)); assert(io_active(object)); io_release(object); /* * If the space is the receiver/owner of the object, * then we quietly consume the right and return * the space's name for the object. Otherwise * we destroy the right and return MACH_PORT_NULL. */ switch (msgt_name) { case MACH_MSG_TYPE_PORT_SEND: { ipc_port_t port = (ipc_port_t) object; ipc_port_t nsrequest = IP_NULL; mach_port_mscount_t mscount = 0; /* '=0' to shut up lint */ assert(port->ip_srights > 0); if (--port->ip_srights == 0) { nsrequest = port->ip_nsrequest; if (nsrequest != IP_NULL) { port->ip_nsrequest = IP_NULL; mscount = port->ip_mscount; } } if (port->ip_receiver == space) name = port->ip_receiver_name; else name = MACH_PORT_NULL; ip_unlock(port); if (nsrequest != IP_NULL) ipc_notify_no_senders(nsrequest, mscount); break; } case MACH_MSG_TYPE_PORT_SEND_ONCE: { ipc_port_t port = (ipc_port_t) object; assert(port->ip_sorights > 0); if (port->ip_receiver == space) { /* quietly consume the send-once right */ port->ip_sorights--; name = port->ip_receiver_name; ip_unlock(port); } else { /* * A very bizarre case. The message * was received, but before this copyout * happened the space lost receive rights. * We can't quietly consume the soright * out from underneath some other task, * so generate a send-once notification. */ ip_reference(port); /* restore ref */ ip_unlock(port); ipc_notify_send_once(port); name = MACH_PORT_NULL; } break; } default: #if MACH_ASSERT assert(!"ipc_object_copyout_dest: strange rights"); #else panic("ipc_object_copyout_dest: strange rights"); #endif } *namep = name; } /* * Routine: ipc_object_rename * Purpose: * Rename an entry in a space. * Conditions: * Nothing locked. * Returns: * KERN_SUCCESS Renamed the entry. * KERN_INVALID_TASK The space was dead. * KERN_INVALID_NAME oname didn't denote an entry. * KERN_NAME_EXISTS nname already denoted an entry. * KERN_RESOURCE_SHORTAGE Couldn't allocate new entry. */ kern_return_t ipc_object_rename( ipc_space_t space, mach_port_t oname, mach_port_t nname) { ipc_entry_t oentry, nentry; kern_return_t kr; kr = ipc_entry_alloc_name(space, nname, &nentry); if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) return kr; /* space is write-locked and active */ if (ipc_right_inuse(space, nname, nentry)) { /* space is unlocked */ return KERN_NAME_EXISTS; } /* don't let ipc_entry_lookup see the uninitialized new entry */ if ((oname == nname) || ((oentry = ipc_entry_lookup(space, oname)) == IE_NULL)) { ipc_entry_dealloc(space, nname, nentry); is_write_unlock(space); return KERN_INVALID_NAME; } kr = ipc_right_rename(space, oname, oentry, nname, nentry); /* space is unlocked */ return kr; } #if MACH_KDB #define printf kdbprintf /* * Routine: ipc_object_print * Purpose: * Pretty-print an object for kdb. */ char *ikot_print_array[IKOT_MAX_TYPE] = { "(NONE) ", "(THREAD) ", "(TASK) ", "(HOST) ", "(HOST_PRIV) ", "(PROCESSOR) ", "(PSET) ", "(PSET_NAME) ", "(PAGER) ", "(PAGER_REQUEST) ", "(DEVICE) ", /* 10 */ "(XMM_OBJECT) ", "(XMM_PAGER) ", "(XMM_KERNEL) ", "(XMM_REPLY) ", "(PAGER_TERMINATING)", "(PAGING_NAME) ", "(HOST_SECURITY) ", "(LEDGER) ", "(MASTER_DEVICE) ", "(ACTIVATION) ", /* 20 */ "(SUBSYSTEM) ", "(IO_DONE_QUEUE) ", "(SEMAPHORE) ", "(LOCK_SET) ", "(CLOCK) ", "(CLOCK_CTRL) ", /* 26 */ /* << new entries here */ "(UNKNOWN) " /* magic catchall */ }; /* Please keep in sync with kern/ipc_kobject.h */ void ipc_object_print( ipc_object_t object) { int kotype; iprintf("%s", io_active(object) ? "active" : "dead"); printf(", refs=%d", object->io_references); printf(", otype=%d", io_otype(object)); kotype = io_kotype(object); if (kotype >= 0 && kotype < IKOT_MAX_TYPE) printf(", kotype=%d %s\n", io_kotype(object), ikot_print_array[kotype]); else printf(", kotype=0x%x %s\n", io_kotype(object), ikot_print_array[IKOT_UNKNOWN]); } #endif /* MACH_KDB */