/* * Mach Operating System * Copyright (c) 1991,1990,1989 Carnegie Mellon University. * Copyright (c) 1993,1994 The University of Utah and * the Computer Systems Laboratory (CSL). * All rights reserved. * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the * software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions * thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation. * * CARNEGIE MELLON, THE UNIVERSITY OF UTAH AND CSL ALLOW FREE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE IN ITS "AS IS" CONDITION, AND DISCLAIM ANY LIABILITY * OF ANY KIND FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM THE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE. * * Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to * * Software Distribution Coordinator or Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU * School of Computer Science * Carnegie Mellon University * Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890 * * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie Mellon * the rights to redistribute these changes. */ /* * File: ipc/ipc_mqueue.c * Author: Rich Draves * Date: 1989 * * Functions to manipulate IPC message queues. */ #include <norma_ipc.h> #include <mach/port.h> #include <mach/message.h> #include <kern/assert.h> #include <kern/counters.h> #include <kern/sched_prim.h> #include <kern/ipc_sched.h> #include <kern/ipc_kobject.h> #include <ipc/ipc_mqueue.h> #include <ipc/ipc_thread.h> #include <ipc/ipc_kmsg.h> #include <ipc/ipc_port.h> #include <ipc/ipc_pset.h> #include <ipc/ipc_space.h> #include <ipc/ipc_marequest.h> #if NORMA_IPC extern ipc_mqueue_t norma_ipc_handoff_mqueue; extern ipc_kmsg_t norma_ipc_handoff_msg; extern mach_msg_size_t norma_ipc_handoff_max_size; extern mach_msg_size_t norma_ipc_handoff_msg_size; extern ipc_kmsg_t norma_ipc_kmsg_accept(); #endif /* NORMA_IPC */ /* * Routine: ipc_mqueue_init * Purpose: * Initialize a newly-allocated message queue. */ void ipc_mqueue_init( ipc_mqueue_t mqueue) { imq_lock_init(mqueue); ipc_kmsg_queue_init(&mqueue->imq_messages); ipc_thread_queue_init(&mqueue->imq_threads); } /* * Routine: ipc_mqueue_move * Purpose: * Move messages from one queue (source) to another (dest). * Only moves messages sent to the specified port. * Conditions: * Both queues must be locked. * (This is sufficient to manipulate port->ip_seqno.) */ void ipc_mqueue_move( ipc_mqueue_t dest, ipc_mqueue_t source, ipc_port_t port) { ipc_kmsg_queue_t oldq, newq; ipc_thread_queue_t blockedq; ipc_kmsg_t kmsg, next; ipc_thread_t th; oldq = &source->imq_messages; newq = &dest->imq_messages; blockedq = &dest->imq_threads; for (kmsg = ipc_kmsg_queue_first(oldq); kmsg != IKM_NULL; kmsg = next) { next = ipc_kmsg_queue_next(oldq, kmsg); /* only move messages sent to port */ if (kmsg->ikm_header.msgh_remote_port != (mach_port_t) port) continue; ipc_kmsg_rmqueue(oldq, kmsg); /* before adding kmsg to newq, check for a blocked receiver */ while ((th = ipc_thread_dequeue(blockedq)) != ITH_NULL) { assert(ipc_kmsg_queue_empty(newq)); thread_go(th); /* check if the receiver can handle the message */ if (kmsg->ikm_header.msgh_size <= th->ith_msize) { th->ith_state = MACH_MSG_SUCCESS; th->ith_kmsg = kmsg; th->ith_seqno = port->ip_seqno++; goto next_kmsg; } th->ith_state = MACH_RCV_TOO_LARGE; th->ith_msize = kmsg->ikm_header.msgh_size; } /* didn't find a receiver to handle the message */ ipc_kmsg_enqueue(newq, kmsg); next_kmsg:; } } /* * Routine: ipc_mqueue_changed * Purpose: * Wake up receivers waiting in a message queue. * Conditions: * The message queue is locked. */ void ipc_mqueue_changed( ipc_mqueue_t mqueue, mach_msg_return_t mr) { ipc_thread_t th; while ((th = ipc_thread_dequeue(&mqueue->imq_threads)) != ITH_NULL) { th->ith_state = mr; thread_go(th); } } /* * Routine: ipc_mqueue_send * Purpose: * Send a message to a port. The message holds a reference * for the destination port in the msgh_remote_port field. * * If unsuccessful, the caller still has possession of * the message and must do something with it. If successful, * the message is queued, given to a receiver, destroyed, * or handled directly by the kernel via mach_msg. * Conditions: * Nothing locked. * Returns: * MACH_MSG_SUCCESS The message was accepted. * MACH_SEND_TIMED_OUT Caller still has message. * MACH_SEND_INTERRUPTED Caller still has message. */ mach_msg_return_t ipc_mqueue_send(kmsg, option, time_out) ipc_kmsg_t kmsg; mach_msg_option_t option; mach_msg_timeout_t time_out; { ipc_port_t port; port = (ipc_port_t) kmsg->ikm_header.msgh_remote_port; assert(IP_VALID(port)); ip_lock(port); if (port->ip_receiver == ipc_space_kernel) { ipc_kmsg_t reply; /* * We can check ip_receiver == ipc_space_kernel * before checking that the port is active because * ipc_port_dealloc_kernel clears ip_receiver * before destroying a kernel port. */ assert(ip_active(port)); ip_unlock(port); reply = ipc_kobject_server(kmsg); if (reply != IKM_NULL) ipc_mqueue_send_always(reply); return MACH_MSG_SUCCESS; } #if NORMA_IPC if (IP_NORMA_IS_PROXY(port)) { mach_msg_return_t mr; mr = norma_ipc_send(kmsg); ip_unlock(port); return mr; } #endif /* NORMA_IPC */ for (;;) { ipc_thread_t self; /* * Can't deliver to a dead port. * However, we can pretend it got sent * and was then immediately destroyed. */ if (!ip_active(port)) { /* * We can't let ipc_kmsg_destroy deallocate * the port right, because we might end up * in an infinite loop trying to deliver * a send-once notification. */ ip_release(port); ip_check_unlock(port); kmsg->ikm_header.msgh_remote_port = MACH_PORT_NULL; #if NORMA_IPC /* XXX until ipc_kmsg_destroy is fixed... */ norma_ipc_finish_receiving(&kmsg); #endif /* NORMA_IPC */ ipc_kmsg_destroy(kmsg); return MACH_MSG_SUCCESS; } /* * Don't block if: * 1) We're under the queue limit. * 2) Caller used the MACH_SEND_ALWAYS internal option. * 3) Message is sent to a send-once right. */ if ((port->ip_msgcount < port->ip_qlimit) || (option & MACH_SEND_ALWAYS) || (MACH_MSGH_BITS_REMOTE(kmsg->ikm_header.msgh_bits) == MACH_MSG_TYPE_PORT_SEND_ONCE)) break; /* must block waiting for queue to clear */ self = current_thread(); if (option & MACH_SEND_TIMEOUT) { if (time_out == 0) { ip_unlock(port); return MACH_SEND_TIMED_OUT; } thread_will_wait_with_timeout(self, time_out); } else thread_will_wait(self); ipc_thread_enqueue(&port->ip_blocked, self); self->ith_state = MACH_SEND_IN_PROGRESS; ip_unlock(port); counter(c_ipc_mqueue_send_block++); thread_block((void (*)(void)) 0); ip_lock(port); /* why did we wake up? */ if (self->ith_state == MACH_MSG_SUCCESS) continue; assert(self->ith_state == MACH_SEND_IN_PROGRESS); /* take ourselves off blocked queue */ ipc_thread_rmqueue(&port->ip_blocked, self); /* * Thread wakeup-reason field tells us why * the wait was interrupted. */ switch (self->ith_wait_result) { case THREAD_INTERRUPTED: /* send was interrupted - give up */ ip_unlock(port); return MACH_SEND_INTERRUPTED; case THREAD_TIMED_OUT: /* timeout expired */ assert(option & MACH_SEND_TIMEOUT); time_out = 0; break; case THREAD_RESTART: default: #if MACH_ASSERT assert(!"ipc_mqueue_send"); #else panic("ipc_mqueue_send"); #endif } } if (kmsg->ikm_header.msgh_bits & MACH_MSGH_BITS_CIRCULAR) { ip_unlock(port); /* don't allow the creation of a circular loop */ #if NORMA_IPC /* XXX until ipc_kmsg_destroy is fixed... */ norma_ipc_finish_receiving(&kmsg); #endif /* NORMA_IPC */ ipc_kmsg_destroy(kmsg); return MACH_MSG_SUCCESS; } { ipc_mqueue_t mqueue; ipc_pset_t pset; ipc_thread_t receiver; ipc_thread_queue_t receivers; port->ip_msgcount++; assert(port->ip_msgcount > 0); pset = port->ip_pset; if (pset == IPS_NULL) mqueue = &port->ip_messages; else mqueue = &pset->ips_messages; imq_lock(mqueue); receivers = &mqueue->imq_threads; /* * Can unlock the port now that the msg queue is locked * and we know the port is active. While the msg queue * is locked, we have control of the kmsg, so the ref in * it for the port is still good. If the msg queue is in * a set (dead or alive), then we're OK because the port * is still a member of the set and the set won't go away * until the port is taken out, which tries to lock the * set's msg queue to remove the port's msgs. */ ip_unlock(port); /* check for a receiver for the message */ #if NORMA_IPC if (mqueue == norma_ipc_handoff_mqueue) { norma_ipc_handoff_msg = kmsg; if (kmsg->ikm_header.msgh_size <= norma_ipc_handoff_max_size) { imq_unlock(mqueue); return MACH_MSG_SUCCESS; } norma_ipc_handoff_msg_size = kmsg->ikm_header.msgh_size; } #endif /* NORMA_IPC */ for (;;) { receiver = ipc_thread_queue_first(receivers); if (receiver == ITH_NULL) { /* no receivers; queue kmsg */ ipc_kmsg_enqueue_macro(&mqueue->imq_messages, kmsg); imq_unlock(mqueue); break; } ipc_thread_rmqueue_first_macro(receivers, receiver); assert(ipc_kmsg_queue_empty(&mqueue->imq_messages)); if (kmsg->ikm_header.msgh_size <= receiver->ith_msize) { /* got a successful receiver */ receiver->ith_state = MACH_MSG_SUCCESS; receiver->ith_kmsg = kmsg; receiver->ith_seqno = port->ip_seqno++; imq_unlock(mqueue); thread_go(receiver); break; } receiver->ith_state = MACH_RCV_TOO_LARGE; receiver->ith_msize = kmsg->ikm_header.msgh_size; thread_go(receiver); } } return MACH_MSG_SUCCESS; } /* * Routine: ipc_mqueue_copyin * Purpose: * Convert a name in a space to a message queue. * Conditions: * Nothing locked. If successful, the message queue * is returned locked and caller gets a ref for the object. * This ref ensures the continued existence of the queue. * Returns: * MACH_MSG_SUCCESS Found a message queue. * MACH_RCV_INVALID_NAME The space is dead. * MACH_RCV_INVALID_NAME The name doesn't denote a right. * MACH_RCV_INVALID_NAME * The denoted right is not receive or port set. * MACH_RCV_IN_SET Receive right is a member of a set. */ mach_msg_return_t ipc_mqueue_copyin( ipc_space_t space, mach_port_t name, ipc_mqueue_t *mqueuep, ipc_object_t *objectp) { ipc_entry_t entry; ipc_entry_bits_t bits; ipc_object_t object; ipc_mqueue_t mqueue; is_read_lock(space); if (!space->is_active) { is_read_unlock(space); return MACH_RCV_INVALID_NAME; } entry = ipc_entry_lookup(space, name); if (entry == IE_NULL) { is_read_unlock(space); return MACH_RCV_INVALID_NAME; } bits = entry->ie_bits; object = entry->ie_object; if (bits & MACH_PORT_TYPE_RECEIVE) { ipc_port_t port; ipc_pset_t pset; port = (ipc_port_t) object; assert(port != IP_NULL); ip_lock(port); assert(ip_active(port)); assert(port->ip_receiver_name == name); assert(port->ip_receiver == space); is_read_unlock(space); pset = port->ip_pset; if (pset != IPS_NULL) { ips_lock(pset); if (ips_active(pset)) { ips_unlock(pset); ip_unlock(port); return MACH_RCV_IN_SET; } ipc_pset_remove(pset, port); ips_check_unlock(pset); assert(port->ip_pset == IPS_NULL); } mqueue = &port->ip_messages; } else if (bits & MACH_PORT_TYPE_PORT_SET) { ipc_pset_t pset; pset = (ipc_pset_t) object; assert(pset != IPS_NULL); ips_lock(pset); assert(ips_active(pset)); assert(pset->ips_local_name == name); is_read_unlock(space); mqueue = &pset->ips_messages; } else { is_read_unlock(space); return MACH_RCV_INVALID_NAME; } /* * At this point, the object is locked and active, * the space is unlocked, and mqueue is initialized. */ io_reference(object); imq_lock(mqueue); io_unlock(object); *objectp = object; *mqueuep = mqueue; return MACH_MSG_SUCCESS; } /* * Routine: ipc_mqueue_receive * Purpose: * Receive a message from a message queue. * * If continuation is non-zero, then we might discard * our kernel stack when we block. We will continue * after unblocking by executing continuation. * * If resume is true, then we are resuming a receive * operation after a blocked receive discarded our stack. * Conditions: * The message queue is locked; it will be returned unlocked. * * Our caller must hold a reference for the port or port set * to which this queue belongs, to keep the queue * from being deallocated. Furthermore, the port or set * must have been active when the queue was locked. * * The kmsg is returned with clean header fields * and with the circular bit turned off. * Returns: * MACH_MSG_SUCCESS Message returned in kmsgp. * MACH_RCV_TOO_LARGE Message size returned in kmsgp. * MACH_RCV_TIMED_OUT No message obtained. * MACH_RCV_INTERRUPTED No message obtained. * MACH_RCV_PORT_DIED Port/set died; no message. * MACH_RCV_PORT_CHANGED Port moved into set; no msg. * */ mach_msg_return_t ipc_mqueue_receive( ipc_mqueue_t mqueue, mach_msg_option_t option, mach_msg_size_t max_size, mach_msg_timeout_t time_out, boolean_t resume, void (*continuation)(void), ipc_kmsg_t *kmsgp, mach_port_seqno_t *seqnop) { ipc_port_t port; ipc_kmsg_t kmsg; mach_port_seqno_t seqno; { ipc_kmsg_queue_t kmsgs = &mqueue->imq_messages; ipc_thread_t self = current_thread(); if (resume) goto after_thread_block; for (;;) { kmsg = ipc_kmsg_queue_first(kmsgs); #if NORMA_IPC /* * It may be possible to make this work even when a timeout * is specified. * * Netipc_replenish should be moved somewhere else. */ if (kmsg == IKM_NULL && ! (option & MACH_RCV_TIMEOUT)) { netipc_replenish(FALSE); *kmsgp = IKM_NULL; kmsg = norma_ipc_kmsg_accept(mqueue, max_size, (mach_msg_size_t *)kmsgp); if (kmsg != IKM_NULL) { port = (ipc_port_t) kmsg->ikm_header.msgh_remote_port; seqno = port->ip_seqno++; break; } if (*kmsgp) { imq_unlock(mqueue); return MACH_RCV_TOO_LARGE; } } #endif /* NORMA_IPC */ if (kmsg != IKM_NULL) { /* check space requirements */ if (kmsg->ikm_header.msgh_size > max_size) { * (mach_msg_size_t *) kmsgp = kmsg->ikm_header.msgh_size; imq_unlock(mqueue); return MACH_RCV_TOO_LARGE; } ipc_kmsg_rmqueue_first_macro(kmsgs, kmsg); port = (ipc_port_t) kmsg->ikm_header.msgh_remote_port; seqno = port->ip_seqno++; break; } /* must block waiting for a message */ if (option & MACH_RCV_TIMEOUT) { if (time_out == 0) { imq_unlock(mqueue); return MACH_RCV_TIMED_OUT; } thread_will_wait_with_timeout(self, time_out); } else thread_will_wait(self); ipc_thread_enqueue_macro(&mqueue->imq_threads, self); self->ith_state = MACH_RCV_IN_PROGRESS; self->ith_msize = max_size; imq_unlock(mqueue); if (continuation != (void (*)(void)) 0) { counter(c_ipc_mqueue_receive_block_user++); } else { counter(c_ipc_mqueue_receive_block_kernel++); } thread_block(continuation); after_thread_block: imq_lock(mqueue); /* why did we wake up? */ if (self->ith_state == MACH_MSG_SUCCESS) { /* pick up the message that was handed to us */ kmsg = self->ith_kmsg; seqno = self->ith_seqno; port = (ipc_port_t) kmsg->ikm_header.msgh_remote_port; break; } switch (self->ith_state) { case MACH_RCV_TOO_LARGE: /* pick up size of the too-large message */ * (mach_msg_size_t *) kmsgp = self->ith_msize; /* fall-through */ case MACH_RCV_PORT_DIED: case MACH_RCV_PORT_CHANGED: /* something bad happened to the port/set */ imq_unlock(mqueue); return self->ith_state; case MACH_RCV_IN_PROGRESS: /* * Awakened for other than IPC completion. * Remove ourselves from the waiting queue, * then check the wakeup cause. */ ipc_thread_rmqueue(&mqueue->imq_threads, self); switch (self->ith_wait_result) { case THREAD_INTERRUPTED: /* receive was interrupted - give up */ imq_unlock(mqueue); return MACH_RCV_INTERRUPTED; case THREAD_TIMED_OUT: /* timeout expired */ assert(option & MACH_RCV_TIMEOUT); time_out = 0; break; case THREAD_RESTART: default: #if MACH_ASSERT assert(!"ipc_mqueue_receive"); #else panic("ipc_mqueue_receive"); #endif } break; default: #if MACH_ASSERT assert(!"ipc_mqueue_receive: strange ith_state"); #else panic("ipc_mqueue_receive: strange ith_state"); #endif } } /* we have a kmsg; unlock the msg queue */ imq_unlock(mqueue); assert(kmsg->ikm_header.msgh_size <= max_size); } { ipc_marequest_t marequest; marequest = kmsg->ikm_marequest; if (marequest != IMAR_NULL) { ipc_marequest_destroy(marequest); kmsg->ikm_marequest = IMAR_NULL; } assert((kmsg->ikm_header.msgh_bits & MACH_MSGH_BITS_CIRCULAR) == 0); assert(port == (ipc_port_t) kmsg->ikm_header.msgh_remote_port); ip_lock(port); if (ip_active(port)) { ipc_thread_queue_t senders; ipc_thread_t sender; assert(port->ip_msgcount > 0); port->ip_msgcount--; senders = &port->ip_blocked; sender = ipc_thread_queue_first(senders); if ((sender != ITH_NULL) && (port->ip_msgcount < port->ip_qlimit)) { ipc_thread_rmqueue(senders, sender); sender->ith_state = MACH_MSG_SUCCESS; thread_go(sender); } } ip_unlock(port); } #if NORMA_IPC norma_ipc_finish_receiving(&kmsg); #endif /* NORMA_IPC */ *kmsgp = kmsg; *seqnop = seqno; return MACH_MSG_SUCCESS; }