/* * Copyright (c) 1996-1994 The University of Utah and * the Computer Systems Laboratory (CSL). All rights reserved. * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software is hereby * granted provided that (1) source code retains these copyright, permission, * and disclaimer notices, and (2) redistributions including binaries * reproduce the notices in supporting documentation, and (3) all advertising * materials mentioning features or use of this software display the following * acknowledgement: ``This product includes software developed by the * Computer Systems Laboratory at the University of Utah.'' * * THE UNIVERSITY OF UTAH AND CSL ALLOW FREE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE IN ITS "AS * IS" CONDITION. THE UNIVERSITY OF UTAH AND CSL DISCLAIM ANY LIABILITY OF * ANY KIND FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * CSL requests users of this software to return to csl-dist@cs.utah.edu any * improvements that they make and grant CSL redistribution rights. * * Utah $Hdr: fipc.h 1.1 96/2/29$ * Author: Linus Kamb */ #include <kern/lock.h> #include <device/if_ether.h> #define N_MAX_OPEN_FIPC_PORTS 32 /* In practice, * this should be much larger */ #define MAX_FIPC_PORT_NUM 4095 /* ditto */ #define FIPC_MSG_TYPE 0x1234 #define FIPC_BUFFER_SIZE ETHERMTU #define FIPC_MSG_SIZE (FIPC_BUFFER_SIZE - sizeof(fipc_header_t)) #define FIPC_RECV_Q_SIZE 4 #define N_MIN_RECV_BUFS 5 /* 2 pages worth */ #define N_MAX_RECV_BUFS (N_MAX_OPEN_FIPC_PORTS * FIPC_RECV_Q_SIZE) #define N_MIN_SEND_BUFS 2 #define N_MAX_SEND_BUFS 5 #define INVALID -1 #define ETHER_HWADDR_SIZE 6 #define ETHER_DEVICE_NAME "ne0" typedef struct fipc_endpoint_structure { unsigned char hwaddr[ETHER_HWADDR_SIZE]; unsigned short port; } fipc_endpoint_t; typedef struct fipc_buffer_structure { char *buffer; unsigned short size; fipc_endpoint_t sender; } fipc_buffer_q_ent; typedef struct fipc_port_structure { simple_lock_data_t lock; boolean_t bound; int valid_msg; fipc_buffer_q_ent recv_q[FIPC_RECV_Q_SIZE]; int rq_head, rq_tail; } fipc_port_t; typedef struct fipc_header_structure { unsigned short dest_port; unsigned short send_port; unsigned int msg_size; } fipc_header_t; typedef struct fipc_lookup_table_ent_structure { int fipc_port; int fpt_num; /* f_ports[] entry number */ } fipc_lookup_table_ent; typedef struct fipc_stat_structure { int dropped_msgs; } fipc_stat_t; #define min(a,b) (((a)<=(b)?(a):(b))) char* get_fipc_buffer(int, boolean_t, boolean_t); void fipc_packet(char*, struct ether_header); extern int fipc_sends; extern int fipc_recvs;