/* * Copyright (c) 1996-1994 The University of Utah and * the Computer Systems Laboratory (CSL). All rights reserved. * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software is hereby * granted provided that (1) source code retains these copyright, permission, * and disclaimer notices, and (2) redistributions including binaries * reproduce the notices in supporting documentation, and (3) all advertising * materials mentioning features or use of this software display the following * acknowledgement: ``This product includes software developed by the * Computer Systems Laboratory at the University of Utah.'' * * THE UNIVERSITY OF UTAH AND CSL ALLOW FREE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE IN ITS "AS * IS" CONDITION. THE UNIVERSITY OF UTAH AND CSL DISCLAIM ANY LIABILITY OF * ANY KIND FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * CSL requests users of this software to return to csl-dist@cs.utah.edu any * improvements that they make and grant CSL redistribution rights. * * Utah $Hdr: fipc.c 1.1 96/2/29$ * Author: Linus Kamb */ #ifdef FIPC #include <mach/kern_return.h> #include <device/device_types.h> #include <device/device.h> #include <device/dev_hdr.h> #include <device/device_port.h> #include <device/io_req.h> #include <device/if_ether.h> #include <net_io.h> #include <spl.h> #include <kern/lock.h> #include "fipc.h" void fipc_packet(); void allocate_fipc_buffers(boolean_t); int fipc_lookup(unsigned short port); int fipc_lookup_table_enter(unsigned short port); int fipc_lookup_table_remove(unsigned short port); int f_lookup_hash(unsigned short port); int fipc_done(io_req_t ior); /********************************************************************/ /* fipc variables /********************************************************************/ fipc_port_t fports[N_MAX_OPEN_FIPC_PORTS]; fipc_lookup_table_ent fipc_lookup_table[N_MAX_OPEN_FIPC_PORTS]; int n_free_recv_bufs = 0; int n_free_send_bufs = 0; int n_fipc_recv_ports_used = 0; int fipc_sends = 0; int fipc_recvs =0; fipc_stat_t fipc_stats; char *fipc_recv_free_list = NULL; char *fipc_recv_free_list_tail = NULL; char *fipc_send_free_list = NULL; char *fipc_send_free_list_tail = NULL; /* fipc locks */ decl_simple_lock_data(, fipc_lock); decl_simple_lock_data(, fipc_buf_q_lock); /* * Routine: fipc_init(): initializes the fipc data structures. */ void fipc_init(void) { int i; allocate_fipc_buffers(TRUE); /* recv buffers */ allocate_fipc_buffers(FALSE); /* send buffers */ fipc_stats.dropped_msgs = 0; bzero (&fports, sizeof(fports)); for (i=0; i<N_MAX_OPEN_FIPC_PORTS; i++) { simple_lock_init(&(fports[i].lock)); fipc_lookup_table[i].fpt_num = INVALID; fipc_lookup_table[i].fipc_port = INVALID; } } /* * Routine: allocate_fipc_buffers(): allocate more buffers * Currently we are only allocating 1500 byte (ETHERMTU) buffers. * We use the first word in the buffer as the pointer to the next. */ void allocate_fipc_buffers(boolean_t r_buf) { char *new_pg; char **free_list, **free_list_tail; int *free_count, min_count, max_count; int total_buffer_size; if (r_buf) { free_count = &n_free_recv_bufs; min_count = N_MIN_RECV_BUFS; max_count = N_MAX_RECV_BUFS; free_list = &fipc_recv_free_list; free_list_tail = &fipc_recv_free_list_tail; total_buffer_size = (N_MAX_RECV_BUFS * FIPC_BUFFER_SIZE); total_buffer_size = round_page(total_buffer_size); } else { free_count = &n_free_send_bufs; min_count = N_MIN_SEND_BUFS; max_count = N_MAX_SEND_BUFS; free_list = &fipc_send_free_list; free_list_tail = &fipc_send_free_list_tail; total_buffer_size = (N_MAX_SEND_BUFS * FIPC_BUFFER_SIZE); total_buffer_size = round_page(total_buffer_size); } if (!(*free_count)) /* empty buffer pool */ { #ifdef FI_DEBUG printf ("Allocating new fipc "); if (r_buf) printf ("recv buffer pool.\n"); else printf ("send buffer pool.\n"); #endif *free_list = (char*)kalloc (total_buffer_size); if (!*free_list) /* bummer */ panic("allocate_fipc_buffers: no memory"); *free_list_tail = *free_list; for (*free_count=1; *free_count<max_count; (*free_count)++) { *(char**)*free_list_tail = *free_list_tail + FIPC_BUFFER_SIZE; *free_list_tail += FIPC_BUFFER_SIZE; } *(char**)*free_list_tail = NULL; } else /* Request to grow the buffer pool. */ { #ifdef FI_DEBUG printf ("Growing fipc "); if (r_buf) printf ("recv buffer pool.\n"); else printf ("send buffer pool.\n"); #endif #define GROW_SIZE 8192 new_pg = (char*)kalloc (round_page(GROW_SIZE)); if (new_pg) { int new_cnt, n_new = GROW_SIZE / FIPC_BUFFER_SIZE; if (*free_list_tail != NULL) *(char**)*free_list_tail = new_pg; for ( new_cnt =0; new_cnt<n_new; new_cnt++) { *(char**)*free_list_tail = *free_list_tail + FIPC_BUFFER_SIZE; *free_list_tail += FIPC_BUFFER_SIZE; } *(char**)*free_list_tail = NULL; *free_count +=new_cnt; } #ifdef FI_DEBUG else printf ("### kalloc failed in allocate_fipc_buffers()\n"); #endif } } /* * Routine: get_fipc_buffer (): returns a free buffer * Takes a size (currently not used), a boolean flag to tell if it is a * receive buffer, and a boolean flag if the request is coming at interrupt * level. */ inline char* get_fipc_buffer(int size, boolean_t r_buf, boolean_t at_int_lvl) { /* we currently don't care about size, since there is only one * buffer pool. */ char* head; char **free_list; int *free_count, min_count; if (r_buf) { free_count = &n_free_recv_bufs; free_list = &fipc_recv_free_list; min_count = N_MIN_RECV_BUFS; } else { free_count = &n_free_send_bufs; free_list = &fipc_send_free_list; min_count = N_MIN_SEND_BUFS; } /* * Since we currently allocate a full complement of receive buffers, * there is no need to allocate more receive buffers. But that is likely * to change, I'm sure. */ if (*free_count < min_count) { if (!at_int_lvl) allocate_fipc_buffers(r_buf); } if (*free_count) { head = *free_list; *free_list = *(char**)*free_list; (*free_count)--; return head; } else return NULL; } /* * Routine: return_fipc_buffer (): puts a used buffer back in the pool. */ inline void return_fipc_buffer(char* buf, int size, boolean_t r_buf, boolean_t at_int_lvl) { /* return the buffer to the free pool */ char **free_list, **free_list_tail; int *free_count, min_count; if (r_buf) { free_count = &n_free_recv_bufs; free_list = &fipc_recv_free_list; free_list_tail = &fipc_recv_free_list_tail; min_count = N_MIN_RECV_BUFS; } else { free_count = &n_free_send_bufs; free_list = &fipc_send_free_list; free_list_tail = &fipc_send_free_list_tail; min_count = N_MIN_SEND_BUFS; } #ifdef FI_SECURE bzero(buf, FIPC_BUFFER_SIZE); #endif if (*free_list_tail != NULL) *(char**)*free_list_tail = buf; *free_list_tail = buf; (*free_count)++; *(char**)buf = NULL; if (!at_int_lvl) if (*free_count < min_count) allocate_fipc_buffers(r_buf); return; } inline int f_lookup_hash(unsigned short port) { /* Ok, so it's not really a hash function */ int bail=0; int chk=0; if (n_fipc_recv_ports_used == N_MAX_OPEN_FIPC_PORTS || port > MAX_FIPC_PORT_NUM) return INVALID; while (fipc_lookup_table[chk].fipc_port != port && fipc_lookup_table[chk].fpt_num != INVALID && bail < N_MAX_OPEN_FIPC_PORTS) { chk = (chk+1) % N_MAX_OPEN_FIPC_PORTS; bail++; } /* This is redundent, but better safe then sorry */ if (bail<N_MAX_OPEN_FIPC_PORTS) return chk; else return INVALID; } inline int fipc_lookup_table_enter(unsigned short port) { int cfpn = n_fipc_recv_ports_used; int lu_tbl_num = f_lookup_hash(port); if (lu_tbl_num == INVALID) return INVALID; fipc_lookup_table[lu_tbl_num].fipc_port = port; fipc_lookup_table[lu_tbl_num].fpt_num = cfpn; n_fipc_recv_ports_used += 1; return cfpn; } inline int fipc_lookup(unsigned short port) { int chk = f_lookup_hash(port); if (chk == INVALID) return INVALID; if (fipc_lookup_table[chk].fpt_num == INVALID) return fipc_lookup_table_enter(port); else return fipc_lookup_table[chk].fpt_num; } inline int fipc_lookup_table_remove(unsigned short port) { int chk = f_lookup_hash(port); if (chk == INVALID) return 0; if (fipc_lookup_table[chk].fipc_port == port) { fports[fipc_lookup_table[chk].fpt_num].valid_msg = 0; fports[fipc_lookup_table[chk].fpt_num].bound = FALSE; fipc_lookup_table[chk].fpt_num = INVALID; fipc_lookup_table[chk].fipc_port = INVALID; n_fipc_recv_ports_used -=1; return 1; } return 0; } /* * Routine: fipc_packet(): handles incoming fipc packets. * does some simple packet handling and wakes up receiving thread, if any. * called by device controller (currently, nerecv only.) * called at interrupt level and splimp. * Messages are dropped if the recv queue is full. */ void fipc_packet( char* msg_buf, struct ether_header sender) { int to_port = ((fipc_header_t*)msg_buf)->dest_port; int from_port = ((fipc_header_t*)msg_buf)->send_port; int f_tbl_num; fipc_port_t *cfp; fipc_buffer_q_ent *crqe; int *tail; #ifdef FI_DEBUG printf ("fipc_packet :(0x%x) %s", msg_buf, msg_buf+sizeof(fipc_header_t)); #endif f_tbl_num = fipc_lookup(to_port); if (f_tbl_num == INVALID) { #ifdef FI_DEBUG printf ("Lookup failed.\n"); #endif fipc_stats.dropped_msgs += 1; return_fipc_buffer (msg_buf, FIPC_BUFFER_SIZE, TRUE, TRUE); return; } cfp = &fports[f_tbl_num]; tail = &cfp->rq_tail; crqe = &cfp->recv_q[*tail]; if (cfp->valid_msg == FIPC_RECV_Q_SIZE) { /* Queue full. * Drop packet, return buffer, and return. */ #ifdef FI_DEBUG printf ("Port %d queue is full: valid_msg count: %d\n", to_port, cfp->valid_msg); #endif fipc_stats.dropped_msgs += 1; return_fipc_buffer (msg_buf, FIPC_BUFFER_SIZE, TRUE, TRUE); return; } /* "enqueue" at "tail" */ crqe->buffer = msg_buf; crqe->size = ((fipc_header_t*)msg_buf)->msg_size; /* This could certainly be done faster... */ bcopy(&(sender.ether_shost), &(crqe->sender.hwaddr), ETHER_HWADDR_SIZE); /* This is actually useless, since there _is_ no sender port.. duh. */ crqe->sender.port = from_port; *tail = ((*tail)+1) % FIPC_RECV_Q_SIZE; if (cfp->bound) thread_wakeup(&(cfp->valid_msg)); cfp->valid_msg++; #ifdef FI_DEBUG printf ("valid_msg: %d\n", cfp->valid_msg); #endif return; } /* * loopback(): for fipc_sends to the local host. */ inline kern_return_t loopback(char *packet) { fipc_packet(packet+sizeof(struct ether_header), *(struct ether_header*)packet); return KERN_SUCCESS; } /********************************************************************/ /* Routine: fipc_send /********************************************************************/ kern_return_t syscall_fipc_send(fipc_endpoint_t dest, char *user_buffer, int len) { #ifdef i386 static mach_device_t eth_device = 0; #else static device_t eth_device = 0; #endif static unsigned char hwaddr[ETHER_HWADDR_SIZE+2]; io_return_t rc; kern_return_t open_res, kr; dev_mode_t mode = D_WRITE; /* register */ io_req_t ior = NULL; struct ether_header *ehdr; fipc_header_t *fhdr; int *d_addr; int data_count; char *fipc_buf, *data_buffer; #ifdef FIPC_LOOPBACK boolean_t local_send = FALSE; #endif #ifdef FI_DEBUG printf("fipc_send(dest: %s, port:%d, len:%d, buf:x%x) !!!\n", ether_sprintf(dest.hwaddr), dest.port, len, user_buffer); #endif if (dest.port > MAX_FIPC_PORT_NUM || len > FIPC_MSG_SIZE) { #ifdef FI_DEBUG printf ("len: %d, dest.port: %u\n", len, dest.port); #endif return KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } /* We should only need to probe the device once. */ if (!eth_device) { unsigned char net_hwaddr[ETHER_HWADDR_SIZE+2]; int stat_count = sizeof(net_hwaddr)/sizeof(int); /* XXX Automatic lookup for ne0 or ne1 was failing... */ eth_device = device_lookup(ETHER_DEVICE_NAME); #ifdef i386 if (eth_device == (mach_device_t) DEVICE_NULL || eth_device == (mach_device_t)D_NO_SUCH_DEVICE) #else if (eth_device == DEVICE_NULL || eth_device == (device_t)D_NO_SUCH_DEVICE) #endif { #ifdef FI_DEBUG printf ("FIPC: Couldn't find ethernet device %s.\n", ETHER_DEVICE_NAME); #endif return (KERN_FAILURE); } /* The device should be open! */ if (eth_device->state != DEV_STATE_OPEN) { #ifdef FI_DEBUG printf ("Opening ethernet device.\n"); #endif io_req_alloc (ior, 0); io_req_alloc (ior, 0); ior->io_device = eth_device; ior->io_unit = eth_device->dev_number; ior->io_op = IO_OPEN | IO_CALL; ior->io_mode = mode; ior->io_error = 0; ior->io_done = 0; ior->io_reply_port = MACH_PORT_NULL; ior->io_reply_port_type = 0; /* open the device */ open_res = (*eth_device->dev_ops->d_open) (eth_device->dev_number, (int)mode, ior); if (ior->io_error != D_SUCCESS) { #ifdef FI_DEBUG printf ("Failed to open device ne0\n"); #endif return open_res; } } #ifdef i386 rc = mach_device_get_status(eth_device, NET_ADDRESS, net_hwaddr, &stat_count); #else rc = ds_device_get_status(eth_device, NET_ADDRESS, net_hwaddr, &stat_count); #endif if (rc != D_SUCCESS) { #ifdef FI_DEBUG printf("FIPC: Couldn't determine hardware ethernet address: %d\n", rc); #endif return KERN_FAILURE; } *(int*)hwaddr = ntohl(*(int*)net_hwaddr); *(int*)(hwaddr+4) = ntohl(*(int*)(net_hwaddr+4)); #ifdef FI_DEBUG printf ("host: %s\n", ether_sprintf(hwaddr)); #endif } #ifdef FIPC_LOOPBACK if (!memcmp(dest.hwaddr, hwaddr, ETHER_HWADDR_SIZE)) /* if ((*(int*)dest.hwaddr == *(int*)hwaddr) && ((*(int*)(((char*)dest.hwaddr+4) >> 16)) == ((*(int*)(((char*)hwaddr+4) >> 16))))) */ { local_send = TRUE; #ifdef FI_DEBUG printf ("loopback: \n"); printf ("host: %s, ", ether_sprintf(hwaddr)); printf ("dest: %s\n", ether_sprintf(dest.hwaddr)); #endif } #endif data_count = len + sizeof (struct ether_header) + sizeof (fipc_header_t); #ifdef FIPC_LOOPBACK fipc_buf = get_fipc_buffer(data_count, local_send, FALSE) ; #else fipc_buf = get_fipc_buffer(data_count, FALSE, FALSE) ; #endif if (fipc_buf == NULL) return KERN_RESOURCE_SHORTAGE; ehdr = (struct ether_header *)fipc_buf; d_addr = (int *)ehdr->ether_dhost; *(int *)ehdr->ether_dhost = *(int*)dest.hwaddr; *(int *)(ehdr->ether_dhost+4) = *(int*)(dest.hwaddr+4); *(int *)ehdr->ether_shost = *(int *)hwaddr; *(int *)(ehdr->ether_shost+4) = *(int *)(hwaddr+4); ehdr->ether_type = 0x1234; /* Yep. */ #ifdef FIPC_LOOPBACK if (!local_send) { #endif if (!ior) io_req_alloc (ior, 0); /* Set up the device information. */ ior->io_device = eth_device; ior->io_unit = eth_device->dev_number; ior->io_op = IO_WRITE | IO_INBAND | IO_INTERNAL; ior->io_mode = D_WRITE; ior->io_recnum = 0; ior->io_data = fipc_buf; ior->io_count = data_count; ior->io_total = data_count; ior->io_alloc_size = 0; ior->io_residual = 0; ior->io_error = 0; ior->io_done = fipc_done; ior->io_reply_port = MACH_PORT_NULL; ior->io_reply_port_type = 0; ior->io_copy = VM_MAP_COPY_NULL; #ifdef FIPC_LOOPBACK } #endif #ifdef FI_DEBUG printf("sending from %s ", ether_sprintf(ehdr->ether_shost)); printf("to %s, type x%x, user_port x%x\n", ether_sprintf(ehdr->ether_dhost), (int)ehdr->ether_type, (int)dest.port); #endif if (len <= FIPC_MSG_SIZE) { fhdr = (fipc_header_t*)(fipc_buf+sizeof(struct ether_header)); fhdr->dest_port = dest.port; fhdr->msg_size = len; data_buffer = (char*)fhdr+sizeof(fipc_header_t); copyin (user_buffer, data_buffer, min (FIPC_BUFFER_SIZE-sizeof(fipc_header_t), len)); #ifdef FIPC_LOOPBACK /* * Sending to same node. Queue on dest.port of this node. * We just call fipc_packet after setting up the necessary info * and return. fipc_packet queues the packet on the receive * queue for the destination port. */ if (local_send) return (loopback(fipc_buf)); #endif /* Now write to the device */ /* d_port_death has been co-opted for fipc stuff. * It maps to nefoutput(). */ rc = (*eth_device->dev_ops->d_port_death) /* that's the one */ (eth_device->dev_number, ior); } #ifdef FI_DEBUG else /* len > ETHERMTU: multi-packet request */ printf ("### multi-packet messages are not supported.\n"); #endif if (rc == D_IO_QUEUED) return KERN_SUCCESS; else return KERN_FAILURE; } #ifdef FIPC_LOOPBACK if (!local_send) { #endif if (!ior) io_req_alloc (ior, 0); /* Set up the device information. */ ior->io_device = eth_device; ior->io_unit = eth_device->dev_number; ior->io_op = IO_WRITE | IO_INBAND | IO_INTERNAL; ior->io_mode = D_WRITE; ior->io_recnum = 0; ior->io_data = fipc_buf; ior->io_count = data_count; ior->io_total = data_count; ior->io_alloc_size = 0; ior->io_residual = 0; ior->io_error = 0; ior->io_done = fipc_done; ior->io_reply_port = MACH_PORT_NULL; ior->io_reply_port_type = 0; ior->io_copy = VM_MAP_COPY_NULL; #ifdef FIPC_LOOPBACK } #endif /******************************************************************** /* syscall_fipc_recv() /* /********************************************************************/ kern_return_t syscall_fipc_recv(unsigned short user_port, char *user_buffer, int *user_size, fipc_endpoint_t *user_sender) { char* f_buffer; fipc_port_t *cfp; fipc_buffer_q_ent *crqe; int *head; int msg_size; int fport_num = fipc_lookup(user_port); spl_t spl; #ifdef FI_DEBUG printf("fipc_recv(0x%x, 0x%x) !!!\n", user_port, user_buffer); #endif if (user_port > MAX_FIPC_PORT_NUM) { #ifdef FI_DEBUG printf ("Invalid FIPC port: %u\n", user_port); #endif return KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } if (fport_num == INVALID) return KERN_RESOURCE_SHORTAGE; cfp = &fports[fport_num]; head = &cfp->rq_head; crqe = &cfp->recv_q[*head]; if (cfp->bound != FALSE) { #ifdef FI_DEBUG printf ("FIPC Port %u is currently bound.\n", user_port); #endif return KERN_RESOURCE_SHORTAGE; } copyin(user_size, &msg_size, sizeof(int)); spl = splimp(); cfp->bound = TRUE; while (!(cfp->valid_msg)) { assert_wait(&(cfp->valid_msg), TRUE); splx(spl); thread_block ((void(*)())0); if (current_thread()->wait_result != THREAD_AWAKENED) { cfp->bound = FALSE; return KERN_FAILURE; } spl = splimp(); } cfp->valid_msg--; f_buffer = crqe->buffer; msg_size = min (crqe->size, msg_size); crqe->buffer = NULL; crqe->size = 0; *head = ((*head)+1) % FIPC_RECV_Q_SIZE; cfp->bound = FALSE; splx(spl); copyout(f_buffer+sizeof(fipc_header_t), user_buffer, msg_size); copyout(&(crqe->sender), user_sender, sizeof(fipc_endpoint_t)); copyout(&msg_size, user_size, sizeof(msg_size)); return_fipc_buffer(f_buffer, FIPC_BUFFER_SIZE, TRUE, FALSE); return KERN_SUCCESS; } /* * Final clean-up after the packet has been sent off. */ int fipc_done(io_req_t ior) { return_fipc_buffer(ior->io_data, FIPC_BUFFER_SIZE, FALSE, FALSE); return 1; } #endif /* FIPC */