/* * Mach Operating System * Copyright (c) 1991,1990,1989,1988 Carnegie Mellon University * All Rights Reserved. * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the * software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions * thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation. * * CARNEGIE MELLON ALLOWS FREE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE IN ITS "AS IS" * CONDITION. CARNEGIE MELLON DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY OF ANY KIND FOR * ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to * * Software Distribution Coordinator or Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU * School of Computer Science * Carnegie Mellon University * Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890 * * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie Mellon * the rights to redistribute these changes. */ /* * Matchmaker definitions file for Mach kernel debugging interface. */ subsystem #if KERNEL_SERVER KernelServer #endif /* KERNEL_SERVER */ mach_debug 3000; #include <mach/std_types.defs> #include <mach/mach_types.defs> #include <mach_debug/mach_debug_types.defs> skip; /* host_ipc_statistics */ skip; /* host_ipc_statistics_reset */ skip; /* host_callout_info */ skip; /* host_callout_statistics */ skip; /* host_callout_statistics_reset */ skip; /* host_zone_info */ skip; /* host_ipc_bucket_info */ #if !defined(MACH_IPC_DEBUG) || MACH_IPC_DEBUG /* * Returns the exact number of extant send rights * for the given receive right. */ routine mach_port_get_srights( task : ipc_space_t; name : mach_port_name_t; out srights : mach_port_rights_t); /* * Returns information about the global reverse hash table. */ routine host_ipc_hash_info( host : host_t; out info : hash_info_bucket_array_t, CountInOut, Dealloc); /* * Returns information about the marequest hash table. */ routine host_ipc_marequest_info( host : host_t; out max_requests : unsigned; out info : hash_info_bucket_array_t, CountInOut, Dealloc); /* * Returns information about an IPC space. */ routine mach_port_space_info( task : ipc_space_t; out info : ipc_info_space_t; out table_info : ipc_info_name_array_t, CountInOut, Dealloc; out tree_info : ipc_info_tree_name_array_t, CountInOut, Dealloc); /* * Returns information about the dead-name requests * registered with the named receive right. */ routine mach_port_dnrequest_info( task : ipc_space_t; name : mach_port_name_t; out total : unsigned; /* total size of table */ out used : unsigned); /* amount used */ #else /* !defined(MACH_IPC_DEBUG) || MACH_IPC_DEBUG */ skip; /* mach_port_get_srights */ skip; /* host_ipc_hash_info */ skip; /* host_ipc_marequest_info */ skip; /* mach_port_space_info */ skip; /* mach_port_dnrequest_info */ #endif /* !defined(MACH_IPC_DEBUG) || MACH_IPC_DEBUG */ skip; /* mach_vm_region_info */ skip; /* vm_mapped_pages_info */ /* * Returns stack usage information: * reserved Amount of stack space reserved for pcb. * total Number of stacks. * space Total VM space for stacks. * resident Resident VM space for stacks. * maxusage Maximum amount of stack used. * maxstack Address in the kernel of the largest stack. */ routine host_stack_usage( host : host_t; out reserved : vm_size_t; out total : unsigned; out space : vm_size_t; out resident : vm_size_t; out maxusage : vm_size_t; out maxstack : vm_offset_t); routine processor_set_stack_usage( pset : processor_set_name_t; out total : unsigned; out space : vm_size_t; out resident : vm_size_t; out maxusage : vm_size_t; out maxstack : vm_offset_t); #if !defined(MACH_VM_DEBUG) || MACH_VM_DEBUG /* * Returns information about the global VP table. */ routine host_virtual_physical_table_info( host : host_t; out info : hash_info_bucket_array_t, CountInOut, Dealloc); #else /* !defined(MACH_VM_DEBUG) || MACH_VM_DEBUG */ skip; /* host_virtual_physical_table_info */ #endif /* !defined(MACH_VM_DEBUG) || MACH_VM_DEBUG */ #if !defined(MACH_KDB) || MACH_KDB /* * Loads a symbol table for an external file into the kernel debugger. * The symbol table data is an array of characters. It is assumed that * the caller and the kernel debugger agree on its format. */ routine host_load_symbol_table( host : host_priv_t; task : task_t; name : symtab_name_t; symtab : pointer_t); #else /* !defined(MACH_KDB) || MACH_KDB */ skip; /* host_load_symbol_table */ #endif /* !defined(MACH_KDB) || MACH_KDB */ #if !defined(MACH_IPC_DEBUG) || MACH_IPC_DEBUG /* * Return the type and address of the kernel object * that the given send/receive right represents. */ routine mach_port_kernel_object( task : ipc_space_t; name : mach_port_name_t; out object_type : unsigned; out object_addr : vm_offset_t); #else /* !defined(MACH_IPC_DEBUG) || MACH_IPC_DEBUG */ skip; /* mach_port_kernel_object */ #endif /* !defined(MACH_IPC_DEBUG) || MACH_IPC_DEBUG */ #if !defined(MACH_VM_DEBUG) || MACH_VM_DEBUG /* * Returns information about a region of memory. */ routine mach_vm_region_info( task : vm_task_t; address : vm_address_t; out region : vm_region_info_t; /* avoid out-translation of the argument */ out object : memory_object_name_t = MACH_MSG_TYPE_MOVE_SEND ctype: mach_port_t); routine mach_vm_object_info( object : memory_object_name_t; out info : vm_object_info_t; /* avoid out-translation of the argument */ out shadow : memory_object_name_t = MACH_MSG_TYPE_MOVE_SEND ctype: mach_port_t; /* avoid out-translation of the argument */ out copy : memory_object_name_t = MACH_MSG_TYPE_MOVE_SEND ctype: mach_port_t); routine mach_vm_object_pages( object : memory_object_name_t; out pages : vm_page_info_array_t, CountInOut, Dealloc); #else /* !defined(MACH_VM_DEBUG) || MACH_VM_DEBUG */ skip; /* mach_vm_region_info */ skip; /* mach_vm_object_info */ skip; /* mach_vm_object_pages */ #endif /* !defined(MACH_VM_DEBUG) || MACH_VM_DEBUG */ /* * Returns information about the memory allocation caches. */ routine host_slab_info( host : host_t; out info : cache_info_array_t, CountInOut, Dealloc);