/* * Mach Operating System * Copyright (c) 1991,1990,1989 Carnegie Mellon University. * Copyright (c) 1993,1994 The University of Utah and * the Computer Systems Laboratory (CSL). * All rights reserved. * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the * software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions * thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation. * * CARNEGIE MELLON, THE UNIVERSITY OF UTAH AND CSL ALLOW FREE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE IN ITS "AS IS" CONDITION, AND DISCLAIM ANY LIABILITY * OF ANY KIND FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM THE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE. * * Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to * * Software Distribution Coordinator or Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU * School of Computer Science * Carnegie Mellon University * Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890 * * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie Mellon * the rights to redistribute these changes. */ /* * File: mach/mach_host.defs * * Abstract: * Mach host operations support. Includes processor allocation and * control. */ subsystem #if KERNEL_SERVER KernelServer #endif mach_host 2600; /* * Basic types */ #include <mach/std_types.defs> #include <mach/mach_types.defs> #ifdef MACH_HOST_IMPORTS MACH_HOST_IMPORTS #endif /* * Get list of processors on this host. */ routine host_processors( host_priv : host_priv_t; out processor_list : processor_array_t); skip; /* old yyy_host_info */ skip; /* old yyy_processor_info */ /* * Start processor. */ routine processor_start( processor : processor_t); /* * Exit processor -- may not be restartable. */ routine processor_exit( processor : processor_t); skip; /* old yyy_processor_control */ /* * Get default processor set for host. */ routine processor_set_default( host : host_t; out default_set : processor_set_name_t); skip; /* old xxx_processor_set_default_priv */ /* * Create new processor set. Returns real port for manipulations, * and name port for obtaining information. */ routine processor_set_create( host : host_t; out new_set : processor_set_t; out new_name : processor_set_name_t); /* * Destroy processor set. */ routine processor_set_destroy( set : processor_set_t); skip; /* old yyy_processor_set_info */ /* * Assign processor to processor set. */ routine processor_assign( processor : processor_t; new_set : processor_set_t; wait : boolean_t); /* * Get current assignment for processor. */ routine processor_get_assignment( processor : processor_t; out assigned_set : processor_set_name_t); /* * Assign thread to processor set. */ routine thread_assign( thread : thread_t; new_set : processor_set_t); /* * Assign thread to default set. */ routine thread_assign_default( thread : thread_t); /* * Get current assignment for thread. */ routine thread_get_assignment( thread : thread_t; out assigned_set : processor_set_name_t); /* * Assign task to processor set. */ routine task_assign( task : task_t; new_set : processor_set_t; assign_threads : boolean_t); /* * Assign task to default set. */ routine task_assign_default( task : task_t; assign_threads : boolean_t); /* * Get current assignment for task. */ routine task_get_assignment( task : task_t; out assigned_set : processor_set_name_t); /* * Get string describing current kernel version. */ routine host_kernel_version( host : host_t; out kernel_version : kernel_version_t); /* * Set priority for thread. */ routine thread_priority( thread : thread_t; priority : int; set_max : boolean_t); /* * Set max priority for thread. */ routine thread_max_priority( thread : thread_t; processor_set : processor_set_t; max_priority : int); /* * Set task priority. */ routine task_priority( task : task_t; priority : int; change_threads : boolean_t); /* * Set max priority for processor_set. */ routine processor_set_max_priority( processor_set : processor_set_t; max_priority : int; change_threads : boolean_t); /* * Set policy for thread */ routine thread_policy( thread : thread_t; policy : int; data : int); /* * Enable policy for processor set */ routine processor_set_policy_enable( processor_set : processor_set_t; policy : int); /* * Disable policy for processor set */ routine processor_set_policy_disable( processor_set : processor_set_t; policy : int; change_threads : boolean_t); /* * List all tasks in processor set. */ routine processor_set_tasks( processor_set : processor_set_t; out task_list : task_array_t); /* * List all threads in processor set. */ routine processor_set_threads( processor_set : processor_set_t; out thread_list : thread_array_t); /* * List all processor sets on host. */ routine host_processor_sets( host : host_t; out processor_sets : processor_set_name_array_t); /* * Get control port for a processor set. */ routine host_processor_set_priv( host_priv : host_priv_t; set_name : processor_set_name_t; out set : processor_set_t); routine thread_depress_abort( thread : thread_t); /* * Set the time on this host. * Only available to privileged users. */ routine host_set_time( host_priv : host_priv_t; new_time : time_value_t); /* * Arrange for the time on this host to be gradually changed * by an adjustment value, and return the old value. * Only available to privileged users. */ routine host_adjust_time( host_priv : host_priv_t; in new_adjustment : time_value_t; out old_adjustment : time_value_t); /* * Get the time on this host. * Available to all. */ routine host_get_time( host : host_t; out current_time : time_value_t); /* * Reboot this host. * Only available to privileged users. */ routine host_reboot( host_priv : host_priv_t; options : int); /* * Specify that the range of the virtual address space * of the target task must not cause page faults for * the indicated accesses. * * [ To unwire the pages, specify VM_PROT_NONE. ] */ routine vm_wire( host_priv : host_priv_t; task : vm_task_t; address : vm_address_t; size : vm_size_t; access : vm_prot_t); /* * Specify that the target thread must always be able * to run and to allocate memory. */ routine thread_wire( host_priv : host_priv_t; thread : thread_t; wired : boolean_t); /* * Return information about this host. */ routine host_info( host : host_t; flavor : int; out host_info_out : host_info_t, CountInOut); /* * Return information about this processor. */ routine processor_info( processor : processor_t; flavor : int; out host : host_t; out processor_info_out: processor_info_t, CountInOut); /* * Get information about processor set. */ routine processor_set_info( set_name : processor_set_name_t; flavor : int; out host : host_t; out info_out : processor_set_info_t, CountInOut); /* * Do something machine-dependent to processor. */ routine processor_control( processor : processor_t; processor_cmd : processor_info_t); /* * Get boot configuration information from kernel. */ routine host_get_boot_info( host_priv : host_priv_t; out boot_info : kernel_boot_info_t);