 * Mach Operating System
 * Copyright (c) 1991,1990,1989 Carnegie Mellon University
 * All Rights Reserved.
 * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its
 * documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright
 * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the
 * software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions
 * thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation.
 * Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to
 *  Software Distribution Coordinator  or  Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU
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 * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie Mellon
 * the rights to redistribute these changes.
 *	Author: David B. Golub, Carnegie Mellon University
 *	Date:	3/89
 * 	Status information for network interfaces.


#include <device/device_types.h>
#include <mach/message.h>

 * General interface status
struct net_status {
	int	min_packet_size;	/* minimum size, including header */
	int	max_packet_size;	/* maximum size, including header */
	int	header_format;		/* format of network header */
	int	header_size;		/* size of network header */
	int	address_size;		/* size of network address */
	int	flags;			/* interface status */
	int	mapped_size;		/* if mappable, virtual mem needed */
#define	NET_STATUS_COUNT	(sizeof(struct net_status)/sizeof(int))
#define	NET_STATUS		(('n'<<16) + 1)

 * Header formats, as given by RFC 826/1010 for ARP:
#define	HDR_ETHERNET		1	/* Ethernet hardware address */
#define	HDR_EXP_ETHERNET	2	/* 3Mhz experimental Ethernet
					   hardware address */
#define	HDR_PRO_NET		4	/* Proteon ProNET Token Ring */
#define	HDR_CHAOS		5	/* Chaosnet */
#define	HDR_802			6	/* IEEE 802 networks */

 * A network address is an array of bytes.  In order to return
 * this in an array of (long) integers, it is returned in net order.
 * Use 'ntohl' on each element of the array to retrieve the original
 * ordering.
#define	NET_ADDRESS		(('n'<<16) + 2)

#define	NET_DSTADDR		(('n'<<16) + 3)

 * Input packet filter definition
#define	NET_MAX_FILTER		128 /* was 64, bpf programs are big */

 *  We allow specification of up to NET_MAX_FILTER (short) words of a filter
 *  command list to be applied to incoming packets to determine if
 *  those packets should be given to a particular network input filter.
 *  Each network filter specifies the filter command list via net_add_filter.
 *  Each filter command list specifies a sequences of actions which leave a
 *  boolean value on the top of an internal stack.  Each word of the
 *  command list specifies an action from the set {PUSHLIT, PUSHZERO,
 *  PUSHWORD+N} which respectively push the next word of the filter, zero,
 *  or word N of the incoming packet on the stack, and a binary operator
 *  from the set {EQ, LT, LE, GT, GE, AND, OR, XOR} which operates on the
 *  top two elements of the stack and replaces them with its result.  The
 *  special action NOPUSH and the special operator NOP can be used to only
 *  perform the binary operation or to only push a value on the stack.
 *  If the final value of the filter operation is true, then the packet is
 *  accepted for the filter.
 *  The first filter_t object is a header which allows to set flags for the
 *  filter code. Main flags concern the direction of packets. This header is
 *  split in the same way NETF words are : the 6 MSB bits indicate the type
 *  of filter while the 10 LSB bits are the flags. For native NETF filters,
 *  clear the 6 MSB bits (which is why there is no dedicated macro).

typedef	unsigned short	filter_t;
typedef filter_t	*filter_array_t;

#define CSPF_BYTES(n) ((n) * sizeof (filter_t))

/*  these must sum to 16!  */
#define NETF_NBPA	10			/* # bits / argument */
#define NETF_NBPO	6			/* # bits / operator */

#define	NETF_ARG(word)	((word) & 0x3ff)
#define	NETF_OP(word)	(((word)>>NETF_NBPA)&0x3f)

/*  filter types  */
#define NETF_TYPE_MASK	(((1 << NETF_NBPO) - 1) << NETF_NBPA)
#define NETF_BPF	(1 << NETF_NBPA)

/*  flags  */
#define NETF_IN		0x1
#define NETF_OUT	0x2

/*  binary operators  */
#define NETF_NOP	(0<<NETF_NBPA)
#define NETF_EQ		(1<<NETF_NBPA)
#define NETF_LT		(2<<NETF_NBPA)
#define NETF_LE		(3<<NETF_NBPA)
#define NETF_GT		(4<<NETF_NBPA)
#define NETF_GE		(5<<NETF_NBPA)
#define NETF_AND	(6<<NETF_NBPA)
#define NETF_OR		(7<<NETF_NBPA)
#define NETF_XOR	(8<<NETF_NBPA)
#define NETF_COR	(9<<NETF_NBPA)
#define NETF_CAND	(10<<NETF_NBPA)
#define NETF_CNOR	(11<<NETF_NBPA)
#define NETF_CNAND	(12<<NETF_NBPA)
#define NETF_NEQ	(13<<NETF_NBPA)
#define	NETF_LSH	(14<<NETF_NBPA)
#define	NETF_RSH	(15<<NETF_NBPA)
#define	NETF_ADD	(16<<NETF_NBPA)
#define	NETF_SUB	(17<<NETF_NBPA)

/*  stack arguments  */
#define NETF_NOPUSH	0		/* don`t push */
#define NETF_PUSHLIT	1		/* next word in filter */
#define NETF_PUSHZERO	2		/* 0 */
#define	NETF_PUSHIND	14		/* word indexed by stack top */
#define	NETF_PUSHHDRIND	15		/* header word indexed by stack top */
#define NETF_PUSHWORD	16		/* word 0 .. 944 in packet */
#define	NETF_PUSHHDR	960		/* word 0 .. 31  in header */
#define	NETF_PUSHSTK	992		/* word 0 .. 31  in stack */

/* priorities */
#define	NET_HI_PRI	100
#define	NET_PRI_MAX	255

 * BPF support.
#include <device/bpf.h>

 * Net receive message format.
 * The header and data are packaged separately, since some hardware
 * supports variable-length headers.  We prefix the packet with
 * a packet_hdr structure so that the real data portion begins
 * on a long-word boundary, and so that packet filters can address
 * the type field and packet size uniformly.
#define	NET_RCV_MAX	4095
#define	NET_HDW_HDR_MAX	64

#define	NET_RCV_MSG_ID	2999	/* in device.defs reply range */

struct packet_header {
	unsigned short	length;
	unsigned short	type;	/* network order */

struct net_rcv_msg {
	mach_msg_header_t msg_hdr;
	mach_msg_type_t	header_type;
	char		header[NET_HDW_HDR_MAX];
	mach_msg_type_t	packet_type;
	char		packet[NET_RCV_MAX];
	boolean_t	sent;
typedef struct net_rcv_msg 	*net_rcv_msg_t;
#define	net_rcv_msg_packet_count packet_type.msgt_number

#endif	/* _DEVICE_NET_STATUS_H_ */