/* * Copyright (c) 1994 The University of Utah and * the Center for Software Science (CSS). All rights reserved. * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the * software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions * thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation. * * THE UNIVERSITY OF UTAH AND CSS ALLOW FREE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE IN ITS "AS * IS" CONDITION. THE UNIVERSITY OF UTAH AND CSS DISCLAIM ANY LIABILITY OF * ANY KIND FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * CSS requests users of this software to return to css-dist@cs.utah.edu any * improvements that they make and grant CSS redistribution rights. * * Author: Bryan Ford, University of Utah CSS */ #include <mach/machine/eflags.h> #include <mach/machine/proc_reg.h> #include "vm_param.h" #include "trap.h" void trap_dump(struct trap_state *st) { short flags; int from_user = (st->cs & 3) || (st->eflags & EFL_VM); unsigned *dump_sp = 0; int i; printf("Dump of trap_state at %08x:\n", st); printf("EAX %08x EBX %08x ECX %08x EDX %08x\n", st->eax, st->ebx, st->ecx, st->edx); printf("ESI %08x EDI %08x EBP %08x ESP %08x\n", st->esi, st->edi, st->ebp, from_user ? st->esp : (unsigned)&st->esp); printf("EIP %08x EFLAGS %08x\n", st->eip, st->eflags); printf("CS %04x SS %04x DS %04x ES %04x FS %04x GS %04x\n", st->cs & 0xffff, from_user ? st->ss & 0xffff : get_ss(), st->ds & 0xffff, st->es & 0xffff, st->fs & 0xffff, st->gs & 0xffff); printf("v86: DS %04x ES %04x FS %04x GS %04x\n", st->v86_ds & 0xffff, st->v86_es & 0xffff, st->v86_gs & 0xffff, st->v86_gs & 0xffff); printf("trapno %d, error %08x, from %s mode\n", st->trapno, st->err, from_user ? "user" : "kernel"); if (st->trapno == T_PAGE_FAULT) printf("page fault linear address %08x\n", st->cr2); /* Dump the top of the stack too. */ if (!from_user) { for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) { printf("%08x%c", (&st->esp)[i], ((i & 7) == 7) ? '\n' : ' '); } } }