/* * Mach Operating System * Copyright (c) 1992-1989 Carnegie Mellon University * All Rights Reserved. * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the * software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions * thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation. * * CARNEGIE MELLON ALLOWS FREE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE IN ITS "AS IS" * CONDITION. CARNEGIE MELLON DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY OF ANY KIND FOR * ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to * * Software Distribution Coordinator or Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU * School of Computer Science * Carnegie Mellon University * Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890 * * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie Mellon * the rights to redistribute these changes. */ #ifndef _MACH_I386_FP_REG_H_ #define _MACH_I386_FP_REG_H_ /* * Floating point registers and status, as saved * and restored by FP save/restore instructions. */ struct i386_fp_save { unsigned short fp_control; /* control */ unsigned short fp_unused_1; unsigned short fp_status; /* status */ unsigned short fp_unused_2; unsigned short fp_tag; /* register tags */ unsigned short fp_unused_3; unsigned int fp_eip; /* eip at failed instruction */ unsigned short fp_cs; /* cs at failed instruction */ unsigned short fp_opcode; /* opcode of failed instruction */ unsigned int fp_dp; /* data address */ unsigned short fp_ds; /* data segment */ unsigned short fp_unused_4; }; struct i386_fp_regs { unsigned short fp_reg_word[5][8]; /* space for 8 80-bit FP registers */ }; /* * Control register */ #define FPC_IE 0x0001 /* enable invalid operation exception */ #define FPC_IM FPC_IE #define FPC_DE 0x0002 /* enable denormalized operation exception */ #define FPC_DM FPC_DE #define FPC_ZE 0x0004 /* enable zero-divide exception */ #define FPC_ZM FPC_ZE #define FPC_OE 0x0008 /* enable overflow exception */ #define FPC_OM FPC_OE #define FPC_UE 0x0010 /* enable underflow exception */ #define FPC_PE 0x0020 /* enable precision exception */ #define FPC_PC 0x0300 /* precision control: */ #define FPC_PC_24 0x0000 /* 24 bits */ #define FPC_PC_53 0x0200 /* 53 bits */ #define FPC_PC_64 0x0300 /* 64 bits */ #define FPC_RC 0x0c00 /* rounding control: */ #define FPC_RC_RN 0x0000 /* round to nearest or even */ #define FPC_RC_RD 0x0400 /* round down */ #define FPC_RC_RU 0x0800 /* round up */ #define FPC_RC_CHOP 0x0c00 /* chop */ #define FPC_IC 0x1000 /* infinity control (obsolete) */ #define FPC_IC_PROJ 0x0000 /* projective infinity */ #define FPC_IC_AFF 0x1000 /* affine infinity (std) */ /* * Status register */ #define FPS_IE 0x0001 /* invalid operation */ #define FPS_DE 0x0002 /* denormalized operand */ #define FPS_ZE 0x0004 /* divide by zero */ #define FPS_OE 0x0008 /* overflow */ #define FPS_UE 0x0010 /* underflow */ #define FPS_PE 0x0020 /* precision */ #define FPS_SF 0x0040 /* stack flag */ #define FPS_ES 0x0080 /* error summary */ #define FPS_C0 0x0100 /* condition code bit 0 */ #define FPS_C1 0x0200 /* condition code bit 1 */ #define FPS_C2 0x0400 /* condition code bit 2 */ #define FPS_TOS 0x3800 /* top-of-stack pointer */ #define FPS_TOS_SHIFT 11 #define FPS_C3 0x4000 /* condition code bit 3 */ #define FPS_BUSY 0x8000 /* FPU busy */ /* * Kind of floating-point support provided by kernel. */ #define FP_NO 0 /* no floating point */ #define FP_SOFT 1 /* software FP emulator */ #define FP_287 2 /* 80287 */ #define FP_387 3 /* 80387 or 80486 */ #endif /* _MACH_I386_FP_REG_H_ */