 * Mach Operating System
 * Copyright (c) 1991,1990,1989 Carnegie Mellon University
 * All Rights Reserved.
 * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its
 * documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright
 * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the
 * software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions
 * thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation.
 * Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to
 *  Software Distribution Coordinator  or  Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU
 *  School of Computer Science
 *  Carnegie Mellon University
 *  Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890
 * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie Mellon
 * the rights to redistribute these changes.
/* **********************************************************************
 File:         kd.h
 Description:  definitions for AT keyboard/display driver
 Authors:       Eugene Kuerner, Adrienne Jardetzky, Mike Kupfer

 $ Header: $

 Copyright Ing. C. Olivetti & C. S.p.A. 1988, 1989.
 All rights reserved.
********************************************************************** */
  Copyright 1988, 1989 by Olivetti Advanced Technology Center, Inc.,
Cupertino, California.

		All Rights Reserved

  Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and
its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby
granted, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all
copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice
appear in supporting documentation, and that the name of Olivetti
not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution
of the software without specific, written prior permission.


 * This file contains defines and structures that implement hardware
 * keyboard mapping into ansi defined output codes.  Note that this
 * is structured so that "re-mapping" of actual keys is allowed at
 * anytime during execution of the console driver.  And each scan code
 * is potentially expanded into NUMKEYS characters.  Which is programmable
 * at runtime or whenever.
 * 02 Nov 1988		orc!eugene

#ifndef	_KD_H_
#define _KD_H_

#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <mach/boolean.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <device/cons.h>
#include <device/io_req.h>
#include <device/buf.h>
#include <device/tty.h>
#include <i386at/kdsoft.h>

 * Where memory for various graphics adapters starts.
#define EGA_START	0x0b8000
#define CGA_START	0x0b8000
#define MONO_START	0x0b0000

 * Common I/O ports.
#define K_TMR0		0x40		/* timer 0, 1, or 2 value (r/w) */
#define K_TMR1		0x41
#define K_TMR2		0x42
#define K_TMRCTL	0x43		/* timer control (write-only) */
#define K_RDWR 		0x60		/* keyboard data & cmds (read/write) */
#define K_PORTB		0x61		/* r/w. speaker & status lines */
#define K_STATUS 	0x64		/* keybd status (read-only) */
#define K_CMD	 	0x64		/* keybd ctlr command (write-only) */

 * I/O ports for various graphics adapters.
#define EGA_IDX_REG	0x3d4
#define EGA_IO_REG	0x3d5
#define CGA_IDX_REG	0x3d4
#define CGA_IO_REG	0x3d5
#define MONO_IDX_REG	0x3b4
#define MONO_IO_REG	0x3b5

 * Commands sent to graphics adapter.
#define C_START 	0x0a		/* return cursor line start */
#define C_STOP 		0x0b		/* return cursor line stop */
#define C_LOW 		0x0f		/* return low byte of cursor addr */
#define C_HIGH 		0x0e		/* high byte */

 * Bit definitions for K_STATUS port.
#define K_OBUF_FUL 	0x01		/* output (from keybd) buffer full */
#define K_IBUF_FUL 	0x02		/* input (to keybd) buffer full */
#define K_SYSFLAG	0x04		/* "System Flag" */
#define K_CMD_DATA	0x08		/* 1 = input buf has cmd, 0 = data */
#define K_KBD_INHBT	0x10		/* 0 if keyboard inhibited */

 * Keyboard controller commands (sent to K_CMD port).
#define KC_CMD_READ	0x20		/* read controller command byte */
#define KC_CMD_WRITE	0x60		/* write controller command byte */
#define KC_CMD_TEST	0xab		/* test interface */
#define KC_CMD_DUMP	0xac		/* diagnostic dump */
#define KC_CMD_DISBLE	0xad		/* disable keyboard */
#define KC_CMD_ENBLE	0xae		/* enable keyboard */
#define KC_CMD_RDKBD	0xc4		/* read keyboard ID */
#define KC_CMD_ECHO	0xee		/* used for diagnostic testing */

 * Keyboard commands (send to K_RDWR).
#define K_CMD_LEDS	0xed		/* set status LEDs (caps lock, etc.) */

 * Bit definitions for controller command byte (sent following 
 * K_CMD_WRITE command).
#define K_CB_ENBLIRQ	0x01		/* enable data-ready intrpt */
#define K_CB_SETSYSF	0x04		/* Set System Flag */
#define K_CB_INHBOVR	0x08		/* Inhibit Override */
#define K_CB_DISBLE	0x10		/* disable keyboard */

 * Bit definitions for "Indicator Status Byte" (sent after a 
 * K_CMD_LEDS command).  If the bit is on, the LED is on.  Undefined 
 * bit positions must be 0.
#define K_LED_SCRLLK	0x1		/* scroll lock */
#define K_LED_NUMLK	0x2		/* num lock */
#define K_LED_CAPSLK	0x4		/* caps lock */

 * Bit definitions for "Miscellaneous port B" (K_PORTB).
/* read/write */
#define K_ENABLETMR2	0x01		/* enable output from timer 2 */
#define K_SPKRDATA	0x02		/* direct input to speaker */
#define K_ENABLEPRTB	0x04		/* "enable" port B */
#define K_EIOPRTB	0x08		/* enable NMI on parity error */
/* read-only */
#define K_REFRESHB	0x10		/* refresh flag from INLTCONT PAL */
#define K_OUT2B		0x20		/* timer 2 output */
#define K_ICKB		0x40		/* I/O channel check (parity error) */

 * Bit definitions for timer control port (K_TMRCTL).
/* select timer 0, 1, or 2. Don't mess with 0 or 1. */
#define K_SELTMRMASK	0xc0
#define K_SELTMR0	0x00
#define K_SELTMR1	0x40
#define K_SELTMR2	0x80

/* read/load control */
#define K_RDLDTMRMASK	0x30
#define K_HOLDTMR	0x00		/* freeze timer until read */
#define K_RDLDTLSB	0x10		/* read/load LSB */
#define K_RDLDTMSB	0x20		/* read/load MSB */
#define K_RDLDTWORD	0x30		/* read/load LSB then MSB */

/* mode control */
#define K_TMDCTLMASK	0x0e
#define K_TCOUNTINTR	0x00		/* "Term Count Intr" */
#define K_TONESHOT	0x02		/* "Progr One-Shot" */
#define K_TRATEGEN	0x04		/* "Rate Gen (/n)" */
#define K_TSQRWAVE	0x06		/* "Sqr Wave Gen" */
#define K_TSOFTSTRB	0x08		/* "Softw Trig Strob" */
#define K_THARDSTRB	0x0a		/* "Hardw Trig Strob" */

/* count mode */
#define K_TCNTMDMASK	0x01
#define K_TBINARY	0x00		/* 16-bit binary counter */
#define K_TBCD		0x01		/* 4-decade BCD counter */

 * Fun definitions for displayed characters and characters read from 
 * the keyboard.

 * Attributes for character sent to display.
#define KA_NORMAL	0x07
#define KA_REVERSE	0x70

#define KAX_REVERSE	0x01
#define KAX_UNDERLINE	0x02
#define KAX_BLINK	0x04
#define KAX_BOLD	0x08
#define KAX_DIM		0x10
#define KAX_INVISIBLE	0x20

#define KAX_COL_UNDERLINE 0x0f	/* bright white */
#define KAX_COL_DIM 0x08	/* gray */

 * For an EGA-like display, each character takes two bytes, one for the 
 * actual character, followed by one for its attributes.  
 * Be very careful if you change ONE_SPACE, as these constants are also used
 * to define the device-independent display implemented by kd.c.  
 * (See kdsoft.h for more details on the device-independent display.)
#define ONE_SPACE	2		/* bytes in 1 char, EGA-like display */
#define BOTTOM_LINE 	3840		/* 1st byte in last line of display */
#define ONE_PAGE 	4000		/* number of bytes in page */
#define ONE_LINE 	160		/* number of bytes in line */

#define BEG_OF_LINE(pos)	((pos) - (pos)%ONE_LINE)
#define CURRENT_COLUMN(pos)	(((pos) % ONE_LINE) / ONE_SPACE)

#define NUMKEYS		89
#define NUMSTATES	5		/* NORM_STATE, ... */
#define NUMOUTPUT 	3		/* max size of byte seq from key */

 * Keyboard states.  Used for KDGKBENT, KDSKBENT ioctl's.  If you
 * change these values, you should also rearrange the entries in
 * key_map.
/* "state indices" (for computing key_map index) */
#define NORM_STATE	0
#define SHIFT_STATE	1
#define CTRL_STATE	2
#define ALT_STATE	3
#define SHIFT_ALT	4
/* macro to convert from state index to actual key_map index */
#define CHARIDX(sidx)	((sidx) * NUMOUTPUT)
			/* where sidx is in [NORM_STATE ... SHIFT_ALT] */

/* "state bits" for kd_state vector */
#define KS_NORMAL	0x00
#define KS_SLKED	0x01
#define KS_NLKED	0x02
#define KS_CLKED	0x04
#define KS_ALTED	0x08
#define KS_SHIFTED	0x10
#define KS_CTLED	0x20

 * Scancode values, not to be confused with Ascii values.
typedef u_char Scancode;

/* special codes */
#define K_UP		0x80		/* OR'd in if key below is released */
#define K_EXTEND	0xe0		/* marker for "extended" sequence */
#define K_ACKSC		0xfa		/* ack for keyboard command */
#define K_RESEND	0xfe		/* request to resend keybd cmd */

/* modifier keys  */
#define K_CTLSC		0x1d		/* control down		*/
#define K_LSHSC		0x2a		/* left shift down	*/
#define K_RSHSC		0x36		/* right shift down	*/
#define K_ALTSC		0x38		/* alt key down		*/
#define K_CLCKSC	0x3a		/* caps lock 		*/
#define K_NLCKSC	0x45		/* num lock down	*/

/* "special keys" */
#define K_BSSC		0x0e		/* backspace */
#define K_TABSC		0x0f		/* tab */
#define K_RETSC		0x1c		/* return */
#define K_SPSC		0x39		/* space */
#define K_ESCSC		0x01		/* ESC */

/* alphabetic keys */
#define K_qSC		0x10
#define K_wSC		0x11
#define K_eSC		0x12
#define K_rSC		0x13
#define K_tSC		0x14
#define K_ySC		0x15
#define K_uSC		0x16
#define K_iSC		0x17
#define K_oSC		0x18
#define K_pSC		0x19

#define K_aSC		0x1e
#define K_sSC		0x1f
#define K_dSC		0x20
#define K_fSC		0x21
#define K_gSC		0x22
#define K_hSC		0x23
#define K_jSC		0x24
#define K_kSC		0x25
#define K_lSC		0x26

#define K_zSC		0x2c
#define K_xSC		0x2d
#define K_cSC		0x2e
#define K_vSC		0x2f
#define K_bSC		0x30
#define K_nSC		0x31
#define K_mSC		0x32

/* numbers and punctuation */
#define K_ONESC		0x02		/* 1	*/
#define K_TWOSC		0x03		/* 2	*/
#define K_THREESC	0x04		/* 3	*/
#define K_FOURSC	0x05		/* 4	*/
#define K_FIVESC	0x06		/* 5	*/
#define K_SIXSC		0x07		/* 6	*/
#define K_SEVENSC	0x08		/* 7	*/
#define K_EIGHTSC	0x09		/* 8	*/
#define K_NINESC	0x0a		/* 9	*/
#define K_ZEROSC	0x0b		/* 0	*/

#define K_MINUSSC	0x0c		/* -	*/
#define K_EQLSC		0x0d		/* =	*/
#define K_LBRKTSC	0x1a		/* [	*/
#define K_RBRKTSC	0x1b		/* ]	*/
#define K_SEMISC	0x27		/* ;	*/
#define K_SQUOTESC	0x28		/* '	*/
#define K_GRAVSC	0x29		/* `	*/
#define K_BSLSHSC	0x2b		/* \	*/
#define K_COMMASC	0x33		/* ,	*/
#define K_PERIODSC	0x34		/* .	*/
#define K_SLASHSC	0x35		/* /	*/

/* keypad keys */
#define K_HOMESC	0x47		/* scancode for home 	*/
#define K_DELSC		0x53		/* scancode for del	*/

 * Ascii values and flag characters for key map.
 * A function key is represented by the 3-byte char sequence that it
 * corresponds to.
 * Other mappable non-Ascii keys (e.g., "ctrl") are represented by a
 * two-byte sequence: K_SCAN, followed by the key's scan code.
#define K_DONE		0xffu		/* must be same as NC */
#define NC		0xffu		/* No character defined	*/

#define K_SCAN		0xfeu		/* followed by scan code */

/* ascii char set */
#define K_NUL		0x00		/* Null character	*/
#define K_SOH		0x01
#define K_STX		0x02
#define K_ETX		0x03
#define K_EOT		0x04
#define K_ENQ		0x05
#define K_ACK		0x06
#define K_BEL		0x07		/* bell character	*/
#define K_BS		0x08		/* back space		*/
#define K_HT		0x09
#define K_LF		0x0a		/* line feed		*/
#define K_VT		0x0b
#define K_FF		0x0c
#define K_CR		0x0d		/* carriage return	*/
#define K_SO		0x0e
#define K_SI		0x0f
#define K_DLE		0x10
#define K_DC1		0x11
#define K_DC2		0x12
#define K_DC3		0x13
#define K_DC4		0x14
#define K_NAK		0x15
#define K_SYN		0x16
#define K_ETB		0x17
#define K_CAN		0x18
#define K_EM		0x19
#define K_SUB		0x1a
#define K_ESC		0x1b		/* escape character	*/
#define K_FS		0x1c
#define K_GS		0x1d
#define K_RS		0x1e
#define K_US		0x1f
#define K_SPACE		0x20		/* space character	*/
#define K_BANG		0x21		/* !			*/
#define K_DQUOTE	0x22		/* "			*/
#define K_POUND		0x23		/* #			*/ 
#define K_DOLLAR	0x24		/* $			*/ 
#define K_PERC		0x25		/* %			*/ 
#define K_AMPER		0x26		/* &			*/ 
#define K_SQUOTE	0x27		/* '			*/ 
#define K_LPAREN	0x28		/* (			*/ 
#define K_RPAREN	0x29		/* )			*/ 
#define K_ASTER		0x2a		/* *			*/ 
#define K_PLUS		0x2b		/* +			*/ 
#define K_COMMA		0x2c		/* ,			*/ 
#define K_MINUS		0x2d		/* -			*/ 
#define K_PERIOD	0x2e		/* .			*/ 
#define K_SLASH		0x2f		/* /			*/ 
#define K_ZERO		0x30		/* 0			*/ 
#define K_ONE		0x31		/* 1			*/
#define K_TWO		0x32		/* 2			*/
#define K_THREE		0x33		/* 3			*/
#define K_FOUR		0x34		/* 4			*/
#define K_FIVE		0x35		/* 5			*/
#define K_SIX		0x36		/* 6			*/
#define K_SEVEN		0x37		/* 7			*/
#define K_EIGHT		0x38		/* 8			*/
#define K_NINE		0x39		/* 9			*/
#define K_COLON		0x3a		/* :			*/
#define K_SEMI		0x3b		/* ;			*/
#define K_LTHN		0x3c		/* <			*/
#define K_EQL		0x3d		/* =			*/
#define K_GTHN		0x3e		/* >			*/
#define K_QUES		0x3f		/* ?			*/
#define K_ATSN		0x40		/* @			*/
#define K_A		0x41		/* A			*/
#define K_B		0x42		/* B			*/
#define K_C		0x43		/* C			*/
#define K_D		0x44		/* D			*/
#define K_E		0x45		/* E			*/
#define K_F		0x46		/* F			*/
#define K_G		0x47		/* G			*/
#define K_H		0x48		/* H			*/
#define K_I		0x49		/* I			*/
#define K_J		0x4a		/* J			*/
#define K_K		0x4b		/* K			*/
#define K_L		0x4c		/* L			*/
#define K_M		0x4d		/* M			*/
#define K_N		0x4e		/* N			*/
#define K_O		0x4f		/* O			*/
#define K_P		0x50		/* P			*/
#define K_Q		0x51		/* Q			*/
#define K_R		0x52		/* R			*/
#define K_S		0x53		/* S			*/
#define K_T		0x54		/* T			*/
#define K_U		0x55		/* U			*/
#define K_V		0x56		/* V			*/
#define K_W		0x57		/* W			*/
#define K_X		0x58		/* X			*/
#define K_Y		0x59		/* Y			*/
#define K_Z		0x5a		/* Z			*/
#define K_LBRKT		0x5b		/* [			*/
#define K_BSLSH		0x5c		/* \			*/
#define K_RBRKT		0x5d		/* ]			*/
#define K_CARET		0x5e		/* ^			*/
#define K_UNDSC		0x5f		/* _			*/
#define K_GRAV		0x60		/* `			*/
#define K_a		0x61		/* a			*/
#define K_b		0x62		/* b			*/
#define K_c		0x63		/* c			*/
#define K_d		0x64		/* d			*/
#define K_e		0x65		/* e			*/
#define K_f		0x66		/* f			*/
#define K_g		0x67		/* g			*/
#define K_h		0x68		/* h			*/
#define K_i		0x69		/* i			*/
#define K_j		0x6a		/* j			*/
#define K_k		0x6b		/* k			*/
#define K_l		0x6c		/* l			*/
#define K_m		0x6d		/* m			*/
#define K_n		0x6e		/* n			*/
#define K_o		0x6f		/* o			*/
#define K_p		0x70		/* p			*/
#define K_q		0x71		/* q			*/
#define K_r		0x72		/* r			*/
#define K_s		0x73		/* s			*/
#define K_t		0x74		/* t			*/
#define K_u		0x75		/* u			*/
#define K_v		0x76		/* v			*/
#define K_w		0x77		/* w			*/
#define K_x		0x78		/* x			*/
#define K_y		0x79		/* y			*/
#define K_z		0x7a		/* z			*/
#define K_LBRACE	0x7b		/* {			*/
#define K_PIPE		0x7c		/* |			*/
#define K_RBRACE	0x7d		/* }			*/
#define K_TILDE		0x7e		/* ~			*/
#define K_DEL		0x7f		/* delete		*/

/* Ascii sequences to be generated by the named key */
#define K_F1		0x1b,0x4f,0x50
#define K_F1S		0x1b,0x4f,0x70
#define K_F2		0x1b,0x4f,0x51
#define K_F2S		0x1b,0x4f,0x71
#define K_F3		0x1b,0x4f,0x52
#define K_F3S		0x1b,0x4f,0x72
#define K_F4		0x1b,0x4f,0x53
#define K_F4S		0x1b,0x4f,0x73
#define K_F5		0x1b,0x4f,0x54
#define K_F5S		0x1b,0x4f,0x74
#define K_F6		0x1b,0x4f,0x55
#define K_F6S		0x1b,0x4f,0x75
#define K_F7		0x1b,0x4f,0x56
#define K_F7S		0x1b,0x4f,0x76
#define K_F8		0x1b,0x4f,0x57
#define K_F8S		0x1b,0x4f,0x77
#define K_F9		0x1b,0x4f,0x58
#define K_F9S		0x1b,0x4f,0x78
#define K_F10		0x1b,0x4f,0x59
#define K_F10S		0x1b,0x4f,0x79
#define K_F11		0x1b,0x4f,0x5a
#define K_F11S		0x1b,0x4f,0x7a
#define K_F12		0x1b,0x4f,0x41
#define K_F12S		0x1b,0x4f,0x61

/* These are the Alt-FxxA #defines.  They work with the new keymap
   -- Derek Upham 1997/06/25  */
#define K_F1A		0x1b,0x4f,0x30
#define K_F2A		0x1b,0x4f,0x31
#define K_F3A		0x1b,0x4f,0x32
#define K_F4A		0x1b,0x4f,0x33
#define K_F5A		0x1b,0x4f,0x34
#define K_F6A		0x1b,0x4f,0x35
#define K_F7A		0x1b,0x4f,0x36
#define K_F8A		0x1b,0x4f,0x37
#define K_F9A		0x1b,0x4f,0x38
#define K_F10A		0x1b,0x4f,0x39
#define K_F11A		0x1b,0x4f,0x3a
#define K_F12A		0x1b,0x4f,0x3b

#define K_SCRL		0x1b,0x5b,0x4d
#define K_HOME		0x1b,0x5b,0x48
#define K_UA		0x1b,0x5b,0x41
#define K_PUP		0x1b,0x5b,0x56
#define K_LA		0x1b,0x5b,0x44
#define K_RA		0x1b,0x5b,0x43
#define K_END		0x1b,0x5b,0x59
#define K_DA		0x1b,0x5b,0x42
#define K_PDN		0x1b,0x5b,0x55
#define K_INS		0x1b,0x5b,0x40

 * This array maps scancodes to Ascii characters (or character
 * sequences).
 * The first index is the scancode.  The first NUMOUTPUT characters
 * (accessed using the second index) correspond to the key's char
 * sequence for the Normal state.  The next NUMOUTPUT characters
 * are for the Shift state, then Ctrl, then Alt, then Shift/Alt.
#ifdef	KERNEL
extern u_char	key_map[NUMKEYS][WIDTH_KMAP];
#endif	/* KERNEL */

 * These routines are declared here so that all the modules making
 * up the kd driver agree on how to do locking.

#ifdef	KERNEL
#include <i386/machspl.h>
#define SPLKD	spltty
#endif /* KERNEL */

 * Ioctl's on /dev/console.

 * KDGKBENT, KDSKBENT - Get and set keyboard table entry.  Useful for 
 *                      remapping keys.
 * KDGSTATE - Get the keyboard state variable, which flags the 
 *            modifier keys (shift, ctrl, etc.) that are down.  See 
 *            KS_NORMAL et al above.  Used for debugging.
 * KDSETBELL - Turns the bell on or off.

#define KDGKBENT	_IOWR('k', 1, struct kbentry) /* get keybd entry */

#define KDSKBENT	_IOW('k', 2, struct kbentry) /* set keybd entry */

#define KDGSTATE	_IOR('k', 3, int)	/* get keybd state */

#define KDSETBELL	_IOW('k', 4, int)	/* turn bell on or off */
#	define	KD_BELLON	1
#	define	KD_BELLOFF	0

 * This struct is used for getting and setting key definitions.  The
 * values for kb_index are obtainable from the man page for
 * keyboard(7) (though they should really be defined here!).
struct kbentry {
	u_char kb_state;		/* which state to use */
	u_char kb_index;		/* which keycode */
	u_char kb_value[NUMOUTPUT];	/* value to get/set */

 * Ioctl's on /dev/kbd.

 * KDSKBDMODE - When the console is in "ascii" mode, keyboard events are
 * converted to Ascii characters that are readable from /dev/console.
 * When the console is in "event" mode, keyboard events are
 * timestamped and queued up on /dev/kbd as kd_events.  When the last
 * close is done on /dev/kbd, the console automatically reverts to ascii
 * mode.
 * When /dev/mouse is opened, mouse events are timestamped and queued
 * on /dev/mouse, again as kd_events.
 * KDGKBDTYPE - Returns the type of keyboard installed.  Currently
 * there is only one type, KB_VANILLAKB, which is your standard PC-AT
 * keyboard.

#ifdef	KERNEL
extern	int	kb_mode;

#define KDSKBDMODE	_IOW('K', 1, int)	/* set keyboard mode */
#define KB_EVENT	1
#define KB_ASCII	2

#define KDGKBDTYPE	_IOR('K', 2, int)	/* get keyboard type */
#define KB_VANILLAKB	0

#define KDSETLEDS	_IOW('K', 5, int)	/* set the keyboard ledstate */

struct X_kdb {
	u_int *ptr;
	u_int size;

#define K_X_KDB_ENTER	_IOW('K', 16, struct X_kdb)
#define K_X_KDB_EXIT	_IOW('K', 17, struct X_kdb)

#define K_X_IN		0x01000000
#define K_X_OUT		0x02000000
#define K_X_BYTE	0x00010000
#define K_X_WORD	0x00020000
#define K_X_LONG	0x00040000
#define K_X_TYPE	0x03070000
#define K_X_PORT	0x0000ffff

typedef u_short kev_type;		/* kd event type */

/* (used for event records) */
struct mouse_motion {		
	short mm_deltaX;		/* units? */
	short mm_deltaY;

typedef struct {
	kev_type type;			/* see below */
	struct timeval time;		/* timestamp */
	union {				/* value associated with event */
		boolean_t up;		/* MOUSE_LEFT .. MOUSE_RIGHT */
		Scancode sc;		/* KEYBD_EVENT */
		struct mouse_motion mmotion;	/* MOUSE_MOTION */
	} value;
} kd_event;
#define m_deltaX	mmotion.mm_deltaX
#define m_deltaY	mmotion.mm_deltaY

 * kd_event ID's.
#define MOUSE_LEFT	1		/* mouse left button up/down */
#define MOUSE_MIDDLE	2
#define MOUSE_RIGHT	3
#define MOUSE_MOTION	4		/* mouse motion */
#define KEYBD_EVENT	5		/* key up/down */

extern boolean_t kd_isupper (u_char);
extern boolean_t kd_islower (u_char);
extern void kd_senddata (unsigned char);
extern void kd_sendcmd (unsigned char);
extern void kd_cmdreg_write (int);
extern void kd_mouse_drain (void);
extern void set_kd_state (int);
extern void kd_setleds1 (u_char);
extern void kd_setleds2 (void);
extern void cnsetleds (u_char);
extern void kdreboot (void);
extern void kd_putc (u_char);
extern void kd_parseesc (void);
extern void kd_down (void);
extern void kd_up (void);
extern void kd_cr (void);
extern void kd_tab (void);
extern void kd_left (void);
extern void kd_right (void);
extern void kd_scrollup (void);
extern void kd_scrolldn (void);
extern void kd_cls (void);
extern void kd_home (void);
extern void kd_insch (int number);
extern void kd_cltobcur (void);
extern void kd_cltopcur (void);
extern void kd_cltoecur (void);
extern void kd_clfrbcur (void);
extern void kd_eraseln (void);
extern void kd_insln (int);
extern void kd_delln (int);
extern void kd_delch (int);
extern void kd_erase (int);
extern void kd_bellon (void);
extern void kd_belloff (void *param);
extern void kdinit (void);
extern int kdsetkbent (struct kbentry *, int);
extern int kdgetkbent (struct kbentry *);
extern int kdsetbell (int, int);
extern void kd_resend (void);
extern void kd_handle_ack (void);
extern int kd_kbd_magic (int);
extern unsigned int kdstate2idx (unsigned int, boolean_t);
extern void kd_parserest (u_char *);
extern int kdcnprobe(struct consdev *cp);
extern int kdcninit(struct consdev *cp);
extern int kdcngetc(dev_t dev, int wait);
extern int kdcnmaygetc (void);
extern int kdcnputc(dev_t dev, int c);

extern void kd_slmwd (void *start, int count, int value);
extern void kd_slmscu (void *from, void *to, int count);
extern void kd_slmscd (void *from, void *to, int count);

extern void kdintr(int vec);

extern void kdb_kintr(void);
#endif /* MACH_KDB */

extern int kdopen(dev_t dev, int flag, io_req_t ior);
extern void kdclose(dev_t dev, int flag);
extern int kdread(dev_t dev, io_req_t uio);
extern int kdwrite(dev_t dev, io_req_t uio);

extern io_return_t kdgetstat(
	dev_t		dev,
	int		flavor,
	int 		*data,
	natural_t	*count);

extern io_return_t kdsetstat(
	dev_t		dev,
	int		flavor,
	int *		data,
	natural_t	count);

extern int kdportdeath(dev_t dev, mach_port_t port);
extern int kdmmap(dev_t dev, vm_offset_t off, vm_prot_t prot);

boolean_t kdcheckmagic(Scancode scancode);

int do_modifier(int state, Scancode c, boolean_t up);

 * Generic routines for bitmap devices (i.e., assume no hardware
 * assist).  Assumes a simple byte ordering (i.e., a byte at a lower
 * address is to the left of the byte at the next higher address).
 * For the 82786, this works anyway if the characters are 2 bytes
 * wide.  (more bubble gum and paper clips.)
 * See the comments above (in i386at/kd.c) about SLAMBPW.
void bmpch2bit(csrpos_t pos, short *xb, short *yb);
void bmppaintcsr(csrpos_t pos, u_char val);
u_char *bit2fbptr(short	xb, short yb);

unsigned char kd_getdata(void);
unsigned char state2leds(int state);

void kdstart(struct tty *tp);
void kdstop(struct tty *tp, int flags);

void kd_xga_init(void);

#endif	/* _KD_H_ */