/* * Mach Operating System * Copyright (c) 1993,1991,1990,1989 Carnegie Mellon University * All Rights Reserved. * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the * software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions * thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation. * * CARNEGIE MELLON ALLOWS FREE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE IN ITS "AS IS" * CONDITION. CARNEGIE MELLON DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY OF ANY KIND FOR * ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to * * Software Distribution Coordinator or Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU * School of Computer Science * Carnegie Mellon University * Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890 * * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie Mellon * the rights to redistribute these changes. */ /* * Parallel port network driver v1.1 * All rights reserved. */ /* Subject: parallel network interface The printer network driver has the following hardware requirements for the interconnection cable: Connections: Side1 Side2 Function Side1 / Side2 Pin 5 Pin 10 Interrupt strobe: send status (w)/send status (r) Pin 2 Pin 15 Data bits : write / read Pin 3 Pin 13 Data bits : write / read Pin 4 Pin 12 Data bits : write / read Pin 6 Pin 11 Data bits : write / read Pin 10 Pin 5 Pin 11 Pin 6 Pin 12 Pin 4 Pin 13 Pin 3 Pin 15 Pin 2 Pins 18-25 Pins 18-25 (ground interconnections) The cable is "symmetric" in that either side can be plugged into either of the computers. The hardware requirements are as follows: Port 0x378 must be writable with the following specifications: Bit 4 -> pin 6 Bit 3 -> pin 5 Bit 2 -> pin 4 Bit 1 -> pin 3 Bit 0 -> pin 2 Port 0x379 must be readable with the following specifications: Bit 7 <- pin 11 Bit 6 <- pin 10 Bit 5 <- pin 12 Bit 4 <- pin 13 Bit 3 <- pin 15 Port 0x37a must be readable and writable with the following specifications: Bit 4 -> interrupt enable So Port 0x378 connects to Port 0x379 as Bit 3 -> pin 5 : pin 10 -> Bit 6 0x08 -> 0x40 Bit 4 -> pin 6 : pin 11 -> Bit 7 0x08<<1 -> ~ 0x80 Bit 2 -> pin 4 : pin 12 -> Bit 5 0x07 -> 0x38 Bit 1 -> pin 3 : pin 13 -> Bit 4 0x07 -> 0x38 Bit 0 -> pin 2 : pin 15 -> Bit 3 0x07 -> 0x38 [note: bit 0 is considered the least significant bit, pins on the connector are numbered starting with 1, -> represents sending data out on the bus, <- represents reading data from the bus] Pins 1,7,8,9, and 16 are currently unused, and may be allowed to "float". The data is sent in 4 bit "nybbles", with the highest 4 bits being sent first. To bring up the interface, all that should be required is ifconfig par0 <your ip address> <connected machine's ip address> up and to bring down the interface ifconfig par0 down You may get a warning message (such as printer out of paper) once you down the interface, as the port is monitored for both printer and network activity depending on whether par0 is up or down, and when you down the interface the printer driver will then read whatever is on the port (which will be the last message from the other computer). */ #include <par.h> #if NPAR > 0 #include <kern/time_out.h> #include <device/device_types.h> #include <device/errno.h> #include <device/io_req.h> #include <device/if_hdr.h> #include <device/if_ether.h> #include <device/net_status.h> #include <device/net_io.h> #include <i386/ipl.h> #include <i386/pio.h> #include <chips/busses.h> #include <i386at/if_par.h> int parintr(); int parioctl(); int parattach(); int paroutput(); int (*oldvect)(); int oldunit; extern struct bus_device *lprinfo[]; int par_watch = 0; struct par_softc { struct ifnet ds_if; u_char ds_addr[6]; /* Ethernet hardware address */ u_char address[6]; char sc_buf[PARMTU+sizeof(struct ifnet *)]; } par_softc[NPAR]; void parintoff(unit) int unit; { struct bus_device *lpdev = lprinfo[unit]; outb(INTR(lpdev->address), 0x07); par_softc[unit].ds_if.if_flags &= ~IFF_RUNNING; ivect[lpdev->sysdep1] = oldvect; iunit[lpdev->sysdep1] = oldunit; } void parinit(unit) int unit; { struct bus_device *lpdev = lprinfo[unit]; if (ivect[lpdev->sysdep1] != parintr) { oldvect = ivect[lpdev->sysdep1]; oldunit = iunit[lpdev->sysdep1]; ivect[lpdev->sysdep1] = parintr; iunit[lpdev->sysdep1] = unit; } outb(INTR(lpdev->address),0x11); par_softc[unit].ds_if.if_flags |= IFF_RUNNING; *(struct ifnet **)par_softc[unit].sc_buf = &par_softc[unit].ds_if; } struct ether_header par_eh; int parattach(dev) struct bus_device *dev; { u_char unit = (u_char)dev->unit; struct ifnet *ifp; struct par_softc*sp; if ((unit < 0) || (unit >= NPAR)) return(0); printf("\n par%d: at lpr%d, port = %x, spl = %d, pic = %d. ", unit, unit, dev->address, dev->sysdep, dev->sysdep1); sp = &par_softc[unit]; ifp = &(sp->ds_if); *(sp->ds_addr) = *(sp->address) = 0x11; *(sp->ds_addr + 1) = *(sp->address + 1) = 0x22; *(sp->ds_addr + 2) = *(sp->address + 2) = 0x33; *(sp->ds_addr + 3) = *(sp->address + 3) = 0x44; *(sp->ds_addr + 4) = *(sp->address + 4) = 0x55; *(sp->ds_addr + 5) = *(sp->address + 5) = 0x66; par_eh.ether_dhost[5] = par_eh.ether_shost[0] = 0x11; par_eh.ether_dhost[4] = par_eh.ether_shost[1] = 0x22; par_eh.ether_dhost[3] = par_eh.ether_shost[2] = 0x33; par_eh.ether_dhost[2] = par_eh.ether_shost[3] = 0x44; par_eh.ether_dhost[1] = par_eh.ether_shost[4] = 0x55; par_eh.ether_dhost[0] = par_eh.ether_shost[5] = 0x66; par_eh.ether_type = htons(0x0800); printf("ethernet id [%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x]", sp->address[0],sp->address[1],sp->address[2], sp->address[3],sp->address[4],sp->address[5]); ifp->if_unit = unit; ifp->if_mtu = ETHERMTU; ifp->if_flags = IFF_POINTOPOINT; ifp->if_header_size = sizeof(struct ether_header); ifp->if_header_format = HDR_ETHERNET; ifp->if_address_size = 6; ifp->if_address = (char *)&par_softc[unit].address[0]; if_init_queues(ifp); return(0); } int parstart(); /* forward */ /*ARGSUSED*/ paropen(dev, flag) dev_t dev; int flag; { register int unit = minor(dev); if (unit < 0 || unit >= NPAR) return (ENXIO); par_softc[unit].ds_if.if_flags |= IFF_UP; parinit(unit); return(0); } paroutput(dev, ior) dev_t dev; io_req_t ior; { register int unit = minor(dev); if (unit < 0 || unit >= NPAR) return (ENXIO); return (net_write(&par_softc[unit].ds_if, parstart, ior)); } parsetinput(dev, receive_port, priority, filter, filter_count) dev_t dev; mach_port_t receive_port; int priority; filter_t filter[]; unsigned int filter_count; { register int unit = minor(dev); if (unit < 0 || unit >= NPAR) return (ENXIO); return (net_set_filter(&par_softc[unit].ds_if, receive_port, priority, filter, filter_count)); } int parstart(unit) { struct ifnet *ifp = &(par_softc[unit].ds_if); u_short addr = lprinfo[unit]->address; struct sockaddr *dst; int len, i; spl_t s; u_char *mcp, c; io_req_t m; if (!(ifp->if_flags & IFF_RUNNING)) { #ifdef WHY m_free(m); parintoff(unit); return(ENETDOWN); #else WHY parintoff(unit); return(-1); #endif WHY } s = SPLNET(); IF_DEQUEUE(&ifp->if_snd, m); if (m == 0) { splx(s); return 0; } len = m->io_count; if (par_watch) printf("O%d\n",len); len -= 14 /* XXX */; mcp = (u_char *)m->io_data + 14 /* XXX */; while (len--) { c=*mcp++; outb(OUTPUT(addr),((c&0x80)>>3) | ((c&0x70)>>4) | 0x08); i=MAXSPIN; while (!(inb(INPUT(addr))&0x40) && --i); outb(OUTPUT(addr),((c&0x08)<<1) | (c&0x07)); i=MAXSPIN; while ((inb(INPUT(addr))&0x40) && --i); } outb(OUTPUT(addr),(((c&0x08)<<1) | (c&0x07))^0x17); iodone(m); splx(s); return (0); } /*ARGSUSED*/ pargetstat(dev, flavor, status, count) dev_t dev; int flavor; dev_status_t status; /* pointer to OUT array */ unsigned int *count; /* out */ { register int unit = minor(dev); if (unit < 0 || unit >= NPAR) return (ENXIO); switch (flavor) { case NET_DSTADDR: return (D_SUCCESS); break; } return (net_getstat(&par_softc[unit].ds_if, flavor, status, count)); } parsetstat(dev, flavor, status, count) dev_t dev; int flavor; dev_status_t status; unsigned int count; { register int unit = minor(dev); register struct par_softc *sp; if (unit < 0 || unit >= NPAR) return (ENXIO); sp = &par_softc[unit]; switch (flavor) { case NET_STATUS: { /* * All we can change are flags, and not many of those. */ register struct net_status *ns = (struct net_status *)status; int mode = 0; if (count < NET_STATUS_COUNT) return (D_INVALID_SIZE); #if 0 /* ha ha ha */ if (ns->flags & IFF_ALLMULTI) mode |= MOD_ENAL; if (ns->flags & IFF_PROMISC) mode |= MOD_PROM; /* * Force a complete reset if the receive mode changes * so that these take effect immediately. */ if (sp->mode != mode) { sp->mode = mode; if (sp->flags & DSF_RUNNING) { sp->flags &= ~(DSF_LOCK | DSF_RUNNING); parinit(unit); } } #endif break; } case NET_ADDRESS: { register union ether_cvt { char addr[6]; int lwd[2]; } *ec = (union ether_cvt *)status; if (count < sizeof(*ec)/sizeof(int)) return (D_INVALID_SIZE); ec->lwd[0] = ntohl(ec->lwd[0]); ec->lwd[1] = ntohl(ec->lwd[1]); /* at3c501seteh(sp->base, ec->addr);*/ break; } default: return (D_INVALID_OPERATION); } return (D_SUCCESS); } int parintr(unit) int unit; { register struct par_softc *sp = &par_softc[unit]; u_short addr = lprinfo[unit]->address; char *trav = sp->sc_buf; short len = 0; u_char c, c2; int i; ipc_kmsg_t new_kmsg; struct ether_header *ehp; struct packet_header *pkt; struct ifnet *ifp = &(sp->ds_if); do { c2=inb(INPUT(addr)); outb(OUTPUT(addr),0x08); i=MAXSPIN; while(((c=inb(INPUT(addr)))&0x40) && --i); c = inb(INPUT(addr)); outb(OUTPUT(addr),0x00); if (!i) break; if (++len > ETHERMTU) { trav = sp->sc_buf; len = 0; continue; } *trav++ = ((~c2)&0x80) | ((c2&0x38)<<1) | (((~c)&0x80)>>4) | ((c&0x38)>>3); i=MAXSPIN; while (!((c2=inb(INPUT(addr)))&0x40) && --i) if (((c2^0xb8)&0xf8) == (c&0xf8)) goto end; } while (i); end: if (len < 20) /* line noise ? */ return; if (par_watch) printf("I%d\n",len); new_kmsg = net_kmsg_get(); if (new_kmsg == IKM_NULL) { /* * Drop the packet. */ sp->ds_if.if_rcvdrops++; return; } ehp = (struct ether_header *) (&net_kmsg(new_kmsg)->header[0]); pkt = (struct packet_header *) (&net_kmsg(new_kmsg)->packet[0]); *ehp = par_eh; bcopy (sp->sc_buf, (char *) (pkt + 1), len); pkt->type = ehp->ether_type; pkt->length = len + sizeof(struct packet_header); /* * Hand the packet to the network module. */ net_packet(ifp, new_kmsg, pkt->length, ethernet_priority(new_kmsg)); return(0); } #endif