/* * Copyright (c) 1988-1994, The University of Utah and * the Computer Systems Laboratory at the University of Utah (CSL). * All rights reserved. * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software is hereby * granted provided that (1) source code retains these copyright, permission, * and disclaimer notices, and (2) redistributions including binaries * reproduce the notices in supporting documentation, and (3) all advertising * materials mentioning features or use of this software display the following * acknowledgement: ``This product includes software developed by the * Computer Systems Laboratory at the University of Utah.'' * * THE UNIVERSITY OF UTAH AND CSL ALLOW FREE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE IN ITS "AS * IS" CONDITION. THE UNIVERSITY OF UTAH AND CSL DISCLAIM ANY LIABILITY OF * ANY KIND FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * CSL requests users of this software to return to csl-dist@cs.utah.edu any * improvements that they make and grant CSL redistribution rights. * * Utah $Hdr: cons_conf.c 1.7 94/12/14$ */ /* * This entire table could be autoconfig()ed but that would mean that * the kernel's idea of the console would be out of sync with that of * the standalone boot. I think it best that they both use the same * known algorithm unless we see a pressing need otherwise. */ #include <sys/types.h> #include <device/cons.h> #ifdef MACH_HYP #include <xen/console.h> #else /* MACH_HYP */ #include "kd.h" #if NCOM > 0 #include "com.h" #endif #endif /* MACH_HYP */ #if ENABLE_IMMEDIATE_CONSOLE #include "immc.h" #endif /* ENABLE_IMMEDIATE_CONSOLE */ /* * The rest of the consdev fields are filled in by the respective * cnprobe routine. */ struct consdev constab[] = { #ifdef MACH_HYP {"hyp", hypcnprobe, hypcninit, hypcngetc, hypcnputc}, #else /* MACH_HYP */ #if ENABLE_IMMEDIATE_CONSOLE {"immc", immc_cnprobe, immc_cninit, immc_cngetc, immc_cnputc}, #endif /* ENABLE_IMMEDIATE_CONSOLE */ {"kd", kdcnprobe, kdcninit, kdcngetc, kdcnputc}, #if NCOM > 0 {"com", comcnprobe, comcninit, comcngetc, comcnputc}, #endif #endif /* MACH_HYP */ {0} };