/* * Mach Operating System * Copyright (c) 1993-1989 Carnegie Mellon University * All Rights Reserved. * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the * software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions * thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation. * * CARNEGIE MELLON ALLOWS FREE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE IN ITS "AS IS" * CONDITION. CARNEGIE MELLON DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY OF ANY KIND FOR * ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to * * Software Distribution Coordinator or Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU * School of Computer Science * Carnegie Mellon University * Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890 * * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie Mellon * the rights to redistribute these changes. */ /* * Device switch for i386 AT bus. */ #include <mach/machine/vm_types.h> #include <device/conf.h> #include <kern/mach_clock.h> #include <i386at/model_dep.h> #define timename "time" #ifndef MACH_HYP #include <i386at/kd.h> #define kdname "kd" #if NCOM > 0 #include <i386at/com.h> #define comname "com" #endif /* NCOM > 0 */ #if NLPR > 0 #include <i386at/lpr.h> #define lprname "lpr" #endif /* NLPR > 0 */ #endif /* MACH_HYP */ #include <i386at/kd_event.h> #define kbdname "kbd" #ifndef MACH_HYP #include <i386at/kd_mouse.h> #define mousename "mouse" #include <i386at/mem.h> #define memname "mem" #endif /* MACH_HYP */ #include <device/kmsg.h> #define kmsgname "kmsg" #ifdef MACH_HYP #include <xen/console.h> #define hypcnname "hyp" #endif /* MACH_HYP */ /* * List of devices - console must be at slot 0 */ struct dev_ops dev_name_list[] = { /*name, open, close, read, write, getstat, setstat, mmap, async_in, reset, port_death, subdev, dev_info */ /* We don't assign a console here, when we find one via cninit() we stick something appropriate here through the indirect list */ { "cn", nulldev, nulldev, nulldev, nulldev, nulldev, nulldev, nomap, nodev, nulldev, nulldev, 0, nodev }, #ifndef MACH_HYP { kdname, kdopen, kdclose, kdread, kdwrite, kdgetstat, kdsetstat, kdmmap, nodev, nulldev, kdportdeath, 0, nodev }, #endif /* MACH_HYP */ { timename, timeopen, timeclose, nulldev, nulldev, nulldev, nulldev, timemmap, nodev, nulldev, nulldev, 0, nodev }, #ifndef MACH_HYP #if NCOM > 0 { comname, comopen, comclose, comread, comwrite, comgetstat, comsetstat, nomap, nodev, nulldev, comportdeath, 0, nodev }, #endif #ifdef MACH_LPR { lprname, lpropen, lprclose, lprread, lprwrite, lprgetstat, lprsetstat, nomap, nodev, nulldev, lprportdeath, 0, nodev }, #endif { mousename, mouseopen, mouseclose, mouseread, nodev, mousegetstat, nulldev, nomap, nodev, nulldev, nulldev, 0, nodev }, { kbdname, kbdopen, kbdclose, kbdread, nodev, kbdgetstat, kbdsetstat, nomap, nodev, nulldev, nulldev, 0, nodev }, { memname, nulldev, nulldev, nodev, nodev, nodev, nodev, memmmap, nodev, nulldev, nulldev, 0, nodev }, #endif /* MACH_HYP */ #ifdef MACH_KMSG { kmsgname, kmsgopen, kmsgclose, kmsgread, nodev, kmsggetstat, nodev, nomap, nodev, nulldev, nulldev, 0, nodev }, #endif #ifdef MACH_HYP { hypcnname, hypcnopen, hypcnclose, hypcnread, hypcnwrite, hypcngetstat, hypcnsetstat, nomap, nodev, nulldev, hypcnportdeath, 0, nodev }, #endif /* MACH_HYP */ }; int dev_name_count = sizeof(dev_name_list)/sizeof(dev_name_list[0]); /* * Indirect list. */ struct dev_indirect dev_indirect_list[] = { /* console */ { "console", &dev_name_list[0], 0 } }; int dev_indirect_count = sizeof(dev_indirect_list) / sizeof(dev_indirect_list[0]);