 * Mach Operating System
 * Copyright (c) 1993,1992,1991,1990,1989 Carnegie Mellon University
 * All Rights Reserved.
 * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its
 * documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright
 * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the
 * software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions
 * thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation.
 * Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to
 *  Software Distribution Coordinator  or  Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU
 *  School of Computer Science
 *  Carnegie Mellon University
 *  Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890
 * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie Mellon
 * the rights to redistribute these changes.

#include <mach_ttd.h>
#include <mach/std_types.h>
#else	/* MACH_KERNEL */
#include <cpus.h>
#include <platforms.h>
#include <generic.h>
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <mach/machine.h>
#include <machine/cpu.h>
#endif	/* MACH_KERNEL */
#ifdef LINUX_DEV
#include <i386/pic.h>
#include <i386/ipl.h>
#include <chips/busses.h>

/* initialization typecasts */
#define	SPL_FIVE	(vm_offset_t)SPL5
#define	SPL_SIX		(vm_offset_t)SPL6
#define	SPL_TTY		(vm_offset_t)SPLTTY

#include <hd.h>
#if NHD > 0
extern	struct	bus_driver	hddriver;
extern int			hdintr();
#endif /* NHD */

#include <fd.h>
#if NFD > 0
extern	struct	bus_driver	fddriver;
extern int			fdintr();
#endif /* NFD */

#include <aha.h>
#if NAHA > 0
extern struct	bus_driver	aha_driver;
extern int			aha_intr();
#endif /* NAHA */

#include <eaha.h>
#if NEAHA > 0
extern struct	bus_driver	eaha_driver;
extern int	eaha_intr();
#endif /* NEAHA */

#include <pc586.h>
#if NPC586 > 0
extern	struct	bus_driver	pcdriver;
extern int			pc586intr();
#endif /* NPC586 */

#include <ne.h>
#if NNE > 0
extern  struct  bus_driver      nedriver;
extern int                      neintr();
#endif /* NNE */

#include <ns8390.h>
#if NNS8390 > 0
extern	struct	bus_driver	ns8390driver;
extern int			ns8390intr();
#endif /* NNS8390 */

#include <at3c501.h>
#if NAT3C501 > 0
extern struct	bus_driver	at3c501driver;
extern int			at3c501intr();
#endif /* NAT3C501 */

#include <ul.h>
#if NUL > 0
extern struct  bus_driver      uldriver;
extern int                     ulintr();

#include <wd.h>
#if NWD > 0
extern struct  bus_driver      wddriver;
extern int                     wdintr();

#include <hpp.h>
#if NHPP > 0
extern struct  bus_driver      hppdriver;
extern int                    hppintr();

#include <com.h>
#if NCOM > 0
extern	struct	bus_driver	comdriver;
extern int			comintr();
#endif /* NCOM */

#include <lpr.h>
#if NLPR > 0
extern	struct	bus_driver	lprdriver;
extern int			lprintr();
#endif /* NLPR */

#include <wt.h>
#if NWT > 0
extern	struct	bus_driver	wtdriver;
extern int			wtintr();
#endif /* NWT */

struct	bus_ctlr	bus_master_init[] = {

/* driver    name unit intr    address        len phys_address
     adaptor alive flags spl    pic				 */

#ifndef LINUX_DEV
#if NHD > 0
  {&hddriver, "hdc",  0, hdintr, 0x1f0, 8, 0x1f0,
     '?',	0,  0,	 SPL_FIVE, 14},

  {&hddriver, "hdc",  1, hdintr, 0x170, 8, 0x170,
     '?',	0,  0,	 SPL_FIVE, 15},
#endif	/* NHD > 0 */

#if NAHA > 0
  {&aha_driver, "ahac",  0, aha_intr, 0x330, 4, 0x330,
     '?',	0,  0,	 SPL_FIVE, 11},

#if NAHA > 1

  {&aha_driver, "ahac",  1, aha_intr, 0x234, 4, 0x234,
     '?',	0,  0,	 SPL_FIVE, 12},
  {&aha_driver, "ahac",  1, aha_intr, 0x230, 4, 0x230,
     '?',	0,  0,	 SPL_FIVE, 12},
  {&aha_driver, "ahac",  1, aha_intr, 0x134, 4, 0x134,
     '?',	0,  0,	 SPL_FIVE, 12},
  {&aha_driver, "ahac",  1, aha_intr, 0x130, 4, 0x130,
     '?',	0,  0,	 SPL_FIVE, 12},


  {&aha_driver, "ahac",  0, aha_intr, 0x334, 4, 0x334,
     '?',	0,  0,	 SPL_FIVE, 11},
  {&aha_driver, "ahac",  0, aha_intr, 0x234, 4, 0x234,
     '?',	0,  0,	 SPL_FIVE, 11},
  {&aha_driver, "ahac",  0, aha_intr, 0x230, 4, 0x230,
     '?',	0,  0,	 SPL_FIVE, 11},
  {&aha_driver, "ahac",  0, aha_intr, 0x134, 4, 0x134,
     '?',	0,  0,	 SPL_FIVE, 11},
  {&aha_driver, "ahac",  0, aha_intr, 0x130, 4, 0x130,
     '?',	0,  0,	 SPL_FIVE, 11},

#endif	/* NAHA > 1 */
#endif	/* NAHA > 0*/

#if NEAHA > 0
{&eaha_driver, "eahac", 0, eaha_intr, 0x0000, 4, 0x0000,
     '?',	0,  0,	 SPL_FIVE, 12},
{&eaha_driver, "eahac", 0, eaha_intr, 0x1000, 4, 0x1000,
     '?',	0,  0,	 SPL_FIVE, 12},
{&eaha_driver, "eahac", 0, eaha_intr, 0x2000, 4, 0x2000,
     '?',	0,  0,	 SPL_FIVE, 12},
{&eaha_driver, "eahac", 0, eaha_intr, 0x3000, 4, 0x3000,
     '?',	0,  0,	 SPL_FIVE, 12},
{&eaha_driver, "eahac", 0, eaha_intr, 0x4000, 4, 0x4000,
     '?',	0,  0,	 SPL_FIVE, 12},
{&eaha_driver, "eahac", 0, eaha_intr, 0x5000, 4, 0x5000,
     '?',	0,  0,	 SPL_FIVE, 12},
{&eaha_driver, "eahac", 0, eaha_intr, 0x6000, 4, 0x6000,
     '?',	0,  0,	 SPL_FIVE, 12},
{&eaha_driver, "eahac", 0, eaha_intr, 0x7000, 4, 0x7000,
     '?',	0,  0,	 SPL_FIVE, 12},
{&eaha_driver, "eahac", 0, eaha_intr, 0x8000, 4, 0x8000,
     '?',	0,  0,	 SPL_FIVE, 12},
{&eaha_driver, "eahac", 0, eaha_intr, 0x9000, 4, 0x9000,
     '?',	0,  0,	 SPL_FIVE, 12},
{&eaha_driver, "eahac", 0, eaha_intr, 0xa000, 4, 0xa000,
     '?',	0,  0,	 SPL_FIVE, 12},
{&eaha_driver, "eahac", 0, eaha_intr, 0xb000, 4, 0xb000,
     '?',	0,  0,	 SPL_FIVE, 12},
{&eaha_driver, "eahac", 0, eaha_intr, 0xc000, 4, 0xc000,
     '?',	0,  0,	 SPL_FIVE, 12},
{&eaha_driver, "eahac", 0, eaha_intr, 0xd000, 4, 0xd000,
     '?',	0,  0,	 SPL_FIVE, 12},
{&eaha_driver, "eahac", 0, eaha_intr, 0xe000, 4, 0xe000,
     '?',	0,  0,	 SPL_FIVE, 12},
{&eaha_driver, "eahac", 0, eaha_intr, 0xf000, 4, 0xf000,
     '?',	0,  0,	 SPL_FIVE, 12},
#endif /* NEAHA > 0 */

#if NFD > 0
  {&fddriver, "fdc",  0, fdintr, 0x3f2, 6, 0x3f2,
     '?',	0,  0,	 SPL_FIVE, 6},

  {&fddriver, "fdc",  1, fdintr, 0x372, 6, 0x372,
     '?',	0,  0,	 SPL_FIVE, 10},
#endif	/* NFD > 0 */
#endif	/* ! LINUX_DEV */


struct	bus_device	bus_device_init[] = {

/* driver     name unit intr    address       am   phys_address
     adaptor alive ctlr slave flags *mi       *next  sysdep sysdep */

#ifndef LINUX_DEV
#if NHD > 0
  {&hddriver, "hd", 0, hdintr, 0x104, 8, 0x1f0,
     '?',    0,   0,    0,    0,   0,  0,  SPL_FIVE, 14},
  {&hddriver, "hd", 1, hdintr, 0x118, 8, 0x1f0,
     '?',    0,   0,    1,    0,   0,  0,  SPL_FIVE, 14},
  {&hddriver, "hd", 2, hdintr, 0x104, 8, 0x170,  /*??*/
     '?',    0,   1,    0,    0,   0,  0,  SPL_FIVE, 15},
  {&hddriver, "hd", 3, hdintr, 0x118, 8, 0x170,
     '?',    0,   1,    1,    0,   0,  0,  SPL_FIVE, 15},
#endif /* NHD > 0 */

#if NAHA > 0
{ &aha_driver,	"rz",   0,  0,  0x0,0,	0,    '?',     0,   0,   0,    0, },
{ &aha_driver,	"rz",   1,  0,  0x0,0,	0,    '?',     0,   0,   1,    0, },
{ &aha_driver,	"rz",   2,  0,  0x0,0,	0,    '?',     0,   0,   2,    0, },
{ &aha_driver,	"rz",   3,  0,  0x0,0,	0,    '?',     0,   0,   3,    0, },
{ &aha_driver,	"rz",   4,  0,  0x0,0,	0,    '?',     0,   0,   4,    0, },
{ &aha_driver,	"rz",   5,  0,  0x0,0,	0,    '?',     0,   0,   5,    0, },
{ &aha_driver,	"rz",   6,  0,  0x0,0,	0,    '?',     0,   0,   6,    0, },
{ &aha_driver,	"rz",   7,  0,  0x0,0,	0,    '?',     0,   0,   7,    0, },

{ &aha_driver,	"tz",   0,  0,  0x0,0,	0,    '?',     0,   0,   0,    0, },
{ &aha_driver,	"tz",   1,  0,  0x0,0,	0,    '?',     0,   0,   1,    0, },
{ &aha_driver,	"tz",   2,  0,  0x0,0,	0,    '?',     0,   0,   2,    0, },
{ &aha_driver,	"tz",   3,  0,  0x0,0,	0,    '?',     0,   0,   3,    0, },
{ &aha_driver,	"tz",   4,  0,  0x0,0,	0,    '?',     0,   0,   4,    0, },
{ &aha_driver,	"tz",   5,  0,  0x0,0,	0,    '?',     0,   0,   5,    0, },
{ &aha_driver,	"tz",   6,  0,  0x0,0,	0,    '?',     0,   0,   6,    0, },
{ &aha_driver,	"tz",   7,  0,  0x0,0,	0,    '?',     0,   0,   7,    0, },

#if NAHA > 1

{ &aha_driver,	"rz",   8,  0,  0x0,0,	0,    '?',     0,   1,   0,    0, },
{ &aha_driver,	"rz",   9,  0,  0x0,0,	0,    '?',     0,   1,   1,    0, },
{ &aha_driver,	"rz",  10,  0,  0x0,0,	0,    '?',     0,   1,   2,    0, },
{ &aha_driver,	"rz",  11,  0,  0x0,0,	0,    '?',     0,   1,   3,    0, },
{ &aha_driver,	"rz",  12,  0,  0x0,0,	0,    '?',     0,   1,   4,    0, },
{ &aha_driver,	"rz",  13,  0,  0x0,0,	0,    '?',     0,   1,   5,    0, },
{ &aha_driver,	"rz",  14,  0,  0x0,0,	0,    '?',     0,   1,   6,    0, },
{ &aha_driver,	"rz",  15,  0,  0x0,0,	0,    '?',     0,   1,   7,    0, },

{ &aha_driver,	"tz",   8,  0,  0x0,0,	0,    '?',     0,   1,   0,    0, },
{ &aha_driver,	"tz",   9,  0,  0x0,0,	0,    '?',     0,   1,   1,    0, },
{ &aha_driver,	"tz",  10,  0,  0x0,0,	0,    '?',     0,   1,   2,    0, },
{ &aha_driver,	"tz",  11,  0,  0x0,0,	0,    '?',     0,   1,   3,    0, },
{ &aha_driver,	"tz",  12,  0,  0x0,0,	0,    '?',     0,   1,   4,    0, },
{ &aha_driver,	"tz",  13,  0,  0x0,0,	0,    '?',     0,   1,   5,    0, },
{ &aha_driver,	"tz",  14,  0,  0x0,0,	0,    '?',     0,   1,   6,    0, },
{ &aha_driver,	"tz",  15,  0,  0x0,0,	0,    '?',     0,   1,   7,    0, },
#endif	/* NAHA > 1 */
#endif	/* NAHA > 0 */

#if NEAHA > 0
{ &eaha_driver,	"rz",   0,  0,  0x0,0,	0,    '?',     0,   0,   0,    0, },
{ &eaha_driver,	"rz",   1,  0,  0x0,0,	0,    '?',     0,   0,   1,    0, },
{ &eaha_driver,	"rz",   2,  0,  0x0,0,	0,    '?',     0,   0,   2,    0, },
{ &eaha_driver,	"rz",   3,  0,  0x0,0,	0,    '?',     0,   0,   3,    0, },
{ &eaha_driver,	"rz",   4,  0,  0x0,0,	0,    '?',     0,   0,   4,    0, },
{ &eaha_driver,	"rz",   5,  0,  0x0,0,	0,    '?',     0,   0,   5,    0, },
{ &eaha_driver,	"rz",   6,  0,  0x0,0,	0,    '?',     0,   0,   6,    0, },
{ &eaha_driver,	"rz",   7,  0,  0x0,0,	0,    '?',     0,   0,   7,    0, },

{ &eaha_driver,	"tz",   0,  0,  0x0,0,	0,    '?',     0,   0,   0,    0, },
{ &eaha_driver,	"tz",   1,  0,  0x0,0,	0,    '?',     0,   0,   1,    0, },
{ &eaha_driver,	"tz",   2,  0,  0x0,0,	0,    '?',     0,   0,   2,    0, },
{ &eaha_driver,	"tz",   3,  0,  0x0,0,	0,    '?',     0,   0,   3,    0, },
{ &eaha_driver,	"tz",   4,  0,  0x0,0,	0,    '?',     0,   0,   4,    0, },
{ &eaha_driver,	"tz",   5,  0,  0x0,0,	0,    '?',     0,   0,   5,    0, },
{ &eaha_driver,	"tz",   6,  0,  0x0,0,	0,    '?',     0,   0,   6,    0, },
{ &eaha_driver,	"tz",   7,  0,  0x0,0,	0,    '?',     0,   0,   7,    0, },
#endif	/* NEAHA > 0*/

#if NFD > 0
  {&fddriver, "fd", 0, fdintr, 0x3f2, 6, 0x3f2,
     '?',    0,   0,    0,    0,   0,  0,   SPL_FIVE, 6},
  {&fddriver, "fd", 1, fdintr, 0x3f2, 6, 0x3f2,
     '?',    0,   0,    1,    0,   0,  0,   SPL_FIVE, 6},

  {&fddriver, "fd", 2, fdintr, 0x372, 6, 0x372,
     '?',    0,   1,    0,    0,   0,  0,   SPL_FIVE, 10},
  {&fddriver, "fd", 3, fdintr, 0x372, 6, 0x372,
     '?',    0,   1,    1,    0,   0,  0,   SPL_FIVE, 10},
#endif /* NFD > 0 */

#if NPC586 > 0
  /* For MACH Default */
  {&pcdriver, "pc", 0, pc586intr, 0xd0000, 0, 0xd0000,
     '?',    0,   -1,    -1,    0,   0,        0,   SPL_FIVE, 9},
  /* For Factory Default */
  {&pcdriver, "pc", 0, pc586intr, 0xc0000, 0, 0xc0000,
     '?',    0,   -1,    -1,    0,   0,        0,   SPL_FIVE, 5},
  /* For what Intel Ships */
  {&pcdriver, "pc", 0, pc586intr, 0xf00000, 0, 0xf00000,
     '?',    0,   -1,    -1,    0,   0,        0,   SPL_FIVE, 12},
#endif /* NPC586 > 0 */

#if NNE > 0
{&nedriver, "ne", 0, neintr, 0x280,0x4000,0xd0000,
     '?',    0,   -1,    -1,    0,   0,        0,   SPL_SIX, 5},
{&nedriver, "ne", 1, neintr, 0x300,0x4000,0xd0000,
     '?',    0,   -1,    -1,    0,   0,        0,   SPL_SIX, 10},
#endif /* NNE > 0 */

#if NNS8390 > 0
	/* "wd" and "el" */
  {&ns8390driver, "wd", 0, ns8390intr, 0x280,0x2000,0xd0000,
     '?',    0,   -1,    -1,    0,   0,        0,   SPL_SIX, 9},
  {&ns8390driver, "wd", 0, ns8390intr, 0x2a0,0x2000,0xd0000,
     '?',    0,   -1,    -1,    0,   0,        0,   SPL_SIX, 9},
  {&ns8390driver, "wd", 0, ns8390intr, 0x2e0,0x2000,0xd0000,
     '?',    0,   -1,    -1,    0,   0,        0,   SPL_SIX, 5},
  {&ns8390driver, "wd", 0, ns8390intr, 0x300,0x2000,0xd0000,
     '?',    0,   -1,    -1,    0,   0,        0,   SPL_SIX, 5},
  {&ns8390driver, "wd", 0, ns8390intr, 0x250,0x2000,0xd0000,
     '?',    0,   -1,    -1,    0,   0,        0,   SPL_SIX, 5},
  {&ns8390driver, "wd", 0, ns8390intr, 0x350,0x2000,0xd0000,
     '?',    0,   -1,    -1,    0,   0,        0,   SPL_SIX, 5},
  {&ns8390driver, "wd", 0, ns8390intr, 0x240,0x2000,0xd0000,
     '?',    0,   -1,    -1,    0,   0,        0,   SPL_SIX, 11},
  {&ns8390driver, "wd", 1, ns8390intr, 0x340,0x2000,0xe8000,
     '?',    0,   -1,    -1,    0,   0,        0,   SPL_SIX, 15},
#endif /* NNS8390 > 0 */

#if NAT3C501 > 0
  {&at3c501driver, "et", 0, at3c501intr, 0x300, 0,0x300,
     '?',    0,   -1,    -1,    0,   0,        0,   SPL_SIX, 9},
#endif /* NAT3C501 > 0 */

#if NUL > 0
  {&uldriver, "ul",  0, ulintr, 0, 0, 0, '?', 0, -1, -1, 0, 0, 0, SPL_SIX, 0},
  {&uldriver, "ul",  1, ulintr, 0, 0, 0, '?', 0, -1, -1, 0, 0, 0, SPL_SIX, 0},

#if NWD > 0
  {&wddriver, "wd",  0, wdintr, 0, 0, 0, '?', 0, -1, -1, 0, 0, 0, SPL_SIX, 9},
  {&wddriver, "wd",  1, wdintr, 0, 0, 0, '?', 0, -1, -1, 0, 0, 0, SPL_SIX, 15},

#if NHPP > 0
  {&hppdriver, "hpp", 0, hppintr, 0, 0, 0, '?', 0, -1, -1, 0, 0, 0, SPL_SIX, 0},
  {&hppdriver, "hpp", 1, hppintr, 0, 0, 0, '?', 0, -1, -1, 0, 0, 0, SPL_SIX, 0},
#endif /* ! LINUX_DEV */

#if NCOM > 0
  {&comdriver, "com", 0, comintr, 0x3f8, 8, 0x3f8,
     '?',    0,   -1,    -1,    0,   0,        0,   SPL_TTY, 4},
  {&comdriver, "com", 1, comintr, 0x2f8, 8, 0x2f8,
     '?',    0,   -1,    -1,    0,   0,        0,   SPL_TTY, 3},
  {&comdriver, "com", 2, comintr, 0x3e8, 8, 0x3e8,
     '?',    0,   -1,    -1,    0,   0,        0,   SPL_TTY, 5},
#endif /* NCOM > 0 */

#ifndef LINUX_DEV
#if NLPR > 0
  {&lprdriver, "lpr", 0, lprintr, 0x378, 3, 0x378,
     '?',    0,   -1,    -1,    0,   0,        0,   SPL_TTY, 7},
  {&lprdriver, "lpr", 0, lprintr, 0x278, 3, 0x278,
     '?',    0,   -1,    -1,    0,   0,        0,   SPL_TTY, 7},
  {&lprdriver, "lpr", 0, lprintr, 0x3bc, 3, 0x3bc,
     '?',    0,   -1,    -1,    0,   0,        0,   SPL_TTY, 7},
#endif /* NLPR > 0 */

#if NWT > 0
  {&wtdriver, "wt", 0, wtintr, 0x300, 2, 0x300,
     '?',    0,   -1,    -1,    0,   0,        0,   SPL_FIVE, 5},
  {&wtdriver, "wt", 0, wtintr, 0x288, 2, 0x288,
     '?',    0,   -1,    -1,    0,   0,        0,   SPL_FIVE, 5},
  {&wtdriver, "wt", 0, wtintr, 0x388, 2, 0x388,
     '?',    0,   -1,    -1,    0,   0,        0,   SPL_FIVE, 5},
#endif /* NWT > 0 */
#endif /* ! LINUX_DEV */


 * probeio:
 *	Probe and subsequently attach devices out on the AT bus.
void probeio(void)
	register struct	bus_device	*device;
	register struct	bus_ctlr	*master;
	int				i = 0;

	for (master = bus_master_init; master->driver; master++)
		if (configure_bus_master(master->name, master->address,
				master->phys_address, i, "atbus"))

	for (device = bus_device_init; device->driver; device++)
		/* ignore what we (should) have found already */
		if (device->alive || device->ctlr >= 0)
		if (configure_bus_device(device->name, device->address,
				device->phys_address, i, "atbus"))

	 * Initialize Remote kernel debugger.
#endif	/* MACH_TTD */

void take_dev_irq(
	struct bus_device *dev)
	int pic = (int)dev->sysdep1;

	if (intpri[pic] == 0) {
		iunit[pic] = dev->unit;
		ivect[pic] = dev->intr;
		intpri[pic] = (int)dev->sysdep;
	} else {
		printf("The device below will clobber IRQ %d.\n", pic);
		printf("You have two devices at the same IRQ.\n");
		printf("This won't work.  Reconfigure your hardware and try again.\n");
		printf("%s%d: port = %x, spl = %d, pic = %d.\n",
		        dev->name, dev->unit, dev->address,
			dev->sysdep, dev->sysdep1);
		while (1);


void take_ctlr_irq(
	struct bus_ctlr *ctlr)
	int pic = ctlr->sysdep1;
	if (intpri[pic] == 0) {
		iunit[pic] = ctlr->unit;
		ivect[pic] = ctlr->intr;
		intpri[pic] = (int)ctlr->sysdep;
	} else {
		printf("The device below will clobber IRQ %d.\n", pic);
		printf("You have two devices at the same IRQ.  This won't work.\n");
		printf("Reconfigure your hardware and try again.\n");
		while (1);