/* * Mach Operating System * Copyright (c) 1991,1990,1989,1988 Carnegie Mellon University * All Rights Reserved. * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the * software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions * thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation. * * CARNEGIE MELLON ALLOWS FREE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE IN ITS "AS IS" * CONDITION. CARNEGIE MELLON DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY OF ANY KIND FOR * ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to * * Software Distribution Coordinator or Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU * School of Computer Science * Carnegie Mellon University * Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890 * * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie Mellon * the rights to redistribute these changes. */ /* * Author: David B. Golub, Carnegie Mellon University * Date: 10/88 */ #ifndef _IO_REQ_ #define _IO_REQ_ #include <mach/boolean.h> #include <mach/port.h> #include <mach/message.h> #include <mach/vm_param.h> #include <kern/kalloc.h> #include <kern/lock.h> #include <vm/vm_page.h> #include <device/device_types.h> #include <device/dev_hdr.h> #include <kern/macro_help.h> /* * IO request element, queued on device for delayed replies. */ typedef struct io_req *io_req_t; struct io_req { struct io_req * io_next; /* next, ... */ struct io_req * io_prev; /* prev pointers: link in done, defered, or in-progress list */ mach_device_t io_device; /* pointer to open-device structure */ char * io_dev_ptr; /* pointer to driver structure - filled in by driver if necessary */ int io_unit; /* unit number ('minor') of device */ int io_op; /* IO operation */ dev_mode_t io_mode; /* operation mode (wait, truncate) */ recnum_t io_recnum; /* starting record number for random-access devices */ union io_un { io_buf_ptr_t data; /* data, for IO requests */ } io_un; #define io_data io_un.data long io_count; /* amount requested */ vm_size_t io_alloc_size; /* amount allocated */ long io_residual; /* amount NOT done */ io_return_t io_error; /* error code */ /* call when done - returns TRUE if IO really finished */ boolean_t (*io_done)(io_req_t); struct ipc_port *io_reply_port; /* reply port, for asynchronous messages */ mach_msg_type_name_t io_reply_port_type; /* send or send-once right? */ struct io_req * io_link; /* forward link (for driver header) */ struct io_req * io_rlink; /* reverse link (for driver header) */ vm_map_copy_t io_copy; /* vm_map_copy obj. for this op. */ long io_total; /* total op size, for write */ decl_simple_lock_data(,io_req_lock) /* Lock for this structure */ long io_physrec; /* mapping to the physical block number */ long io_rectotal; /* total number of blocks to move */ }; /* * LOCKING NOTE: Operations on io_req's are in general single threaded by * the invoking code, obviating the need for a lock. The usual IO_CALL * path through the code is: Initiating thread hands io_req to device driver, * driver passes it to io_done thread, io_done thread sends reply message. No * locking is needed in this sequence. Unfortunately, a synchronous wait * for a buffer requires a lock to avoid problems if the wait and interrupt * happen simultaneously on different processors. */ #define ior_lock(ior) simple_lock(&(ior)->io_req_lock) #define ior_unlock(ior) simple_unlock(&(ior)->io_req_lock) /* * Flags and operations */ #define IO_WRITE 0x00000000 /* operation is write */ #define IO_READ 0x00000001 /* operation is read */ #define IO_OPEN 0x00000002 /* operation is open */ #define IO_DONE 0x00000100 /* operation complete */ #define IO_ERROR 0x00000200 /* error on operation */ #define IO_BUSY 0x00000400 /* operation in progress */ #define IO_WANTED 0x00000800 /* wakeup when no longer BUSY */ #define IO_BAD 0x00001000 /* bad disk block */ #define IO_CALL 0x00002000 /* call io_done_thread when done */ #define IO_INBAND 0x00004000 /* mig call was inband */ #define IO_INTERNAL 0x00008000 /* internal, device-driver specific */ #define IO_LOANED 0x00010000 /* ior loaned by another module */ #define IO_SPARE_START 0x00020000 /* start of spare flags */ /* * Standard completion routine for io_requests. */ void iodone(io_req_t); /* * Macros to allocate and free IORs - will convert to zones later. */ #define io_req_alloc(ior,size) \ MACRO_BEGIN \ (ior) = (io_req_t)kalloc(sizeof(struct io_req)); \ simple_lock_init(&(ior)->io_req_lock); \ MACRO_END #define io_req_free(ior) \ (kfree((vm_offset_t)(ior), sizeof(struct io_req))) zone_t io_inband_zone; /* for inband reads */ #endif /* _IO_REQ_ */