/* * Mach Operating System * Copyright (c) 1992,1991,1990 Carnegie Mellon University * All Rights Reserved. * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the * software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions * thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation. * * CARNEGIE MELLON ALLOWS FREE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE IN ITS "AS IS" * CONDITION. CARNEGIE MELLON DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY OF ANY KIND FOR * ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to * * Software Distribution Coordinator or Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU * School of Computer Science * Carnegie Mellon University * Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890 * * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie Mellon * the rights to redistribute these changes. */ /* * Author: David B. Golub, Carnegie Mellon University * Date: 7/90 * * Circular buffers for TTY */ #include <string.h> #include <device/cirbuf.h> #include <kern/debug.h> #include <kern/kalloc.h> /* read at c_cf, write at c_cl */ /* if c_cf == c_cl, buffer is empty */ /* if c_cl == c_cf - 1, buffer is full */ #if DEBUG int cb_check_enable = 0; #define CB_CHECK(cb) if (cb_check_enable) cb_check(cb) void cb_check(register struct cirbuf *cb) { if (!(cb->c_cf >= cb->c_start && cb->c_cf < cb->c_end)) panic("cf %x out of range [%x..%x)", cb->c_cf, cb->c_start, cb->c_end); if (!(cb->c_cl >= cb->c_start && cb->c_cl < cb->c_end)) panic("cl %x out of range [%x..%x)", cb->c_cl, cb->c_start, cb->c_end); if (cb->c_cf <= cb->c_cl) { if (!(cb->c_cc == cb->c_cl - cb->c_cf)) panic("cc %x should be %x", cb->c_cc, cb->c_cl - cb->c_cf); } else { if (!(cb->c_cc == cb->c_end - cb->c_cf + cb->c_cl - cb->c_start)) panic("cc %x should be %x", cb->c_cc, cb->c_end - cb->c_cf + cb->c_cl - cb->c_start); } } #else /* DEBUG */ #define CB_CHECK(cb) #endif /* DEBUG */ /* * Put one character in circular buffer. */ int putc( int c, register struct cirbuf *cb) { register char *ow, *nw; ow = cb->c_cl; nw = ow+1; if (nw == cb->c_end) nw = cb->c_start; if (nw == cb->c_cf) return 1; /* not entered */ *ow = c; cb->c_cl = nw; cb->c_cc++; CB_CHECK(cb); return 0; } /* * Get one character from circular buffer. */ int getc(register struct cirbuf *cb) { register unsigned char *nr; register int c; nr = (unsigned char *)cb->c_cf; if (nr == (unsigned char *)cb->c_cl) { CB_CHECK(cb); return -1; /* empty */ } c = *nr; nr++; if (nr == (unsigned char *)cb->c_end) nr = (unsigned char *)cb->c_start; cb->c_cf = (char *)nr; cb->c_cc--; CB_CHECK(cb); return c; } /* * Get lots of characters. * Return number moved. */ int q_to_b( register struct cirbuf *cb, register char *cp, register int count) { char * ocp = cp; register int i; while (count != 0) { if (cb->c_cl == cb->c_cf) break; /* empty */ if (cb->c_cl < cb->c_cf) i = cb->c_end - cb->c_cf; else i = cb->c_cl - cb->c_cf; if (i > count) i = count; memcpy(cp, cb->c_cf, i); cp += i; count -= i; cb->c_cf += i; cb->c_cc -= i; if (cb->c_cf == cb->c_end) cb->c_cf = cb->c_start; CB_CHECK(cb); } CB_CHECK(cb); return cp - ocp; } /* * Add character array to buffer and return number of characters * NOT entered. */ int b_to_q( register char * cp, int count, register struct cirbuf *cb) { register int i; register char *lim; while (count != 0) { lim = cb->c_cf - 1; if (lim < cb->c_start) lim = cb->c_end - 1; if (cb->c_cl == lim) break; if (cb->c_cl < lim) i = lim - cb->c_cl; else i = cb->c_end - cb->c_cl; if (i > count) i = count; memcpy(cb->c_cl, cp, i); cp += i; count -= i; cb->c_cc += i; cb->c_cl += i; if (cb->c_cl == cb->c_end) cb->c_cl = cb->c_start; CB_CHECK(cb); } CB_CHECK(cb); return count; } /* * Return number of contiguous characters up to a character * that matches the mask. */ int ndqb( register struct cirbuf *cb, register int mask) { register char *cp, *lim; if (cb->c_cl < cb->c_cf) lim = cb->c_end; else lim = cb->c_cl; if (mask == 0) return (lim - cb->c_cf); cp = cb->c_cf; while (cp < lim) { if (*cp & mask) break; cp++; } return (cp - cb->c_cf); } /* * Flush characters from circular buffer. */ void ndflush(register struct cirbuf *cb, register int count) { register int i; while (count != 0) { if (cb->c_cl == cb->c_cf) break; /* empty */ if (cb->c_cl < cb->c_cf) i = cb->c_end - cb->c_cf; else i = cb->c_cl - cb->c_cf; if (i > count) i = count; count -= i; cb->c_cf += i; cb->c_cc -= i; if (cb->c_cf == cb->c_end) cb->c_cf = cb->c_start; CB_CHECK(cb); } CB_CHECK(cb); } /* * Empty a circular buffer. */ void cb_clear(struct cirbuf *cb) { cb->c_cf = cb->c_start; cb->c_cl = cb->c_start; cb->c_cc = 0; } /* * Allocate character space for a circular buffer. */ void cb_alloc( register struct cirbuf *cb, int buf_size) { register char *buf; buf = (char *)kalloc(buf_size); cb->c_start = buf; cb->c_end = buf + buf_size; cb->c_cf = buf; cb->c_cl = buf; cb->c_cc = 0; cb->c_hog = buf_size - 1; CB_CHECK(cb); } /* * Free character space for a circular buffer. */ void cb_free(register struct cirbuf *cb) { int size; size = cb->c_end - cb->c_start; kfree((vm_offset_t)cb->c_start, size); }