/* * Mach Operating System * Copyright (c) 1991,1990 Carnegie Mellon University * All Rights Reserved. * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the * software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions * thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation. * * CARNEGIE MELLON ALLOWS FREE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE IN ITS "AS IS" * CONDITION. CARNEGIE MELLON DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY OF ANY KIND FOR * ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to * * Software Distribution Coordinator or Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU * School of Computer Science * Carnegie Mellon University * Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890 * * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie Mellon * the rights to redistribute these changes. */ /* * Author: David B. Golub, Carnegie Mellon University * Date: 7/90 */ #if MACH_KDB #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include extern unsigned long db_maxoff; extern db_expr_t db_radix; extern db_expr_t db_max_width; extern db_expr_t db_tab_stop_width; extern db_expr_t db_max_line; extern void db_set_default_thread(); extern void db_get_task_thread(); extern void db_arg_variable(); #define DB_NWORK 32 /* number of work variable */ db_expr_t db_work[DB_NWORK]; /* work variable */ struct db_variable db_vars[] = { { "radix", &db_radix, FCN_NULL }, { "maxoff", (db_expr_t*)&db_maxoff, FCN_NULL }, { "maxwidth", &db_max_width, FCN_NULL }, { "tabstops", &db_tab_stop_width, FCN_NULL }, { "lines", &db_max_line, FCN_NULL }, { "thread", 0, db_set_default_thread }, { "task", 0, db_get_task_thread, 1, 2, -1, -1 }, { "work", &db_work[0], FCN_NULL, 1, 1, 0, DB_NWORK-1 }, { "arg", 0, db_arg_variable, 1, 1, -1, -1 }, }; struct db_variable *db_evars = db_vars + sizeof(db_vars)/sizeof(db_vars[0]); char * db_get_suffix(suffix, suffix_value) char *suffix; short *suffix_value; { int value; for (value = 0; *suffix && *suffix != '.' && *suffix != ':'; suffix++) { if (*suffix < '0' || *suffix > '9') return(0); value = value*10 + *suffix - '0'; } *suffix_value = value; if (*suffix == '.') suffix++; return(suffix); } static boolean_t db_cmp_variable_name(vp, name, ap) struct db_variable *vp; char *name; db_var_aux_param_t ap; { char *var_np, *np; int level; for (np = name, var_np = vp->name; *var_np; ) { if (*np++ != *var_np++) return(FALSE); } for (level = 0; *np && *np != ':' && level < vp->max_level; level++){ if ((np = db_get_suffix(np, &ap->suffix[level])) == 0) return(FALSE); } if ((*np && *np != ':') || level < vp->min_level || (level > 0 && (ap->suffix[0] < vp->low || (vp->high >= 0 && ap->suffix[0] > vp->high)))) return(FALSE); db_strcpy(ap->modif, (*np)? np+1: ""); ap->thread = (db_option(ap->modif, 't')?db_default_thread: THREAD_NULL); ap->level = level; return(TRUE); } int db_find_variable(varp, ap) struct db_variable **varp; db_var_aux_param_t ap; { int t; struct db_variable *vp; t = db_read_token(); if (t == tIDENT) { for (vp = db_vars; vp < db_evars; vp++) { if (db_cmp_variable_name(vp, db_tok_string, ap)) { *varp = vp; return (1); } } for (vp = db_regs; vp < db_eregs; vp++) { if (db_cmp_variable_name(vp, db_tok_string, ap)) { *varp = vp; return (1); } } } db_printf("Unknown variable \"$%s\"\n", db_tok_string); db_error(0); return (0); } int db_get_variable(valuep) db_expr_t *valuep; { struct db_variable *vp; struct db_var_aux_param aux_param; char modif[TOK_STRING_SIZE]; aux_param.modif = modif; if (!db_find_variable(&vp, &aux_param)) return (0); db_read_write_variable(vp, valuep, DB_VAR_GET, &aux_param); return (1); } int db_set_variable(value) db_expr_t value; { struct db_variable *vp; struct db_var_aux_param aux_param; char modif[TOK_STRING_SIZE]; aux_param.modif = modif; if (!db_find_variable(&vp, &aux_param)) return (0); db_read_write_variable(vp, &value, DB_VAR_SET, &aux_param); return (1); } void db_read_write_variable(vp, valuep, rw_flag, ap) struct db_variable *vp; db_expr_t *valuep; int rw_flag; db_var_aux_param_t ap; { void (*func)() = vp->fcn; struct db_var_aux_param aux_param; if (ap == 0) { ap = &aux_param; ap->modif = ""; ap->level = 0; ap->thread = THREAD_NULL; } if (func == FCN_NULL) { if (rw_flag == DB_VAR_SET) vp->valuep[(ap->level)? (ap->suffix[0] - vp->low): 0] = *valuep; else *valuep = vp->valuep[(ap->level)? (ap->suffix[0] - vp->low): 0]; } else (*func)(vp, valuep, rw_flag, ap); } void db_set_cmd() { db_expr_t value; int t; struct db_variable *vp; struct db_var_aux_param aux_param; char modif[TOK_STRING_SIZE]; aux_param.modif = modif; t = db_read_token(); if (t != tDOLLAR) { db_error("Variable name should be prefixed with $\n"); return; } if (!db_find_variable(&vp, &aux_param)) { db_error("Unknown variable\n"); return; } t = db_read_token(); if (t != tEQ) db_unread_token(t); if (!db_expression(&value)) { db_error("No value\n"); return; } if ((t = db_read_token()) == tSEMI_COLON) db_unread_token(t); else if (t != tEOL) db_error("?\n"); db_read_write_variable(vp, &value, DB_VAR_SET, &aux_param); } #endif /* MACH_KDB */