/* * Mach Operating System * Copyright (c) 1992,1991,1990 Carnegie Mellon University * All Rights Reserved. * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the * software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions * thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation. * * CARNEGIE MELLON ALLOWS FREE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE IN ITS "AS IS" * CONDITION. CARNEGIE MELLON DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY OF ANY KIND FOR * ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to * * Software Distribution Coordinator or Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU * School of Computer Science * Carnegie Mellon University * Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890 * * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie Mellon * the rights to redistribute these changes. */ /* * Author: David B. Golub, Carnegie Mellon University * Date: 7/90 */ #if MACH_KDB #include <mach/boolean.h> #include <machine/db_machdep.h> #include <ddb/db_access.h> #include <ddb/db_lex.h> #include <ddb/db_output.h> #include <ddb/db_command.h> #include <ddb/db_sym.h> #include <ddb/db_task_thread.h> #include <kern/thread.h> #include <kern/task.h> #include <mach/vm_param.h> #define db_thread_to_task(thread) ((thread)? thread->task: TASK_NULL) char db_examine_format[TOK_STRING_SIZE] = "x"; int db_examine_count = 1; db_addr_t db_examine_prev_addr = 0; thread_t db_examine_thread = THREAD_NULL; extern db_addr_t db_disasm(db_addr_t pc, boolean_t altform, task_t task); /* instruction disassembler */ void db_examine();/*forwards*/ void db_strcpy(); /* * Examine (print) data. */ /*ARGSUSED*/ void db_examine_cmd(addr, have_addr, count, modif) db_expr_t addr; int have_addr; db_expr_t count; char * modif; { thread_t thread; boolean_t db_option(); if (modif[0] != '\0') db_strcpy(db_examine_format, modif); if (count == -1) count = 1; db_examine_count = count; if (db_option(modif, 't')) { if (!db_get_next_thread(&thread, 0)) return; } else if (db_option(modif,'u')) thread = current_thread(); else thread = THREAD_NULL; db_examine_thread = thread; db_examine((db_addr_t) addr, db_examine_format, count, db_thread_to_task(thread)); } /* ARGSUSED */ void db_examine_forward(addr, have_addr, count, modif) db_expr_t addr; int have_addr; db_expr_t count; char * modif; { db_examine(db_next, db_examine_format, db_examine_count, db_thread_to_task(db_examine_thread)); } /* ARGSUSED */ void db_examine_backward(addr, have_addr, count, modif) db_expr_t addr; int have_addr; db_expr_t count; char * modif; { db_examine(db_examine_prev_addr - (db_next - db_examine_prev_addr), db_examine_format, db_examine_count, db_thread_to_task(db_examine_thread)); } void db_examine(addr, fmt, count, task) register db_addr_t addr; char * fmt; /* format string */ int count; /* repeat count */ task_t task; { int c; db_expr_t value; int size; /* in bytes */ int width; char * fp; db_examine_prev_addr = addr; while (--count >= 0) { fp = fmt; size = sizeof(int); width = 4*size; while ((c = *fp++) != 0) { switch (c) { case 'b': size = sizeof(char); width = 4*size; break; case 'h': size = sizeof(short); width = 4*size; break; case 'l': size = sizeof(long); width = 4*size; break; case 'a': /* address */ case 'A': /* function address */ /* always forces a new line */ if (db_print_position() != 0) db_printf("\n"); db_prev = addr; db_task_printsym(addr, (c == 'a')?DB_STGY_ANY:DB_STGY_PROC, task); db_printf(":\t"); break; case 'm': db_next = db_xcdump(addr, size, count+1, task); return; default: if (db_print_position() == 0) { /* If we hit a new symbol, print it */ char * name; db_addr_t off; db_find_task_sym_and_offset(addr,&name,&off,task); if (off == 0) db_printf("%s:\t", name); else db_printf("\t\t"); db_prev = addr; } switch (c) { case ',': /* skip one unit w/o printing */ addr += size; break; case 'r': /* signed, current radix */ value = db_get_task_value(addr,size,TRUE,task); addr += size; db_printf("%-*R", width, value); break; case 'x': /* unsigned hex */ value = db_get_task_value(addr,size,FALSE,task); addr += size; db_printf("%-*X", width, value); break; case 'z': /* signed hex */ value = db_get_task_value(addr,size,TRUE,task); addr += size; db_printf("%-*Z", width, value); break; case 'd': /* signed decimal */ value = db_get_task_value(addr,size,TRUE,task); addr += size; db_printf("%-*D", width, value); break; case 'U': /* unsigned decimal */ value = db_get_task_value(addr,size,FALSE,task); addr += size; db_printf("%-*U", width, value); break; case 'o': /* unsigned octal */ value = db_get_task_value(addr,size,FALSE,task); addr += size; db_printf("%-*O", width, value); break; case 'c': /* character */ value = db_get_task_value(addr,1,FALSE,task); addr += 1; if (value >= ' ' && value <= '~') db_printf("%c", value); else db_printf("\\%03o", value); break; case 's': /* null-terminated string */ for (;;) { value = db_get_task_value(addr,1,FALSE,task); addr += 1; if (value == 0) break; if (value >= ' ' && value <= '~') db_printf("%c", value); else db_printf("\\%03o", value); } break; case 'i': /* instruction */ addr = db_disasm(addr, FALSE, task); break; case 'I': /* instruction, alternate form */ addr = db_disasm(addr, TRUE, task); break; default: break; } if (db_print_position() != 0) db_end_line(); break; } } } db_next = addr; } /* * Print value. */ char db_print_format = 'x'; /*ARGSUSED*/ void db_print_cmd() { db_expr_t value; int t; task_t task = TASK_NULL; if ((t = db_read_token()) == tSLASH) { if (db_read_token() != tIDENT) { db_printf("Bad modifier \"/%s\"\n", db_tok_string); db_error(0); /* NOTREACHED */ } if (db_tok_string[0]) db_print_format = db_tok_string[0]; if (db_option(db_tok_string, 't') && db_default_thread) task = db_default_thread->task; } else db_unread_token(t); for ( ; ; ) { t = db_read_token(); if (t == tSTRING) { db_printf("%s", db_tok_string); continue; } db_unread_token(t); if (!db_expression(&value)) break; switch (db_print_format) { case 'a': db_task_printsym((db_addr_t)value, DB_STGY_ANY, task); break; case 'r': db_printf("%*r", 3+2*sizeof(db_expr_t), value); break; case 'x': db_printf("%*x", 2*sizeof(db_expr_t), value); break; case 'z': db_printf("%*z", 2*sizeof(db_expr_t), value); break; case 'd': db_printf("%*d", 3+2*sizeof(db_expr_t), value); break; case 'u': db_printf("%*u", 3+2*sizeof(db_expr_t), value); break; case 'o': db_printf("%o", 4*sizeof(db_expr_t), value); break; case 'c': value = value & 0xFF; if (value >= ' ' && value <= '~') db_printf("%c", value); else db_printf("\\%03o", value); break; default: db_printf("Unknown format %c\n", db_print_format); db_print_format = 'x'; db_error(0); } } } void db_print_loc_and_inst(loc, task) db_addr_t loc; task_t task; { db_task_printsym(loc, DB_STGY_PROC, task); db_printf(":\t"); (void) db_disasm(loc, TRUE, task); } void db_strcpy(dst, src) register char *dst; register char *src; { while (*dst++ = *src++) ; } void db_search(); /*forward*/ /* * Search for a value in memory. * Syntax: search [/bhl] addr value [mask] [,count] [thread] */ void db_search_cmd() { int t; db_addr_t addr; int size = 0; db_expr_t value; db_expr_t mask; db_addr_t count; thread_t thread; boolean_t thread_flag = FALSE; register char *p; t = db_read_token(); if (t == tSLASH) { t = db_read_token(); if (t != tIDENT) { bad_modifier: db_printf("Bad modifier \"/%s\"\n", db_tok_string); db_flush_lex(); return; } for (p = db_tok_string; *p; p++) { switch(*p) { case 'b': size = sizeof(char); break; case 'h': size = sizeof(short); break; case 'l': size = sizeof(long); break; case 't': thread_flag = TRUE; break; default: goto bad_modifier; } } } else { db_unread_token(t); size = sizeof(int); } if (!db_expression(&addr)) { db_printf("Address missing\n"); db_flush_lex(); return; } if (!db_expression(&value)) { db_printf("Value missing\n"); db_flush_lex(); return; } if (!db_expression(&mask)) mask = ~0; t = db_read_token(); if (t == tCOMMA) { if (!db_expression(&count)) { db_printf("Count missing\n"); db_flush_lex(); return; } } else { db_unread_token(t); count = -1; /* effectively forever */ } if (thread_flag) { if (!db_get_next_thread(&thread, 0)) return; } else thread = THREAD_NULL; db_search(addr, size, value, mask, count, db_thread_to_task(thread)); } void db_search(addr, size, value, mask, count, task) register db_addr_t addr; int size; db_expr_t value; db_expr_t mask; unsigned int count; task_t task; { while (count-- != 0) { db_prev = addr; if ((db_get_task_value(addr,size,FALSE,task) & mask) == value) break; addr += size; } db_next = addr; } #define DB_XCDUMP_NC 16 int db_xcdump(addr, size, count, task) db_addr_t addr; int size; int count; task_t task; { register i, n; db_expr_t value; int bcount; db_addr_t off; char *name; char data[DB_XCDUMP_NC]; db_find_task_sym_and_offset(addr, &name, &off, task); for (n = count*size; n > 0; n -= bcount) { db_prev = addr; if (off == 0) { db_printf("%s:\n", name); off = -1; } db_printf("%0*X:%s", 2*sizeof(db_addr_t), addr, (size != 1)? " ": ""); bcount = ((n > DB_XCDUMP_NC)? DB_XCDUMP_NC: n); if (trunc_page(addr) != trunc_page(addr+bcount-1)) { db_addr_t next_page_addr = trunc_page(addr+bcount-1); if (!DB_CHECK_ACCESS(next_page_addr, sizeof(int), task)) bcount = next_page_addr - addr; } db_read_bytes((char *)addr, bcount, data, task); for (i = 0; i < bcount && off != 0; i += size) { if (i % 4 == 0) db_printf(" "); value = db_get_task_value(addr, size, FALSE, task); db_printf("%0*x ", size*2, value); addr += size; db_find_task_sym_and_offset(addr, &name, &off, task); } db_printf("%*s", ((DB_XCDUMP_NC-i)/size)*(size*2+1)+(DB_XCDUMP_NC-i)/4, ""); bcount = i; db_printf("%s*", (size != 1)? " ": ""); for (i = 0; i < bcount; i++) { value = data[i]; db_printf("%c", (value >= ' ' && value <= '~')? value: '.'); } db_printf("*\n"); } return(addr); } #endif /* MACH_KDB */