/* * Mach Operating System * Copyright (c) 1991,1990 Carnegie Mellon University * All Rights Reserved. * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the * software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions * thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation. * * CARNEGIE MELLON ALLOWS FREE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE IN ITS "AS IS" * CONDITION. CARNEGIE MELLON DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY OF ANY KIND FOR * ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to * * Software Distribution Coordinator or Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU * School of Computer Science * Carnegie Mellon University * Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890 * * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie Mellon * the rights to redistribute these changes. */ #if MACH_KDB #include <machine/db_machdep.h> #include <machine/setjmp.h> #include <ddb/db_lex.h> #include <ddb/db_break.h> #include <ddb/db_command.h> #include <ddb/db_cond.h> #include <ddb/db_expr.h> #include <ddb/db_output.h> #include <kern/debug.h> #define DB_MAX_COND 10 /* maximum conditions to be set */ int db_ncond_free = DB_MAX_COND; /* free condition */ struct db_cond { int c_size; /* size of cond */ char c_cond_cmd[DB_LEX_LINE_SIZE]; /* cond & cmd */ } db_cond[DB_MAX_COND]; void db_cond_free(bkpt) db_thread_breakpoint_t bkpt; { if (bkpt->tb_cond > 0) { db_cond[bkpt->tb_cond-1].c_size = 0; db_ncond_free++; bkpt->tb_cond = 0; } } boolean_t db_cond_check(bkpt) db_thread_breakpoint_t bkpt; { struct db_cond *cp; db_expr_t value; int t; jmp_buf_t db_jmpbuf; extern jmp_buf_t *db_recover; if (bkpt->tb_cond <= 0) /* no condition */ return(TRUE); db_dot = PC_REGS(DDB_REGS); db_prev = db_dot; db_next = db_dot; if (_setjmp(db_recover = &db_jmpbuf)) { /* * in case of error, return true to enter interactive mode */ return(TRUE); } /* * switch input, and evalutate condition */ cp = &db_cond[bkpt->tb_cond - 1]; db_switch_input(cp->c_cond_cmd, cp->c_size); if (!db_expression(&value)) { db_printf("error: condition evaluation error\n"); return(TRUE); } if (value == 0 || --(bkpt->tb_count) > 0) return(FALSE); /* * execute a command list if exist */ bkpt->tb_count = bkpt->tb_init_count; if ((t = db_read_token()) != tEOL) { db_unread_token(t); return(db_exec_cmd_nest(0, 0)); } return(TRUE); } void db_cond_print(bkpt) db_thread_breakpoint_t bkpt; { char *p, *ep; struct db_cond *cp; if (bkpt->tb_cond <= 0) return; cp = &db_cond[bkpt->tb_cond-1]; p = cp->c_cond_cmd; ep = p + cp->c_size; while (p < ep) { if (*p == '\n' || *p == 0) break; db_putchar(*p++); } } void db_cond_cmd() { int c; struct db_cond *cp; char *p; db_expr_t value; db_thread_breakpoint_t bkpt; if (db_read_token() != tHASH || db_read_token() != tNUMBER) { db_printf("#<number> expected instead of \"%s\"\n", db_tok_string); db_error(0); return; } if ((bkpt = db_find_breakpoint_number(db_tok_number, 0)) == 0) { db_printf("No such break point #%d\n", db_tok_number); db_error(0); return; } /* * if the break point already has a condition, free it first */ if (bkpt->tb_cond > 0) { cp = &db_cond[bkpt->tb_cond - 1]; db_cond_free(bkpt); } else { if (db_ncond_free <= 0) { db_error("Too many conditions\n"); return; } for (cp = db_cond; cp < &db_cond[DB_MAX_COND]; cp++) if (cp->c_size == 0) break; if (cp >= &db_cond[DB_MAX_COND]) panic("bad db_cond_free"); } for (c = db_read_char(); c == ' ' || c == '\t'; c = db_read_char()); for (p = cp->c_cond_cmd; c >= 0; c = db_read_char()) *p++ = c; /* * switch to saved data and call db_expression to check the condition. * If no condition is supplied, db_expression will return false. * In this case, clear previous condition of the break point. * If condition is supplied, set the condition to the permanent area. * Note: db_expression will not return here, if the condition * expression is wrong. */ db_switch_input(cp->c_cond_cmd, p - cp->c_cond_cmd); if (!db_expression(&value)) { /* since condition is already freed, do nothing */ db_flush_lex(); return; } db_flush_lex(); db_ncond_free--; cp->c_size = p - cp->c_cond_cmd; bkpt->tb_cond = (cp - db_cond) + 1; } #endif /* MACH_KDB */