/* * Mach Operating System * Copyright (c) 1991,1990,1989 Carnegie Mellon University * All Rights Reserved. * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the * software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions * thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation. * * CARNEGIE MELLON ALLOWS FREE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE IN ITS "AS IS" * CONDITION. CARNEGIE MELLON DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY OF ANY KIND FOR * ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to * * Software Distribution Coordinator or Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU * School of Computer Science * Carnegie Mellon University * Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890 * * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie Mellon * the rights to redistribute these changes. */ /* * File: screen.h * Author: Alessandro Forin, Carnegie Mellon University * Date: 9/90 * * Definitions for the Generic Screen Driver. */ /* * Most of these structures are defined so that the * resulting structure mapped to user space appears * to be compatible with the one used by the DEC X * servers (pm_info..). Keep it that way and the * X servers will keep on running. */ /* * Generic structures and defines */ /* colors */ typedef struct { unsigned short red; unsigned short green; unsigned short blue; } color_map_t; typedef struct { short unused; unsigned short index; color_map_t value; } color_map_entry_t; typedef struct { unsigned int Bg_rgb[3]; unsigned int Fg_rgb[3]; } cursor_color_t; /* generic input event */ typedef struct { short x; /* x position */ short y; /* y position */ unsigned int time; /* 1 millisecond units */ unsigned char type; /* button up/down/raw or motion */ # define EVT_BUTTON_UP 0 # define EVT_BUTTON_DOWN 1 # define EVT_BUTTON_RAW 2 # define EVT_PTR_MOTION 3 unsigned char key; /* the key (button only) */ # define KEY_LEFT_BUTTON 1 # define KEY_MIDDLE_BUTTON 2 # define KEY_RIGHT_BUTTON 3 # define KEY_TBL_LEFT_BUTTON 0 # define KEY_TBL_FRONT_BUTTON 1 # define KEY_TBL_RIGHT_BUTTON 2 # define KEY_TBL_BACK_BUTTON 3 unsigned char index; /* which instance of device */ unsigned char device; /* which device */ # define DEV_NULL 0 # define DEV_MOUSE 1 # define DEV_KEYBD 2 # define DEV_TABLET 3 # define DEV_AUX 4 # define DEV_CONSOLE 5 # define DEV_KNOB 8 # define DEV_JOYSTICK 9 } screen_event_t; /* timed coordinate info */ typedef struct { unsigned int time; short x, y; } screen_timed_point_t; /* queue of input events, and ring of mouse motions track */ typedef struct { screen_event_t *events; unsigned int q_size; unsigned int q_head; unsigned int q_tail; unsigned long timestamp; screen_timed_point_t *track; unsigned int t_size; unsigned int t_next; } screen_evque_t; /* mouse/cursor position */ typedef struct { short x; short y; } screen_point_t; /* mouse motion bounding boxes */ typedef struct { short bottom; short right; short left; short top; } screen_rect_t; /* * Here it is, each field is marked as * * Kset : kernel sets it unconditionally * Kuse : kernel uses it, safely * Kdep : kernel might depend on it */ typedef struct { screen_evque_t evque; /* Kset, Kuse */ short mouse_buttons; /* Kset */ screen_point_t xx3 /*tablet*/; short xx4 /*tswitches*/; screen_point_t cursor; /* Kset */ short row; /* Kdep */ short col; /* Kdep */ short max_row; /* Kdep */ short max_col; /* Kdep */ short max_x; /* Kset */ short max_y; /* Kset */ short max_cur_x; /* Kdep */ short max_cur_y; /* Kdep */ int version; /* Kset */ union { struct { unsigned char * bitmap; /* Kset */ short * x16 /*scanmap*/; short * x17 /*cursorbits*/; short * x18 /*pmaddr*/; unsigned char * planemask; /* Kset */ } pm; struct { int x15 /* flags */; int * gram /* Kset */; int * rb_addr /* Kset */; int rb_phys /* Kset */; int rb_size /* Kset */; } gx; } dev_dep_1; screen_point_t mouse_loc; /* Kdep */ screen_rect_t mouse_box; /* Kdep */ short mouse_threshold;/* Kuse */ short mouse_scale; /* Kuse */ short min_cur_x; /* Kdep */ short min_cur_y; /* Kdep */ union { struct { int x26 /*dev_type*/; char * x27 /*framebuffer*/; char * x28 /*volatile struct bt459 *bt459*/; int x29 /*slot*/; char cursor_sprite[1024];/* Kset */ unsigned char Bg_color[3]; /* Kset */ unsigned char Fg_color[3]; /* Kset */ int tablet_scale_x; /* Kuse */ int tablet_scale_y; /* Kuse */ } pm; struct { char * gxo /* Kset */; char stamp_width /* Kset */; char stamp_height /* Kset */; char nplanes /* Kset */; char x27_4 /* n10_present */; char x28_1 /* dplanes */; char zplanes /* Kset */; char zzplanes /* Kset */; unsigned char cursor_sprite[1024] /* Kuse */; char x285_0 /* padding for next, which was int */; unsigned char Fg_color[4] /* Kuse */; unsigned char Bg_color[4] /* Kuse */; unsigned short cmap_index /* Kuse */; unsigned short cmap_count /* Kuse */; unsigned int colormap[256] /* Kuse */; int * stic_dma_rb /* Kset */; int * stic_reg /* Kset */; int ptpt_phys /* Kdep */; int ptpt_size /* Kdep */; int * ptpt_pgin /* Kset */; } gx; } dev_dep_2; short frame_scanline_width; /* in pixels, Kset */ short frame_height; /* in scanlines, Kset */ /* * Event queues are allocated right after that */ #define MAX_EVENTS 64 #define MAX_TRACK 100 screen_event_t event_queue[MAX_EVENTS]; /* Kset */ screen_timed_point_t point_track[MAX_TRACK]; /* Kset */ /* * Some like it hot */ unsigned int event_id; int interrupt_info; } user_info_t; /* * Screen get_status codes and arguments */ #include <sys/ioctl.h> /* Get size (and offset) of mapped info */ #define SCREEN_GET_OFFSETS _IOR('q', 6, unsigned **) /* Get screen status flags */ #define SCREEN_STATUS_FLAGS _IOR('q', 22, int *) # define MONO_SCREEN 0x01 # define COLOR_SCREEN 0x02 # define SCREEN_BEING_UPDATED 0x04 /* * Screen set_status codes and arguments */ /* start/stop screen saver, control fading interval */ #define SCREEN_FADE _IOW('q', 114, int) /* fade screen */ # define NO_FADE -1 /* Turn video on/off manually */ #define SCREEN_ON _IO('q', 10) #define SCREEN_OFF _IO('q', 11) /* Fixup pointers inside mapped info structure */ #define SCREEN_ADJ_MAPPED_INFO _IOR('q', 1, user_info_t *) /* Initialize anything that needs to, hw-wise */ #define SCREEN_INIT _IO('q', 4) /* Position cursor to a specific spot */ #define SCREEN_SET_CURSOR _IOW('q', 2, screen_point_t) /* Load Bg/Fg colors for cursor */ #define SCREEN_SET_CURSOR_COLOR _IOW('q', 3, cursor_color_t) /* Load cursor sprite, small cursor form */ typedef unsigned short cursor_sprite_t[32]; #define SCREEN_LOAD_CURSOR _IOW('q', 7, cursor_sprite_t) /* Load cursor sprite, large 64x64 cursor form */ typedef char cursor_sprite_long_t[1024]; #define SCREEN_LOAD_CURSOR_LONG _IOW('q', 13, cursor_sprite_long_t) /* Modify a given entry in the color map (VDAC) */ #define SCREEN_SET_CMAP_ENTRY _IOW('q', 12, color_map_entry_t) /* Return some other information about hardware (optional) */ typedef struct { int frame_width; int frame_height; int frame_visible_width; int frame_visible_height; } screen_hw_info_t; #define SCREEN_HARDWARE_INFO _IOR('q', 23, screen_hw_info_t) /* Screen-dependent, unspecified (and despised) */ #define SCREEN_HARDWARE_DEP _IO('q', 24)