/* * Mach Operating System * Copyright (c) 1991,1990,1989,1988,1987 Carnegie Mellon University * All Rights Reserved. * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the * software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions * thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation. * * CARNEGIE MELLON ALLOWS FREE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE IN ITS "AS IS" * CONDITION. CARNEGIE MELLON DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY OF ANY KIND FOR * ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to * * Software Distribution Coordinator or Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU * School of Computer Scienctxe * Carnegie Mellon University * Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890 * * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie Mellon * the rights to redistribute these changes. */ /*** MACH KERNEL WRAPPER ***/ #ifndef STUB #include <kern/task.h> #include <kern/thread.h> #include <kern/sched_prim.h> #include <kern/eventcount.h> #include <kern/time_out.h> #include <machine/machspl.h> /* spl definitions */ #include <vm/vm_kern.h> #include <chips/nc.h> #include <chips/nw_mk.h> decl_simple_lock_data(, nw_simple_lock); u_int previous_spl; #define nw_lock() \ previous_spl = splimp(); \ simple_lock(&nw_simple_lock) #define nw_unlock() \ simple_unlock(&nw_simple_lock); \ splx(previous_spl) typedef struct nw_pvs { task_t owner; char *buf_start; char *buf_end; struct nw_pvs *next; } nw_pv_s, *nw_pv_t; typedef struct nw_waiters { thread_t waiter; struct nw_waiters *next; } nw_waiter_s, *nw_waiter_t; typedef struct { nw_pv_t pv; thread_t sig_waiter; nw_waiter_t rx_first; nw_waiter_t rx_last; nw_waiter_t tx_first; nw_waiter_t tx_last; } nw_hecb, *nw_hecb_t; #else #include "nc.h" #include "nw_mk.h" #endif /*** Types and data structures ***/ int h_initialized = FALSE; nw_pv_s nw_pv[2*MAX_EP]; nw_pv_t nw_free_pv; nw_waiter_s nw_waiter[2*MAX_EP]; nw_waiter_t nw_free_waiter; nw_ep_owned_s nw_waited[3*MAX_EP]; nw_ep_owned_t nw_free_waited; nw_hecb hect[MAX_EP]; timer_elt_data_t nw_fast_timer, nw_slow_timer; /*** Initialization ***/ void h_initialize() { int ep, last_ep; if (!h_initialized) { last_ep = sizeof(nw_pv)/sizeof(nw_pv_s) - 1; for (ep = 0; ep < last_ep; ep++) { nw_pv[ep].next = &nw_pv[ep+1]; } nw_pv[last_ep].next = NULL; nw_free_pv = &nw_pv[0]; last_ep = sizeof(nw_waiter)/sizeof(nw_waiter_s) - 1; for (ep = 0; ep < last_ep; ep++) { nw_waiter[ep].next = &nw_waiter[ep+1]; } nw_waiter[last_ep].next = NULL; nw_free_waiter = &nw_waiter[0]; last_ep = sizeof(nw_waited)/sizeof(nw_ep_owned_s) - 1; for (ep = 0; ep < last_ep; ep++) { nw_waited[ep].next = &nw_waited[ep+1]; } nw_waited[last_ep].next = NULL; nw_free_waited = &nw_waited[0]; last_ep = sizeof(hect)/sizeof(nw_hecb); for (ep = 0; ep < last_ep; ep++) { hect[ep].pv = NULL; hect[ep].sig_waiter = NULL; hect[ep].rx_first = NULL; hect[ep].rx_last = NULL; hect[ep].tx_first = NULL; hect[ep].tx_last = NULL; } nw_fast_timer.fcn = mk_fast_sweep; nw_fast_timer.param = NULL; nw_fast_timer.set = TELT_UNSET; nw_slow_timer.fcn = mk_slow_sweep; nw_slow_timer.param = NULL; #if PRODUCTION set_timeout(&nw_slow_timer, 2*hz); #endif h_initialized = TRUE; } } /*** User-trappable functions ***/ nw_result mk_update(mach_port_t master_port, nw_update_type up_type, int *up_info) { nw_result rc; if (master_port == 0) { /* XXX */ rc = NW_FAILURE; } else { nw_lock(); switch (up_type) { case NW_HOST_ADDRESS_REGISTER: case NW_HOST_ADDRESS_UNREGISTER: if (invalid_user_access(current_task()->map, (vm_offset_t) up_info, (vm_offset_t) up_info + sizeof(nw_address_s) - 1, VM_PROT_READ | VM_PROT_WRITE)) { rc = NW_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } else { rc = nc_update(up_type, up_info); } break; case NW_INITIALIZE: nc_initialize(); rc = NW_SUCCESS; break; default: rc = NW_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } nw_unlock(); } return rc; } nw_result mk_lookup(nw_lookup_type lt, int *look_info) { nw_result rc; int max_size, dev; nw_lock(); switch (lt) { case NW_HOST_ADDRESS_LOOKUP: if (invalid_user_access(current_task()->map, (vm_offset_t) look_info, (vm_offset_t) look_info + sizeof(nw_address_s) - 1, VM_PROT_READ | VM_PROT_WRITE)) { rc = NW_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } else { rc = nc_lookup(lt, look_info); } break; case NW_STATUS: max_size = sizeof(nw_device); if (max_size < sizeof(nw_result)) max_size = sizeof(nw_result); if (invalid_user_access(current_task()->map, (vm_offset_t) look_info, (vm_offset_t) look_info + max_size - 1, VM_PROT_READ | VM_PROT_WRITE) || (dev = look_info[0]) >= MAX_DEV || dev < 0) { rc = NW_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } else { if (devct[dev].status != NW_SUCCESS) { look_info[0] = (int) devct[dev].status; rc = NW_SUCCESS; } else { rc = (*(devct[dev].entry->status)) (dev); } } break; default: rc = NW_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } nw_unlock(); return rc; } nw_result mk_endpoint_allocate_internal(nw_ep_t epp, nw_protocol protocol, nw_acceptance accept, u_int buffer_size, boolean_t system) { nw_result rc; u_int ep; vm_offset_t kernel_addr, user_addr; nw_pv_t pv; nw_ep_owned_t owned; ep = *epp; if (buffer_size == 0) buffer_size = 0x1000; else buffer_size = (buffer_size + 0xfff) & ~0xfff; nw_lock(); if (ep >= MAX_EP || (pv = hect[ep].pv) != NULL) { rc = NW_BAD_EP; } else if (nw_free_pv == NULL || nw_free_waited == NULL) { rc = NW_NO_EP; } else if (projected_buffer_allocate(current_task()->map, buffer_size, 0, &kernel_addr, &user_addr, VM_PROT_READ | VM_PROT_WRITE, VM_INHERIT_NONE) != KERN_SUCCESS) { rc = NW_NO_RESOURCES; } else { rc = nc_endpoint_allocate(epp, protocol, accept, (char *) kernel_addr, buffer_size); if (rc == NW_NO_EP && (ep = *epp) != 0) { rc = (*(devct[NW_DEVICE(ect[ep].conn->peer.rem_addr_1)].entry-> close)) (ep); if (rc == NW_SYNCH) { hect[ep].sig_waiter = current_thread(); assert_wait(0, TRUE); simple_unlock(&nw_simple_lock); thread_block((void (*)()) 0); } rc = nc_endpoint_deallocate(ep); if (rc == NW_SUCCESS) { nc_line_update(&ect[ep].conn->peer, 0); rc = nc_endpoint_allocate(epp, protocol, accept, (char *) kernel_addr, buffer_size); } } if (rc == NW_SUCCESS) { ep = *epp; if (system) { hect[ep].pv = NULL; } else { hect[ep].pv = nw_free_pv; nw_free_pv = nw_free_pv->next; hect[ep].pv->owner = current_task(); hect[ep].pv->buf_start = (char *) user_addr; hect[ep].pv->buf_end = (char *) user_addr + buffer_size; hect[ep].pv->next = NULL; } hect[ep].sig_waiter = NULL; hect[ep].rx_first = NULL; hect[ep].rx_last = NULL; hect[ep].tx_first = NULL; hect[ep].tx_last = NULL; owned = nw_free_waited; nw_free_waited = nw_free_waited->next; owned->ep = ep; owned->next = current_task()->nw_ep_owned; current_task()->nw_ep_owned = owned; } else { projected_buffer_deallocate(current_task()->map, user_addr, user_addr + buffer_size); } } nw_unlock(); return rc; } nw_result mk_endpoint_allocate(nw_ep_t epp, nw_protocol protocol, nw_acceptance accept, u_int buffer_size) { nw_result rc; if (invalid_user_access(current_task()->map, (vm_offset_t) epp, (vm_offset_t) epp + sizeof(nw_ep) - 1, VM_PROT_READ | VM_PROT_WRITE) || (protocol != NW_RAW && protocol != NW_DATAGRAM && protocol != NW_SEQ_PACKET) || (accept != NW_NO_ACCEPT && accept != NW_APPL_ACCEPT && accept != NW_AUTO_ACCEPT)) { rc = NW_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } else { rc = mk_endpoint_allocate_internal(epp, protocol, accept, buffer_size, FALSE); } return rc; } nw_result mk_endpoint_deallocate_internal(nw_ep ep, task_t task, boolean_t shutdown) { nw_result rc; nw_pv_t pv, pv_previous; nw_ep_owned_t owned, owned_previous; nw_waiter_t w, w_previous, w_next; nw_lock(); if (ep >= MAX_EP || (pv = hect[ep].pv) == NULL) { rc = NW_BAD_EP; } else { pv_previous = NULL; while (pv != NULL && pv->owner != task) { pv_previous = pv; pv = pv->next; } if (pv == NULL) { rc = NW_PROT_VIOLATION; } else { if (projected_buffer_deallocate(task->map, pv->buf_start, pv->buf_end) != KERN_SUCCESS) { rc = NW_INCONSISTENCY; printf("Endpoint deallocate: inconsistency p. buffer\n"); } else { if (pv_previous == NULL) hect[ep].pv = pv->next; else pv_previous->next = pv->next; pv->next = nw_free_pv; nw_free_pv = pv; owned = task->nw_ep_owned; owned_previous = NULL; while (owned != NULL && owned->ep != ep) { owned_previous = owned; owned = owned->next; } if (owned == NULL) { rc = NW_INCONSISTENCY; printf("Endpoint deallocate: inconsistency owned\n"); } else { if (owned_previous == NULL) task->nw_ep_owned = owned->next; else owned_previous->next = owned->next; owned->next = nw_free_waited; nw_free_waited = owned; if (hect[ep].sig_waiter != NULL && hect[ep].sig_waiter->task == task) { /* if (!shutdown)*/ mk_deliver_result(hect[ep].sig_waiter, NW_ABORTED); hect[ep].sig_waiter = NULL; } w = hect[ep].rx_first; w_previous = NULL; while (w != NULL) { if (w->waiter->task == task) { /* if (!shutdown)*/ mk_deliver_result(w->waiter, NULL); w_next = w->next; if (w_previous == NULL) hect[ep].rx_first = w_next; else w_previous->next = w_next; w->next = nw_free_waiter; nw_free_waiter = w; w = w_next; } else { w_previous = w; w = w->next; } } if (hect[ep].rx_first == NULL) hect[ep].rx_last = NULL; w = hect[ep].tx_first; w_previous = NULL; while (w != NULL) { if (w->waiter->task == task) { /* if (!shutdown)*/ mk_deliver_result(w->waiter, NW_ABORTED); w_next = w->next; if (w_previous == NULL) hect[ep].tx_first = w_next; else w_previous->next = w_next; w->next = nw_free_waiter; nw_free_waiter = w; w = w_next; } else { w_previous = w; w = w->next; } } if (hect[ep].tx_first == NULL) hect[ep].tx_last = NULL; if (hect[ep].pv == NULL) { if (ect[ep].state != NW_UNCONNECTED) { rc = (*(devct[NW_DEVICE(ect[ep].conn->peer.rem_addr_1)].entry-> close)) (ep); if (rc == NW_SYNCH) { hect[ep].sig_waiter = current_thread(); assert_wait(0, TRUE); simple_unlock(&nw_simple_lock); thread_block((void (*)()) 0); } } rc = nc_endpoint_deallocate(ep); } } } } } nw_unlock(); return rc; } nw_result mk_endpoint_deallocate(nw_ep ep) { mk_endpoint_deallocate_internal(ep, current_task(), FALSE); } nw_buffer_t mk_buffer_allocate(nw_ep ep, u_int size) { nw_buffer_t buf; nw_pv_t pv; nw_lock(); if (ep >= MAX_EP || (pv = hect[ep].pv) == NULL) { buf = NW_BUFFER_ERROR; } else { while (pv != NULL && pv->owner != current_task()) pv = pv->next; if (pv == NULL) { buf = NW_BUFFER_ERROR; } else { buf = nc_buffer_allocate(ep, size); if (buf != NULL) { buf = (nw_buffer_t) ((char *) buf - ect[ep].buf_start + pv->buf_start); } } } nw_unlock(); return buf; } nw_result mk_buffer_deallocate(nw_ep ep, nw_buffer_t buffer) { nw_result rc; nw_pv_t pv; nw_lock(); if (ep >= MAX_EP || (pv = hect[ep].pv) == NULL) { rc = NW_BAD_EP; } else { while (pv != NULL && pv->owner != current_task()) pv = pv->next; if (pv == NULL) { rc = NW_PROT_VIOLATION; } else { if ((char *) buffer < pv->buf_start || (char *) buffer + sizeof(nw_buffer_s) > pv->buf_end || !buffer->buf_used || (char *) buffer + buffer->buf_length > pv->buf_end) { rc = NW_BAD_BUFFER; } else { buffer = (nw_buffer_t) ((char *) buffer - pv->buf_start + ect[ep].buf_start); rc = nc_buffer_deallocate(ep, buffer); } } } nw_unlock(); return rc; } nw_result mk_connection_open_internal(nw_ep local_ep, nw_address_1 rem_addr_1, nw_address_2 rem_addr_2, nw_ep remote_ep) { nw_result rc; rc = (*devct[NW_DEVICE(rem_addr_1)].entry->open) (local_ep, rem_addr_1, rem_addr_2, remote_ep); if (rc == NW_SYNCH) { hect[local_ep].sig_waiter = current_thread(); assert_wait(0, TRUE); simple_unlock(&nw_simple_lock); thread_block((void (*)()) 0); } return rc; } nw_result mk_connection_open(nw_ep local_ep, nw_address_1 rem_addr_1, nw_address_2 rem_addr_2, nw_ep remote_ep) { nw_result rc; nw_pv_t pv; nw_lock(); if (local_ep >= MAX_EP || (pv = hect[local_ep].pv) == NULL) { rc = NW_BAD_EP; } else { while (pv != NULL && pv->owner != current_task()) pv = pv->next; if (pv == NULL) { rc = NW_PROT_VIOLATION; } else { rc = (*(devct[NW_DEVICE(rem_addr_1)].entry->open)) (local_ep, rem_addr_1, rem_addr_2, remote_ep); if (rc == NW_SYNCH) { hect[local_ep].sig_waiter = current_thread(); assert_wait(0, TRUE); current_thread()->nw_ep_waited = NULL; simple_unlock(&nw_simple_lock); thread_block(mk_return); } } } nw_unlock(); return rc; } nw_result mk_connection_accept(nw_ep ep, nw_buffer_t msg, nw_ep_t new_epp) { nw_result rc; nw_pv_t pv; nw_lock(); if (ep >= MAX_EP || (pv = hect[ep].pv) == NULL) { rc = NW_BAD_EP; } else { while (pv != NULL && pv->owner != current_task()) pv = pv->next; if (pv == NULL) { rc = NW_PROT_VIOLATION; } else if ((char *) msg < pv->buf_start || (char *) msg + sizeof(nw_buffer_s) > pv->buf_end || !msg->buf_used || (char *) msg + msg->buf_length > pv->buf_end) { rc = NW_BAD_BUFFER; } else if (new_epp != NULL && (invalid_user_access(current_task()->map, (vm_offset_t) new_epp, (vm_offset_t) new_epp + sizeof(nw_ep) - 1, VM_PROT_READ | VM_PROT_WRITE) || (*new_epp != 0 && *new_epp != ep))) { rc = NW_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } else { rc = (*(devct[NW_DEVICE(ect[ep].conn->peer.rem_addr_1)].entry->accept)) (ep, msg, new_epp); if (rc == NW_SYNCH) { hect[ep].sig_waiter = current_thread(); assert_wait(0, TRUE); current_thread()->nw_ep_waited = NULL; simple_unlock(&nw_simple_lock); thread_block(mk_return); } } } nw_unlock(); return rc; } nw_result mk_connection_close(nw_ep ep) { nw_result rc; nw_pv_t pv; nw_lock(); if (ep >= MAX_EP || (pv = hect[ep].pv) == NULL) { rc = NW_BAD_EP; } else { while (pv != NULL && pv->owner != current_task()) pv = pv->next; if (pv == NULL) { rc = NW_PROT_VIOLATION; } else { rc = (*devct[NW_DEVICE(ect[ep].conn->peer.rem_addr_1)].entry->close) (ep); if (rc == NW_SYNCH) { hect[ep].sig_waiter = current_thread(); assert_wait(0, TRUE); current_thread()->nw_ep_waited = NULL; simple_unlock(&nw_simple_lock); thread_block(mk_return); } } } nw_unlock(); return rc; } nw_result mk_multicast_add(nw_ep local_ep, nw_address_1 rem_addr_1, nw_address_2 rem_addr_2, nw_ep remote_ep) { nw_result rc; nw_pv_t pv; nw_lock(); if (local_ep >= MAX_EP || (pv = hect[local_ep].pv) == NULL) { rc = NW_BAD_EP; } else { while (pv != NULL && pv->owner != current_task()) pv = pv->next; if (pv == NULL) { rc = NW_PROT_VIOLATION; } else { rc = (*(devct[NW_DEVICE(rem_addr_1)].entry->add)) (local_ep, rem_addr_1, rem_addr_2, remote_ep); if (rc == NW_SYNCH) { hect[local_ep].sig_waiter = current_thread(); assert_wait(0, TRUE); current_thread()->nw_ep_waited = NULL; simple_unlock(&nw_simple_lock); thread_block(mk_return); } } } nw_unlock(); return rc; } nw_result mk_multicast_drop(nw_ep local_ep, nw_address_1 rem_addr_1, nw_address_2 rem_addr_2, nw_ep remote_ep) { nw_result rc; nw_pv_t pv; nw_lock(); if (local_ep >= MAX_EP || (pv = hect[local_ep].pv) == NULL) { rc = NW_BAD_EP; } else { while (pv != NULL && pv->owner != current_task()) pv = pv->next; if (pv == NULL) { rc = NW_PROT_VIOLATION; } else { rc = (*(devct[NW_DEVICE(rem_addr_1)].entry->drop)) (local_ep, rem_addr_1, rem_addr_2, remote_ep); if (rc == NW_SYNCH) { hect[local_ep].sig_waiter = current_thread(); assert_wait(0, TRUE); current_thread()->nw_ep_waited = NULL; simple_unlock(&nw_simple_lock); thread_block(mk_return); } } } nw_unlock(); return rc; } nw_result mk_endpoint_status(nw_ep ep, nw_state_t state, nw_peer_t peer) { nw_result rc; nw_pv_t pv; nw_lock(); if (ep >= MAX_EP || (pv = hect[ep].pv) == NULL) { rc = NW_BAD_EP; } else { while (pv != NULL && pv->owner != current_task()) pv = pv->next; if (pv == NULL) { rc = NW_PROT_VIOLATION; } else { if (invalid_user_access(current_task()->map, (vm_offset_t) state, (vm_offset_t) state + sizeof(nw_state) - 1, VM_PROT_WRITE) || invalid_user_access(current_task()->map, (vm_offset_t) peer, (vm_offset_t) peer + sizeof(nw_peer_s) - 1, VM_PROT_WRITE)) { rc = NW_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } else { rc = nc_endpoint_status(ep, state, peer); } } } nw_unlock(); return rc; } nw_result mk_send(nw_ep ep, nw_buffer_t msg, nw_options options) { nw_result rc; nw_pv_t pv; nw_ep sender; int dev; nw_ecb_t ecb; nw_tx_header_t header, first_header, previous_header; nw_hecb_t hecb; nw_waiter_t w; nw_lock(); if (ep >= MAX_EP || (pv = hect[ep].pv) == NULL) { rc = NW_BAD_EP; } else { while (pv != NULL && pv->owner != current_task()) pv = pv->next; if (pv == NULL) { rc = NW_PROT_VIOLATION; } else { ecb = &ect[ep]; if (ecb->state == NW_INEXISTENT || (ecb->protocol == NW_SEQ_PACKET && ecb->conn == NULL)) { rc = NW_BAD_EP; } else { first_header = header = nc_tx_header_allocate(); previous_header = NULL; rc = NW_SUCCESS; while (header != NULL) { if ((char *) msg < pv->buf_start || (char *) msg + sizeof(nw_buffer_s) > pv->buf_end || ((int) msg & 0x3) || (msg->block_offset & 0x3) || (msg->block_length & 0x3) || !msg->buf_used || (char *) msg + msg->buf_length > pv->buf_end || msg->block_offset + msg->block_length > msg->buf_length) { rc = NW_BAD_BUFFER; break; } else { if (previous_header == NULL) { if (ecb->protocol == NW_SEQ_PACKET) header->peer = ecb->conn->peer; else header->peer = msg->peer; } else { previous_header->next = header; } header->buffer = (nw_buffer_t) ((char *) msg - pv->buf_start + ecb->buf_start); header->block = (char *) header->buffer + msg->block_offset; if (!msg->block_deallocate) header->buffer = NULL; header->msg_length = 0; header->block_length = msg->block_length; first_header->msg_length += header->block_length; header->next = NULL; if (msg->buf_next == NULL) break; msg = msg->buf_next; previous_header = header; header = nc_tx_header_allocate(); } } if (header == NULL) { nc_tx_header_deallocate(first_header); rc = NW_NO_RESOURCES; } else if (rc == NW_SUCCESS) { dev = NW_DEVICE(first_header->peer.rem_addr_1); if (ecb->protocol != NW_DATAGRAM || devct[dev].type != NW_CONNECTION_ORIENTED) { sender = first_header->peer.local_ep; rc = NW_SUCCESS; } else { sender = nc_line_lookup(&first_header->peer); if (sender == -1) { rc = NW_BAD_ADDRESS; } else if (sender > 0) { rc = NW_SUCCESS; } else { rc = mk_endpoint_allocate_internal(&sender, NW_LINE, NW_AUTO_ACCEPT, 0, TRUE); if (rc == NW_SUCCESS) { rc = mk_connection_open_internal(sender, first_header->peer.rem_addr_1, first_header->peer.rem_addr_2, MASTER_LINE_EP); if (rc == NW_SUCCESS) nc_line_update(&first_header->peer, sender); } } } if (rc == NW_SUCCESS) { first_header->sender = sender; first_header->options = options; rc = (*(devct[dev].entry->send)) (sender, first_header, options); if ((rc == NW_SYNCH || rc == NW_QUEUED) && nw_free_waiter != NULL) { w = nw_free_waiter; nw_free_waiter = w->next; w->waiter = current_thread(); w->next = NULL; hecb = &hect[sender]; if (hecb->tx_last == NULL) { hecb->tx_first = hecb->tx_last = w; } else { hecb->tx_last = hecb->tx_last->next = w; } assert_wait(0, TRUE); current_thread()->nw_ep_waited = NULL; simple_unlock(&nw_simple_lock); thread_block(mk_return); } } } } } } nw_unlock(); return rc; } nw_buffer_t mk_receive(nw_ep ep, int time_out) { nw_buffer_t rc; nw_pv_t pv; nw_ecb_t ecb; nw_rx_header_t header; nw_hecb_t hecb; nw_waiter_t w; nw_ep_owned_t waited; nw_lock(); if (ep >= MAX_EP || (pv = hect[ep].pv) == NULL) { rc = NW_BUFFER_ERROR; } else { while (pv != NULL && pv->owner != current_task()) pv = pv->next; if (pv == NULL) { rc = NW_BUFFER_ERROR; } else { ecb = &ect[ep]; header = ecb->rx_first; if (header != NULL) { rc = (nw_buffer_t) ((char *) header->buffer - ecb->buf_start + pv->buf_start); ecb->rx_first = header->next; if (ecb->rx_first == NULL) ecb->rx_last = NULL; nc_rx_header_deallocate(header); } else if (time_out != 0 && nw_free_waiter != NULL && (time_out == -1 || nw_free_waited != NULL)) { w = nw_free_waiter; nw_free_waiter = w->next; w->waiter = current_thread(); w->next = NULL; hecb = &hect[ep]; if (hecb->rx_last == NULL) hecb->rx_first = hecb->rx_last = w; else hecb->rx_last = hecb->rx_last->next = w; assert_wait(0, TRUE); if (time_out != -1) { waited = nw_free_waited; nw_free_waited = waited->next; waited->ep = ep; waited->next = NULL; current_thread()->nw_ep_waited = waited; current_thread()->wait_result = NULL; if (!current_thread()->timer.set) thread_set_timeout(time_out); } else { current_thread()->nw_ep_waited = NULL; } simple_unlock(&nw_simple_lock); thread_block(mk_return); } else { rc = NULL; } } } nw_unlock(); return rc; } nw_buffer_t mk_rpc(nw_ep ep, nw_buffer_t msg, nw_options options, int time_out) { nw_buffer_t rc; nw_result nrc; nw_ep sender; int dev; nw_pv_t pv; nw_ecb_t ecb; nw_tx_header_t header, first_header, previous_header; nw_hecb_t hecb; nw_waiter_t w; nw_ep_owned_t waited; nw_lock(); if (ep >= MAX_EP || (pv = hect[ep].pv) == NULL) { rc = NW_BUFFER_ERROR; } else { while (pv != NULL && pv->owner != current_task()) pv = pv->next; if (pv == NULL) { rc = NW_BUFFER_ERROR; } else { ecb = &ect[ep]; if (ecb->state == NW_INEXISTENT || (ecb->protocol == NW_SEQ_PACKET && ecb->conn == NULL)) { rc = NW_BUFFER_ERROR; } else { first_header = header = nc_tx_header_allocate(); previous_header = NULL; rc = NULL; while (header != NULL) { if ((char *) msg < pv->buf_start || (char *) msg + sizeof(nw_buffer_s) > pv->buf_end || ((int) msg & 0x3) || (msg->block_offset & 0x3) || (msg->block_length & 0x3) || !msg->buf_used || (char *) msg + msg->buf_length > pv->buf_end || msg->block_offset + msg->block_length > msg->buf_length) { rc = NW_BUFFER_ERROR; break; } else { if (previous_header == NULL) { if (ecb->protocol == NW_SEQ_PACKET) header->peer = ecb->conn->peer; else header->peer = msg->peer; } else { previous_header->next = header; } header->buffer = (nw_buffer_t) ((char *) msg - pv->buf_start + ecb->buf_start); header->block = (char *) header->buffer + msg->block_offset; if (!msg->block_deallocate) header->buffer = NULL; header->msg_length = 0; header->block_length = msg->block_length; first_header->msg_length += header->block_length; header->next = NULL; if (msg->buf_next == NULL) break; msg = msg->buf_next; previous_header = header; header = nc_tx_header_allocate(); } } if (header == NULL) { nc_tx_header_deallocate(first_header); rc = NW_BUFFER_ERROR; } else if (rc != NW_BUFFER_ERROR) { dev = NW_DEVICE(first_header->peer.rem_addr_1); if (ecb->protocol != NW_DATAGRAM || devct[dev].type != NW_CONNECTION_ORIENTED) { sender = first_header->peer.local_ep; nrc = NW_SUCCESS; } else { sender = nc_line_lookup(&first_header->peer); if (sender == -1) { nrc = NW_BAD_ADDRESS; } else if (sender > 0) { nrc = NW_SUCCESS; } else { nrc = mk_endpoint_allocate_internal(&sender, NW_LINE, NW_AUTO_ACCEPT, 0, TRUE); if (nrc == NW_SUCCESS) { nrc = mk_connection_open_internal(sender, first_header->peer.rem_addr_1, first_header->peer.rem_addr_2, MASTER_LINE_EP); if (nrc == NW_SUCCESS) nc_line_update(&first_header->peer, sender); } } } if (nrc == NW_SUCCESS) { first_header->sender = sender; first_header->options = options; rc = (*(devct[dev].entry->rpc)) (sender, first_header, options); if (rc != NULL && rc != NW_BUFFER_ERROR) { rc = (nw_buffer_t) ((char *) rc - ecb->buf_start + pv->buf_start); } else if (rc == NULL && time_out != 0 && nw_free_waiter != NULL && (time_out == -1 || nw_free_waited != NULL)) { w = nw_free_waiter; nw_free_waiter = w->next; w->waiter = current_thread(); w->next = NULL; hecb = &hect[ep]; if (hecb->rx_last == NULL) hecb->rx_first = hecb->rx_last = w; else hecb->rx_last = hecb->rx_last->next = w; assert_wait(0, TRUE); if (time_out != -1) { waited = nw_free_waited; nw_free_waited = waited->next; waited->ep = ep; waited->next = NULL; current_thread()->nw_ep_waited = waited; current_thread()->wait_result = NULL; if (!current_thread()->timer.set) thread_set_timeout(time_out); } else { current_thread()->nw_ep_waited = NULL; } simple_unlock(&nw_simple_lock); thread_block(mk_return); } } } } } } nw_unlock(); return rc; } nw_buffer_t mk_select(u_int nep, nw_ep_t epp, int time_out) { nw_buffer_t rc; nw_pv_t pv; int i; nw_ep ep; nw_ecb_t ecb; nw_rx_header_t header; nw_hecb_t hecb; nw_waiter_t w, w_next; nw_ep_owned_t waited; if (invalid_user_access(current_task()->map, (vm_offset_t) epp, (vm_offset_t) epp + nep*sizeof(nw_ep) - 1, VM_PROT_READ)) { rc = NW_BUFFER_ERROR; } else { nw_lock(); for (i = 0; i < nep; i++) { ep = epp[i]; if (ep >= MAX_EP || (pv = hect[ep].pv) == NULL) { rc = NW_BUFFER_ERROR; break; } else { while (pv != NULL && pv->owner != current_task()) pv = pv->next; if (pv == NULL) { rc = NW_BUFFER_ERROR; break; } else { ecb = &ect[ep]; header = ecb->rx_first; if (header != NULL) { rc = (nw_buffer_t) ((char *) header->buffer - ecb->buf_start + pv->buf_start); ecb->rx_first = header->next; if (ecb->rx_first == NULL) ecb->rx_last = NULL; nc_rx_header_deallocate(header); break; } } } } if (i == nep) { if (time_out == 0) { rc = NULL; } else { w = nw_free_waiter; waited = nw_free_waited; i = 0; while (i < nep && nw_free_waiter != NULL && nw_free_waited != NULL) { nw_free_waiter = nw_free_waiter->next; nw_free_waited = nw_free_waited->next; i++; } if (i < nep) { nw_free_waiter = w; nw_free_waited = waited; rc = NW_BUFFER_ERROR; } else { current_thread()->nw_ep_waited = waited; for (i = 0; i < nep; i++) { ep = epp[i]; waited->ep = ep; if (i < nep-1) waited = waited->next; else waited->next = NULL; w->waiter = current_thread(); w_next = w->next; w->next = NULL; hecb = &hect[ep]; if (hecb->rx_last == NULL) hecb->rx_first = hecb->rx_last = w; else hecb->rx_last = hecb->rx_last->next = w; w = w_next; } assert_wait(0, TRUE); if (time_out != -1) { current_thread()->wait_result = NULL; if (!current_thread()->timer.set) thread_set_timeout(time_out); } simple_unlock(&nw_simple_lock); thread_block(mk_return); } } } nw_unlock(); } return rc; } /*** System-dependent support ***/ void mk_endpoint_collect(task_t task) { while (task->nw_ep_owned != NULL) { mk_endpoint_deallocate_internal(task->nw_ep_owned->ep, task, TRUE); } } void mk_waited_collect(thread_t thread) { nw_hecb_t hecb; nw_waiter_t w, w_previous; nw_ep_owned_t waited, waited_previous; waited = thread->nw_ep_waited; if (waited != NULL) { while (waited != NULL) { hecb = &hect[waited->ep]; w = hecb->rx_first; w_previous = NULL; while (w != NULL && w->waiter != thread) { w_previous = w; w = w->next; } if (w != NULL) { if (w_previous == NULL) hecb->rx_first = w->next; else w_previous->next = w->next; if (w->next == NULL) hecb->rx_last = w_previous; w->next = nw_free_waiter; nw_free_waiter = w; } waited_previous = waited; waited = waited->next; } waited_previous->next = nw_free_waited; nw_free_waited = thread->nw_ep_waited; thread->nw_ep_waited = NULL; } } void mk_return() { thread_syscall_return(current_thread()->wait_result); } boolean_t mk_deliver_result(thread_t thread, int result) { boolean_t rc; int state, s; s = splsched(); thread_lock(thread); state = thread->state; reset_timeout_check(&thread->timer); switch (state & TH_SCHED_STATE) { case TH_WAIT | TH_SUSP | TH_UNINT: case TH_WAIT | TH_UNINT: case TH_WAIT: /* * Sleeping and not suspendable - put on run queue. */ thread->state = (state &~ TH_WAIT) | TH_RUN; thread->wait_result = (kern_return_t) result; simpler_thread_setrun(thread, TRUE); rc = TRUE; break; case TH_WAIT | TH_SUSP: case TH_RUN | TH_WAIT: case TH_RUN | TH_WAIT | TH_SUSP: case TH_RUN | TH_WAIT | TH_UNINT: case TH_RUN | TH_WAIT | TH_SUSP | TH_UNINT: /* * Either already running, or suspended. */ thread->state = state &~ TH_WAIT; thread->wait_result = (kern_return_t) result; rc = FALSE; break; default: /* * Not waiting. */ rc = FALSE; break; } thread_unlock(thread); splx(s); return rc; } boolean_t nc_deliver_result(nw_ep ep, nw_delivery type, int result) { boolean_t rc; nw_hecb_t hecb; nw_ecb_t ecb; nw_waiter_t w; thread_t thread; task_t task; nw_pv_t pv; nw_buffer_t buf; nw_rx_header_t rx_header; nw_tx_header_t tx_header; nw_ep lep; hecb = &hect[ep]; ecb = &ect[ep]; thread = NULL; if (type == NW_RECEIVE || type == NW_RECEIVE_URGENT) { w = hecb->rx_first; if (w != NULL) { thread = w->waiter; hecb->rx_first = w->next; if (hecb->rx_first == NULL) hecb->rx_last = NULL; w->next = nw_free_waiter; nw_free_waiter = w; task = thread->task; pv = hecb->pv; while (pv != NULL && pv->owner != task) pv = pv->next; if (pv == NULL) { rc = FALSE; } else { buf = (nw_buffer_t) ((char *) result - ecb->buf_start + pv->buf_start); rc = mk_deliver_result(thread, (int) buf); } } else { rx_header = nc_rx_header_allocate(); if (rx_header == NULL) { rc = FALSE; } else { rx_header->buffer = (nw_buffer_t) result; if (type == NW_RECEIVE) { rx_header->next = NULL; if (ecb->rx_last == NULL) ecb->rx_first = rx_header; else ecb->rx_last->next = rx_header; ecb->rx_last = rx_header; } else { rx_header->next = ecb->rx_first; if (ecb->rx_first == NULL) ecb->rx_last = rx_header; ecb->rx_first = rx_header; } rc = TRUE; } } } else if (type == NW_SEND) { w = hecb->tx_first; if (w == NULL) { rc = FALSE; } else { thread = w->waiter; hecb->tx_first = w->next; if (hecb->tx_first == NULL) hecb->tx_last = NULL; w->next = nw_free_waiter; nw_free_waiter = w; rc = mk_deliver_result(thread, result); } tx_header = ect[ep].tx_initial; if (result == NW_SUCCESS) { lep = tx_header->peer.local_ep; while (tx_header != NULL) { if (tx_header->buffer != NULL) nc_buffer_deallocate(lep, tx_header->buffer); tx_header = tx_header->next; } } nc_tx_header_deallocate(ect[ep].tx_initial); ect[ep].tx_initial = ect[ep].tx_current = NULL; } else if (type == NW_SIGNAL) { thread = hecb->sig_waiter; hecb->sig_waiter = NULL; if (thread == NULL) { rc = FALSE; } else { rc = mk_deliver_result(thread, result); } } return rc; } int mk_fast_sweep() { nw_lock(); nc_fast_sweep(); nw_unlock(); return 0; } void h_fast_timer_set() { #ifdef PRODUCTION if (!nw_fast_timer.set) set_timeout(&nw_fast_timer, 1); #endif } void h_fast_timer_reset() { if (nw_fast_timer.set) reset_timeout(&nw_fast_timer); } int mk_slow_sweep() { #ifdef PRODUCTION nw_lock(); nc_slow_sweep(); nw_unlock(); set_timeout(&nw_slow_timer, 2*hz); return 0; #endif }