/* * Mach Operating System * Copyright (c) 1991,1990,1989,1988,1987 Carnegie Mellon University * All Rights Reserved. * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the * software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions * thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation. * * CARNEGIE MELLON ALLOWS FREE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE IN ITS "AS IS" * CONDITION. CARNEGIE MELLON DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY OF ANY KIND FOR * ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to * * Software Distribution Coordinator or Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU * School of Computer Science * Carnegie Mellon University * Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890 * * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie Mellon * the rights to redistribute these changes. */ /*** NETWORK INTERFACE IMPLEMENTATION CORE ***/ #ifndef _NC_H_ #define _NC_H_ #ifndef STUB #include <chips/nw.h> #else #include "nw.h" #endif /*** Types and data structures ***/ #if PRODUCTION #define MAX_EP 1024 #define MAX_DEV 16 #else #define MAX_EP 32 #define MAX_DEV 3 #endif #define MASTER_LINE_EP 0 #define SIGNAL_EP 1 typedef struct nw_tx_headers { nw_buffer_t buffer; u_int msg_length; char *block; u_int block_length; nw_peer_s peer; nw_ep sender; nw_options options; struct nw_tx_headers *next; } nw_tx_header_s; typedef nw_tx_header_s *nw_tx_header_t; typedef struct nw_rx_headers { nw_buffer_t buffer; nw_ep receiver; u_int reply; int time_stamp; struct nw_rx_headers *next; } nw_rx_header_s, *nw_rx_header_t; typedef enum { NW_CONNECTIONLESS, NW_CONNECTION_ORIENTED } nw_dev_type; typedef struct { nw_result (*initialize)(int); nw_result (*status)(int); void (*slow_sweep)(int); void (*fast_sweep)(int); int (*poll)(int); nw_result (*send)(nw_ep, nw_tx_header_t, nw_options); nw_buffer_t (*rpc)(nw_ep, nw_tx_header_t, nw_options); void (*signal)(nw_buffer_t); nw_result (*open)(nw_ep, nw_address_1, nw_address_2, nw_ep); nw_result (*accept)(nw_ep, nw_buffer_t, nw_ep_t); nw_result (*close)(nw_ep); nw_result (*add)(nw_ep, nw_address_1, nw_address_2, nw_ep); nw_result (*drop)(nw_ep, nw_address_1, nw_address_2, nw_ep); } nw_dev_entry_s, *nw_dev_entry_t; typedef struct { nw_result status; nw_dev_type type; char *addr; nw_address_1 local_addr_1; nw_address_2 local_addr_2; nw_dev_entry_t entry; int fast_req; } nw_devcb; extern nw_devcb devct[MAX_DEV]; typedef struct plists { nw_peer_s peer; struct plists *next; } nw_plist_s, *nw_plist_t; typedef struct nw_unused_buffers { u_int buf_used:1; u_int buf_length:31; struct nw_unused_buffers *next; struct nw_unused_buffers *previous; } nw_unused_buffer_s, *nw_unused_buffer_t; typedef struct ecbs{ nw_protocol protocol; nw_acceptance accept; nw_state state; nw_plist_t conn; char *buf_start; char *buf_end; nw_unused_buffer_t free_buffer; nw_ep id:16; u_int overrun:1; u_int seqno:14; nw_tx_header_t tx_first; nw_tx_header_t tx_last; nw_tx_header_t tx_initial; nw_tx_header_t tx_current; nw_rx_header_t rx_first; nw_rx_header_t rx_last; nw_ep next:16; nw_ep previous:16; } nw_ecb, *nw_ecb_t; extern nw_ecb ect[MAX_EP]; extern int nw_free_ep_first, nw_free_ep_last; extern int nw_free_line_first, nw_free_line_last; typedef enum { NW_RECEIVE, NW_RECEIVE_URGENT, NW_SEND, NW_SIGNAL } nw_delivery; /*** System-independent functions implemented in core ***/ extern void nc_initialize(); extern nw_tx_header_t nc_tx_header_allocate(); extern void nc_tx_header_deallocate(nw_tx_header_t header); extern nw_rx_header_t nc_rx_header_allocate(); extern void nc_rx_header_deallocate(nw_rx_header_t header); extern nw_plist_t nc_peer_allocate(); extern void nc_peer_deallocate(nw_plist_t peer); extern nw_result nc_device_register(u_int dev, nw_dev_type type, char *dev_addr, nw_dev_entry_t dev_entry_table); extern nw_result nc_device_unregister(u_int dev, nw_result status); extern void nc_fast_sweep(); extern void nc_fast_timer_set(); extern void nc_fast_timer_reset(); extern void nc_slow_sweep(); extern nw_result nc_update(nw_update_type up_type, int *up_info); extern nw_result nc_lookup(nw_lookup_type lt, int *look_info); extern nw_result nc_line_update(nw_peer_t peer, nw_ep line); extern nw_ep nc_line_lookup(nw_peer_t peer); extern nw_result nc_endpoint_allocate(nw_ep_t epp, nw_protocol protocol, nw_acceptance accept, char *buffer_address, u_int buffer_size); extern nw_result nc_endpoint_deallocate(nw_ep ep); extern nw_buffer_t nc_buffer_allocate(nw_ep ep, u_int size); extern nw_result nc_buffer_deallocate(nw_ep ep, nw_buffer_t buffer); extern nw_result nc_endpoint_status(nw_ep ep, nw_state_t state, nw_peer_t peer); /* System-dependent function implemented in wrapper*/ extern boolean_t nc_deliver_result(nw_ep ep, nw_delivery type, int result); /* Support required in wrapper */ extern void h_initialize(); extern void h_fast_timer_set(); extern void h_fast_timer_reset(); /* Stubs for device table */ extern nw_result nc_succeed(int); extern nw_result nc_fail(int); extern void nc_null(int); extern int nc_null_poll(int); extern nw_result nc_null_send(nw_ep, nw_tx_header_t, nw_options); extern nw_buffer_t nc_null_rpc(nw_ep, nw_tx_header_t, nw_options); extern nw_result nc_local_send(nw_ep, nw_tx_header_t, nw_options); extern nw_buffer_t nc_local_rpc(nw_ep, nw_tx_header_t, nw_options); extern void nc_null_signal(nw_buffer_t); extern nw_result nc_open_fail(nw_ep, nw_address_1, nw_address_2, nw_ep); extern nw_result nc_accept_fail(nw_ep, nw_buffer_t, nw_ep_t); extern nw_result nc_close_fail(nw_ep); #endif /* _NC_H_ */