/* * Mach Operating System * Copyright (c) 1992-1989 Carnegie Mellon University * All Rights Reserved. * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the * software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions * thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation. * * CARNEGIE MELLON ALLOWS FREE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE IN ITS "AS IS" * CONDITION. CARNEGIE MELLON DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY OF ANY KIND FOR * ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to * * Software Distribution Coordinator or Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU * School of Computer Science * Carnegie Mellon University * Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890 * * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie Mellon * the rights to redistribute these changes. */ /* * File: mouse.c * Author: Alessandro Forin, Carnegie Mellon University * Date: 9/90 * * Driver code for Digital's mouse AND tablet */ /* * XXX This should be rewritten to support other * XXX sorts of mices and tablets. But for now * XXX I have none to play with. Sorry about that. */ #include <lk.h> /* one mouse per lk201 */ #if NLK > 0 #include <mach/std_types.h> #include <machine/machspl.h> /* spl definitions */ #include <sys/time.h> #include <kern/time_out.h> #include <chips/serial_defs.h> #include <chips/screen_defs.h> #define MOUSE_INCREMENTAL 0x52 /* R */ #define MOUSE_PROMPTED 0x44 /* D */ #define MOUSE_REQ_POSITION 0x50 /* P */ #define MOUSE_SELFTEST 0x54 /* T */ #define MOUSE_RESERVED_FUNC 0x5a /* Z, param byte follows */ #define TABLET_SAMPLE_55 0x4b /* K */ /* in reps/sec */ #define TABLET_SAMPLE_72 0x4c /* L */ #define TABLET_SAMPLE_120 0x4d /* M */ #define TABLET_9600 0x42 /* B */ #define TYPE_MOUSE 0x2 #define TYPE_TABLET 0x4 #define START_REPORT 0x80 typedef union { struct { unsigned char r : 1, m : 1, l : 1, sy : 1, sx : 1; unsigned char xpos; unsigned char ypos; } ms; struct { unsigned char pr : 1, buttons : 4; unsigned char xlo, xhi; unsigned char ylo, yhi; } tb; unsigned char raw[1]; } mouse_report_t; /* * Mouse state */ struct mouse_softc { user_info_t *up; mouse_report_t report; unsigned char rep_bytes; unsigned char rep_ptr; unsigned char prev_buttons; unsigned char flags; #define MS_TABLET 0x1 #define MS_MOVING 0x2 char screen_unit; char sl_unit; } mouse_softc_data[NLK]; typedef struct mouse_softc *mouse_softc_t; mouse_softc_t mouse_softc[NLK]; mouse_notify_mapped( int unit, int screen_unit, user_info_t *up) { mouse_softc_t ms = &mouse_softc_data[unit]; ms->up = up; ms->screen_unit = screen_unit; } /* * Autoconfiguration */ mouse_probe( int unit) { mouse_softc[unit] = &mouse_softc_data[unit]; } mouse_attach( int unit, int sl_unit) { int messg[4]; spl_t s; mouse_softc_t ms; ms = mouse_softc[unit]; ms->sl_unit = sl_unit; s = spltty(); (*console_putc)(sl_unit, SCREEN_LINE_POINTER, MOUSE_SELFTEST); delay(1); messg[0] = (*console_getc)(sl_unit, SCREEN_LINE_POINTER, TRUE, TRUE); messg[1] = (*console_getc)(sl_unit, SCREEN_LINE_POINTER, TRUE, TRUE); messg[2] = (*console_getc)(sl_unit, SCREEN_LINE_POINTER, TRUE, TRUE); messg[3] = (*console_getc)(sl_unit, SCREEN_LINE_POINTER, TRUE, TRUE); delay(100000); /* spec says less than 500 msecs */ (*console_putc)(sl_unit, SCREEN_LINE_POINTER, MOUSE_INCREMENTAL); splx(s); ms->rep_bytes = 3;/* mouse */ if (messg[2] | messg[3]) { printf(" bad pointer [%x %x %x %x] ", messg[0], messg[1], messg[2], messg[3]); if (messg[2] >= 0x20) printf("fatal "); if (messg[2] == 0x3e) printf("RAM/ROM"); if (messg[2] == 0x3d) printf("button(s) %x", messg[3] & 0x1f); } else { int rev = messg[0] & 0xf; int loc = (messg[1] & 0xf0) >> 4; int tag = (messg[1] & 0xf); printf("( %s rev. %x.%x )", (tag == TYPE_MOUSE) ? "mouse" : "tablet", rev, loc); if (tag == TYPE_TABLET) { ms->flags = MS_TABLET; ms->rep_bytes = 5; } } } /* * Process a character from the mouse */ mouse_input( int unit, register unsigned short data) { mouse_softc_t ms = mouse_softc[unit]; register char flg, but; data &= 0xff; /* sanity: might miss a byte sometimes */ if (data & START_REPORT) ms->rep_ptr = 0; /* add byte to report */ ms->report.raw[ms->rep_ptr++] = data; /* does this mean the mouse is moving */ if (data && ((data & START_REPORT) == 0)) ms->flags |= MS_MOVING; /* Report complete ? */ if (ms->rep_ptr != ms->rep_bytes) return; ms->rep_ptr = 0; ssaver_bump(ms->screen_unit); /* check for mouse moved */ flg = ms->flags; if (flg & MS_MOVING) { ms->flags = flg & ~MS_MOVING; mouse_motion_event(ms, flg); } /* check for button pressed */ if (but = ms->prev_buttons ^ ms->report.raw[0]) { mouse_button_event(ms, flg, but); ms->prev_buttons = ms->report.raw[0]; } } /* * The mouse/puck moved. * Find how much and post an event */ mouse_motion_event( mouse_softc_t ms, int flg) { register int x, y; if (flg & MS_TABLET) { flg = DEV_TABLET; x = (ms->report.tb.xhi << 8) | ms->report.tb.xlo; y = (ms->report.tb.yhi << 8) | ms->report.tb.ylo; } else { flg = DEV_MOUSE; x = ms->report.ms.xpos; if (!ms->report.ms.sx) /* ??? */ x = -x; y = ms->report.ms.ypos; if (ms->report.ms.sy) y = -y; } screen_motion_event(ms->screen_unit, flg, x, y); } /* * A mouse/puck button was pressed/released. * Find which one and post an event */ mouse_button_event( mouse_softc_t ms, int flg, int bmask) { register unsigned int buttons, i; int key, type; buttons = ms->report.raw[0]; if (flg & MS_TABLET) { /* check each one of the four buttons */ for (i = 0; i < 4; i += 1) { if ((bmask & (2<<i)) == 0) continue;/* did not change */ type = (buttons & (2<<i)) ? EVT_BUTTON_DOWN : EVT_BUTTON_UP; key = i; screen_keypress_event( ms->screen_unit, DEV_TABLET, key, type); } } else { ms->up->mouse_buttons = buttons & 0x7; /* check each one of the three buttons */ for (i = 0; i < 3; i += 1) { if ((bmask & (1<<i)) == 0) continue;/* did not change */ type = (buttons & (1<<i)) ? EVT_BUTTON_DOWN : EVT_BUTTON_UP; if (i & 1) key = KEY_MIDDLE_BUTTON; else if ((i & 2) == 0) key = KEY_RIGHT_BUTTON; else key = KEY_LEFT_BUTTON; screen_keypress_event( ms->screen_unit, DEV_MOUSE, key, type); } } } /* * Generate escape sequences for position reporting * These are the same as xterm's. * Prefix: * ESC [ M button down * ESC [ N button up * Body: * BUTTON COL ROW * Button: * 0 <-> left, 1 <-> middle, 2 <-> right * All body values are offset by the ascii SPACE character */ #define ESC '\033' #define SPACE ' ' mouse_report_position( int unit, int col, int row, int key, int type) { cons_input(SCREEN_LINE_KEYBOARD, ESC, 0); cons_input(SCREEN_LINE_KEYBOARD, '[', 0); cons_input(SCREEN_LINE_KEYBOARD, (type==EVT_BUTTON_DOWN) ? 'M':'N', 0); cons_input(SCREEN_LINE_KEYBOARD, (key - 1) + SPACE, 0);/* quick remapping */ cons_input(SCREEN_LINE_KEYBOARD, SPACE + col + 2, 0); cons_input(SCREEN_LINE_KEYBOARD, SPACE + row + 1, 0); } #endif NLK > 0