/* * Mach Operating System * Copyright (c) 1991,1990,1989 Carnegie Mellon University * All Rights Reserved. * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the * software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions * thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation. * * CARNEGIE MELLON ALLOWS FREE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE IN ITS "AS IS" * CONDITION. CARNEGIE MELLON DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY OF ANY KIND FOR * ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to * * Software Distribution Coordinator or Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU * School of Computer Science * Carnegie Mellon University * Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890 * * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie Mellon * the rights to redistribute these changes. */ /* * File: bt455.c * Author: Alessandro Forin, Carnegie Mellon University * Date: 7/91 * * Routines for the bt454/bt455 RAMDAC */ #include <platforms.h> #include <chips/bt455.h> #include <chips/screen.h> #ifdef DECSTATION typedef struct { volatile unsigned char addr_cmap; char pad0[3]; volatile unsigned char addr_cmap_data; char pad1[3]; volatile unsigned char addr_clr; char pad2[3]; volatile unsigned char addr_ovly; char pad3[3]; } bt455_padded_regmap_t; #else /*DECSTATION*/ typedef bt455_regmap_t bt455_padded_regmap_t; #define wbflush() #endif /*DECSTATION*/ /* * Generic register access */ #define bt455_select_entry(regs, regno) \ { \ (regs)->addr_cmap = (regno)&0x0f; \ wbflush(); \ } /* * Color map */ bt455_load_colormap( regs, map) bt455_padded_regmap_t *regs; color_map_t *map; { register int i; bt455_select_entry(regs, 0); for (i = 0; i < 16; i++, map++) { regs->addr_cmap_data = map->red >> 4; wbflush(); regs->addr_cmap_data = map->green >> 4; wbflush(); regs->addr_cmap_data = map->blue >> 4; wbflush(); } } bt455_load_colormap_entry( regs, entry, map) register bt455_padded_regmap_t *regs; register color_map_t *map; { bt455_select_entry(regs, entry); regs->addr_cmap_data = map->red >> 4; wbflush(); regs->addr_cmap_data = map->green >> 4; wbflush(); regs->addr_cmap_data = map->blue >> 4; wbflush(); } bt455_init_colormap( regs) bt455_padded_regmap_t *regs; { register int i; color_map_t m[2]; m[0].red = m[0].green = m[0].blue = 0; m[1].red = m[1].green = m[1].blue = 0xff; for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) bt455_load_colormap_entry(regs, i, &m[0]); bt455_load_colormap_entry(regs, 1, &m[1]); bt455_cursor_color( regs, &m[0]); } #if 1/*debug*/ bt455_print_colormap( regs) bt455_padded_regmap_t *regs; { register int i; for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { register unsigned char red, green, blue; bt455_select_entry(regs, i); red = regs->addr_cmap_data; green = regs->addr_cmap_data; blue = regs->addr_cmap_data; printf("%x->[x%x x%x x%x]\n", i, red, green, blue); } } #endif /* * Video on/off */ bt455_video_off(regs, up) bt455_padded_regmap_t *regs; user_info_t *up; { color_map_t m; unsigned char *save; /* Yes, this is awful */ save = (unsigned char *)up->dev_dep_2.gx.colormap; bt455_select_entry( regs, 0); *save++ = regs->addr_cmap_data; /* entry 0 */ *save++ = regs->addr_cmap_data; *save++ = regs->addr_cmap_data; *save++ = regs->addr_cmap_data; /* entry 1 */ *save++ = regs->addr_cmap_data; *save++ = regs->addr_cmap_data; m.red = m.green = m.blue = 0; bt455_load_colormap_entry(regs, 0, &m); bt455_load_colormap_entry(regs, 1, &m); } bt455_video_on(regs, up) bt455_padded_regmap_t *regs; user_info_t *up; { unsigned char *save; /* Like I said.. */ save = (unsigned char *)up->dev_dep_2.gx.colormap; bt455_select_entry( regs, 0); regs->addr_cmap_data = *save++; wbflush(); regs->addr_cmap_data = *save++; wbflush(); regs->addr_cmap_data = *save++; wbflush(); regs->addr_cmap_data = *save++; wbflush(); regs->addr_cmap_data = *save++; wbflush(); regs->addr_cmap_data = *save; } /* * Cursor 'color' [as used on DEC's board] */ bt455_cursor_color( regs, color) bt455_padded_regmap_t *regs; color_map_t *color; { register int i; /* Bg is the first in color */ bt455_load_colormap_entry( regs, 8, color); bt455_load_colormap_entry( regs, 9, color); /* Fg is overlay */ color++; regs->addr_ovly = color->red >> 4; wbflush(); regs->addr_ovly = color->green >> 4; wbflush(); regs->addr_ovly = color->blue >> 4; wbflush(); } /* * Initialization */ bt455_init(regs) bt455_padded_regmap_t *regs; { /* Nothing really needed */ }