path: root/mig/type.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'mig/type.h')
1 files changed, 218 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/mig/type.h b/mig/type.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f199059
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mig/type.h
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+ * Mach Operating System
+ * Copyright (c) 1992,1991,1990 Carnegie Mellon University
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its
+ * documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright
+ * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the
+ * software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions
+ * thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation.
+ *
+ *
+ * Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to
+ *
+ * Software Distribution Coordinator or Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU
+ * School of Computer Science
+ * Carnegie Mellon University
+ * Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890
+ *
+ * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie Mellon
+ * the rights to redistribute these changes.
+ */
+#ifndef _TYPE_H
+#define _TYPE_H
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include "boolean.h"
+#include "mig_string.h"
+typedef u_int ipc_flags_t;
+#define flNone (0x00)
+#define flLong (0x01) /* IsLong specified */
+#define flNotLong (0x02) /* NotIsLong specified */
+#define flDealloc (0x04) /* Dealloc specified */
+#define flNotDealloc (0x08) /* NotDealloc specified */
+#define flMaybeDealloc (0x10) /* Dealloc[] specified */
+#define flServerCopy (0x20) /* ServerCopy specified */
+#define flCountInOut (0x40) /* CountInOut specified */
+typedef enum dealloc {
+ d_NO, /* do not deallocate */
+ d_YES, /* always deallocate */
+ d_MAYBE /* deallocate according to parameter */
+} dealloc_t;
+/* Convert dealloc_t to TRUE/FALSE */
+#define strdealloc(d) (strbool(d == d_YES))
+ * itName and itNext are internal fields (not used for code generation).
+ * They are only meaningful for types entered into the symbol table.
+ * The symbol table is a simple self-organizing linked list.
+ *
+ * The function itCheckDecl checks & fills in computed information.
+ * Every type actually used (pointed at by argType) is so processed.
+ *
+ * The itInName, itOutName, itSize, itNumber, itInLine, itLongForm,
+ * and itDeallocate fields correspond directly to mach_msg_type_t fields.
+ * For out-of-line variable sized types, itNumber is zero. For
+ * in-line variable sized types, itNumber is the maximum size of the
+ * array. itInName is the msgt_name value supplied to the kernel,
+ * and itOutName is the msgt_name value received from the kernel.
+ * Either or both may be MACH_MSG_TYPE_POLYMORPHIC, indicating a
+ * "polymorphic" msgt_name. For itInName, this means the user
+ * supplies the value with an argument. For itOutName, this means the
+ * the value is returned in an argument.
+ *
+ * The itInNameStr and itOutNameStr fields contain "printing" versions
+ * of the itInName and itOutName values. The mapping from number->string
+ * MACH_MSG_TYPE_BIT). These fields are used for code-generation and
+ * pretty-printing.
+ *
+ * itFlags contains the user's requests for itLongForm and itDeallocate
+ * values. itCheckDecl takes it into account when setting itLongForm
+ * and itDeallocate, but they can be overridden (with a warning message).
+ *
+ * itTypeSize is the calculated size of the C type, in bytes.
+ * itPadSize is the size of any padded needed after the data field.
+ * itMinTypeSize is the minimum size of the data field, including padding.
+ * For variable-length inline data, it is zero.
+ *
+ * itUserType, itServerType, itTransType are the C types used in
+ * code generation. itUserType is the C type passed to the user-side stub
+ * and used for msg declarations in the user-side stub. itServerType
+ * is the C type used for msg declarations in the server-side stub.
+ * itTransType is the C type passed to the server function by the
+ * server-side stub. Normally it differs from itServerType only when
+ * translation functions are defined.
+ *
+ * itInTrans and itOutTrans are translation functions. itInTrans
+ * takes itServerType values and returns itTransType values. itOutTrans
+ * takes itTransType vaulues and returns itServerType values.
+ * itDestructor is a finalization function applied to In arguments
+ * after the server-side stub calls the server function. It takes
+ * itTransType values. Any combination of these may be defined.
+ *
+ * The following type specification syntax modifies these values:
+ * type new = old
+ * ctype: name // itUserType and itServerType
+ * cusertype: itUserType
+ * cservertype: itServerType
+ * intran: itTransType itInTrans(itServerType)
+ * outtran: itServerType itOutTrans(itTransType)
+ * destructor: itDestructor(itTransType);
+ *
+ * At most one of itStruct and itString should be TRUE. If both are
+ * false, then this is assumed to be an array type (msg data is passed
+ * by reference). If itStruct is TRUE, then msg data is passed by value
+ * and can be assigned with =. If itString is TRUE, then the msg_data
+ * is a null-terminated string, assigned with strncpy. The itNumber
+ * value is a maximum length for the string; the msg field always
+ * takes up this much space.
+ *
+ * itVarArray means this is a variable-sized array. If it is inline,
+ * then itStruct and itString are FALSE. If it is out-of-line, then
+ * itStruct is TRUE (because pointers can be assigned).
+ *
+ * itIndefinite means this is an indefinite-length array - it may be sent
+ * either inline or out-of-line. itNumber is assigned so that at most
+ * 2048 bytes are sent inline.
+ *
+ * itElement points to any substructure that the type may have.
+ * It is only used with variable-sized array types.
+ */
+typedef struct ipc_type
+ identifier_t itName; /* Mig's name for this type */
+ struct ipc_type *itNext; /* next type in symbol table */
+ u_int itTypeSize; /* size of the C type */
+ u_int itPadSize; /* amount of padding after data */
+ u_int itMinTypeSize; /* minimal amount of space occupied by data */
+ u_int itInName; /* name supplied to kernel in sent msg */
+ u_int itOutName; /* name in received msg */
+ u_int itSize;
+ u_int itNumber;
+ boolean_t itInLine;
+ boolean_t itLongForm;
+ dealloc_t itDeallocate;
+ const_string_t itInNameStr; /* string form of itInName */
+ const_string_t itOutNameStr;/* string form of itOutName */
+ /* what the user wants, not necessarily what he gets */
+ ipc_flags_t itFlags;
+ boolean_t itStruct;
+ boolean_t itString;
+ boolean_t itVarArray;
+ boolean_t itIndefinite;
+ struct ipc_type *itElement; /* may be NULL */
+ identifier_t itUserType;
+ identifier_t itServerType;
+ identifier_t itTransType;
+ identifier_t itInTrans; /* may be NULL */
+ identifier_t itOutTrans; /* may be NULL */
+ identifier_t itDestructor; /* may be NULL */
+} ipc_type_t;
+#define itNULL ((ipc_type_t *) 0)
+extern ipc_type_t *itLookUp(identifier_t name);
+extern void itInsert(identifier_t name, ipc_type_t *it);
+extern void itTypeDecl(identifier_t name, ipc_type_t *it);
+extern ipc_type_t *itShortDecl(u_int inname, const_string_t instr,
+ u_int outname, const_string_t outstr,
+ u_int defsize);
+extern ipc_type_t *itLongDecl(u_int inname, const_string_t instr,
+ u_int outname, const_string_t outstr,
+ u_int defsize, u_int size, ipc_flags_t flags);
+extern ipc_type_t *itPrevDecl(identifier_t name);
+extern ipc_type_t *itResetType(ipc_type_t *it);
+extern ipc_type_t *itVarArrayDecl(u_int number, const ipc_type_t *it);
+extern ipc_type_t *itArrayDecl(u_int number, const ipc_type_t *it);
+extern ipc_type_t *itPtrDecl(ipc_type_t *it);
+extern ipc_type_t *itStructDecl(u_int number, const ipc_type_t *it);
+extern ipc_type_t *itCStringDecl(u_int number, boolean_t varying);
+extern ipc_type_t *itRetCodeType;
+extern ipc_type_t *itDummyType;
+extern ipc_type_t *itRequestPortType;
+extern ipc_type_t *itZeroReplyPortType;
+extern ipc_type_t *itRealReplyPortType;
+extern ipc_type_t *itWaitTimeType;
+extern ipc_type_t *itMsgOptionType;
+extern ipc_type_t *itMakeCountType(void);
+extern ipc_type_t *itMakePolyType(void);
+extern ipc_type_t *itMakeDeallocType(void);
+extern void init_type(void);
+extern void itCheckReturnType(identifier_t name, const ipc_type_t *it);
+extern void itCheckRequestPortType(identifier_t name, const ipc_type_t *it);
+extern void itCheckReplyPortType(identifier_t name, const ipc_type_t *it);
+extern void itCheckIntType(identifier_t name, const ipc_type_t *it);
+extern void itCheckNaturalType(identifier_t name, ipc_type_t *it);
+extern ipc_flags_t itCheckFlags(ipc_flags_t flags, identifier_t name);
+extern dealloc_t itCheckDeallocate(const ipc_type_t *it, ipc_flags_t flags,
+ dealloc_t dfault, identifier_t name);
+extern boolean_t itCheckIsLong(const ipc_type_t *it, ipc_flags_t flags,
+ boolean_t dfault, identifier_t name);
+#endif /* _TYPE_H */