path: root/mig/routine.c
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1334 deletions
diff --git a/mig/routine.c b/mig/routine.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 70707bd..0000000
--- a/mig/routine.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1334 +0,0 @@
- * Mach Operating System
- * Copyright (c) 1992,1991,1990 Carnegie Mellon University
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its
- * documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright
- * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the
- * software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions
- * thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation.
- *
- *
- * Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to
- *
- * Software Distribution Coordinator or Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU
- * School of Computer Science
- * Carnegie Mellon University
- * Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890
- *
- * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie Mellon
- * the rights to redistribute these changes.
- */
- * Provides the routine used by parser.c to generate
- * routine structures for each routine statement.
- * The parser generates a threaded list of statements
- * of which the most interesting are the various kinds
- * routine statments. The routine structure is defined
- * in routine.h which includes it name, kind of routine
- * and other information,
- * a pointer to an argument list which contains the name
- * and type information for each argument, and a list
- * of distinguished arguments, eg. Request and Reply
- * ports, waittime, retcode etc.
- */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include "error.h"
-#include "global.h"
-#include "routine.h"
-#include "message.h"
-u_int rtNumber = 0;
-routine_t *
- register routine_t *new;
- new = (routine_t *) calloc(1, sizeof *new);
- if (new == rtNULL)
- fatal("rtAlloc(): %s", unix_error_string(errno));
- new->rtNumber = rtNumber++;
- new->rtName = strNULL;
- new->rtErrorName = strNULL;
- new->rtUserName = strNULL;
- new->rtServerName = strNULL;
- return new;
-rtSkip(int n)
- rtNumber += n;
-argument_t *
- static const argument_t prototype =
- {
- strNULL, /* identifier_t argName */
- argNULL, /* argument_t *argNext */
- akNone, /* arg_kind_t argKind */
- itNULL, /* ipc_type_t *argType */
- strNULL, /* string_t argVarName */
- strNULL, /* string_t argMsgField */
- strNULL, /* string_t argTTName */
- strNULL, /* string_t argPadName */
- flNone, /* ipc_flags_t argFlags */
- d_NO, /* dealloc_t argDeallocate */
- FALSE, /* boolean_t argLongForm */
- FALSE, /* boolean_t argServerCopy */
- FALSE, /* boolean_t argCountInOut */
- rtNULL, /* routine_t *argRoutine */
- argNULL, /* argument_t *argCount */
- argNULL, /* argument_t *argCInOut */
- argNULL, /* argument_t *argPoly */
- argNULL, /* argument_t *argDealloc */
- argNULL, /* argument_t *argSCopy */
- argNULL, /* argument_t *argParent */
- 1, /* int argMultiplier */
- 0, /* int argRequestPos */
- 0, /* int argReplyPos */
- FALSE, /* boolean_t argByReferenceUser */
- FALSE /* boolean_t argByReferenceServer */
- };
- register argument_t *new;
- new = malloc(sizeof *new);
- if (new == argNULL)
- fatal("argAlloc(): %s", unix_error_string(errno));
- *new = prototype;
- return new;
-routine_t *
-rtMakeRoutine(identifier_t name, argument_t *args)
- register routine_t *rt = rtAlloc();
- rt->rtName = name;
- rt->rtKind = rkRoutine;
- rt->rtArgs = args;
- return rt;
-routine_t *
-rtMakeSimpleRoutine(identifier_t name, argument_t *args)
- register routine_t *rt = rtAlloc();
- rt->rtName = name;
- rt->rtKind = rkSimpleRoutine;
- rt->rtArgs = args;
- return rt;
-routine_t *
-rtMakeProcedure(identifier_t name, argument_t *args)
- register routine_t *rt = rtAlloc();
- rt->rtName = name;
- rt->rtKind = rkProcedure;
- rt->rtArgs = args;
- warn("Procedure %s: obsolete routine kind", name);
- return rt;
-routine_t *
-rtMakeSimpleProcedure(identifier_t name, argument_t *args)
- register routine_t *rt = rtAlloc();
- rt->rtName = name;
- rt->rtKind = rkSimpleProcedure;
- rt->rtArgs = args;
- warn("SimpleProcedure %s: obsolete routine kind", name);
- return rt;
-routine_t *
-rtMakeFunction(identifier_t name, argument_t *args, ipc_type_t *type)
- register routine_t *rt = rtAlloc();
- register argument_t *ret = argAlloc();
- ret->argName = name;
- ret->argKind = akReturn;
- ret->argType = type;
- ret->argNext = args;
- rt->rtName = name;
- rt->rtKind = rkFunction;
- rt->rtArgs = ret;
- warn("Function %s: obsolete routine kind", name);
- return rt;
-const char *
-rtRoutineKindToStr(routine_kind_t rk)
- switch (rk)
- {
- case rkRoutine:
- return "Routine";
- case rkSimpleRoutine:
- return "SimpleRoutine";
- case rkProcedure:
- return "Procedure";
- case rkSimpleProcedure:
- return "SimpleProcedure";
- case rkFunction:
- return "Function";
- default:
- fatal("rtRoutineKindToStr(%d): not a routine_kind_t", rk);
- }
-static void
-rtPrintArg(register const argument_t *arg)
- register const ipc_type_t *it = arg->argType;
- if (!akCheck(arg->argKind, akbUserArg|akbServerArg) ||
- (akIdent(arg->argKind) == akeCount) ||
- (akIdent(arg->argKind) == akePoly))
- return;
- printf("\n\t");
- switch (akIdent(arg->argKind))
- {
- case akeRequestPort:
- printf("RequestPort");
- break;
- case akeReplyPort:
- printf("ReplyPort");
- break;
- case akeWaitTime:
- printf("WaitTime");
- break;
- case akeMsgOption:
- printf("MsgOption");
- break;
- case akeMsgSeqno:
- printf("MsgSeqno\t");
- break;
- default:
- if (akCheck(arg->argKind, akbRequest))
- if (akCheck(arg->argKind, akbSend))
- printf("In");
- else
- printf("(In)");
- if (akCheck(arg->argKind, akbReply))
- if (akCheck(arg->argKind, akbReturn))
- printf("Out");
- else
- printf("(Out)");
- printf("\t");
- }
- printf("\t%s: %s", arg->argName, it->itName);
- if (arg->argDeallocate != it->itDeallocate)
- if (arg->argDeallocate == d_YES)
- printf(", Dealloc");
- else if (arg->argDeallocate == d_MAYBE)
- printf(", Dealloc[]");
- else
- printf(", NotDealloc");
- if (arg->argLongForm != it->itLongForm)
- if (arg->argLongForm)
- printf(", IsLong");
- else
- printf(", IsNotLong");
- if (arg->argServerCopy)
- printf(", ServerCopy");
- if (arg->argCountInOut)
- printf(", CountInOut");
-rtPrintRoutine(register const routine_t *rt)
- register const argument_t *arg;
- printf("%s (%d) %s(", rtRoutineKindToStr(rt->rtKind),
- rt->rtNumber, rt->rtName);
- for (arg = rt->rtArgs; arg != argNULL; arg = arg->argNext)
- rtPrintArg(arg);
- if (rt->rtKind == rkFunction)
- printf("): %s\n", rt->rtReturn->argType->itName);
- else
- printf(")\n");
- printf("\n");
- * Determines appropriate value of msg-simple for the message,
- * and whether this value can vary at runtime. (If it can vary,
- * then the simple value is optimistically returned as TRUE.)
- * Uses itInName values, so useful when sending messages.
- */
-static void
-rtCheckSimpleIn(const argument_t *args, u_int mask, boolean_t *fixed,
- boolean_t *simple)
- register const argument_t *arg;
- boolean_t MayBeComplex = FALSE;
- boolean_t MustBeComplex = FALSE;
- for (arg = args; arg != argNULL; arg = arg->argNext)
- if (akCheck(arg->argKind, mask))
- {
- register const ipc_type_t *it = arg->argType;
- if (it->itInName == MACH_MSG_TYPE_POLYMORPHIC)
- MayBeComplex = TRUE;
- if (it->itIndefinite)
- MayBeComplex = TRUE;
- if (MACH_MSG_TYPE_PORT_ANY(it->itInName) ||
- !it->itInLine)
- MustBeComplex = TRUE;
- }
- *fixed = MustBeComplex || !MayBeComplex;
- *simple = !MustBeComplex;
- * Determines appropriate value of msg-simple for the message,
- * and whether this value can vary at runtime. (If it can vary,
- * then the simple value is optimistically returned as TRUE.)
- * Uses itOutName values, so useful when receiving messages
- * (and sending reply messages in KernelServer interfaces).
- */
-static void
-rtCheckSimpleOut(const argument_t *args, u_int mask, boolean_t *fixed,
- boolean_t *simple)
- register const argument_t *arg;
- boolean_t MayBeComplex = FALSE;
- boolean_t MustBeComplex = FALSE;
- for (arg = args; arg != argNULL; arg = arg->argNext)
- if (akCheck(arg->argKind, mask))
- {
- register const ipc_type_t *it = arg->argType;
- if (it->itOutName == MACH_MSG_TYPE_POLYMORPHIC)
- MayBeComplex = TRUE;
- if (it->itIndefinite)
- MayBeComplex = TRUE;
- if (MACH_MSG_TYPE_PORT_ANY(it->itOutName) ||
- !it->itInLine)
- MustBeComplex = TRUE;
- }
- *fixed = MustBeComplex || !MayBeComplex;
- *simple = !MustBeComplex;
-static u_int
-rtFindSize(const argument_t *args, u_int mask)
- register const argument_t *arg;
- u_int size = sizeof_mach_msg_header_t;
- for (arg = args; arg != argNULL; arg = arg->argNext)
- if (akCheck(arg->argKind, mask))
- {
- register ipc_type_t *it = arg->argType;
- if (arg->argLongForm) {
- /* might need proper alignment on 64bit archies */
- size = (size + word_size-1) & ~(word_size-1);
- size += sizeof_mach_msg_type_long_t;
- } else {
- register bs = (it->itSize / 8); /* in bytes */
- size += (bs > sizeof_mach_msg_type_t) ? bs : sizeof_mach_msg_type_t;
- }
- size += it->itMinTypeSize;
- }
- return size;
-rtCheckMask(const argument_t *args, u_int mask)
- register const argument_t *arg;
- for (arg = args; arg != argNULL; arg = arg->argNext)
- if (akCheckAll(arg->argKind, mask))
- return TRUE;
- return FALSE;
-rtCheckMaskFunction(const argument_t *args, u_int mask,
- boolean_t (*func)(const argument_t *))
- register const argument_t *arg;
- for (arg = args; arg != argNULL; arg = arg->argNext)
- if (akCheckAll(arg->argKind, mask))
- if ((*func)(arg))
- return TRUE;
- return FALSE;
-/* arg->argType may be NULL in this function */
-static void
-rtDefaultArgKind(const routine_t *rt, argument_t *arg)
- if ((arg->argKind == akNone) &&
- (rt->rtRequestPort == argNULL))
- arg->argKind = akRequestPort;
- if (arg->argKind == akNone)
- arg->argKind = akIn;
- * Initializes arg->argDeallocate, arg->argLongForm,
- * arg->argServerCopy, arg->argCountInOut from arg->argFlags.
- */
-static void
-rtProcessArgFlags(register argument_t *arg)
- register const ipc_type_t *it = arg->argType;
- arg->argFlags = itCheckFlags(arg->argFlags, arg->argName);
- if (((IsKernelServer && akCheck(arg->argKind, akbReturn)) ||
- (IsKernelUser && akCheck(arg->argKind, akbSend))) &&
- (arg->argFlags & flDealloc) &&
- (it->itDeallocate == d_NO)) {
- /*
- * For a KernelServer interface and an Out argument,
- * or a KernelUser interface and an In argument,
- * we avoid a possible spurious warning about the deallocate bit.
- * For compatibility with Mach 2.5, the deallocate bit
- * may need to be enabled on some inline arguments.
- */
- arg->argDeallocate = d_YES;
- } else
- arg->argDeallocate = itCheckDeallocate(it, arg->argFlags,
- it->itDeallocate, arg->argName);
- arg->argLongForm = itCheckIsLong(it, arg->argFlags,
- it->itLongForm, arg->argName);
- if (arg->argFlags & flServerCopy) {
- if (it->itIndefinite && akCheck(arg->argKind, akbSend))
- arg->argServerCopy = TRUE;
- else
- warn("%s: ServerCopy on argument is meaningless", arg->argName);
- }
- if (arg->argFlags & flCountInOut) {
- if (it->itVarArray && it->itInLine &&
- akCheck(arg->argKind, akbReply))
- arg->argCountInOut = TRUE;
- else
- warn("%s: CountInOut on argument is meaningless", arg->argName);
- }
-static void
-rtAugmentArgKind(argument_t *arg)
- register ipc_type_t *it = arg->argType;
- /* akbVariable means variable-sized inline. */
- if (it->itVarArray && it->itInLine)
- {
- if (akCheckAll(arg->argKind, akbRequest|akbReply))
- error("%s: Inline variable-sized arguments can't be InOut",
- arg->argName);
- arg->argKind = akAddFeature(arg->argKind, akbVariable);
- /* akbIndefinite means inline or out-of-line */
- if (it->itIndefinite)
- arg->argKind = akAddFeature(arg->argKind, akbIndefinite);
- }
- /*
- * Kernel servers can't do quick-checking of request arguments
- * which are out-of-line or ports, because the deallocate bit isn't
- * predictable. This is because the deallocate bit is preserved
- * at message copyin time and normalized during message copyout.
- * This accomodates old IPC programs which expect the deallocate
- * bit to be preserved.
- */
- if (akCheck(arg->argKind, akbRequest) &&
- !arg->argLongForm &&
- (it->itOutName != MACH_MSG_TYPE_POLYMORPHIC) &&
- !it->itVarArray &&
- !(IsKernelServer && (!it->itInLine ||
- MACH_MSG_TYPE_PORT_ANY(it->itOutName))))
- arg->argKind = akAddFeature(arg->argKind, akbRequestQC);
- if (akCheck(arg->argKind, akbReply) &&
- !arg->argLongForm &&
- (it->itOutName != MACH_MSG_TYPE_POLYMORPHIC) &&
- !it->itVarArray)
- arg->argKind = akAddFeature(arg->argKind, akbReplyQC);
- /*
- * Need to use a local variable in the following cases:
- * 1) There is a translate-out function & the argument is being
- * returned. We need to translate it before it hits the message.
- * 2) There is a translate-in function & the argument is
- * sent and returned. We need a local variable for its address.
- * 3) There is a destructor function, which will be used
- * (SendRcv and not ReturnSnd), and there is a translate-in
- * function whose value must be saved for the destructor.
- * 4) This is a count arg, getting returned. The count can't get
- * stored directly into the msg-type, because the msg-type won't
- * get initialized until later, and that would trash the count.
- * 5) This is a poly arg, getting returned. The name can't get
- * stored directly into the msg-type, because the msg-type won't
- * get initialized until later, and that would trash the name.
- * 6) This is a dealloc arg, being returned. The name can't be
- * stored directly into the msg_type, because the msg-type
- * field is a bit-field.
- */
- if (((it->itOutTrans != strNULL) &&
- akCheck(arg->argKind, akbReturnSnd)) ||
- ((it->itInTrans != strNULL) &&
- akCheckAll(arg->argKind, akbSendRcv|akbReturnSnd)) ||
- ((it->itDestructor != strNULL) &&
- akCheck(arg->argKind, akbSendRcv) &&
- !akCheck(arg->argKind, akbReturnSnd) &&
- (it->itInTrans != strNULL)) ||
- ((akIdent(arg->argKind) == akeCount) &&
- akCheck(arg->argKind, akbReturnSnd)) ||
- ((akIdent(arg->argKind) == akePoly) &&
- akCheck(arg->argKind, akbReturnSnd)) ||
- ((akIdent(arg->argKind) == akeDealloc) &&
- akCheck(arg->argKind, akbReturnSnd)))
- {
- arg->argKind = akRemFeature(arg->argKind, akbReplyCopy);
- arg->argKind = akAddFeature(arg->argKind, akbVarNeeded);
- }
- /*
- * If the argument is a variable-length array that can be passed in-line
- * or out-of-line, and is being returned, the server procedure
- * is passed a pointer to the buffer, which it can change.
- */
- if (it->itIndefinite &&
- akCheck(arg->argKind, akbReturnSnd))
- {
- arg->argKind = akAddFeature(arg->argKind, akbPointer);
- }
-/* arg->argType may be NULL in this function */
-static void
-rtCheckRoutineArg(routine_t *rt, argument_t *arg)
- switch (akIdent(arg->argKind))
- {
- case akeRequestPort:
- if (rt->rtRequestPort != argNULL)
- warn("multiple RequestPort args in %s; %s won't be used",
- rt->rtName, rt->rtRequestPort->argName);
- rt->rtRequestPort = arg;
- break;
- case akeReplyPort:
- if (akCheck (arg->argKind, akbUserArg))
- {
- if (rt->rtUReplyPort != argNULL)
- warn("multiple UserReplyPort args in %s; %s won't be used",
- rt->rtName, rt->rtUReplyPort->argName);
- rt->rtUReplyPort = arg;
- }
- if (akCheck (arg->argKind, akbServerArg))
- {
- if (rt->rtSReplyPort != argNULL)
- warn("multiple ServerReplyPort args in %s; %s won't be used",
- rt->rtName, rt->rtSReplyPort->argName);
- rt->rtSReplyPort = arg;
- }
- break;
- case akeWaitTime:
- if (rt->rtWaitTime != argNULL)
- warn("multiple WaitTime args in %s; %s won't be used",
- rt->rtName, rt->rtWaitTime->argName);
- rt->rtWaitTime = arg;
- break;
- case akeMsgOption:
- if (rt->rtMsgOption != argNULL)
- warn("multiple MsgOption args in %s; %s won't be used",
- rt->rtName, rt->rtMsgOption->argName);
- rt->rtMsgOption = arg;
- break;
- case akeMsgSeqno:
- if (rt->rtMsgSeqno != argNULL)
- warn("multiple MsgSeqno args in %s; %s won't be used",
- rt->rtName, rt->rtMsgSeqno->argName);
- rt->rtMsgSeqno = arg;
- break;
- case akeReturn:
- if (rt->rtReturn != argNULL)
- warn("multiple Return args in %s; %s won't be used",
- rt->rtName, rt->rtReturn->argName);
- rt->rtReturn = arg;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
-/* arg->argType may be NULL in this function */
-static void
-rtSetArgDefaults(routine_t *rt, register argument_t *arg)
- arg->argRoutine = rt;
- if (arg->argVarName == strNULL)
- arg->argVarName = arg->argName;
- if (arg->argMsgField == strNULL)
- switch(akIdent(arg->argKind))
- {
- case akeRequestPort:
- arg->argMsgField = "Head.msgh_request_port";
- break;
- case akeReplyPort:
- arg->argMsgField = "Head.msgh_reply_port";
- break;
- case akeMsgSeqno:
- arg->argMsgField = "Head.msgh_seqno";
- break;
- default:
- arg->argMsgField = arg->argName;
- break;
- }
- if (arg->argTTName == strNULL)
- arg->argTTName = strconcat(arg->argName, "Type");
- if (arg->argPadName == strNULL)
- arg->argPadName = strconcat(arg->argName, "Pad");
- /*
- * The poly args for the request and reply ports have special defaults,
- * because their msg-type-name values aren't stored in normal fields.
- */
- if ((rt->rtRequestPort != argNULL) &&
- (rt->rtRequestPort->argPoly == arg) &&
- (arg->argType != itNULL)) {
- arg->argMsgField = "Head.msgh_bits";
- arg->argType->itInTrans = "MACH_MSGH_BITS_REQUEST";
- }
- if ((rt->rtUReplyPort != argNULL) &&
- (rt->rtUReplyPort->argPoly == arg) &&
- (arg->argType != itNULL)) {
- arg->argMsgField = "Head.msgh_bits";
- arg->argType->itInTrans = "MACH_MSGH_BITS_REPLY";
- }
- if ((rt->rtSReplyPort != argNULL) &&
- (rt->rtSReplyPort->argPoly == arg) &&
- (arg->argType != itNULL)) {
- arg->argMsgField = "Head.msgh_bits";
- arg->argType->itInTrans = "MACH_MSGH_BITS_REPLY";
- }
-static void
-rtAddCountArg(register argument_t *arg)
- register argument_t *count;
- count = argAlloc();
- count->argName = strconcat(arg->argName, "Cnt");
- count->argType = itMakeCountType();
- count->argParent = arg;
- count->argMultiplier = arg->argType->itElement->itNumber;
- count->argNext = arg->argNext;
- arg->argNext = count;
- arg->argCount = count;
- if (arg->argType->itString) {
- /* C String gets no Count argument on either side.
- There is no explicit field in the message -
- the count is passed as part of the descriptor. */
- count->argKind = akeCount;
- count->argVarName = (char *)0;
- } else
- count->argKind = akAddFeature(akCount,
- akCheck(arg->argKind, akbSendReturnBits));
- if (arg->argLongForm)
- count->argMsgField = strconcat(arg->argTTName,
- ".msgtl_number");
- else
- count->argMsgField = strconcat(arg->argTTName, ".msgt_number");
-static void
-rtAddCountInOutArg(register argument_t *arg)
- register argument_t *count;
- /*
- * The user sees a single count variable. However, to get the
- * count passed from user to server for variable-sized inline OUT
- * arrays, we need two count arguments internally. This is
- * because the count value lives in different message fields (and
- * is scaled differently) in the request and reply messages.
- *
- * The two variables have the same name to simplify code generation.
- *
- * This variable has a null argParent field because it has akbRequest.
- * For example, see rtCheckVariable.
- */
- count = argAlloc();
- count->argName = strconcat(arg->argName, "Cnt");
- count->argType = itMakeCountType();
- count->argParent = argNULL;
- count->argNext = arg->argNext;
- arg->argNext = count;
- (count->argCInOut = arg->argCount)->argCInOut = count;
- count->argKind = akCountInOut;
-static void
-rtAddPolyArg(register argument_t *arg)
- register const ipc_type_t *it = arg->argType;
- register argument_t *poly;
- arg_kind_t akbsend, akbreturn;
- poly = argAlloc();
- poly->argName = strconcat(arg->argName, "Poly");
- poly->argType = itMakePolyType();
- poly->argParent = arg;
- poly->argNext = arg->argNext;
- arg->argNext = poly;
- arg->argPoly = poly;
- /*
- * akbsend is bits added if the arg is In;
- * akbreturn is bits added if the arg is Out.
- * The mysterious business with KernelServer subsystems:
- * when packing Out arguments, they use OutNames instead
- * of InNames, and the OutName determines if they are poly-in
- * as well as poly-out.
- */
- akbsend = akbSend|akbSendBody;
- akbreturn = akbReturn|akbReturnBody;
- if (it->itInName == MACH_MSG_TYPE_POLYMORPHIC)
- {
- akbsend |= akbUserArg|akbSendSnd;
- if (!IsKernelServer)
- akbreturn |= akbServerArg|akbReturnSnd;
- }
- if (it->itOutName == MACH_MSG_TYPE_POLYMORPHIC)
- {
- akbsend |= akbServerArg|akbSendRcv;
- akbreturn |= akbUserArg|akbReturnRcv;
- if (IsKernelServer)
- akbreturn |= akbServerArg|akbReturnSnd;
- }
- poly->argKind = akPoly;
- if (akCheck(arg->argKind, akbSend))
- poly->argKind = akAddFeature(poly->argKind,
- akCheck(arg->argKind, akbsend));
- if (akCheck(arg->argKind, akbReturn))
- poly->argKind = akAddFeature(poly->argKind,
- akCheck(arg->argKind, akbreturn));
- if (arg->argLongForm)
- poly->argMsgField = strconcat(arg->argTTName,
- ".msgtl_name");
- else
- poly->argMsgField = strconcat(arg->argTTName, ".msgt_name");
-static void
-rtAddDeallocArg(register argument_t *arg)
- register argument_t *dealloc;
- dealloc = argAlloc();
- dealloc->argName = strconcat(arg->argName, "Dealloc");
- dealloc->argType = itMakeDeallocType();
- dealloc->argParent = arg;
- dealloc->argNext = arg->argNext;
- arg->argNext = dealloc;
- arg->argDealloc = dealloc;
- /*
- * For Indefinite types, we leave out akbSendSnd and akbReturnSnd
- * so that the normal argument-packing is bypassed. The special code
- * generated for the Indefinite argument handles the deallocate bit.
- * (It can only be enabled if the data is actually out-of-line.)
- */
- dealloc->argKind = akeDealloc;
- if (akCheck(arg->argKind, akbSend))
- dealloc->argKind = akAddFeature(dealloc->argKind,
- akCheck(arg->argKind,
- akbUserArg|akbSend|akbSendBody|
- (arg->argType->itIndefinite ? 0 : akbSendSnd)));
- if (akCheck(arg->argKind, akbReturn)) {
- dealloc->argKind = akAddFeature(dealloc->argKind,
- akCheck(arg->argKind,
- akbServerArg|akbReturn|akbReturnBody|
- (arg->argType->itIndefinite ? 0 : akbReturnSnd)));
- /*
- * Without akbReturnSnd, rtAugmentArgKind will not add
- * akbVarNeeded and rtAddByReference will not set
- * argByReferenceServer. So we do it here.
- */
- if (arg->argType->itIndefinite) {
- dealloc->argKind = akAddFeature(dealloc->argKind, akbVarNeeded);
- dealloc->argByReferenceServer = TRUE;
- }
- }
- if (arg->argLongForm)
- dealloc->argMsgField = strconcat(arg->argTTName,
- ".msgtl_header.msgt_deallocate");
- else
- dealloc->argMsgField = strconcat(arg->argTTName, ".msgt_deallocate");
-static void
-rtAddSCopyArg(register argument_t *arg)
- register argument_t *scopy;
- scopy = argAlloc();
- scopy->argName = strconcat(arg->argName, "SCopy");
- scopy->argType = itMakeDeallocType();
- scopy->argParent = arg;
- scopy->argNext = arg->argNext;
- arg->argNext = scopy;
- arg->argSCopy = scopy;
- scopy->argKind = akServerCopy;
- if (arg->argLongForm)
- scopy->argMsgField = strconcat(arg->argTTName,
- ".msgtl_header.msgt_inline");
- else
- scopy->argMsgField = strconcat(arg->argTTName, ".msgt_inline");
-static void
-rtCheckRoutineArgs(routine_t *rt)
- register argument_t *arg;
- for (arg = rt->rtArgs; arg != argNULL; arg = arg->argNext)
- {
- register const ipc_type_t *it = arg->argType;
- rtDefaultArgKind(rt, arg);
- rtCheckRoutineArg(rt, arg);
- /* need to set argTTName before adding implicit args */
- rtSetArgDefaults(rt, arg);
- /* the arg may not have a type (if there was some error in parsing it),
- in which case we don't want to do these steps. */
- if (it != itNULL)
- {
- /* need to set argLongForm before adding implicit args */
- rtProcessArgFlags(arg);
- rtAugmentArgKind(arg);
- /* args added here will get processed in later iterations */
- /* order of args is 'arg poly countinout count dealloc scopy' */
- if (arg->argServerCopy)
- rtAddSCopyArg(arg);
- if (arg->argDeallocate == d_MAYBE)
- rtAddDeallocArg(arg);
- if (it->itVarArray)
- rtAddCountArg(arg);
- if (arg->argCountInOut)
- rtAddCountInOutArg(arg);
- if ((it->itInName == MACH_MSG_TYPE_POLYMORPHIC) ||
- rtAddPolyArg(arg);
- }
- }
-static void
-rtCheckArgTypes(routine_t *rt)
- if (rt->rtRequestPort == argNULL)
- error("%s %s doesn't have a server port argument",
- rtRoutineKindToStr(rt->rtKind), rt->rtName);
- if ((rt->rtKind == rkFunction) &&
- (rt->rtReturn == argNULL))
- error("Function %s doesn't have a return arg", rt->rtName);
- if ((rt->rtKind != rkFunction) &&
- (rt->rtReturn != argNULL))
- error("non-function %s has a return arg", rt->rtName);
- if ((rt->rtReturn == argNULL) && !rt->rtProcedure)
- rt->rtReturn = rt->rtRetCode;
- rt->rtServerReturn = rt->rtReturn;
- if ((rt->rtReturn != argNULL) &&
- (rt->rtReturn->argType != itNULL))
- itCheckReturnType(rt->rtReturn->argName,
- rt->rtReturn->argType);
- if ((rt->rtRequestPort != argNULL) &&
- (rt->rtRequestPort->argType != itNULL))
- itCheckRequestPortType(rt->rtRequestPort->argName,
- rt->rtRequestPort->argType);
- if ((rt->rtUReplyPort != argNULL) &&
- (rt->rtUReplyPort->argType != itNULL))
- itCheckReplyPortType(rt->rtUReplyPort->argName,
- rt->rtUReplyPort->argType);
- if ((rt->rtSReplyPort != argNULL) &&
- (rt->rtSReplyPort->argType != itNULL))
- itCheckReplyPortType(rt->rtSReplyPort->argName,
- rt->rtSReplyPort->argType);
- if ((rt->rtWaitTime != argNULL) &&
- (rt->rtWaitTime->argType != itNULL))
- itCheckIntType(rt->rtWaitTime->argName,
- rt->rtWaitTime->argType);
- if ((rt->rtMsgOption != argNULL) &&
- (rt->rtMsgOption->argType != itNULL))
- itCheckIntType(rt->rtMsgOption->argName,
- rt->rtMsgOption->argType);
- if ((rt->rtMsgSeqno != argNULL) &&
- (rt->rtMsgSeqno->argType != itNULL))
- itCheckNaturalType(rt->rtMsgSeqno->argName,
- rt->rtMsgSeqno->argType);
- * Check for arguments which are missing seemingly needed functions.
- * We make this check here instead of in itCheckDecl, because here
- * we can take into account what kind of argument the type is
- * being used with.
- *
- * These are warnings, not hard errors, because mig will generate
- * reasonable code in any case. The generated code will work fine
- * if the ServerType and TransType are really the same, even though
- * they have different names.
- */
-static void
-rtCheckArgTrans(const routine_t *rt)
- register const argument_t *arg;
- /* the arg may not have a type (if there was some error in parsing it) */
- for (arg = rt->rtArgs; arg != argNULL; arg = arg->argNext)
- {
- register const ipc_type_t *it = arg->argType;
- if ((it != itNULL) &&
- !streql(it->itServerType, it->itTransType))
- {
- if (akCheck(arg->argKind, akbSendRcv) &&
- (it->itInTrans == strNULL))
- warn("%s: argument has no in-translation function",
- arg->argName);
- if (akCheck(arg->argKind, akbReturnSnd) &&
- (it->itOutTrans == strNULL))
- warn("%s: argument has no out-translation function",
- arg->argName);
- }
- }
- * Adds an implicit return-code argument. It exists in the reply message,
- * where it is the first piece of data. Even if there is no reply
- * message (rtOneWay is true), we generate the argument because
- * the server-side stub needs a dummy reply msg to return error codes
- * back to the server loop.
- */
-static void
-rtAddRetCode(routine_t *rt)
- register argument_t *arg = argAlloc();
- arg->argName = "RetCode";
- arg->argType = itRetCodeType;
- arg->argKind = akRetCode;
- rt->rtRetCode = arg;
- /* add at beginning, so return-code is first in the reply message */
- arg->argNext = rt->rtArgs;
- rt->rtArgs = arg;
- * Adds a dummy WaitTime argument to the function.
- * This argument doesn't show up in any C argument lists;
- * it implements the global WaitTime statement.
- */
-static void
-rtAddWaitTime(routine_t *rt, identifier_t name)
- register argument_t *arg = argAlloc();
- argument_t **loc;
- arg->argName = "dummy WaitTime arg";
- arg->argVarName = name;
- arg->argType = itWaitTimeType;
- arg->argKind = akeWaitTime;
- rt->rtWaitTime = arg;
- /* add wait-time after msg-option, if possible */
- if (rt->rtMsgOption != argNULL)
- loc = &rt->rtMsgOption->argNext;
- else
- loc = &rt->rtArgs;
- arg->argNext = *loc;
- *loc = arg;
- rtSetArgDefaults(rt, arg);
- * Adds a dummy MsgOption argument to the function.
- * This argument doesn't show up in any C argument lists;
- * it implements the global MsgOption statement.
- */
-static void
-rtAddMsgOption(routine_t *rt, identifier_t name)
- register argument_t *arg = argAlloc();
- argument_t **loc;
- arg->argName = "dummy MsgOption arg";
- arg->argVarName = name;
- arg->argType = itMsgOptionType;
- arg->argKind = akeMsgOption;
- rt->rtMsgOption = arg;
- /* add msg-option after msg-seqno */
- if (rt->rtMsgSeqno != argNULL)
- loc = &rt->rtMsgSeqno->argNext;
- else
- loc = &rt->rtArgs;
- arg->argNext = *loc;
- *loc = arg;
- rtSetArgDefaults(rt, arg);
- * Adds a dummy reply port argument to the function. If USER is true, the
- * user reply port is set, otherwise the server.
- */
-static void
-rtAddDummyReplyPort(routine_t *rt, ipc_type_t *type, int user)
- register argument_t *arg = argAlloc();
- argument_t **loc;
- arg->argName = "dummy ReplyPort arg";
- arg->argVarName = "dummy ReplyPort arg";
- arg->argType = type;
- arg->argKind = akeReplyPort;
- if (user)
- rt->rtUReplyPort = arg;
- else
- rt->rtSReplyPort = arg;
- /* add the reply port after the request port */
- if (rt->rtRequestPort != argNULL)
- loc = &rt->rtRequestPort->argNext;
- else
- loc = &rt->rtArgs;
- arg->argNext = *loc;
- *loc = arg;
- rtSetArgDefaults(rt, arg);
- * Initializes argRequestPos, argReplyPos, rtMaxRequestPos, rtMaxReplyPos,
- * rtNumRequestVar, rtNumReplyVar, and adds akbVarNeeded to those arguments
- * that need it because of variable-sized inline considerations.
- *
- * argRequestPos and argReplyPos get -1 if the value shouldn't be used.
- */
-static void
-rtCheckVariable(register routine_t *rt)
- register argument_t *arg;
- int NumRequestVar = 0;
- int NumReplyVar = 0;
- int MaxRequestPos = 0;
- int MaxReplyPos = 0;
- for (arg = rt->rtArgs; arg != argNULL; arg = arg->argNext) {
- register argument_t *parent = arg->argParent;
- if (parent == argNULL) {
- if (akCheck(arg->argKind, akbRequest|akbSend)) {
- arg->argRequestPos = NumRequestVar;
- MaxRequestPos = NumRequestVar;
- if (akCheck(arg->argKind, akbVariable))
- NumRequestVar++;
- } else
- arg->argRequestPos = -1;
- if (akCheck(arg->argKind, akbReply|akbReturn)) {
- arg->argReplyPos = NumReplyVar;
- MaxReplyPos = NumReplyVar;
- if (akCheck(arg->argKind, akbVariable))
- NumReplyVar++;
- } else
- arg->argReplyPos = -1;
- } else {
- arg->argRequestPos = parent->argRequestPos;
- arg->argReplyPos = parent->argReplyPos;
- }
- /* Out variables that follow a variable-sized field
- need VarNeeded or ReplyCopy; they can't be stored
- directly into the reply message. */
- if (akCheck(arg->argKind, akbReturnSnd) &&
- !akCheck(arg->argKind, akbReplyCopy|akbVarNeeded) &&
- (arg->argReplyPos > 0))
- arg->argKind = akAddFeature(arg->argKind, akbVarNeeded);
- }
- rt->rtNumRequestVar = NumRequestVar;
- rt->rtNumReplyVar = NumReplyVar;
- rt->rtMaxRequestPos = MaxRequestPos;
- rt->rtMaxReplyPos = MaxReplyPos;
- * Adds akbDestroy where needed.
- */
-static void
-rtCheckDestroy(register routine_t *rt)
- register argument_t *arg;
- for (arg = rt->rtArgs; arg != argNULL; arg = arg->argNext) {
- register const ipc_type_t *it = arg->argType;
- if(akCheck(arg->argKind, akbSendRcv) &&
- !akCheck(arg->argKind, akbReturnSnd)) {
- if ((it->itDestructor != strNULL) ||
- (akCheck(arg->argKind, akbIndefinite) && !arg->argServerCopy))
- arg->argKind = akAddFeature(arg->argKind, akbDestroy);
- }
- }
- * Sets ByReferenceUser and ByReferenceServer.
- */
-static void
-rtAddByReference(register routine_t *rt)
- register argument_t *arg;
- for (arg = rt->rtArgs; arg != argNULL; arg = arg->argNext) {
- register const ipc_type_t *it = arg->argType;
- if (akCheck(arg->argKind, akbReturnRcv) &&
- (it->itStruct || it->itIndefinite)) {
- arg->argByReferenceUser = TRUE;
- /*
- * A CountInOut arg itself is not akbReturnRcv,
- * so we need to set argByReferenceUser specially.
- */
- if (arg->argCInOut != argNULL)
- arg->argCInOut->argByReferenceUser = TRUE;
- }
- if (akCheck(arg->argKind, akbReturnSnd) &&
- (it->itStruct || it->itIndefinite))
- arg->argByReferenceServer = TRUE;
- }
-rtCheckRoutine(register routine_t *rt)
- /* Initialize random fields. */
- rt->rtErrorName = ErrorProc;
- rt->rtOneWay = ((rt->rtKind == rkSimpleProcedure) ||
- (rt->rtKind == rkSimpleRoutine));
- rt->rtProcedure = ((rt->rtKind == rkProcedure) ||
- (rt->rtKind == rkSimpleProcedure));
- rt->rtUseError = rt->rtProcedure || (rt->rtKind == rkFunction);
- rt->rtServerName = strconcat(ServerPrefix, rt->rtName);
- rt->rtServerName = strconcat(RoutinePrefix, rt->rtServerName);
- rt->rtUserName = strconcat(UserPrefix, rt->rtName);
- rt->rtUserName = strconcat(RoutinePrefix, rt->rtUserName);
- /* Add implicit arguments. */
- rtAddRetCode(rt);
- /* Check out the arguments and their types. Add count, poly
- implicit args. Any arguments added after rtCheckRoutineArgs
- should have rtSetArgDefaults called on them. */
- rtCheckRoutineArgs(rt);
- /* Add dummy WaitTime and MsgOption arguments, if the routine
- doesn't have its own args and the user specified global values. */
- if (rt->rtUReplyPort == argNULL)
- if (rt->rtOneWay)
- rtAddDummyReplyPort(rt, itZeroReplyPortType, 1);
- else
- rtAddDummyReplyPort(rt, itRealReplyPortType, 1);
- if (rt->rtSReplyPort == argNULL)
- if (rt->rtOneWay)
- rtAddDummyReplyPort(rt, itZeroReplyPortType, 0);
- else
- rtAddDummyReplyPort(rt, itRealReplyPortType, 0);
- if (rt->rtMsgOption == argNULL)
- if (MsgOption == strNULL)
- rtAddMsgOption(rt, "MACH_MSG_OPTION_NONE");
- else
- rtAddMsgOption(rt, MsgOption);
- if ((rt->rtWaitTime == argNULL) &&
- (WaitTime != strNULL))
- rtAddWaitTime(rt, WaitTime);
- /* Now that all the arguments are in place, do more checking. */
- rtCheckArgTypes(rt);
- rtCheckArgTrans(rt);
- if (rt->rtOneWay && rtCheckMask(rt->rtArgs, akbReturn))
- error("%s %s has OUT argument",
- rtRoutineKindToStr(rt->rtKind), rt->rtName);
- /* If there were any errors, don't bother calculating more info
- that is only used in code generation anyway. Therefore,
- the following functions don't have to worry about null types. */
- if (errors > 0)
- return;
- rtCheckSimpleIn(rt->rtArgs, akbRequest,
- &rt->rtSimpleFixedRequest,
- &rt->rtSimpleSendRequest);
- rtCheckSimpleOut(rt->rtArgs, akbRequest,
- &rt->rtSimpleCheckRequest,
- &rt->rtSimpleReceiveRequest);
- rt->rtRequestSize = rtFindSize(rt->rtArgs, akbRequest);
- if (IsKernelServer)
- rtCheckSimpleOut(rt->rtArgs, akbReply,
- &rt->rtSimpleFixedReply,
- &rt->rtSimpleSendReply);
- else
- rtCheckSimpleIn(rt->rtArgs, akbReply,
- &rt->rtSimpleFixedReply,
- &rt->rtSimpleSendReply);
- rtCheckSimpleOut(rt->rtArgs, akbReply,
- &rt->rtSimpleCheckReply,
- &rt->rtSimpleReceiveReply);
- rt->rtReplySize = rtFindSize(rt->rtArgs, akbReply);
- rtCheckVariable(rt);
- rtCheckDestroy(rt);
- rtAddByReference(rt);
- if (rt->rtKind == rkFunction)
- rt->rtNoReplyArgs = FALSE;
- else
- rt->rtNoReplyArgs = !rtCheckMask(rt->rtArgs, akbReturnSnd);