path: root/i386/i386at/fd.c
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1701 deletions
diff --git a/i386/i386at/fd.c b/i386/i386at/fd.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 82c4077..0000000
--- a/i386/i386at/fd.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1701 +0,0 @@
- * Mach Operating System
- * Copyright (c) 1993,1991,1990,1989 Carnegie Mellon University
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its
- * documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright
- * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the
- * software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions
- * thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation.
- *
- *
- * Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to
- *
- * Software Distribution Coordinator or Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU
- * School of Computer Science
- * Carnegie Mellon University
- * Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890
- *
- * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie Mellon
- * the rights to redistribute these changes.
- */
- Copyright 1988, 1989 by Intel Corporation, Santa Clara, California.
- All Rights Reserved
-Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and
-its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby
-granted, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all
-copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice
-appear in supporting documentation, and that the name of Intel
-not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution
-of the software without specific, written prior permission.
-/* Copyright (c) 1987, 1988 TOSHIBA Corp. */
-/* All Rights Reserved */
-#if 0
-#include <fd.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/ioctl.h>
-#include <device/buf.h>
-#include <device/errno.h>
-#else /* MACH_KERNEL */
-#include <sys/buf.h>
-#include <sys/errno.h>
-#include <sys/user.h>
-#include <sys/ioctl.h>
-#endif /* MACH_KERNEL */
-#include <i386/pio.h>
-#include <i386/machspl.h>
-#include <chips/busses.h>
-#include <i386at/fdreg.h>
-#include <i386at/disk.h>
-#include <vm/vm_kern.h>
-#ifdef DEBUG
-#define D(x) x
-#define DD(x) x
-#else /* DEBUG */
-#define D(x)
-#define DD(x)
-#endif /* DEBUG */
- * Floppy Device-Table Definitions (drtabs)
- *
- * Cyls,Sec,spc,part,Mtype,RWFpl,FGpl
- */
-struct fddrtab m765f[] = { /* format table */
- 80, 18, 1440, 9, 0x88, 0x2a, 0x50, /* [0] 3.50" 720 Kb */
- 80, 36, 2880, 18, 0x08, 0x1b, 0x6c, /* [1] 3.50" 1.44 Meg */
- 40, 18, 720, 9, 0xa8, 0x2a, 0x50, /* [2] 5.25" 360 Kb */
- 80, 30, 2400, 15, 0x08, 0x1b, 0x54 /* [3] 5.25" 1.20 Meg */
- * The following are static initialization variables
- * which are based on the configuration.
- */
-struct ctrl_info ctrl_info[MAXUNIT>>1] = { /* device data table */
- { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 } ,
- { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }
-struct unit_info unit_info[MAXUNIT]; /* unit buffer headers */
-char *fderr = "FD Error on unit";
-char *fdmsg[] = {
- "?",
- "Missing data address mark",
- "Write protected",
- "Sector not found",
- "Data Overrun", /* Over run error */
- "Uncorrectable data read error", /* CRC Error */
- "FDC Error",
- "Illegal format type",
- "Drive not ready",
- "diskette not present - please insert",
- "Illegal interrupt type"
-struct buf fdrbuf[MAXUNIT]; /* data transfer buffer structures */
-int fdminphys();
-int fdintr(), fdprobe(), fdslave();
-void fdattach();
-int FdDmaEISA = 0;
-int FdDmaThreshold = 16 * 1024 * 1024;
-vm_offset_t FdDmaPage = (vm_offset_t) 0;
-vm_offset_t fd_std[NFD] = { 0 };
-struct bus_device *fd_dinfo[NFD*2];
-struct bus_ctlr *fd_minfo[NFD];
-struct bus_driver fddriver =
- {fdprobe, fdslave, fdattach, 0, fd_std, "fd", fd_dinfo, "fdc", fd_minfo, 0};
-int m765verify[MAXUNIT] = {1,1,1,1}; /* write after read flag */
- /* 0 != verify mode */
- /* 0 == not verify mode */
-extern struct buf *geteblk();
-#endif /* MACH_KERNEL */
-#define trfrate(uip, type) outb(VFOREG(uip->addr),(((type)&RATEMASK)>>6))
-#define rbskrate(uip, type) trfrate(uip,(type)&RAPID?RPSEEK:NMSEEK)
-#define getparm(type) ((type<0||type>3)?(struct fddrtab *)ERROR:&m765f[type])
-#define relative(s1,s2) ((s1)>(s2)?(s1)-(s2):(s2)-(s1))
-fdprobe(port, ctlr)
-struct bus_ctlr *ctlr;
- int spot = STSREG((int) ctlr->address);
- struct ctrl_info *cip = &ctrl_info[ctlr->unit];
- int i, in;
- outb(spot, DATAOK);
- for (i = 1000; i--;) {
- in = inb(spot);
- if ((in&DATAOK) == DATAOK && !(in&0x0f)) {
- take_ctlr_irq(ctlr);
- cip->b_cmd.c_rbmtr = 0; /* recalibrate/moter flag */
- cip->b_cmd.c_intr = CMDRST; /* interrupt flag */
- cip->b_unitf = 0;
- cip->b_uip = 0;
- cip->b_rwerr = cip->b_seekerr = cip->b_rberr = 0;
- cip->usebuf = 0;
- if (FdDmaPage) {
- cip->b_pbuf = FdDmaPage + PAGE_SIZE * ctlr->unit;
- if (kmem_alloc_pageable(kernel_map,
- (vm_offset_t *)&cip->b_vbuf,
- printf("%s%d: can not kmem_alloc_pageable.\n",
- ctlr->name, ctlr->unit);
- return 0;
- }
- (void)pmap_map(cip->b_vbuf,
- (vm_offset_t)cip->b_pbuf,
- (vm_offset_t)cip->b_pbuf+PAGE_SIZE,
- }
- printf("%s%d: port = %x, spl = %d, pic = %d.\n", ctlr->name,
- ctlr->unit, ctlr->address, ctlr->sysdep, ctlr->sysdep1);
- return(1);
- }
- }
- return(0);
-fdslave(dev, xxxx)
-struct bus_device *dev;
- return(1); /* gross hack */
-void fdattach(dev)
-struct bus_device *dev;
- struct unit_info *uip = &unit_info[dev->unit];
- struct ctrl_info *cip = &ctrl_info[dev->ctlr];
- uip->dev = dev;
- dev->address = dev->mi->address;
- uip->addr = dev->address;
- uip->b_cmd = &cip->b_cmd;
- uip->b_seekaddr = 0;
- uip->av_forw = 0;
- uip->wakeme = 0;
- if (cip->b_unitf) {
- uip->b_unitf=cip->b_unitf->b_unitf;
- cip->b_unitf->b_unitf=uip;
- } else {
- uip->b_unitf=uip;
- cip->b_unitf=uip;
- }
- uip->d_drtab.dr_type &= ~OKTYPE;
- printf(", port = %x, spl = %d, pic = %d.",
- dev->address, dev->sysdep, dev->sysdep1);
- rstout(uip);
- specify(uip);
- *
- * TITLE: fdopen
- *
- * ABSTRACT: Open a unit.
- *
- ****************************************************************************/
-fdopen(dev, flag, otyp)
-dev_t dev;
-int flag; /* not used */
-int otyp; /* not used */
- struct fddrtab *driv;
- struct buf *wbp;
- spl_t x = SPL();
- int error = 0;
- int unit = UNIT(dev);
- struct unit_info *uip = &unit_info[unit];
- int slave = uip->dev->slave;
- struct ctrl_info *cip = &ctrl_info[uip->dev->ctlr];
- struct fdcmd *cmdp = uip->b_cmd;
- if (unit < MAXUNIT){
- /* Since all functions that use this are called from open, we only
- set this once, right here. */
- rstout(uip);
- cip->b_wup = uip;
- openchk(cmdp);
- cmdp->c_devflag |= FDMCHK;
- chkbusy(cmdp);
- cmdp->c_stsflag |= MTRFLAG;
- mtr_on(uip);
- if(inb(VFOREG(uip->addr))&OPENBIT ||
- !(uip->d_drtab.dr_type&OKTYPE)){
- uip->d_drtab.dr_type &= ~OKTYPE;
- if(!rbrate(RAPID, uip))
- fdseek(RAPID, uip, 2);
- if(inb(VFOREG(uip->addr))&OPENBIT)
- error = ENXIO;
- }
- cmdp->c_stsflag &= ~MTRFLAG;
- mtr_on(uip);
- openfre(cmdp);
- if(!error && !(uip->d_drtab.dr_type & OKTYPE)) {
- if (MEDIATYPE(dev)>3)
- goto endopen;
- driv = &m765f[MEDIATYPE(dev)];
- wbp = geteblk(BLKSIZE);
- m765sweep(uip, driv);
- cmdp->c_rbmtr &= ~(1<<(RBSHIFT+(slave)));
- ++cip->b_rwerr;
- wbp->b_dev = dev; wbp->b_error = 0; wbp->b_resid = 0;
- wbp->b_flags = (B_READ|B_VERIFY); wbp->b_bcount = 512;
- wbp->b_pfcent = 2*driv->dr_spc + driv->dr_nsec - 1;
- setqueue(wbp, uip);
- biowait(wbp);
- brelse(wbp);
- error = 0;
- uip->d_drtab.dr_type |= OKTYPE;
- }
- } else
- error = ENXIO;
- endopen:
- splx(x);
- return(error);
- *
- * TITLE: fdclose
- *
- * ABSTRACT: Close a unit.
- *
- * Called on last close. mark the unit closed and not-ready.
- *
- * Unix doesn't actually "open" an inode for rootdev, swapdev or pipedev.
- * If UNIT(swapdev) != UNIT(rootdev), then must add code in init() to
- * "open" swapdev. These devices should never be closed.
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
-fdclose(dev, flag, otyp, offset)
-dev_t dev; /* major, minor numbers */
-int flag; /* not used */
-int otyp; /* not used */
-off_t offset; /* not used */
- extern dev_t rootdev, swapdev;
- struct unit_info *uip = &unit_info[UNIT(dev)];
- spl_t s;
-#else /* MACH_KERNEL */
- if ((dev == rootdev) || (dev == swapdev)) /* never close these */
- return(0);
-#endif /* MACH_KERNEL */
- /* Clear the bit.
- * If last close of drive insure drtab queue is empty before returning.
- */
- s = SPL();
- while(uip->av_forw != 0) {
- uip->wakeme = 1;
- sleep(uip, PRIBIO);
- }
- splx(s);
- return(0);
-#else /* MACH_KERNEL */
- close(0);
-#endif /* MACH_KERNEL */
- *
- * TITLE: fdstrategy
- *
- * ABSTRACT: Queue an I/O Request, and start it if not busy already.
- *
- * Reject request if unit is not-ready.
- *
- * Note: check for not-ready done here ==> could get requests
- * queued prior to unit going not-ready.
- * not-ready status to those requests that are attempted
- * before a new volume is inserted. Once a new volume is
- * inserted, would get good I/O's to wrong volume.
- *
- * CALLS: iodone(),setqueue()
- *
- * CALLING ROUTINES: fdread (indirectly, thru physio)
- * fdwrite (indirectly, thru physio)
- *
- ****************************************************************************/
-struct buf *bp; /* buffer header */
- unsigned bytes_left;
- daddr_t secno;
- struct unit_info *uip = &unit_info[UNIT(bp->b_dev)];
- struct fddrtab *dr = &uip->d_drtab;
- struct fddrtab *sdr;
- bp->b_error = 0;
- /* set b_resid to b_bcount because we haven't done anything yet */
- bp->b_resid = bp->b_bcount;
- if (!(dr->dr_type & OKTYPE) ||
- ((sdr = getparm(MEDIATYPE(bp->b_dev)))==(struct fddrtab *)ERROR) ||
- /* wrong parameters */
- (sdr->dr_ncyl != dr->dr_ncyl) || (sdr->dr_nsec != dr->dr_nsec) ||
- ((sdr->dr_type|OKTYPE) != dr->dr_type) ||
- (sdr->dr_rwgpl != dr->dr_rwgpl) ||
- (sdr->dr_fgpl != dr->dr_fgpl)) {
- bp->b_flags |= B_ERROR;
- bp->b_error = EIO;
- biodone(bp);
- return(0);
- }
- /*
- * Figure "secno" from b_blkno. Adjust sector # for partition.
- *
- * If reading just past the end of the device, it's
- * End of File. If not reading, or if read starts further in
- * than the first sector after the partition, it's an error.
- *
- * secno is logical blockno / # of logical blocks per sector */
- secno = (bp->b_blkno * NBPSCTR) >> 9;
- if (secno >= dr->p_nsec) {
- if (!((bp->b_flags & B_READ) && (secno == dr->p_nsec))){
- /* off the deep end */
- bp->b_flags |= B_ERROR;
- bp->b_error = ENXIO;
- }
- biodone(bp);
- return(0);
- }
-/* At this point, it is no longer possible to directly return from strategy.
- We now set b_resid to the number of bytes we cannot transfer because
- they lie beyond the end of the request's partition. This value is 0
- if the entire request is within the partition. */
- bytes_left = (dr->p_nsec - secno) << 9;
- bp->b_resid = ((bp->b_bcount<=bytes_left)?0:(bp->b_bcount-bytes_left));
- bp->b_pfcent = secno;
- setqueue(bp, uip);
- return(0);
- *
- * set queue to buffer
- *
- ***************************************************************************/
-setqueue(bp, uip)
-struct buf *bp;
-struct unit_info *uip;
- spl_t x = SPL();
- struct ctrl_info *cip = &ctrl_info[uip->dev->ctlr];
- struct fdcmd *cmdp = uip->b_cmd;
- openchk(cmdp); /* openning check */
- cmdp->c_devflag |= STRCHK;
- fd_disksort(uip, bp); /* queue the request */
- /*
- * If no requests are in progress, start this one up. Else
- * leave it on the queue, and fdintr will call m765io later.
- */
- if(!cip->b_uip)
- m765io(uip);
- splx(x);
- *
- * check io_busy routine
- *
- ***************************************************************************/
-struct fdcmd *cmdp;
- while(cmdp->c_devflag & STRCHK){
- cmdp->c_devflag |= STRWAIT;
- sleep(&cmdp->c_devflag,PZERO);
- }
- *
- * check fdopen() routine
- *
- ***************************************************************************/
-struct fdcmd *cmdp;
- while(cmdp->c_devflag & FDMCHK ){
- cmdp->c_devflag |= FDWAIT;
- sleep(&cmdp->c_devflag,PZERO);
- }
- *
- * free fdopen() routine
- *
- ***************************************************************************/
-struct fdcmd *cmdp;
- cmdp->c_devflag &= ~FDMCHK;
- if(cmdp->c_devflag & FDWAIT){
- cmdp->c_devflag &= ~FDWAIT;
- wakeup(&cmdp->c_devflag);
- }
- *
- * TITLE: m765io
- *
- * ABSTRACT: Start handling an I/O request.
- *
- ****************************************************************************/
-struct unit_info *uip;
- extern int(m765iosub)();
- register struct buf *bp;
- struct ctrl_info *cip = &ctrl_info[uip->dev->ctlr];
- bp = uip->av_forw; /*move bp to ctrl_info[ctrl].b_buf*/
- cip->b_buf = bp;
- cip->b_uip = uip;
- cip->b_xferaddr = bp->b_un.b_addr;
- cip->b_xfercount = bp->b_bcount - bp->b_resid;
- cip->b_sector = bp->b_pfcent;
- uip->b_cmd->c_stsflag |= MTRFLAG;
- if(!mtr_start(uip))
- timeout(m765iosub, uip, HZ);
- else
- m765iosub(uip);
- *
- * m765io subroutine
- *
- ****************************************************************************/
-struct unit_info *uip;
- struct fddrtab *dr = &uip->d_drtab;
- int startsec;
- int slave = uip->dev->slave;
- struct ctrl_info *cip = &ctrl_info[uip->dev->ctlr];
- struct fdcmd *cmdp = uip->b_cmd;
- rwcmdset(uip);
- if(cip->b_buf->b_flags&B_FORMAT)
- goto skipchk;
- startsec = (cmdp->c_rwdata[3] * dr->dr_nsec) + cmdp->c_rwdata[4];
- if(startsec+(cip->b_xfercount>>9)-1 > dr->dr_spc)
- cip->b_xferdma = (dr->dr_spc-startsec+1) << 9;
- else
-skipchk: cip->b_xferdma = cip->b_xfercount;
- if(!(cmdp->c_rbmtr & (1<<(RBSHIFT+slave))))
- cip->b_status = rbirate(uip);
- else if(uip->b_seekaddr != cmdp->c_saddr)
- cip->b_status = fdiseek(uip,cmdp->c_saddr);
- else
- cip->b_status = outicmd(uip);
- if(cip->b_status)
- intrerr0(uip);
- return;
- *
- * read / write / format / verify command set to command table
- *
- ***************************************************************************/
-struct unit_info *uip;
- short resid;
- int slave = uip->dev->slave;
- struct ctrl_info *cip = &ctrl_info[uip->dev->ctlr];
- struct fdcmd *cmdp = uip->b_cmd;
- switch(cip->b_buf->b_flags&(B_FORMAT|B_VERIFY|B_READ|B_WRITE)){
- case B_VERIFY|B_WRITE: /* VERIFY after WRITE */
- cmdp->c_rwdata[0] = RDMV;
- break;
- case B_FORMAT:
- cmdp->c_dcount = FMTCNT;
- cmdp->c_rwdata[0] = FMTM;
- cmdp->c_saddr = cip->b_sector / uip->d_drtab.dr_spc;
- resid = cip->b_sector % uip->d_drtab.dr_spc;
- cmdp->c_rwdata[1] = slave|((resid/uip->d_drtab.dr_nsec)<<2);
- cmdp->c_rwdata[2] =
- ((struct fmttbl *)cip->b_buf->b_un.b_addr)->s_type;
- cmdp->c_rwdata[3] = uip->d_drtab.dr_nsec;
- cmdp->c_rwdata[4] = uip->d_drtab.dr_fgpl;
- cmdp->c_rwdata[5] = FMTDATA;
- break;
- case B_WRITE:
- case B_READ:
- cmdp->c_dcount = RWCNT;
- if(cip->b_buf->b_flags&B_READ)
- if(cip->b_buf->b_flags&B_VERIFY)
- cmdp->c_rwdata[0] = RDMV;
- else
- cmdp->c_rwdata[0] = RDM;
- else
- cmdp->c_rwdata[0] = WTM; /* format or write */
- resid = cip->b_sector % uip->d_drtab.dr_spc;
- cmdp->c_rwdata[3] = resid / uip->d_drtab.dr_nsec;
- cmdp->c_rwdata[1] = slave|(cmdp->c_rwdata[3]<<2);
- cmdp->c_rwdata[2] = cmdp->c_saddr =
- cip->b_sector / uip->d_drtab.dr_spc;
- cmdp->c_rwdata[4] = (resid % uip->d_drtab.dr_nsec) + 1;
- cmdp->c_rwdata[5] = 2;
- cmdp->c_rwdata[6] = uip->d_drtab.dr_nsec;
- cmdp->c_rwdata[7] = uip->d_drtab.dr_rwgpl;
- cmdp->c_rwdata[8] = DTL;
- D(printf("SET %x %x C%x H%x S%x %x %x %x %x ",
- cmdp->c_rwdata[0], cmdp->c_rwdata[1],
- cmdp->c_rwdata[2], cmdp->c_rwdata[3],
- cmdp->c_rwdata[4], cmdp->c_rwdata[5],
- cmdp->c_rwdata[6], cmdp->c_rwdata[7],
- cmdp->c_rwdata[8]));
- break;
- }
- *
- * TITLE: fdread
- *
- * ABSTRACT: "Raw" read. Use physio().
- *
- * CALLS: m765breakup (indirectly, thru physio)
- *
- ****************************************************************************/
-fdread(dev, uio)
-register dev_t dev;
-struct uio *uio;
- /* no need for page-size restriction */
- return (block_io(fdstrategy, minphys, uio));
-#else /* MACH_KERNEL */
- return(physio(fdstrategy,&fdrbuf[UNIT(dev)],dev,B_READ,fdminphys,uio));
-#endif /* MACH_KERNEL */
- *
- * TITLE: fdwrite
- *
- * ABSTRACT: "Raw" write. Use physio().
- *
- * CALLS: m765breakup (indirectly, thru physio)
- *
- ****************************************************************************/
-fdwrite(dev, uio)
-register dev_t dev;
-struct uio *uio;
- /* no need for page-size restriction */
- return (block_io(fdstrategy, minphys, uio));
-#else /* MACH_KERNEL */
- return(physio(fdstrategy,&fdrbuf[UNIT(dev)],dev,B_WRITE,fdminphys,uio));
-#endif /* MACH_KERNEL */
- *
- * TITLE: fdminphys
- *
- * ABSTRACT: Trim buffer length if buffer-size is bigger than page size
- *
- * CALLS: physio
- *
- ****************************************************************************/
-struct buf *bp;
- if (bp->b_bcount > PAGESIZ)
- bp->b_bcount = PAGESIZ;
-/* IOC_OUT only and not IOC_INOUT */
-io_return_t fdgetstat(dev, flavor, data, count)
- dev_t dev;
- int flavor;
- int * data; /* pointer to OUT array */
- unsigned int *count; /* OUT */
- switch (flavor) {
- /* Mandatory flavors */
- case DEV_GET_SIZE: {
- int ret;
- struct disk_parms p;
- ret = fd_getparms(dev, &p);
- if (ret) return ret;
- data[DEV_GET_SIZE_DEVICE_SIZE] = p.dp_pnumsec * NBPSCTR;
- *count = DEV_GET_SIZE_COUNT;
- break;
- }
- /* Extra flavors */
- case V_GETPARMS:
- if (*count < sizeof (struct disk_parms)/sizeof (int))
- *count = sizeof (struct disk_parms)/sizeof(int);
- return (fd_getparms(dev, data));
- default:
- }
-io_return_t fdsetstat(dev, flavor, data, count)
- dev_t dev;
- int flavor;
- int * data;
- unsigned int count;
- int unit = UNIT(dev);
- switch (flavor) {
- case V_SETPARMS: /* Caller wants reset_parameters */
- return(fd_setparms(unit,*(int *)data));
- case V_FORMAT:
- return(fd_format(dev,data));
- case V_VERIFY: /* cmdarg : 0 == no verify, 0 != verify */
- m765verify[unit] = *(int *)data;
- return(D_SUCCESS);
- default:
- }
- * Get block size
- */
-fddevinfo(dev, flavor, info)
-dev_t dev;
-int flavor;
-char *info;
- register struct fddrtab *dr;
- register struct fdpart *p;
- register int result = D_SUCCESS;
- switch (flavor) {
- dr = &unit_info[UNIT(dev)].d_drtab;
- if(dr->dr_type & OKTYPE)
- *((int *) info) = 512;
- else
- break;
- default:
- }
- return(result);
-#else /* MACH_KERNEL */
- *
- * TITLE: fdioctl
- *
- * ABSTRACT: m765 driver special functions.
- *
- *
- ****************************************************************************/
-fdioctl(dev, cmd, cmdarg, flag)
-dev_t dev; /* major, minor numbers */
-int cmd; /* command code */
-int *cmdarg; /* user structure with parameters */
-int flag; /* not used */
- register unsigned unit = UNIT(dev);
- switch (cmd) {
- case V_SETPARMS: /* Caller wants reset_parameters */
- return(fd_setparms(unit,*cmdarg));
- case V_GETPARMS: /* Caller wants device parameters */
- return(fd_getparms(dev,cmdarg));
- case V_FORMAT:
- return(fd_format(dev,cmdarg));
- case V_VERIFY: /* cmdarg : 0 == no verify, 0 != verify */
- m765verify[unit] = *cmdarg;
- return(0);
- }
- return(EINVAL);
-#endif /* MACH_KERNEL */
- *
- * set fd parameters
- *
- ****************************************************************************/
-fd_setparms(unit, cmdarg)
-register unsigned int unit;
-long cmdarg;
- struct fddrtab *fdparm;
- spl_t x;
- struct unit_info *uip = &unit_info[unit];
- struct fdcmd *cmdp = uip->b_cmd;
- cmdp->c_rbmtr &= ~(1<<(RBSHIFT+uip->dev->slave));
- if ((fdparm = getparm(MEDIATYPE(cmdarg))) == (struct fddrtab *)ERROR)
- return(EINVAL);
- x = SPL();
- openchk(cmdp);
- cmdp->c_devflag |= FDMCHK;
- chkbusy(cmdp);
- m765sweep(uip, fdparm);
- uip->d_drtab.dr_type |= OKTYPE;
- openfre(cmdp);
- splx(x);
- return(0);
- *
- * get fd parameters
- *
- ****************************************************************************/
-dev_t dev; /* major, minor numbers */
-int *cmdarg;
- struct disk_parms *diskp = (struct disk_parms *)cmdarg;
- register struct fddrtab *dr = &unit_info[UNIT(dev)].d_drtab;
- if(dr->dr_type & OKTYPE){
- diskp->dp_type = DPT_FLOPPY;
- diskp->dp_heads = 2;
- diskp->dp_sectors = dr->dr_nsec;
- diskp->dp_pstartsec = 0;
- diskp->dp_cyls = dr->dr_ncyl;
- diskp->dp_pnumsec = dr->p_nsec;
- return(0);
- }
- return(ENXIO);
- *
- * format command
- *
- ****************************************************************************/
-dev_t dev; /* major, minor numbers */
-int *cmdarg;
- register struct buf *bp;
- register daddr_t track;
- union io_arg *varg;
- u_short num_trks;
- register struct fddrtab *dr = &unit_info[UNIT(dev)].d_drtab;
- if(!(dr->dr_type & OKTYPE))
- return(EINVAL);
- varg = (union io_arg *)cmdarg;
- num_trks = varg->ia_fmt.num_trks;
- track = (daddr_t)(varg->ia_fmt.start_trk*dr->dr_nsec);
- if((track + (num_trks*dr->dr_nsec))>dr->p_nsec)
- return(EINVAL);
- bp = geteblk(BLKSIZE); /* get struct buf area */
- while (num_trks>0) {
- bp->b_flags &= ~B_DONE;
- bp->b_dev = dev;
- bp->b_error = 0; bp->b_resid = 0;
- bp->b_flags = B_FORMAT;
- bp->b_bcount = dr->dr_nsec * FMTID;
- bp->b_blkno = (daddr_t)((track << 9) / NBPSCTR);
- if(makeidtbl(bp->b_un.b_addr,dr,
- varg->ia_fmt.start_trk++,varg->ia_fmt.intlv))
- return(EINVAL);
- fdstrategy(bp);
- biowait(bp);
- if(bp->b_error)
- if((bp->b_error == (char)EBBHARD) ||
- (bp->b_error == (char)EBBSOFT))
- return(EIO);
- else
- return(bp->b_error);
- num_trks--;
- track += dr->dr_nsec;
- }
- brelse(bp);
- return(0);
- *
- * make id table for format
- *
- ****************************************************************************/
-struct fmttbl *tblpt;
-struct fddrtab *dr;
-unsigned short track;
-unsigned short intlv;
- register int i,j,secno;
- if(intlv >= dr->dr_nsec)
- return(1);
- for(i=0; i<dr->dr_nsec; i++)
- tblpt[i].sector = 0;
- for(i=0,j=0,secno=1; i<dr->dr_nsec; i++){
- tblpt[j].cyl = track >> 1;
- tblpt[j].head = track & 1;
- tblpt[j].sector = secno++;
- tblpt[j].s_type = 2;
- if((j+=intlv) < dr->dr_nsec)
- continue;
- for(j-=dr->dr_nsec; j < dr->dr_nsec ; j++)
- if(!tblpt[j].sector)
- break;
- }
- return(0);
- *
- * TITLE: fdintr
- *
- * ABSTRACT: Handle interrupt.
- *
- * Interrupt procedure for m765 driver. Gets status of last
- * operation and performs service function according to the
- * type of interrupt. If it was an operation complete interrupt,
- * switches on the current driver state and either declares the
- * operation done, or starts the next operation
- *
- ****************************************************************************/
-int ctrl;
- extern int(m765intrsub)();
- struct unit_info *uip = ctrl_info[ctrl].b_uip;
- struct unit_info *wup = ctrl_info[ctrl].b_wup;
- struct fdcmd *cmdp = &ctrl_info[ctrl].b_cmd;
- if(cmdp->c_stsflag & INTROUT)
- untimeout(fdintr, ctrl);
- cmdp->c_stsflag &= ~INTROUT;
- switch(cmdp->c_intr){
- case RWFLAG:
- rwintr(uip);
- break;
- case SKFLAG:
- case RBFLAG:
- timeout(m765intrsub, uip, SEEKWAIT);
- break;
- case WUPFLAG:
- cmdp->c_intr &= ~WUPFLAG;
- wakeup(wup);
- }
- return(0);
- *
- * interrup subroutine (seek recalibrate)
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
-struct unit_info *uip;
- struct ctrl_info *cip = &ctrl_info[uip->dev->ctlr];
- if((cip->b_status = sis(uip))!= ST0OK)
- switch(uip->b_cmd->c_intr){
- case SKFLAG:
- seekintr(uip);
- break;
- seekintre(uip);
- break;
- case RBFLAG:
- rbintr(uip);
- }
- *
- * read / write / format / verify interrupt routine
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
-struct unit_info *uip;
- int rsult[7];
- register int rtn, count;
- struct ctrl_info *cip = &ctrl_info[uip->dev->ctlr];
- struct fdcmd *cmdp = uip->b_cmd;
- cmdp->c_intr &= ~RWFLAG;
- if((cip->b_buf->b_flags&(B_READ|B_VERIFY))!=(B_READ|B_VERIFY))
- if(inb(VFOREG(uip->addr))&OPENBIT){
- if(cip->b_buf->b_flags&B_FORMAT){
- cip->b_status = TIMEOUT;
- intrerr0(uip);
- } else {
- if((inb(STSREG(uip->addr))&ST0OK)!=ST0OK)
- printf("%s %d : %s\n",
- fderr,
- uip-unit_info,
- fdmsg[DOORERR]);
- rstout(uip);
- specify(uip);
- cmdp->c_rbmtr &= RBRST;
- cmdp->c_intr |= SKEFLAG;
- if(cmdp->c_saddr > 2)
- fdiseek(uip, cmdp->c_saddr-2);
- else
- fdiseek(uip, cmdp->c_saddr+2);
- }
- return;
- }
- for( count = 0 ; count < 7 ; count++ ){
- if(rtn = fdc_sts(FD_ISTS, uip)) /* status check */
- goto rwend;
- rsult[count] = inb(DATAREG(uip->addr));
- }
- rtn = 0;
- if(rsult[0]&0xc0){
- rtn = cmdp->c_rwdata[0]<<8;
- if(rsult[0]&0x80){ rtn |= FDCERR; goto rwend; }
- if(rsult[1]&0x80){ rtn |= NOREC; goto rwend; }
- if(rsult[1]&0x20){ rtn |= CRCERR; goto rwend; }
- if(rsult[1]&0x10){ rtn |= OVERRUN; goto rwend; }
- if(rsult[1]&0x04){ rtn |= NOREC; goto rwend; }
- if(rsult[1]&0x02){ rtn |= WTPRT; goto rwend; }
- if(rsult[1]&0x01){ rtn |= ADDRERR; goto rwend; }
- rtn |= FDCERR;
-rwend: outb(0x0a, 0x06);
- }
- if(cip->b_status = rtn) {
- D(printf("\n->rwierr %x ", rtn));
- rwierr(uip);
- } else { /* write command */
- if(((cip->b_buf->b_flags&(B_FORMAT|B_READ|B_WRITE))==B_WRITE)
- && !(cip->b_buf->b_flags & B_VERIFY)) {
- D(printf("->w/v "));
- cip->b_buf->b_flags |= B_VERIFY;
- rwcmdset(uip);
- if(cip->b_status = outicmd(uip))
- intrerr0(uip);
- return;
- }
- /* clear retry count */
- if (cip->usebuf) {
- bcopy(cip->b_vbuf, cip->b_xferaddr, cip->b_xferdma);
- DD(printf("R(%x, %x, %x)\n",
- cip->b_vbuf, cip->b_xferaddr, cip->b_xferdma));
- }
- cip->b_buf->b_flags &= ~B_VERIFY;
- cip->b_rwerr = cip->b_seekerr = cip->b_rberr = 0;
- cip->b_xfercount -= cip->b_xferdma;
- cip->b_xferaddr += cip->b_xferdma;
- cip->b_sector = cip->b_sector+(cip->b_xferdma>>9);
- D(printf("->done%s\n", cip->b_xfercount?"":"." ));
- /* next address (cyl,head,sec) */
- if((int)cip->b_xfercount>0)
- m765iosub(uip);
- else
- quechk(uip);
- }
- *
- * read / write / format / verify error routine
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
-struct unit_info *uip;
- short status;
- struct ctrl_info *cip = &ctrl_info[uip->dev->ctlr];
- struct fdcmd *cmdp = uip->b_cmd;
- D(printf("%x-%x-%x ", cip->b_rwerr&SRMASK, cip->b_rwerr&MRMASK, cip->b_rwerr&LRMASK));
- if((cip->b_buf->b_flags&(B_READ|B_VERIFY))==(B_READ|B_VERIFY)){
- if((cip->b_rwerr&SRMASK)<MEDIARD)
- goto rwrtry;
- if((cip->b_rwerr&MRMASK)<MEDIASEEK)
- goto rwseek;
- goto rwexit;
- } else
- if(cip->b_buf->b_flags&B_VERIFY){
- cip->b_buf->b_flags &= ~B_VERIFY;
- rwcmdset(uip);
- }
-rwrtry: status = cip->b_status;
- if((++cip->b_rwerr&SRMASK)<SRETRY)
- cip->b_status = outicmd(uip);
- else {
-rwseek: cip->b_rwerr = (cip->b_rwerr&RMRMASK)+MINC;
- if((cip->b_rwerr&MRMASK)<MRETRY){
- cmdp->c_intr |= SKEFLAG;
- if(cmdp->c_saddr > 2)
- cip->b_status=fdiseek(uip,cmdp->c_saddr-2);
- else
- cip->b_status=fdiseek(uip,cmdp->c_saddr+2);
- } else {
- cip->b_rwerr = (cip->b_rwerr&LRMASK)+LINC;
- if((cip->b_rwerr&LRMASK)<LRETRY)
- cip->b_status=rbirate(uip);
- }
- }
- if(cip->b_status){
- D(printf("ERR->intrerr0 "));
- cip->b_status = status;
-rwexit: intrerr0(uip);
- }
- *
- * recalibrate interrupt routine
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
-struct unit_info *uip;
- struct ctrl_info *cip = &ctrl_info[uip->dev->ctlr];
- struct fdcmd *cmdp = uip->b_cmd;
- cmdp->c_intr &= ~RBFLAG;
- if(cip->b_status) {
- if(++cip->b_rberr<SRETRY)
- cip->b_status = rbirate(uip);
- } else {
- cmdp->c_rbmtr |= 1<<(RBSHIFT+uip->dev->slave);
- uip->b_seekaddr = 0;
- cip->b_rberr = 0;
- cip->b_status=fdiseek(uip, cmdp->c_saddr);
- }
- if(cip->b_status)
- intrerr0(uip);
- *
- * seek interrupt routine
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
-struct unit_info *uip;
- struct ctrl_info *cip = &ctrl_info[uip->dev->ctlr];
- struct fdcmd *cmdp = uip->b_cmd;
- cmdp->c_intr &= ~SKFLAG;
- if(cip->b_status)
- seekierr(uip, cmdp->c_saddr);
- else {
- uip->b_seekaddr = cmdp->c_saddr;
- cip->b_status = outicmd(uip);
- }
- if(cip->b_status)
- intrerr0(uip);
- else
- cip->b_seekerr = 0;
- *
- * seek error retry interrupt routine
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
-struct unit_info *uip;
- register char seekpoint;
- struct ctrl_info *cip = &ctrl_info[uip->dev->ctlr];
- struct fdcmd *cmdp = uip->b_cmd;
- cmdp->c_intr &= ~(SKEFLAG|SKFLAG);
- if(cmdp->c_saddr > 2)
- seekpoint = cmdp->c_saddr-2;
- else
- seekpoint = cmdp->c_saddr+2;
- if(cip->b_status)
- seekierr(uip, seekpoint);
- else {
- uip->b_seekaddr = seekpoint;
- cip->b_status = fdiseek(uip, cmdp->c_saddr);
- }
- if(cip->b_status)
- intrerr0(uip);
- else
- cip->b_seekerr = 0;
- *
- * seek error routine
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
-seekierr(uip, seekpoint)
-struct unit_info *uip;
-register char seekpoint;
- struct ctrl_info *cip = &ctrl_info[uip->dev->ctlr];
- if((++cip->b_seekerr&SRMASK)<SRETRY)
- cip->b_status=fdiseek(uip, seekpoint);
- else {
- cip->b_seekerr = (cip->b_seekerr&MRMASK) + MINC;
- if((cip->b_seekerr&MRMASK)<MRETRY)
- cip->b_status=rbirate(uip);
- }
- if(cip->b_status)
- intrerr0(uip);
- *
- * TITLE: m765sweep
- *
- * ABSTRACT: Perform an initialization sweep.
- *
- **************************************************************************/
-m765sweep(uip, cdr)
-struct unit_info *uip;
-register struct fddrtab *cdr; /* device initialization data */
- register struct fddrtab *dr = &uip->d_drtab;
- dr->dr_ncyl = cdr->dr_ncyl;
- dr->dr_nsec = cdr->dr_nsec;
- dr->dr_spc = cdr->dr_spc;
- dr->p_nsec = cdr->p_nsec;
- dr->dr_type = cdr->dr_type;
- dr->dr_rwgpl= cdr->dr_rwgpl;
- dr->dr_fgpl = cdr->dr_fgpl;
- *
- * TITLE: m765disksort
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
-fd_disksort(uip, bp)
-struct unit_info *uip; /* Pointer to head of active queue */
-register struct buf *bp; /* Pointer to buffer to be inserted */
- register struct buf *bp2; /* Pointer to next buffer in queue */
- register struct buf *bp1; /* Pointer where to insert buffer */
- if (!(bp1 = uip->av_forw)) {
- /* No other buffers to compare against */
- uip->av_forw = bp;
- bp->av_forw = 0;
- return;
- }
- bp2 = bp1->av_forw;
- while(bp2 && (relative(bp1->b_pfcent,bp->b_pfcent) >=
- relative(bp1->b_pfcent,bp2->b_pfcent))) {
- bp1 = bp2;
- bp2 = bp1->av_forw;
- }
- bp1->av_forw = bp;
- bp->av_forw = bp2;
- *
- * Set Interrupt error and FDC reset
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
-struct unit_info *uip;
- struct buf *bp; /* Pointer to next buffer in queue */
- int resid;
- struct ctrl_info *cip = &ctrl_info[uip->dev->ctlr];
- struct fdcmd *cmdp = uip->b_cmd;
- register struct fddrtab *dr = &uip->d_drtab;
- if((cip->b_buf->b_flags&(B_READ|B_VERIFY))!=(B_READ|B_VERIFY)){
- resid = cip->b_xfercount = cip->b_xferdma-1-inb(DMACNT)*0x101;
- resid = (cip->b_sector + (resid>>9)) % dr->dr_spc;
- printf("%s %d : %s\n",
- fderr,
- uip->dev->slave,
- fdmsg[cip->b_status&BYTEMASK]);
- printf("cylinder = %d ",cmdp->c_saddr);
- printf("head = %d sector = %d byte/sec = %d\n",
- resid / dr->dr_nsec , (resid % dr->dr_nsec)+1 , 512);
- }
- cip->b_rwerr = cip->b_seekerr = cip->b_rberr = 0;
- cmdp->c_intr = CMDRST;
- if(((cip->b_buf->b_flags&(B_READ|B_VERIFY))!=(B_READ|B_VERIFY)) &&
- uip->dev->slave)
- dr->dr_type &= ~OKTYPE;
- bp = cip->b_buf;
- bp->b_flags |= B_ERROR;
- switch(cip->b_status&BYTEMASK){
- case ADDRERR:
- case OVERRUN:
- case FDCERR:
- case TIMEOUT:
- bp->b_error = EIO;
- break;
- case WTPRT:
- bp->b_error = ENXIO;
- bp->b_error = ENODEV;
- break;
- case NOREC:
- bp->b_error = EBBHARD;
- break;
- case CRCERR:
- bp->b_error = EBBSOFT;
- }
- rstout(uip);
- specify(uip);
- cmdp->c_rbmtr &= RBRST;
- quechk(uip);
- *
- * Next queue check routine
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
-struct unit_info *uip;
- register struct buf *bp = uip->av_forw;
- struct ctrl_info *cip = &ctrl_info[uip->dev->ctlr];
- struct unit_info *loop;
- struct fdcmd *cmdp = uip->b_cmd;
- /* clear retry count */
- cip->b_rwerr = cip->b_seekerr = cip->b_rberr = 0;
- bp->b_resid = bp->b_resid + cip->b_xfercount;
- uip->av_forw=bp->av_forw;
- if (!uip->av_forw && uip->wakeme) {
- uip->wakeme = 0;
- wakeup(uip);
- }
- biodone(bp);
- loop = uip;
- do {
- loop=loop->b_unitf;
- if (loop->av_forw) {
- m765io(loop);
- return;
- }
- } while (loop!=uip);
- cip->b_uip = 0;
- cmdp->c_stsflag &= ~MTRFLAG;
- mtr_on(uip);
- cmdp->c_devflag &= ~STRCHK;
- if(cmdp->c_devflag & STRWAIT){
- cmdp->c_devflag &= ~STRWAIT;
- wakeup(&cmdp->c_devflag);
- }
-dev_t dev;
-char *str;
- printf("floppy disk driver: %s on bad dev %d, partition %d\n",
- str, UNIT(dev), 0);
- printf("fdsize() -- not implemented\n");
- printf("fddump() -- not implemented\n");
- *
- * fdc reset routine
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
-struct unit_info *uip;
- register int outd;
- outd = ((uip->b_cmd->c_rbmtr&MTRMASK)<<MTR_ON)|uip->dev->slave;
- outb(CTRLREG(uip->addr), outd);
- outd |= FDC_RST;
- outb(CTRLREG(uip->addr), outd);
- outd |= DMAREQ;
- outb(CTRLREG(uip->addr), outd);
- *
- * specify command routine
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
-struct unit_info *uip;
- /* status check */
- if(fdc_sts(FD_OSTS, uip))
- return;
- /* Specify command */
- outb(DATAREG(uip->addr), SPCCMD);
- /* status check */
- if(fdc_sts(FD_OSTS, uip))
- return;
- /* Step rate,Head unload time */
- outb(DATAREG(uip->addr), SRTHUT);
- /* status check */
- if(fdc_sts(FD_OSTS, uip))
- return;
- /* Head load time,Non DMA Mode*/
- outb(DATAREG(uip->addr), HLTND);
- return;
- *
- * recalibrate command routine
- *
- ****************************************************************************/
-char mtype;
-struct unit_info *uip;
- register int rtn = 1, rty_flg=2;
- spl_t x;
- struct fdcmd *cmdp = uip->b_cmd;
- rbskrate(uip, mtype); /* set transfer rate */
- while((rty_flg--)&&rtn){
- if(rtn = fdc_sts(FD_OSTS, uip)) /* status check */
- break;
- /*recalibrate command*/
- outb(DATAREG(uip->addr), RBCMD);
- if(rtn = fdc_sts(FD_OSTS, uip)) /* status check */
- break;
- /* Device to wake up specified in open */
- cmdp->c_intr |= WUPFLAG;
- x = SPL();
- outb(DATAREG(uip->addr), uip->dev->slave);
- rtn = ERROR;
- while(rtn) {
- uip->wakeme = 1;
- sleep(uip, PZERO);
- if((rtn = sis(uip)) == ST0OK)
- /* Device to wake up specified in open */
- cmdp->c_intr |= WUPFLAG;
- else
- break;
- }
- splx(x);
- }
- return(rtn);
- *
- * seek command routine
- *
- ****************************************************************************/
-fdseek(mtype, uip, cylno)
-register char mtype;
-struct unit_info *uip;
-register int cylno;
- spl_t x;
- int rtn;
- struct fdcmd *cmdp = uip->b_cmd;
- rbskrate(uip, mtype);
- if(rtn = fdc_sts(FD_OSTS, uip)) /* status check */
- return(rtn);
- outb(DATAREG(uip->addr), SEEKCMD); /* seek command */
- if(rtn = fdc_sts(FD_OSTS, uip)) /* status check */
- return(rtn);
- outb(DATAREG(uip->addr), uip->dev->slave); /* drive number */
- if(rtn = fdc_sts(FD_OSTS, uip)) /* status check */
- return(rtn);
- x = SPL();
- /* Device to wake up specified in open */
- cmdp->c_intr |= WUPFLAG;
- outb(DATAREG(uip->addr), cylno); /* seek count */
- rtn = ERROR;
- while(rtn){
- uip->wakeme = 1;
- sleep(uip, PZERO);
- if((rtn = sis(uip)) == ST0OK)
- /* Device to wake up specified in open */
- cmdp->c_intr |= WUPFLAG;
- else
- break;
- }
- splx(x);
- return(rtn);
- *
- * seek commnd routine(use interrupt)
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
-fdiseek(uip, cylno)
-struct unit_info *uip;
-int cylno;
- register int rtn;
- D(printf("SK %x ", cylno));
- rbskrate(uip, uip->d_drtab.dr_type);/* set transfer rate */
- if(rtn = fdc_sts(FD_OSTS, uip)) /* status check */
- goto fdiend;
- outb(DATAREG(uip->addr), SEEKCMD); /* seek command */
- if(rtn = fdc_sts(FD_OSTS, uip)) /* status check */
- goto fdiend;
- outb(DATAREG(uip->addr), uip->dev->slave); /* drive number */
- if(rtn = fdc_sts(FD_OSTS, uip)) /* status check */
- goto fdiend;
- uip->b_seekaddr = cylno;
- if(uip->d_drtab.dr_type&DOUBLE)
- cylno = cylno * 2;
- uip->b_cmd->c_intr |= SKFLAG;
- outb(DATAREG(uip->addr), cylno); /* seek count */
- if(rtn)
- rtn |= SEEKCMD<<8;
- return(rtn);
- *
- * recalibrate command routine(use interrupt)
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
-struct unit_info *uip;
- register int rtn;
- rbskrate(uip, uip->d_drtab.dr_type);/* set transfer rate */
- if(!(rtn = fdc_sts(FD_OSTS, uip))) { /* status check */
- /* recalibrate command */
- outb(DATAREG(uip->addr), RBCMD);
- if(!(rtn = fdc_sts(FD_OSTS, uip))) { /* status check */
- uip->b_cmd->c_intr |= RBFLAG;
- outb(DATAREG(uip->addr), uip->dev->slave);
- }
- }
- return(rtn ? rtn|RBCMD<<8 : 0);
- *
- * read / write / format / verify command out routine(use interrupt)
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
-struct unit_info *uip;
- int rtn;
- register int *data,cnt0,dmalen;
- register long address;
- struct ctrl_info *cip = &ctrl_info[uip->dev->ctlr];
- struct fdcmd *cmdp = uip->b_cmd;
- spl_t x = splhi();
- outb(DMACMD1,DMADATA0); /* DMA #1 command register */
- outb(DMAMSK1,DMADATA1); /* DMA #1 all mask register */
- /* Perhaps outb(0x0a,0x02); might work better on line above? */
- switch(cmdp->c_rwdata[0]){
- case RDM:
- D(printf("RDM"));
- break;
- case WTM:
- case FMTM:
- D(printf("W"));
- break;
- case RDMV:
- D(printf("RDMV"));
- }
- /* get work buffer physical address */
- address = kvtophys(cip->b_xferaddr);
- dmalen = i386_trunc_page(address) + I386_PGBYTES - address;
- if ( (cip->b_rwerr&MRMASK) >= 0x10)
- dmalen = 0x200;
- if (dmalen<=cip->b_xferdma)
- cip->b_xferdma = dmalen;
- else
- dmalen = cip->b_xferdma;
- if (address >= FdDmaThreshold) {
- DD(printf(">(%x[%x], %x[%x] L%x\n",
- address, cip->b_pbuf,
- cip->b_xferaddr, cip->b_vbuf, dmalen));
- if (!FdDmaEISA) {
- cip->usebuf = 1;
- address = (long)cip->b_pbuf;
- if (cmdp->c_rwdata[0] == WTM || cmdp->c_rwdata[0] == FMTM) {
- bcopy(cip->b_xferaddr, cip->b_vbuf, dmalen);
- DD(printf("W(%x, %x, %x)\n",
- cip->b_xferaddr, cip->b_vbuf, dmalen));
- }
- } else
- cip->usebuf = 0;
- } else
- cip->usebuf = 0;
- D(printf(" %x L%x ", address, dmalen));
- /* set buffer address */
- outb(DMAADDR,(int)address&BYTEMASK);
- outb(DMAADDR,(((int)address>>8)&BYTEMASK));
- outb(DMAPAGE,(((int)address>>16)&BYTEMASK));
- if (FdDmaEISA)
- outb(FdDmaEISA+DMAPAGE-0x80,(((int)address>>24)&BYTEMASK));
- /* set transfer count */
- outb(DMACNT,(--dmalen)&BYTEMASK);
- outb(DMACNT,((dmalen>>8)&BYTEMASK));
- splx(x);
- trfrate(uip, uip->d_drtab.dr_type); /* set transfer rate */
- data = &cmdp->c_rwdata[0];
- for(cnt0 = 0; cnt0<cmdp->c_dcount; cnt0++,data++){
- if(rtn = fdc_sts(FD_OSTS, uip)) /*status check*/
- break;
- outb(DATAREG(uip->addr), *data);
- }
- if(!rtn){
- cmdp->c_intr |= RWFLAG;
- cmdp->c_stsflag |= INTROUT;
- cnt0 = ((cip->b_buf->b_flags&(B_READ|B_VERIFY)) ==
- timeout(fdintr,uip->dev->ctlr,cnt0);
-#else /* MACH_KERNEL */
- cmdp->c_timeid = timeout(fdintr,uip->dev->ctlr,cnt0);
-#endif /* MACH_KERNEL */
- }
- return(rtn);
- *
- * sense interrupt status routine
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
-struct unit_info *uip;
- register int rtn, st0;
- if(rtn = fdc_sts(FD_OSTS, uip)) /* status check */
- return(rtn);
- outb(DATAREG(uip->addr), SISCMD);
- if(rtn = fdc_sts(FD_ISTS, uip)) /* status check */
- return(rtn);
- st0 = inb(DATAREG(uip->addr)) & ST0OK; /* get st0 */
- if(rtn = fdc_sts(FD_ISTS, uip)) /* status check */
- return(rtn);
- inb(DATAREG(uip->addr)); /* get pcn */
- if (st0&(ST0AT|ST0IC))
- st0 = FDCERR;
- return(st0);
- *
- * fdc status get routine
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
-fdc_sts(mode, uip)
-register int mode;
-struct unit_info *uip;
- register int ind;
- int cnt0 = STSCHKCNT;
- while(cnt0--)
- if(((ind=inb(STSREG(uip->addr))) & DATAOK) &&
- ((ind & DTOCPU) == mode))
- return(0);
- return(TIMEOUT);
- *
- * motor on routine
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
-struct unit_info *uip;
- extern int(mtr_off)();
- extern int(wakeup)();
- struct fdcmd *cmdp = uip->b_cmd;
- if(!(mtr_start(uip))){
- timeout(wakeup,&cmdp->c_stsflag,HZ);
- sleep(&cmdp->c_stsflag,PZERO);
- }
- cmdp->c_stsflag |= MTROFF;
- timeout(mtr_off,uip,MTRSTOP);
-#else /* MACH_KERNEL */
- cmdp->c_mtrid = timeout(mtr_off,uip,MTRSTOP);
-#endif /* MACH_KERNEL */
- *
- * motor start routine
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
-struct unit_info *uip;
- int status;
- int (mtr_off)();
- struct fdcmd *cmdp = uip->b_cmd;
- int slave = uip->dev->slave;
- if(cmdp->c_stsflag & MTROFF){
- untimeout(mtr_off, uip);
- cmdp->c_stsflag &= ~MTROFF;
- }
- status = cmdp->c_rbmtr&(1<<slave);
- cmdp->c_rbmtr |= (1<<slave);
- outb(CTRLREG(uip->addr), ((cmdp->c_rbmtr&MTRMASK)<<MTR_ON)|
- FDC_RST|slave|DMAREQ);
- return(status);
- *
- * motor off routine
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
-struct unit_info *uip;
- struct fdcmd *cmdp = uip->b_cmd;
- cmdp->c_stsflag &= ~MTROFF;
- if(!(cmdp->c_stsflag&MTRFLAG)){
- cmdp->c_rbmtr &= MTRRST;
- outb(CTRLREG(uip->addr), FDC_RST | DMAREQ);
- }