path: root/device/chario.c
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1 files changed, 1089 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/device/chario.c b/device/chario.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b3994a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/device/chario.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1089 @@
+ * Mach Operating System
+ * Copyright (c) 1993-1988 Carnegie Mellon University
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its
+ * documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright
+ * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the
+ * software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions
+ * thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation.
+ *
+ *
+ * Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to
+ *
+ * Software Distribution Coordinator or Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU
+ * School of Computer Science
+ * Carnegie Mellon University
+ * Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890
+ *
+ * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie Mellon
+ * the rights to redistribute these changes.
+ */
+ * Author: David B. Golub, Carnegie Mellon University
+ * Date: 8/88
+ *
+ * TTY io.
+ * Compatibility with old TTY device drivers.
+ */
+#include <mach/kern_return.h>
+#include <mach/mig_errors.h>
+#include <mach/vm_param.h>
+#include <machine/machspl.h> /* spl definitions */
+#include <ipc/ipc_port.h>
+#include <kern/lock.h>
+#include <kern/queue.h>
+#include <vm/vm_map.h>
+#include <vm/vm_kern.h>
+#include <device/device_types.h>
+#include <device/io_req.h>
+#include <device/ds_routines.h>
+#include "device_reply.h"
+#include <device/tty.h>
+/* If you change these, check that tty_outq_size and tty_inq_size
+ * is greater than largest tthiwat entry.
+ */
+short tthiwat[16] =
+ { 100,100,100,100,100,100,100,200,200,400,400,400,650,650,1300,2000 };
+short ttlowat[16] =
+ { 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 50, 50,120,120,120,125,125, 125, 125 };
+ * forward declarations
+ */
+void queue_delayed_reply(
+ queue_t, io_req_t, boolean_t (*)(io_req_t));
+void tty_output(struct tty *);
+void tty_flush(struct tty *, int);
+boolean_t char_open_done(io_req_t);
+boolean_t char_read_done(io_req_t);
+boolean_t char_write_done(io_req_t);
+ * Fake 'line discipline' switch for the benefit of old code
+ * that wants to call through it.
+ */
+struct ldisc_switch linesw[] = {
+ {
+ char_read,
+ char_write,
+ ttyinput,
+ ttymodem,
+ tty_output
+ }
+ * Sizes for input and output circular buffers.
+ */
+int tty_inq_size = 4096; /* big nuf */
+int tty_outq_size = 2048; /* Must be bigger that tthiwat */
+int pdma_default = 1; /* turn pseudo dma on by default */
+ * compute pseudo-dma tables
+ */
+int pdma_timeouts[NSPEEDS]; /* how many ticks in timeout */
+int pdma_water_mark[NSPEEDS];
+void chario_init(void)
+ /* the basic idea with the timeouts is two allow enough
+ time for a character to show up if data is coming in at full data rate
+ plus a little slack. 2 ticks is considered slack
+ Below 300 baud we just glob a character at a time */
+#define _PR(x) ((hz/x) + 2)
+ int i;
+ for (i = B0; i < B300; i++)
+ pdma_timeouts[i] = 0;
+ pdma_timeouts[B300] = _PR(30);
+ pdma_timeouts[B600] = _PR(60);
+ pdma_timeouts[B1200] = _PR(120);
+ pdma_timeouts[B1800] = _PR(180);
+ pdma_timeouts[B2400] = _PR(240);
+ pdma_timeouts[B4800] = _PR(480);
+ pdma_timeouts[B9600] = _PR(960);
+ pdma_timeouts[EXTA] = _PR(1440); /* >14400 baud */
+ pdma_timeouts[EXTB] = _PR(1920); /* >19200 baud */
+ for (i = B0; i < B300; i++)
+ pdma_water_mark[i] = 0;
+ /* for the slow speeds, we try to buffer 0.02 of the baud rate
+ (20% of the character rate). For the faster lines,
+ we try to buffer 1/2 the input queue size */
+#undef _PR
+#define _PR(x) (0.20 * x)
+ pdma_water_mark[B300] = _PR(120);
+ pdma_water_mark[B600] = _PR(120);
+ pdma_water_mark[B1200] = _PR(120);
+ pdma_water_mark[B1800] = _PR(180);
+ pdma_water_mark[B2400] = _PR(240);
+ pdma_water_mark[B4800] = _PR(480);
+ i = tty_inq_size/2;
+ pdma_water_mark[B9600] = i;
+ pdma_water_mark[EXTA] = i; /* >14400 baud */
+ pdma_water_mark[EXTB] = i; /* >19200 baud */
+ return;
+ * Open TTY, waiting for CARR_ON.
+ * No locks may be held.
+ * May run on any CPU.
+ */
+io_return_t char_open(
+ int dev,
+ struct tty * tp,
+ dev_mode_t mode,
+ io_req_t ior)
+ spl_t s;
+ io_return_t rc = D_SUCCESS;
+ s = spltty();
+ simple_lock(&tp->t_lock);
+ tp->t_dev = dev;
+ if (tp->t_mctl)
+ (*tp->t_mctl)(tp, TM_DTR, DMSET);
+ if (pdma_default)
+ tp->t_state |= TS_MIN;
+ if ((tp->t_state & TS_CARR_ON) == 0) {
+ /*
+ * No carrier.
+ */
+ if (mode & D_NODELAY) {
+ tp->t_state |= TS_ONDELAY;
+ }
+ else {
+ /*
+ * Don`t return from open until carrier detected.
+ */
+ tp->t_state |= TS_WOPEN;
+ ior->io_dev_ptr = (char *)tp;
+ queue_delayed_reply(&tp->t_delayed_open, ior, char_open_done);
+ rc = D_IO_QUEUED;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ }
+ tp->t_state |= TS_ISOPEN;
+ if (tp->t_mctl)
+ (*tp->t_mctl)(tp, TM_RTS, DMBIS);
+ simple_unlock(&tp->t_lock);
+ splx(s);
+ return rc;
+ * Retry wait for CARR_ON for open.
+ * No locks may be held.
+ * May run on any CPU.
+ */
+boolean_t char_open_done(
+ io_req_t ior)
+ register struct tty *tp = (struct tty *)ior->io_dev_ptr;
+ spl_t s = spltty();
+ simple_lock(&tp->t_lock);
+ if ((tp->t_state & TS_ISOPEN) == 0) {
+ queue_delayed_reply(&tp->t_delayed_open, ior, char_open_done);
+ simple_unlock(&tp->t_lock);
+ splx(s);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ tp->t_state |= TS_ISOPEN;
+ tp->t_state &= ~TS_WOPEN;
+ if (tp->t_mctl)
+ (*tp->t_mctl)(tp, TM_RTS, DMBIS);
+ simple_unlock(&tp->t_lock);
+ splx(s);
+ ior->io_error = D_SUCCESS;
+ (void) ds_open_done(ior);
+ return TRUE;
+boolean_t tty_close_open_reply(
+ io_req_t ior)
+ ior->io_error = D_DEVICE_DOWN;
+ (void) ds_open_done(ior);
+ return TRUE;
+ * Write to TTY.
+ * No locks may be held.
+ * Calls device start routine; must already be on master if
+ * device needs to run on master.
+ */
+io_return_t char_write(
+ register struct tty * tp,
+ register io_req_t ior)
+ spl_t s;
+ register int count;
+ register char *data;
+ vm_offset_t addr;
+ io_return_t rc = D_SUCCESS;
+ data = ior->io_data;
+ count = ior->io_count;
+ if (count == 0)
+ return rc;
+ if (!(ior->io_op & IO_INBAND)) {
+ /*
+ * Copy out-of-line data into kernel address space.
+ * Since data is copied as page list, it will be
+ * accessible.
+ */
+ vm_map_copy_t copy = (vm_map_copy_t) data;
+ kern_return_t kr;
+ kr = vm_map_copyout(device_io_map, &addr, copy);
+ if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS)
+ return kr;
+ data = (char *) addr;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Check for tty operating.
+ */
+ s = spltty();
+ simple_lock(&tp->t_lock);
+ if ((tp->t_state & TS_CARR_ON) == 0) {
+ if ((tp->t_state & TS_ONDELAY) == 0) {
+ /*
+ * No delayed writes - tell caller that device is down
+ */
+ rc = D_IO_ERROR;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ if (ior->io_mode & D_NOWAIT) {
+ goto out;
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * Copy data into the output buffer.
+ * Report the amount not copied.
+ */
+ ior->io_residual = b_to_q(data, count, &tp->t_outq);
+ /*
+ * Start hardware output.
+ */
+ tp->t_state &= ~TS_TTSTOP;
+ tty_output(tp);
+ if (tp->t_outq.c_cc > TTHIWAT(tp) ||
+ (tp->t_state & TS_CARR_ON) == 0) {
+ /*
+ * Do not send reply until some characters have been sent.
+ */
+ ior->io_dev_ptr = (char *)tp;
+ queue_delayed_reply(&tp->t_delayed_write, ior, char_write_done);
+ rc = D_IO_QUEUED;
+ }
+ simple_unlock(&tp->t_lock);
+ splx(s);
+ if (!(ior->io_op & IO_INBAND))
+ (void) vm_deallocate(device_io_map, addr, ior->io_count);
+ return rc;
+ * Retry wait for output queue emptied, for write.
+ * No locks may be held.
+ * May run on any CPU.
+ */
+boolean_t char_write_done(
+ register io_req_t ior)
+ register struct tty *tp = (struct tty *)ior->io_dev_ptr;
+ register spl_t s = spltty();
+ simple_lock(&tp->t_lock);
+ if (tp->t_outq.c_cc > TTHIWAT(tp) ||
+ (tp->t_state & TS_CARR_ON) == 0) {
+ queue_delayed_reply(&tp->t_delayed_write, ior, char_write_done);
+ simple_unlock(&tp->t_lock);
+ splx(s);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ simple_unlock(&tp->t_lock);
+ splx(s);
+ if (IP_VALID(ior->io_reply_port)) {
+ (void) (*((ior->io_op & IO_INBAND) ?
+ ds_device_write_reply_inband :
+ ds_device_write_reply))(ior->io_reply_port,
+ ior->io_reply_port_type,
+ ior->io_error,
+ (int) (ior->io_total -
+ ior->io_residual));
+ }
+ mach_device_deallocate(ior->io_device);
+ return TRUE;
+boolean_t tty_close_write_reply(
+ register io_req_t ior)
+ ior->io_residual = ior->io_count;
+ ior->io_error = D_DEVICE_DOWN;
+ (void) ds_write_done(ior);
+ return TRUE;
+ * Read from TTY.
+ * No locks may be held.
+ * May run on any CPU - does not talk to device driver.
+ */
+io_return_t char_read(
+ register struct tty *tp,
+ register io_req_t ior)
+ spl_t s;
+ kern_return_t rc;
+ /*
+ * Allocate memory for read buffer.
+ */
+ rc = device_read_alloc(ior, (vm_size_t)ior->io_count);
+ if (rc != KERN_SUCCESS)
+ return rc;
+ s = spltty();
+ simple_lock(&tp->t_lock);
+ if ((tp->t_state & TS_CARR_ON) == 0) {
+ if ((tp->t_state & TS_ONDELAY) == 0) {
+ /*
+ * No delayed writes - tell caller that device is down
+ */
+ rc = D_IO_ERROR;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ if (ior->io_mode & D_NOWAIT) {
+ goto out;
+ }
+ }
+ if (tp->t_inq.c_cc <= 0 ||
+ (tp->t_state & TS_CARR_ON) == 0) {
+ ior->io_dev_ptr = (char *)tp;
+ queue_delayed_reply(&tp->t_delayed_read, ior, char_read_done);
+ rc = D_IO_QUEUED;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ ior->io_residual = ior->io_count - q_to_b(&tp->t_inq,
+ ior->io_data,
+ (int)ior->io_count);
+ if (tp->t_state & TS_RTS_DOWN) {
+ (*tp->t_mctl)(tp, TM_RTS, DMBIS);
+ tp->t_state &= ~TS_RTS_DOWN;
+ }
+ out:
+ simple_unlock(&tp->t_lock);
+ splx(s);
+ return rc;
+ * Retry wait for characters, for read.
+ * No locks may be held.
+ * May run on any CPU - does not talk to device driver.
+ */
+boolean_t char_read_done(
+ register io_req_t ior)
+ register struct tty *tp = (struct tty *)ior->io_dev_ptr;
+ register spl_t s = spltty();
+ simple_lock(&tp->t_lock);
+ if (tp->t_inq.c_cc <= 0 ||
+ (tp->t_state & TS_CARR_ON) == 0) {
+ queue_delayed_reply(&tp->t_delayed_read, ior, char_read_done);
+ simple_unlock(&tp->t_lock);
+ splx(s);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ ior->io_residual = ior->io_count - q_to_b(&tp->t_inq,
+ ior->io_data,
+ (int)ior->io_count);
+ if (tp->t_state & TS_RTS_DOWN) {
+ (*tp->t_mctl)(tp, TM_RTS, DMBIS);
+ tp->t_state &= ~TS_RTS_DOWN;
+ }
+ simple_unlock(&tp->t_lock);
+ splx(s);
+ (void) ds_read_done(ior);
+ return TRUE;
+boolean_t tty_close_read_reply(
+ register io_req_t ior)
+ ior->io_residual = ior->io_count;
+ ior->io_error = D_DEVICE_DOWN;
+ (void) ds_read_done(ior);
+ return TRUE;
+ * Close the tty.
+ * Tty must be locked (at spltty).
+ * Iff modem control should run on master.
+ */
+void ttyclose(
+ register struct tty *tp)
+ register io_req_t ior;
+ /*
+ * Flush the read and write queues. Signal
+ * the open queue so that those waiting for open
+ * to complete will see that the tty is closed.
+ */
+ while ((ior = (io_req_t)dequeue_head(&tp->t_delayed_read)) != 0) {
+ ior->io_done = tty_close_read_reply;
+ iodone(ior);
+ }
+ while ((ior = (io_req_t)dequeue_head(&tp->t_delayed_write)) != 0) {
+ ior->io_done = tty_close_write_reply;
+ iodone(ior);
+ }
+ while ((ior = (io_req_t)dequeue_head(&tp->t_delayed_open)) != 0) {
+ ior->io_done = tty_close_open_reply;
+ iodone(ior);
+ }
+ /* Close down modem */
+ if (tp->t_mctl) {
+ (*tp->t_mctl)(tp, TM_BRK|TM_RTS, DMBIC);
+ if ((tp->t_state&(TS_HUPCLS|TS_WOPEN)) || (tp->t_state&TS_ISOPEN)==0)
+ (*tp->t_mctl)(tp, TM_HUP, DMSET);
+ }
+ /* only save buffering bit, and carrier */
+ tp->t_state = tp->t_state & (TS_MIN|TS_CARR_ON);
+ * Port-death routine to clean up reply messages.
+ */
+ queue_t q,
+ ipc_port_t port,
+ boolean_t (*routine)(io_req_t) )
+ register io_req_t ior;
+ ior = (io_req_t)queue_first(q);
+ while (!queue_end(q, (queue_entry_t)ior)) {
+ if (ior->io_reply_port == port) {
+ remqueue(q, (queue_entry_t)ior);
+ ior->io_done = routine;
+ iodone(ior);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ ior = ior->io_next;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+ * Handle port-death (dead reply port) for tty.
+ * No locks may be held.
+ * May run on any CPU.
+ */
+ struct tty * tp,
+ ipc_port_t port)
+ register spl_t spl = spltty();
+ register boolean_t result;
+ simple_lock(&tp->t_lock);
+ /*
+ * The queues may never have been initialized
+ */
+ if (tp-> == 0) {
+ result = FALSE;
+ }
+ else {
+ result =
+ tty_queue_clean(&tp->t_delayed_read, port,
+ tty_close_read_reply)
+ || tty_queue_clean(&tp->t_delayed_write, port,
+ tty_close_write_reply)
+ || tty_queue_clean(&tp->t_delayed_open, port,
+ tty_close_open_reply);
+ }
+ simple_unlock(&tp->t_lock);
+ splx(spl);
+ return result;
+ * Get TTY status.
+ * No locks may be held.
+ * May run on any CPU.
+ */
+io_return_t tty_get_status(
+ register struct tty *tp,
+ dev_flavor_t flavor,
+ int * data, /* pointer to OUT array */
+ natural_t *count) /* out */
+ spl_t s;
+ switch (flavor) {
+ case TTY_STATUS:
+ {
+ register struct tty_status *tsp =
+ (struct tty_status *) data;
+ if (*count < TTY_STATUS_COUNT)
+ s = spltty();
+ simple_lock(&tp->t_lock);
+ tsp->tt_ispeed = tp->t_ispeed;
+ tsp->tt_ospeed = tp->t_ospeed;
+ tsp->tt_breakc = tp->t_breakc;
+ tsp->tt_flags = tp->t_flags;
+ if (tp->t_state & TS_HUPCLS)
+ tsp->tt_flags |= TF_HUPCLS;
+ simple_unlock(&tp->t_lock);
+ splx(s);
+ *count = TTY_STATUS_COUNT;
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ }
+ return D_SUCCESS;
+ * Set TTY status.
+ * No locks may be held.
+ * Calls device start or stop routines; must already be on master if
+ * device needs to run on master.
+ */
+io_return_t tty_set_status(
+ register struct tty *tp,
+ dev_flavor_t flavor,
+ int * data,
+ natural_t count)
+ int s;
+ switch (flavor) {
+ case TTY_FLUSH:
+ {
+ register int flags;
+ if (count < TTY_FLUSH_COUNT)
+ flags = *data;
+ if (flags == 0)
+ flags = D_READ | D_WRITE;
+ s = spltty();
+ simple_lock(&tp->t_lock);
+ tty_flush(tp, flags);
+ simple_unlock(&tp->t_lock);
+ splx(s);
+ break;
+ }
+ case TTY_STOP:
+ /* stop output */
+ s = spltty();
+ simple_lock(&tp->t_lock);
+ if ((tp->t_state & TS_TTSTOP) == 0) {
+ tp->t_state |= TS_TTSTOP;
+ (*tp->t_stop)(tp, 0);
+ }
+ simple_unlock(&tp->t_lock);
+ splx(s);
+ break;
+ case TTY_START:
+ /* start output */
+ s = spltty();
+ simple_lock(&tp->t_lock);
+ if (tp->t_state & TS_TTSTOP) {
+ tp->t_state &= ~TS_TTSTOP;
+ tty_output(tp);
+ }
+ simple_unlock(&tp->t_lock);
+ splx(s);
+ break;
+ case TTY_STATUS:
+ /* set special characters and speed */
+ {
+ register struct tty_status *tsp;
+ if (count < TTY_STATUS_COUNT)
+ tsp = (struct tty_status *)data;
+ if (tsp->tt_ispeed < 0 ||
+ tsp->tt_ispeed >= NSPEEDS ||
+ tsp->tt_ospeed < 0 ||
+ tsp->tt_ospeed >= NSPEEDS)
+ {
+ }
+ s = spltty();
+ simple_lock(&tp->t_lock);
+ tp->t_ispeed = tsp->tt_ispeed;
+ tp->t_ospeed = tsp->tt_ospeed;
+ tp->t_breakc = tsp->tt_breakc;
+ tp->t_flags = tsp->tt_flags & ~TF_HUPCLS;
+ if (tsp->tt_flags & TF_HUPCLS)
+ tp->t_state |= TS_HUPCLS;
+ simple_unlock(&tp->t_lock);
+ splx(s);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ }
+ return D_SUCCESS;
+ * [internal]
+ * Queue IOR on reply queue, to wait for TTY operation.
+ * TTY must be locked (at spltty).
+ */
+void queue_delayed_reply(
+ queue_t qh,
+ io_req_t ior,
+ boolean_t (*io_done)(io_req_t) )
+ ior->io_done = io_done;
+ enqueue_tail(qh, (queue_entry_t)ior);
+ * Retry delayed IO operations for TTY.
+ * TTY containing queue must be locked (at spltty).
+ */
+void tty_queue_completion(
+ register queue_t qh)
+ register io_req_t ior;
+ while ((ior = (io_req_t)dequeue_head(qh)) != 0) {
+ iodone(ior);
+ }
+ * Set the default special characters.
+ * Since this routine is called whenever a tty has never been opened,
+ * we can initialize the queues here.
+ */
+void ttychars(
+ register struct tty *tp)
+ if ((tp->t_flags & TS_INIT) == 0) {
+ /*
+ * Initialize queues
+ */
+ queue_init(&tp->t_delayed_open);
+ queue_init(&tp->t_delayed_read);
+ queue_init(&tp->t_delayed_write);
+ /*
+ * Initialize character buffers
+ */
+ cb_alloc(&tp->t_inq, tty_inq_size);
+ /* if we might do modem flow control */
+ if (tp->t_mctl && tp->t_inq.c_hog > 30)
+ tp->t_inq.c_hog -= 30;
+ cb_alloc(&tp->t_outq, tty_outq_size);
+ /*
+ * Mark initialized
+ */
+ tp->t_state |= TS_INIT;
+ }
+ tp->t_breakc = 0;
+ * Flush all TTY queues.
+ * Called at spltty, tty already locked.
+ * Calls device STOP routine; must already be on master if
+ * device needs to run on master.
+ */
+void tty_flush(
+ register struct tty *tp,
+ int rw)
+ if (rw & D_READ) {
+ cb_clear(&tp->t_inq);
+ tty_queue_completion(&tp->t_delayed_read);
+ }
+ if (rw & D_WRITE) {
+ tp->t_state &= ~TS_TTSTOP;
+ (*tp->t_stop)(tp, rw);
+ cb_clear(&tp->t_outq);
+ tty_queue_completion(&tp->t_delayed_write);
+ }
+ * Restart character output after a delay timeout.
+ * Calls device start routine - must be on master CPU.
+ *
+ * Timeout routines are called only on master CPU.
+ * What if device runs on a different CPU?
+ */
+void ttrstrt(
+ register struct tty *tp)
+ register spl_t s;
+ s = spltty();
+ simple_lock(&tp->t_lock);
+ tp->t_state &= ~TS_TIMEOUT;
+ ttstart (tp);
+ simple_unlock(&tp->t_lock);
+ splx(s);
+ * Start output on the typewriter. It is used from the top half
+ * after some characters have been put on the output queue,
+ * from the interrupt routine to transmit the next
+ * character, and after a timeout has finished.
+ *
+ * Called at spltty, tty already locked.
+ * Must be on master CPU if device runs on master.
+ */
+void ttstart(tp)
+ register struct tty *tp;
+ if ((tp->t_state & (TS_TIMEOUT|TS_TTSTOP|TS_BUSY)) == 0) {
+ /*
+ * Start up the hardware again
+ */
+ (*tp->t_start)(tp);
+ /*
+ * Wake up those waiting for write completion.
+ */
+ if (tp->t_outq.c_cc <= TTLOWAT(tp))
+ tty_queue_completion(&tp->t_delayed_write);
+ }
+ * Start character output, if the device is not busy or
+ * stopped or waiting for a timeout.
+ *
+ * Called at spltty, tty already locked.
+ * Must be on master CPU if device runs on master.
+ */
+void tty_output(
+ register struct tty *tp)
+ if ((tp->t_state & (TS_TIMEOUT|TS_TTSTOP|TS_BUSY)) == 0) {
+ /*
+ * Not busy. Start output.
+ */
+ (*tp->t_start)(tp);
+ /*
+ * Wake up those waiting for write completion.
+ */
+ if (tp->t_outq.c_cc <= TTLOWAT(tp))
+ tty_queue_completion(&tp->t_delayed_write);
+ }
+ * Send any buffered recvd chars up to user
+ */
+void ttypush(
+ register struct tty *tp)
+ spl_t s = spltty();
+ register int state;
+ simple_lock(&tp->t_lock);
+ /*
+ The pdma timeout has gone off.
+ If no character has been received since the timeout
+ was set, push any pending characters up.
+ If any characters were received in the last interval
+ then just reset the timeout and the character received bit.
+ */
+ state = tp->t_state;
+ if (state & TS_MIN_TO)
+ {
+ if (state & TS_MIN_TO_RCV)
+ { /* a character was received */
+ tp->t_state = state & ~TS_MIN_TO_RCV;
+ timeout(ttypush,tp,pdma_timeouts[tp->t_ispeed]);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ tp->t_state = state & ~TS_MIN_TO;
+ if (tp->t_inq.c_cc) /* pending characters */
+ tty_queue_completion(&tp->t_delayed_read);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ tp->t_state = state & ~TS_MIN_TO_RCV;/* sanity */
+ }
+ simple_unlock(&tp->t_lock);
+ splx(s);
+ * Put input character on input queue.
+ *
+ * Called at spltty, tty already locked.
+ */
+void ttyinput(
+ unsigned int c,
+ struct tty *tp)
+ if (tp->t_inq.c_cc >= tp->t_inq.c_hog) {
+ /*
+ * Do not want to overflow input queue
+ */
+ if (tp->t_mctl) {
+ (*tp->t_mctl)(tp, TM_RTS, DMBIC);
+ tp->t_state |= TS_RTS_DOWN;
+ }
+ tty_queue_completion(&tp->t_delayed_read);
+ return;
+ }
+ c &= 0xff;
+ (void) putc(c, &tp->t_inq);
+ if ((tp->t_state & TS_MIN) == 0 ||
+ tp->t_inq.c_cc > pdma_water_mark[tp->t_ispeed])
+ {
+ /*
+ * No input buffering, or input minimum exceeded.
+ * Grab a request from input queue and queue it
+ * to io_done thread.
+ */
+ if (tp->t_state & TS_MIN_TO) {
+ tp->t_state &= ~(TS_MIN_TO|TS_MIN_TO_RCV);
+ untimeout(ttypush, tp);
+ }
+ tty_queue_completion(&tp->t_delayed_read);
+ }
+ else {
+ /*
+ * Not enough characters.
+ * If no timeout is set, initiate the timeout
+ * Otherwise set the character received during timeout interval
+ * flag.
+ * One alternative approach would be just to reset the timeout
+ * into the future, but this involves making a timeout/untimeout
+ * call on every character.
+ */
+ register int ptime = pdma_timeouts[tp->t_ispeed];
+ if (ptime > 0)
+ {
+ if ((tp->t_state & TS_MIN_TO) == 0)
+ {
+ tp->t_state |= TS_MIN_TO;
+ timeout(ttypush, tp, ptime);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ tp->t_state |= TS_MIN_TO_RCV;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ * Put many characters on input queue.
+ *
+ * Called at spltty, tty already locked.
+ */
+void ttyinput_many(
+ struct tty *tp,
+ unsigned char *chars,
+ int count)
+ /*
+ * Do not want to overflow input queue
+ */
+ if (tp->t_inq.c_cc < tp->t_inq.c_hog)
+ count -= b_to_q( chars, count, &tp->t_inq);
+ tty_queue_completion(&tp->t_delayed_read);
+ * Handle modem control transition on a tty.
+ * Flag indicates new state of carrier.
+ * Returns FALSE if the line should be turned off.
+ *
+ * Called at spltty, tty already locked.
+ */
+boolean_t ttymodem(
+ struct tty * tp,
+ boolean_t carrier_up)
+ if ((tp->t_state&TS_WOPEN) == 0 && (tp->t_flags & MDMBUF)) {
+ /*
+ * Flow control by carrier. Carrier down stops
+ * output; carrier up restarts output.
+ */
+ if (carrier_up) {
+ tp->t_state &= ~TS_TTSTOP;
+ tty_output(tp);
+ }
+ else if ((tp->t_state&TS_TTSTOP) == 0) {
+ tp->t_state |= TS_TTSTOP;
+ (*tp->t_stop)(tp, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (carrier_up) {
+ /*
+ * Carrier now on.
+ */
+ tp->t_state |= TS_CARR_ON;
+ tt_open_wakeup(tp);
+ }
+ else {
+ /*
+ * Lost carrier.
+ */
+ tp->t_state &= ~TS_CARR_ON;
+ if (tp->t_state & TS_ISOPEN &&
+ (tp->t_flags & NOHANG) == 0)
+ {
+ /*
+ * Hang up TTY if carrier drops.
+ * Need to alert users, somehow...
+ */
+ tty_flush(tp, D_READ|D_WRITE);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+ * Similarly, handle transitions on the ClearToSend
+ * signal. Nowadays, it is used by many modems as
+ * a flow-control device: they turn it down to stop
+ * us from sending more chars. We do the same with
+ * the RequestToSend signal. [Yes, that is exactly
+ * why those signals are defined in the standard.]
+ *
+ * Tty must be locked and on master.
+ */
+ struct tty * tp,
+ boolean_t cts_up)
+ if (tp->t_state & TS_ISOPEN){
+ if (cts_up) {
+ tp->t_state &= ~(TS_TTSTOP|TS_BUSY);
+ tty_output(tp);
+ } else {
+ tp->t_state |= (TS_TTSTOP|TS_BUSY);
+ (*tp->t_stop)(tp, D_WRITE);
+ }
+ }