path: root/chips/screen.c
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1 files changed, 1103 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chips/screen.c b/chips/screen.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2251281
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chips/screen.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1103 @@
+ * Mach Operating System
+ * Copyright (c) 1991,1990,1989 Carnegie Mellon University
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its
+ * documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright
+ * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the
+ * software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions
+ * thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation.
+ *
+ *
+ * Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to
+ *
+ * Software Distribution Coordinator or Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU
+ * School of Computer Science
+ * Carnegie Mellon University
+ * Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890
+ *
+ * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie Mellon
+ * the rights to redistribute these changes.
+ */
+ * File: screen.c
+ * Author: Alessandro Forin, Robert V. Baron, Joseph S. Barrera,
+ * at Carnegie Mellon University
+ * Date: 9/90
+ *
+ * Generic Screen Driver routines.
+ */
+#include <bm.h>
+#if NBM > 0
+#include <dtop.h>
+#include <machine/machspl.h> /* spl definitions */
+#include <chips/screen_defs.h>
+#include <chips/lk201.h>
+#include <mach/std_types.h>
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#include <kern/time_out.h>
+#include <device/io_req.h>
+#include <vm/vm_map.h>
+#include <device/ds_routines.h>
+#include <machine/machspl.h>
+#define Ctrl(x) ((x)-'@')
+#define SCREEN_ASCII_INVALID '\0' /* ascii_screen not valid here */
+struct screen_softc screen_softc_data[NBM];
+struct screen_softc *screen_softc[NBM];
+short screen_console = 0;
+/* Forward decls */
+void screen_blitc(
+ int unit,
+ register unsigned char c);
+void screen_blitc_at(
+ register screen_softc_t sc,
+ unsigned char c,
+ short row,
+ short col);
+ 8-D A "Screen" has a bitmapped display, a keyboard and a mouse
+ *
+ */
+#if NDTOP > 0
+extern int dtop_kbd_probe(), dtop_set_status(), dtop_kbd_reset(),
+ dtop_ring_bell();
+#endif /* NDTOP */
+extern int lk201_probe(), lk201_set_status(), lk201_reset(),
+ lk201_ring_bell();
+struct kbd_probe_vector {
+ int (*probe)();
+ int (*set_status)();
+ int (*reset)();
+ int (*beep)();
+} kbd_vector[] = {
+#if NDTOP > 0
+ {dtop_kbd_probe, dtop_set_status, dtop_kbd_reset, dtop_ring_bell},
+ {lk201_probe, lk201_set_status, lk201_reset, lk201_ring_bell},
+ {0,}
+screen_find_kbd(int unit)
+ struct kbd_probe_vector *p = kbd_vector;
+ for (; p->probe; p++) {
+ if ((*p->probe) (unit)) {
+ screen_softc[unit]->kbd_set_status = p->set_status;
+ screen_softc[unit]->kbd_reset = p->reset;
+ screen_softc[unit]->kbd_beep = p->beep;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+ * The screen probe routine looks for the associated
+ * keyboard and mouse, at the same unit number.
+ */
+screen_probe(int unit)
+ if (unit >= NBM)
+ return 0;
+ screen_softc[unit] = &screen_softc_data[unit];
+ if (!screen_find())
+ return 0;
+ if (!screen_find_kbd(unit))
+ return 0;
+ mouse_probe(unit);
+ return 1;
+screen(int unit)
+ return screen_softc[unit];
+ * This is an upcall from the specific display
+ * hardware, to register its descriptor
+ */
+ int unit,
+ char **hwp)
+ register screen_softc_t sc = screen_softc[unit];
+ sc->hw_state = hwp;
+ sc->blitc_state = SCREEN_BLITC_NORMAL;
+ * This is another upcall (for now) to register
+ * the user-mapped information
+ */
+ int unit,
+ user_info_t *screen_data)
+ register screen_softc_t sc = screen_softc[unit];
+ sc->up = screen_data;
+ mouse_notify_mapped(unit, unit, screen_data);
+ screen_event_init(screen_data);
+ ascii_screen_initialize(sc);
+ * Screen saver
+ */
+#define SSAVER_MIN_TIME (2*60) /* Minimum fade interval */
+long ssaver_last = 0; /* Last tv_sec that the keyboard was touched */
+long ssaver_time = 0; /* Number of seconds before screen is blanked */
+ssaver_bump(int unit)
+ register long tnow = time.tv_sec;
+ if ((tnow - ssaver_last) > ssaver_time)
+ screen_on_off(unit, TRUE);
+ ssaver_last = tnow;
+screen_saver(int unit)
+ register screen_softc_t sc = screen_softc[unit];
+ /* wakeup each minute */
+ timeout(screen_saver, unit, hz * 60);
+ if ((time.tv_sec - ssaver_last) >= ssaver_time)
+ /* this does nothing if already off */
+ screen_on_off(unit, FALSE);
+ * Screen open routine. We are also notified
+ * of console operations if our screen is acting
+ * as a console display.
+ */
+ int unit,
+ boolean_t console_only)
+ register screen_softc_t sc = screen_softc[unit];
+ /*
+ * Start screen saver on first (console) open
+ */
+ if (!ssaver_time) {
+ ssaver_time = 10*60; /* 10 minutes to fade */
+ ssaver_bump(unit); /* .. from now */
+ screen_saver(unit); /* Start timer */
+ }
+ /*
+ * Really opening the screen or just notifying ?
+ */
+ if (!console_only) {
+#if 0
+ (*sc->sw.init_colormap)(sc);
+ screen_event_init(sc->up);
+ ascii_screen_initialize(sc);
+ (*sc->sw.graphic_open)(sc->hw_state);
+ sc->mapped = TRUE;
+ }
+ * Screen close
+ */
+ int unit,
+ boolean_t console_only)
+ register screen_softc_t sc = screen_softc[unit];
+ /*
+ * Closing of the plain console has no effect
+ */
+ if (!console_only) {
+ user_info_t *up = sc->up;
+ screen_default_colors(up);
+ /* mapped info, cursor and colormap resetting */
+ (*sc->sw.graphic_close)(sc);
+ /* turn screen on, and blank it */
+ screen_on_off(unit, TRUE);
+ ascii_screen_initialize(sc);
+ (*sc->sw.clear_bitmap)(sc);
+ /* position cursor circa page end */
+ up->row = up->max_row - 1;
+ up->col = 0;
+ /* set keyboard back our way */
+ (*sc->kbd_reset)(unit);
+ lk201_lights(unit, LED_OFF);
+ sc->mapped = FALSE;
+ }
+ user_info_t *up)
+ register int i;
+ /* restore bg and fg colors */
+ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+ up->[i] = 0x00;
+ up->[i] = 0xff;
+ }
+ * Write characters to the screen
+ */
+ int unit,
+ register io_req_t ior)
+ register int count;
+ register unsigned char *data;
+ vm_offset_t addr;
+ if (unit == 1) /* no writes to the mouse */
+ data = (unsigned char*) ior->io_data;
+ count = ior->io_count;
+ if (count == 0)
+ return (D_SUCCESS);
+ if (!(ior->io_op & IO_INBAND)) {
+ vm_map_copy_t copy = (vm_map_copy_t) data;
+ kern_return_t kr;
+ kr = vm_map_copyout(device_io_map, &addr, copy);
+ if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS)
+ return (kr);
+ data = (unsigned char *) addr;
+ }
+ /* Spill chars out, might fault data in */
+ while (count--)
+ screen_blitc(unit, *data++);
+ if (!(ior->io_op & IO_INBAND))
+ (void) vm_deallocate(device_io_map, addr, ior->io_count);
+ return (D_SUCCESS);
+ * Read from the screen. This really means waiting
+ * for an event, which can be either a keypress on
+ * the keyboard (or pointer) or a mouse movement.
+ * If there are no available events we queue the
+ * request for later.
+ */
+queue_head_t screen_read_queue = { &screen_read_queue, &screen_read_queue };
+boolean_t screen_read_done();
+ int unit,
+ register io_req_t ior)
+ register user_info_t *up = screen_softc[unit]->up;
+ register spl_t s = spltty();
+ if (up->evque.q_head != up->evque.q_tail) {
+ splx(s);
+ return (D_SUCCESS);
+ }
+ ior->io_dev_ptr = (char *) up;
+ ior->io_done = screen_read_done;
+ enqueue_tail(&screen_read_queue, (queue_entry_t) ior);
+ splx(s);
+ return (D_IO_QUEUED);
+ register io_req_t ior)
+ register user_info_t *up = (user_info_t *) ior->io_dev_ptr;
+ register spl_t s = spltty();
+ if (up->evque.q_head != up->evque.q_tail) {
+ splx(s);
+ (void) ds_read_done(ior);
+ return (TRUE);
+ }
+ enqueue_tail(&screen_read_queue, (queue_entry_t) ior);
+ splx(s);
+ return (FALSE);
+ register user_info_t *up)
+ if (up->evque.q_head != up->evque.q_tail) {
+ register io_req_t ior;
+ while ((ior = (io_req_t)dequeue_head(&screen_read_queue)))
+ iodone(ior);
+ }
+boolean_t compress_mouse_events = TRUE;
+ * Upcall from input pointer devices
+ */
+ int unit,
+ int device,
+ int x,
+ int y)
+ register screen_softc_t sc = screen_softc[unit];
+ register user_info_t *up = sc->up;
+ register unsigned next;
+ unsigned int ev_time;
+ /*
+ * Take care of scale/threshold issues
+ */
+ if (device == DEV_MOUSE) {
+ register int scale;
+ scale = up->mouse_scale;
+ if (scale >= 0) {
+ register int threshold;
+ register boolean_t neg;
+ threshold = up->mouse_threshold;
+ neg = (x < 0);
+ if (neg) x = -x;
+ if (x >= threshold)
+ x += (x - threshold) * scale;
+ if (neg) x = -x;
+ neg = (y < 0);
+ if (neg) y = -y;
+ if (y >= threshold)
+ y += (y - threshold) * scale;
+ if (neg) y = -y;
+ }
+ /* we expect mices in incremental mode */
+ x += up->mouse_loc.x;
+ y += up->mouse_loc.y;
+ } else if (device == DEV_TABLET) {
+ /* we expect tablets in absolute mode */
+ x = (x * up-> / 1000;
+ y = ((2200 - y) * up-> / 1000;
+ } /* else who are you */
+ /*
+ * Clip if necessary
+ */
+ {
+ register int max;
+ if (x > (max = up->max_cur_x))
+ x = max;
+ if (y > (max = up->max_cur_y))
+ y = max;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Did it actually move
+ */
+ if ((up->mouse_loc.x == x) &&
+ (up->mouse_loc.y == y))
+ return;
+ /*
+ * Update mouse location, and cursor
+ */
+ up->mouse_loc.x = x;
+ up->mouse_loc.y = y;
+ screen_set_cursor(sc, x, y);
+ /*
+ * Add point to track.
+ */
+ {
+ register screen_timed_point_t *tr;
+ /* simply add and overflow if necessary */
+ next = up->evque.t_next;
+ if (next >= MAX_TRACK)
+ next = MAX_TRACK-1;
+ tr = &up->point_track[next++];
+ up->evque.t_next = (next == MAX_TRACK) ? 0 : next;
+ ev_time = (unsigned) approx_time_in_msec();
+ tr->time = ev_time;
+ tr->x = x;
+ tr->y = y;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Don't post event if mouse is within bounding box,
+ * Note our y-s are upside down
+ */
+ if (y < up->mouse_box.bottom &&
+ y >= up-> &&
+ x < up->mouse_box.right &&
+ x >= up->mouse_box.left)
+ return;
+ up->mouse_box.bottom = 0; /* X11 wants it ? */
+ /*
+ * Post motion event now
+ */
+#define round(x) ((x) & (MAX_EVENTS - 1))
+ {
+ register unsigned int head = up->evque.q_head;
+ register unsigned int tail = up->evque.q_tail;
+ register screen_event_t *ev;
+ if (round(tail + 1) == head) /* queue full, drop it */
+ return;
+ /* see if we can spare too many motion events */
+ next = round(tail - 1);
+ if (compress_mouse_events &&
+ (tail != head) && (next != head)) {
+ ev = & up->event_queue[next];
+ if (ev->type == EVT_PTR_MOTION) {
+ ev->x = x;
+ ev->y = y;
+ ev->time = ev_time;
+ ev->device = device;
+ screen_event_posted(up);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ ev = & up->event_queue[tail];
+ ev->type = EVT_PTR_MOTION;
+ ev->time = ev_time;
+ ev->x = x;
+ ev->y = y;
+ ev->device = device;
+ /* added to queue */
+ up->evque.q_tail = round(tail + 1);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Wakeup any sleepers
+ */
+ screen_event_posted(up);
+ * Upcall from keypress input devices
+ * Returns wether the event was consumed or not.
+ */
+ int unit,
+ int device,
+ int key,
+ int type)
+ register screen_softc_t sc = screen_softc[unit];
+ register user_info_t *up = sc->up;
+ register unsigned int head, tail;
+ register screen_event_t *ev;
+ if (!sc->mapped) {
+ int col, row;
+ if (device != DEV_MOUSE)
+ return FALSE;
+ /* generate escapes for mouse position */
+ col = up->mouse_loc.x / 8;
+ row = up->mouse_loc.y / 15;
+ mouse_report_position(unit, col, row, key, type);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ head = up->evque.q_head;
+ tail = up->evque.q_tail;
+ if (round(tail + 1) == head) /* queue full */
+ return TRUE;
+ ev = & up->event_queue[tail];
+ ev->key = key;
+ ev->type = type;
+ ev->device = device;
+ ev->time = approx_time_in_msec();
+ ev->x = up->mouse_loc.x;
+ ev->y = up->mouse_loc.y;
+ up->evque.q_tail = round(tail + 1);
+ screen_event_posted(up);
+ return TRUE;
+#undef round
+ * Event queue initialization
+ */
+ user_info_t *up)
+ up->evque.q_size = MAX_EVENTS;
+ up->evque.q_head = 0;
+ up->evque.q_tail = 0;
+; up->evque.t_size = MAX_TRACK;
+ up->evque.t_next = 0;
+ up->evque.timestamp = approx_time_in_msec();
+ * Set/Get status functions.
+ * ...
+ */
+ int unit,
+ dev_flavor_t flavor,
+ dev_status_t status,
+ natural_t status_count)
+ register screen_softc_t sc = screen_softc[unit];
+ register user_info_t *up = sc->up;
+ io_return_t ret = D_SUCCESS;
+/* XXX checks before getting here */
+ switch (flavor) {
+ ascii_screen_initialize(sc);
+ break;
+ case SCREEN_ON:
+ screen_on_off(unit, TRUE);
+ break;
+ case SCREEN_OFF:
+ screen_on_off(unit, FALSE);
+ break;
+ case SCREEN_FADE: {
+ register int tm = * (int *) status;
+ untimeout(screen_saver, unit); /* stop everything and */
+ if (tm == -1) /* don't reschedule a fade */
+ break;
+ if (tm < SSAVER_MIN_TIME)
+ ssaver_time = tm;
+ ssaver_bump(unit);
+ screen_saver(unit);
+ break;
+ }
+ screen_point_t *loc = (screen_point_t*) status;
+ if (status_count < sizeof(screen_point_t)/sizeof(int))
+ return D_INVALID_SIZE;
+ sc->flags |= SCREEN_BEING_UPDATED;
+ up->mouse_loc = *loc;
+ sc->flags &= ~SCREEN_BEING_UPDATED;
+ screen_set_cursor(sc, loc->x, loc->y);
+ break;
+ }
+ /* COMPAT: these codes do nothing, but we understand */
+ case _IO('q', 8): /* KERNLOOP */
+ case _IO('q', 9): /* KERNUNLOOP */
+ case _IO('g', 21): /* KERN_UNLOOP */
+ break;
+ /*
+ * Anything else is either device-specific,
+ * or for the keyboard
+ */
+ default:
+ ret = (*sc->sw.set_status)(sc, flavor, status, status_count);
+ ret = (*sc->kbd_set_status)(unit, flavor,
+ status, status_count);
+ break;
+ }
+ return ret;
+ int unit,
+ dev_flavor_t flavor,
+ dev_status_t status,
+ natural_t *count)
+ register screen_softc_t sc = screen_softc[unit];
+ if (flavor == SCREEN_STATUS_FLAGS) {
+ *(int *)status = sc->flags;
+ *count = 1;
+ return D_SUCCESS;
+ } else if (flavor == SCREEN_HARDWARE_INFO) {
+ screen_hw_info_t *hinfo;
+ hinfo = (screen_hw_info_t*)status;
+ hinfo->frame_width = sc->frame_scanline_width;
+ hinfo->frame_height = sc->frame_height;
+ hinfo->frame_visible_width = sc->frame_visible_width;
+ hinfo->frame_visible_height = sc->frame_visible_height;
+ *count = sizeof(screen_hw_info_t)/sizeof(int);
+ return D_SUCCESS;
+ } else
+ return (*sc->sw.get_status)(sc, flavor, status, count);
+ * Routine to handle display and control characters sent to screen
+ */
+ int unit,
+ register unsigned char c)
+ register screen_softc_t sc = screen_softc[unit];
+ register user_info_t *up = sc->up;
+ register unsigned char *ap;
+ register int i;
+ /*
+ * Handle cursor positioning sequence
+ */
+ switch (sc->blitc_state) {
+ break;
+ c -= ' ';
+ if (c >= up->max_row) {
+ up->row = up->max_row - 1;
+ } else {
+ up->row = c;
+ }
+ sc->blitc_state = SCREEN_BLITC_COL;
+ return;
+ c -= ' ';
+ if (c >= up->max_col) {
+ up->col = up->max_col - 1;
+ } else {
+ up->col = c;
+ }
+ sc->blitc_state = SCREEN_BLITC_NORMAL;
+ goto move_cursor;
+ }
+ c &= 0xff;
+ /* echo on rconsole line */
+ rcputc(c);
+ /* we got something to say, turn on the TV */
+ ssaver_bump(unit);
+ switch (c) {
+ /* Locate cursor*/
+ case Ctrl('A'): /* ^A -> cm */
+ sc->blitc_state = SCREEN_BLITC_ROW;
+ return;
+ /* Home cursor */
+ case Ctrl('B'): /* ^B -> ho */
+ up->row = 0;
+ up->col = 0;
+ break;
+ /* Clear screen */
+ case Ctrl('C'): /* ^C -> cl */
+ up->row = 0;
+ up->col = 0;
+ (*sc->sw.clear_bitmap)(sc);
+ break;
+ /* Move forward */
+ case Ctrl('D'): /* ^D -> nd */
+ screen_advance_position(sc);
+ break;
+ /* Clear to eol */
+ case Ctrl('E'): /* ^E -> ce */
+ ap = &sc->ascii_screen[up->max_col*up->row + up->col];
+ for (i = up->col; i < up->max_col; i++, ap++) {
+ if (sc->standout || *ap != ' ') {
+ if (sc->standout) {
+ } else {
+ *ap = ' ';
+ }
+ screen_blitc_at(sc, ' ', up->row, i);
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ /* Cursor up */
+ case Ctrl('F'): /* ^F -> up */
+ if (up->row != 0) up->row--;
+ break;
+ case Ctrl('G'): /* ^G -> bell */
+ (*sc->kbd_beep)(unit);
+ return;
+ /* Backspace */
+ case Ctrl('H'): /* ^H -> bs */
+ if (--up->col < 0)
+ up->col = 0;
+ break;
+ case Ctrl('I'): /* ^I -> tab */
+ up->col += (8 - (up->col & 0x7));
+ break;
+ case Ctrl('J'): /* ^J -> lf */
+ if (up->row+1 >= up->max_row)
+ (*sc->sw.remove_line)(sc, 0);
+ else
+ up->row++;
+ break;
+ /* Start rev-video */
+ case Ctrl('K'): /* ^K -> so */
+ sc->standout = 1;
+ return;
+ /* End rev-video */
+ case Ctrl('L'): /* ^L -> se */
+ sc->standout = 0;
+ return;
+ case Ctrl('M'): /* ^M -> return */
+ up->col = 0;
+ break;
+ /* Save cursor position */
+ case Ctrl('N'): /* ^N -> sc */
+ sc->save_col = up->col;
+ sc->save_row = up->row;
+ return;
+ /* Restore cursor position */
+ case Ctrl('O'): /* ^O -> rc */
+ up->row = sc->save_row;
+ up->col = sc->save_col;
+ break;
+ /* Add blank line */
+ case Ctrl('P'): /* ^P -> al */
+ (*sc->sw.insert_line)(sc, up->row);
+ return;
+ /* Delete line */
+ case Ctrl('Q'): /* ^Q -> dl */
+ (*sc->sw.remove_line)(sc, up->row);
+ return;
+ default:
+ /*
+ * If the desired character is already there, then don't
+ * bother redrawing it. Always redraw standout-ed chars,
+ * so that we can assume that all cached characters are
+ * un-standout-ed. (This could be fixed.)
+ */
+ ap = &sc->ascii_screen[up->max_col*up->row + up->col];
+ if (sc->standout || c != *ap) {
+ if (sc->standout) {
+ } else {
+ *ap = c;
+ }
+ screen_blitc_at(sc, c, up->row, up->col);
+ }
+ screen_advance_position(sc);
+ break;
+ }
+ screen_set_cursor(sc, up->col*8, up->row*15);
+ * Advance current position, wrapping and scrolling when necessary
+ */
+ register screen_softc_t sc)
+ register user_info_t *up = sc->up;
+ if (++up->col >= up->max_col) {
+ up->col = 0 ;
+ if (up->row+1 >= up->max_row) {
+ (*sc->sw.remove_line)(sc, 0);
+ } else {
+ up->row++;
+ }
+ }
+ * Routine to display a character at a given position
+ */
+ register screen_softc_t sc,
+ unsigned char c,
+ short row,
+ short col)
+ /*
+ * Silently ignore non-printable chars
+ */
+ if (c < ' ' || c > 0xfd)
+ return;
+ (*sc->sw.char_paint)(sc, c, row, col);
+ * Update sc->ascii_screen array after deleting ROW
+ */
+ register screen_softc_t sc,
+ int row)
+ register user_info_t *up = sc->up;
+ register unsigned int col_w, row_w;
+ register unsigned char *c, *end;
+ /* cache and sanity */
+ col_w = up->max_col;
+ if (col_w > MaxCharCols)
+ col_w = MaxCharCols;
+ row_w = up->max_row;
+ if (row_w > MaxCharRows)
+ row_w = MaxCharRows;
+ /* scroll up */
+ c = &sc->ascii_screen[row * col_w];
+ end = &sc->ascii_screen[(row_w-1) * col_w];
+ for (; c < end; c++) /* bcopy ? XXX */
+ *c = *(c + col_w);
+ /* zero out line that entered at end */
+ c = end;
+ end = &sc->ascii_screen[row_w * col_w];
+ for (; c < end; c++)
+ *c = ' ';
+ * Update sc->ascii_screen array after opening new ROW
+ */
+ register screen_softc_t sc,
+ int row)
+ register user_info_t *up = sc->up;
+ register unsigned int col_w, row_w;
+ register unsigned char *c, *end;
+ /* cache and sanity */
+ col_w = up->max_col;
+ if (col_w > MaxCharCols)
+ col_w = MaxCharCols;
+ row_w = up->max_row;
+ if (row_w > MaxCharRows)
+ row_w = MaxCharRows;
+ /* scroll down */
+ c = &sc->ascii_screen[row_w * col_w - 1];
+ end = &sc->ascii_screen[(row + 1) * col_w];
+ for (; c >= end; c--)
+ *c = *(c - col_w);
+ /* zero out line that entered at row */
+ c = end - 1;
+ end = &sc->ascii_screen[row * col_w];
+ for (; c >= end; c--)
+ *c = ' ';
+ * Init charmap
+ */
+ register screen_softc_t sc,
+ char c)
+ register user_info_t *up = sc->up;
+ register int i, to;
+ to = up->max_row * up->max_col;
+ for (i = 0; i < to; i++) {
+ sc->ascii_screen[i] = c;
+ }
+ register screen_softc_t sc)
+ ascii_screen_fill(sc, SCREEN_ASCII_INVALID);
+ * Cursor positioning
+ */
+ register screen_softc_t sc,
+ register int x,
+ register int y)
+ register user_info_t *up = sc->up;
+ /* If we are called from interrupt level.. */
+ if (sc->flags & SCREEN_BEING_UPDATED)
+ return;
+ sc->flags |= SCREEN_BEING_UPDATED;
+ /*
+ * Note that that was not atomic, but this is
+ * a two-party game on the same processor and
+ * not a real parallel program.
+ */
+ /* Sanity checks (ignore noise) */
+ if (y < up->min_cur_y || y > up->max_cur_y)
+ y = up->cursor.y;
+ if (x < up->min_cur_x || x > up->max_cur_x)
+ x = up->cursor.x;
+ /*
+ * Track cursor position
+ */
+ up->cursor.x = x;
+ up->cursor.y = y;
+ (*sc->sw.pos_cursor)(*(sc->hw_state), x, y);
+ sc->flags &= ~SCREEN_BEING_UPDATED;
+ int unit,
+ boolean_t on)
+ register screen_softc_t sc = screen_softc[unit];
+ if (sc->sw.video_on == 0) /* sanity */
+ return;
+ if (on)
+ (*sc->sw.video_on)(sc->hw_state, sc->up);
+ else
+ (*sc->sw.video_off)(sc->hw_state, sc->up);
+ int unit,
+ boolean_t on)
+ register screen_softc_t sc = screen_softc[unit];
+ (*sc->sw.intr_enable)(sc->hw_state, on);
+ * For our purposes, time does not need to be
+ * precise but just monotonic and approximate
+ * to about the millisecond. Instead of div/
+ * mul by 1000 we div/mul by 1024 (shifting).
+ *
+ * Well, it almost worked. The only problem
+ * is that X somehow checks the time against
+ * gettimeofday() and .. turns screen off at
+ * startup if we use approx time. SO we are
+ * back to precise time, sigh.
+ */
+#if 0
+ return ((time.seconds << 10) + (time.microseconds >> 10));
+ return ((time.seconds * 1000) + (time.microseconds / 1000));
+ * Screen mapping to user space
+ * This is called on a per-page basis
+ */
+ int dev,
+ vm_offset_t off,
+ int prot)
+ /* dev is safe, but it is the mouse's one */
+ register screen_softc_t sc = screen_softc[dev-1];
+ (*sc->sw.map_page)(sc, off, prot);
+#endif NBM > 0