Just like a book, this topic is designed to help describe the tools used to
create this website and what methods were used to give it it's look and feel.

# Rev. I

We used a particular implementation (or clone) of Wiki software called

A generic [WikiWikiWeb](http://www.c2.com/cgi/wiki?WelcomeVisitors), or simply
Wiki, is _"a collaborative forum where people can share ideas and record any
consensus reached on difficult issues, along with rebuttal.  It changes as
people come and go, as experience develops, and as opinions change."  The TWiki
software is an enhanced descendent of the original WikiWikiWeb_.

We used the [GNU Skin](http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/GnuSkin) created
by our own Joachim Nilsson.

This site began in May, 2002 as one TWiki web: *Hurd*.  This WebHome page was
used as the front page of the whole site.  We grew this site and added more
TWiki webs by December, 2002.  Due to the success of the site we had to act
with respect to more completely addressing copyright issues.  More people
started adding content.


# Rev. II

On 2007-08-12 [[Thomas_Schwinge|tschwinge]] finished the conversion of the
TWiki content to [ikiwiki](http://ikiwiki.info).  Read