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What is the GNU Hurd?

The GNU Hurd is the GNU project's replacement for the Unix kernel. The Hurd is a collection of servers that run on the Mach microkernel to implement file systems, network protocols, file access control, and other features that are implemented by the Unix kernel or similar kernels (such as Linux).

What's new?

18 January 2003
Gaël Le Mignot, president of HurdFr, presented the GNU Hurd on 22 November 2002 at EpX in Paris. Slides of the talk are also available.

18 November 2002
For one month now, the pthread implementation by Neal Walfield is part of the Hurd CVS source tree, and has been used to compile more software for the Debian GNU/Hurd archive. The lack of a POSIX compatible thread library (the Hurd was based on the cthread implementation that originally accompanied Mach) was a show stopper, and we are happy about the possibility to not only compile more applications, but also to start the work on migrating the Hurd source code to pthreads.

19 October 2002
The Toronto Hurd Users Group meets again: The University of Waterloo Computer Science Club will be hosting talks on the GNU Hurd on October 26 by Marcus Brinkmann and Neal Walfield. There will also be a GnuPG keysigning before Marcus's talk. Please email Ryan Golbeck your GnuPG key so he can get everyone setup.

Marcus will talk about the Hurd interfaces. Neal will talk about about A GNU Approach to Virtual Memory Management in a Multiserver Operating System

Date: 26 Oct 2002

Time: 1330 (1:30pm EST) and 1500 (3:00pm EST)

Place: University of Waterloo, Math and Computers building, room MC 2066

More information can be found at UW CS Club website and at thug@gnu.org

03 October 2002
Marcus Brinkmann speaks about the GNU Hurd at "Reflections | Projections 2002", the National Student ACM Conference at the University of Urbana-Champaign, Illinois. The conference is held on October 18-20.

03 October 2002
A new article about the authentication server has been added to the web pages. It resembles the talk about the same topic which was given at the Libre Software Meeting, therefore the target audience is mostly programmers which want to learn about the details of authentication in the Hurd.

Old news entries.

[ English ]

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