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SquirrelMail's IMAP Proxy is a caching IMAP proxy server intended for use with webmail clients that cannot maintain persistent connections to an IMAP server.  
**Home page**: [[http://www.imapproxy.org]]

[[!toc startlevel=2]]

* * *


* **Started**: 2012-01-31
* **Discussed**: [2012-02-03](http://lists.debian.org/debian-hurd/2012/02/msg00027.html)
* **Draft Submitted**: -
* **Submitted**: -
* **Accepted**: -

* * *


Here is the output of `grep -R PATH_MAX up-imapproxy-1.2.7/*`:

    src/main.c:    char f_randfile[ PATH_MAX ];

* * *


Work in progress...

Only the function that fills the buffer knows how long it can be.  
This function is `RAND_file_name()` and is part of **OpenSSL**.

Probably **OpenSSL** function has to be fixed first to accept `NULL` buffer.  
Then fix the up-imapproxy code to use the new version of the function.