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A program for managing a WWW site via FTP, DAV or HTTP.  
**Home page**: [[http://www.manyfish.co.uk/sitecopy]]

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* **Started**: -
* **Discussed**: -
* **Draft Submitted**: -
* **Submitted**: -
* **Accepted**: -

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Here is the output of `grep -R PATH_MAX sitecopy-0.16.6/*`:

    intl/dcigettext.c:   PATH_MAX but might cause redefinition warnings when sys/param.h is
    intl/dcigettext.c:#ifndef _POSIX_PATH_MAX
    intl/dcigettext.c:# define _POSIX_PATH_MAX 255
    intl/dcigettext.c:#if !defined PATH_MAX && defined _PC_PATH_MAX
    intl/dcigettext.c:# define PATH_MAX (pathconf ("/", _PC_PATH_MAX) < 1 ? 1024 : pathconf ("/", _PC_PATH_MAX))
    intl/dcigettext.c:#if defined HAVE_SYS_PARAM_H && !defined PATH_MAX && !defined MAXPATHLEN
    intl/dcigettext.c:#if !defined PATH_MAX && defined MAXPATHLEN
    intl/dcigettext.c:# define PATH_MAX MAXPATHLEN
    intl/dcigettext.c:#ifndef PATH_MAX
    intl/dcigettext.c:# define PATH_MAX _POSIX_PATH_MAX
    intl/dcigettext.c:	  path_max = (unsigned int) PATH_MAX;
    src/ftp.c:#include <limits.h> 	/* for PATH_MAX */
    src/ftp.c:#ifndef PATH_MAX
    src/ftp.c:#define PATH_MAX 2048
    src/ftp.c:    char cwd[PATH_MAX];
    src/ftp.c:    char dir[PATH_MAX];
    src/ftp.c:    if (!sess->use_cwd || fn[0] != '/' || strlen(fn) > PATH_MAX)
    debian/patches/10_bts410703_preserve_storage_files_sigint.dpatch:+    char filebuf[PATH_MAX];
    debian/patches/10_bts410703_preserve_storage_files_sigint.dpatch:+    char filebuf[PATH_MAX];

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Not yet started.

One of the PATH_MAX if used in debian patch.