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Microblogging plugins for Pidgin.  
**Home page**: [[http://code.google.com/p/microblog-purple/]]

[[!toc startlevel=2]]

* * *


* **Started**: -
* **Discussed**: -
* **Draft Submitted**: -
* **Submitted**: -
* **Accepted**: -

* * *


Here is the output of `grep -R PATH_MAX pidgin-microblog-0.3.0/*`:

    pidgin-microblog-0.3.0/microblog/mb_cache.c:static char cache_base_dir[PATH_MAX] = "";
    pidgin-microblog-0.3.0/microblog/mb_cache.c:snprintf(cache_base_dir, PATH_MAX, "%s/mbpurple", user_dir);

The `cache_base_dir` is static but should only be called through a getter.  
If it has not been initialized, return "" from the getter.

* * *


Not yet started.