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[[!tag open_issue_porting]]


When you want to build a program from source and it fails due to missing headers. Auto-apt can search what package would provide the header files.  
(from [[https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutoApt]])

[[!toc startlevel=2]]

* * *


* **Started**: 2012-01-24
* **Discussed**: [2012-01-26](http://lists.debian.org/debian-hurd/2012/01/msg00129.html)
* **Draft Submitted**: -
* **Submitted**: 2012-02-07, Bug#[659025](http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=659025)
* **Accepted**: 2013-05-13, by Barry deFreese

* * *


The output of `grep -R PATH_MAX auto-apt-0.3.22/*` is a bit long. It contains files that have been patched using `#define PATH_MAX XYZ`.  
Here is the only file of interest:

    pkgcdb/pkgtab.c:    char buf[PATH_MAX];
    pkgcdb/pkgtab.c:    assert(p - pkg < PATH_MAX);
    pkgcdb/pkgtab.c:    static char buf[PATH_MAX];
    pkgcdb/pkgtab.c:    assert(len < PATH_MAX);

* * *


    +++ auto-apt-0.3.22/auto-apt-pkgcdb.c        2012-02-03 09:25:54.045858173 +0100

    +    unsigned char *buf = NULL;

    +        while (!feof(stdin)) {
                 unsigned char *fname, *pkg;
                 unsigned char *p;
                 int nslash = 0;
    +            buf = get_line(stdin);
    +            if (buf == NULL)
    +                break;

Reading from `stdin` using the `get_line()` function as explained in the [[porting guide|porting_guide_for_dummies]].

    +        free(buf);

    +++ auto-apt-0.3.22/pkgcdb/pkgtab.c        2012-01-30 09:05:07.883096049 +0100

    +    char *buf = NULL;

    +        buf = (char *)malloc(p - pkg + 1);
    +        if (buf == NULL) {
    +            abort();
    +        }

    +        free(buf);

    -    static char buf[PATH_MAX];
    +    static char *buf;

    +    if (buf != NULL) {
    +        free(buf);
    +    }
    +    buf = (char *)malloc(len + 1);
    +    if (buf == NULL) {
    +        abort();
    +    }