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Homepage: *none*  
E-mail: [tanguy@bioneland.org](mailto:tanguy@bioneland.org)

I am a Hurd enthusiast and new contributor, mostly working on porting packages 
for **Debian GNU/Hurd**.


### Porting Debian Packages:

See the [[package porting general introduction|hurd/porting/guidelines]] and 
my [[porting guide for dummies|porting_guide_for_dummies]].

For each patch make sure to respect the [[patch life cycle|patch_life_cycle]].

* Candidates
  * [[gphoto2]] (PATH_MAX)
  * [[libgphoto2]] (function doesn't accept `NULL` buffer)
  * [[pidgin-microblog]] (PATH_MAX)
  * [[schism]] (PATH_MAX)
  * [[shush]] (PATH_MAX)
  * [[sitecopy]] (PATH_MAX)
* Work in progress
  * [[rng-tools]] (PATH_MAX), **discussing**
  * [[up-imapproxy]] (PATH_MAX), **discussing**
* Accepted
  * [[auto-apt]] (PATH_MAX)
  * [[sakura]] (PATH_MAX)
  * [[suckless-tools]] (PATH_MAX)
* Stopped
  * [[memstat]] (PATH_MAX)