# arnuld @ Hurd-Wiki ## General * Name: arnuld uttre * Email: arnuld@ippimail.com * Country: India * Homepage: <http://www.lispmachine.wordpress.com> ## Education * B.Sc. (with Comp. App) - Panjab Univeristy, Chandigarh ## Professional * i was a Salesman (sold Financial Products) for 2 years ## Future Plans * Want to start my own business, totally based on a new paradigm of copyleft softwares. It will be both a new-paradigm and a sudden-shock to present corporate. New-Paradigm because probably nearly all software companies use software-patents and Proprietary licenses to make money and I will be the one who will bring a new software business practice that will be adopted by every software company, sooner or later. A sudden-shock because then everybody will think "Why I did not think of it ?" and after 10 years form now, using Proprietary licenses and Software-Patents to make money will be a totally useless idea in business. * yeah, want to learn Jeet-Kuan-Do. i love it as much as i love the copyleft concept :)