# arnuld @ Hurd-Wiki ## General * Name: arnuld uttre * Email: arnuld (at) ippimail (dot) com * Country: India * Homepage: <http://www.lispmachine.wordpress.com> ## Education * B.Sc. (with Comp. App) - Panjab Univeristy, Chandigarh ## Professional * I was a Salesman (sold Financial Products) for 2 years ## Future Plans * I am learning skills to get myself into Central-Cabinet of Government of India. India is the 2nd biggest developing economy and hence lots of Software companies will grow here. RMS is working hard in this field to spread free software but he dealing with effects rather than the cause. He is not the one who decides what the software policy of some company will be, only Government can create rules and regulations and push the methods of creating software and for that one needs to be in a pretty much higher position in politics. I will go there and do it. * Yes, I want to learn Jeet-Kuan-Do. I love it as much as I love the copyleft but only one thing can happen: I will be either in politics or a Martial-Arts expert.