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**March 29, 2012** - Last month, I finished the third page (in french for instance). Questions about the internet are beginning to arise in this comic... [http://art9libre.tuxfamily.org/gaetan-03.php](http://art9libre.tuxfamily.org/gaetan-03.php)

**September 19, 2011** - Two pages of available comics about the Hurd [http://art9libre.tuxfamily.org/gaetan-01-en.php](http://art9libre.tuxfamily.org/gaetan-01-en.php) http://art9libre.tuxfamily.org/gaetan-01-en.php

**September 9, 2011** - The second page is done ! For instance, it's in french. English version soon as it's possible... Follow this link [http://art9libre.tuxfamily.org/gaetan-02.php](http://art9libre.tuxfamily.org/gaetan-02.php)or have a look on the last message. 

**May 19, 2011** - Very difficult to do my comic on the Hurd I encountered problems of inspiration... I missed the second page but I started again [http://art9libre.tuxfamily.org/gaetan-02.php](http://art9libre.tuxfamily.org/gaetan-02.php)
I project to share the scenario (CC-BY-SA/Licence Art Libre).

**January 13, 2011** - My story comics on the Hurd continues. I think I can introduce you to page 2 in a month.

**January 11, 2011** - The goal was to install the Hurd in VirtualBox...
It happened on january,7 2011, a very nice day... Thanks to [http://www.paranoiaque.fr](http://www.paranoiaque.fr) for [the *Hurd.vdi* machine.](http://www.paranoiaque.fr/Hurd.vdi.tar.lzma)

[A testimony](http://www.sites.google.com/site/hurdexperiences/en-hurd-vdi-tar-lzma) of this install and a video capture [Hurd operating.](http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xgl3nr_hurd-screenscat-ffmpeg-01_webcam)

**October 14, 2010** - Here's the [french version.](http://art9libre.tuxfamily.org/gaetan-01.php)

**October 13, 2010** - Page 1 out ! The beginning of the [the comics is here :](http://art9libre.tuxfamily.org/gaetan-01-en.php)
Hope it will pleased for you.

**October 3, 2010** - I just try to become an end user of The Hurd. In 2004, I was able to install K9 on an old computer.
These times, my goal is to install it on my laptop (maybe with crosshurd or with a lzma image for virtualbox, or any other way...)

Also, I'm currently working on a comics'The Call Of The Hurd'. It's free licensed cc-by-sa/Copyleft Art Libre.
1st page will be done before the end of the year I think (I look for good quality).