Byte magazine published this in the `Letters' section
of the March '96 issue:

   Where's the GNU Hurd?

   The November 1995 articles "NT Roars
   on the 604" and "CPU scorecards" were
   quite welcome.  But the Special Report on
   operating systems did not mention GNU
   Hurd.  This OS is based on the Mach mi-
   crokernel, and thus it has been essentially
   ported to a wide variety of hardware plat-
   forms--nearly as many as NetBSD.  To
   learn more about the Hurd, and especially
   about its binary portability, visit http://  Con-
   trary to what you say in the text box "Op-
   erating-System Research: Dim or Bright
   Future?" (page 116), microkernel tech-
   nology has not been exploited to its max-
   imum capability, as the Hurd philosophy

                           Todd Hutchinson