# <a name="GNU_pre0_3_J2_for_Bochs_mini_FAQ"> </a> GNU pre0.3-J2 for Bochs mini-FAQ %TOC% ---- ## <a name="What_do_you_mean_GNU_the_GNU_Hur"> </a> What do you mean "GNU", the GNU Hurd? Yes and no. See <http://www.gnu.org/software/hurd/faq.en.html#q1-2> ## <a name="Where_are_"> Where are...? </a> Latest version of this FAQ: [[Distrib/BochsFAQ]] Latest GNU image for Bochs: [http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group\_id=12580](http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=12580) ## <a name="Disk_line_for_bochsrc_"> Disk line for .bochsrc? </a> for Bochs 2.0 or later: ata0-master: type=disk, path="gnu.img", cylinders=1024, heads=16, spt=63 for older versions: diskc: file="gnu.img", cyl=1024, heads=16, spt=63 ## <a name="My_PATH_and_prompt_are_weird_and"> </a> My PATH and prompt are weird, and X clients fail The profile is not loaded properly, do it manually with `". /etc/profile"` ## <a name="How_can_i_change_terminals_"> How can i change terminals? </a> The Mach default console lack have multi-terminal capability, and up 'til recently we recommended the "screen" program. However, the new console server is installed and configured with 6 terminals. You can launch it with the ncursesw driver: console -d ncursesw /dev/vcs Switching is done via `C-w 1` (or 2, 3, ...). you can exit it with `C-w x` See the original posting to debian-hurd, <http://lists.debian.org/debian-hurd/2002/debian-hurd-200209/msg00054.html>, or [[Hurd/HurdConsole]] for more details. **_IMPORTANT:_** Note that X doesn't work well while running the console server. ## <a name="Does_X_work_"> Does X work? </a> Somewhat: * DRI and speedo modules won't load so they're deactivated. * The VESA driver also failed so VGA is being used. * more than 8 bpp won't work. * for some weird reason the mouse server in `/dev/mouse` doesn't respond, so the mouse is inoperative. * GNU is still an unstable OS which makes X crash often on it. To reconfigure it, see Distrib.Xfree86, or: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86 then apply a patch to fix the mouse section: patch /etc/X11/XF86config-4 /root/XF86Config-4.diff Installed clients are blackbox window manager and rxvt terminal emulator. ## <a name="Is_network_configured_"> Is network configured? </a> Yes, to change parameters use: settrans -apfg /servers/socket/2 /hurd/pfinet [options to pfinet] See `/hurd/pfinet --help` for details, or the [[Hurd/GetNetworkRunning]] topic. ## <a name="How_do_i_mount_stuff_"> How do i mount stuff? </a> settrans -afg <node> /hurd/<translator> <options to translator> Where `node` is your mount point and `translator` is the filesystem server. Add `-p` to settrans if you want it to stay over reboots (fstab-like) ## <a name="Anything_neat_to_try_"> Anything neat to try? </a> Yes! instead of `"su"` use `"sush"`, a more flexible version that manages multiple UIDs. You can also play with userspace filesystems for NFS and FTP in `/hurd/{nfs,ftpfs}` that you can run as user, debug with GDB, etc. ## <a name="More_questions_"> More questions? </a> Read the FAQ (<http://www.gnu.org/software/hurd/faq.en.html>) for a general overview on the GNU system.