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*UNIX* is a [[kernel]] implementation.

# Concepts

  * [[file_descriptor]]

  * [[process]]

  * [[signal]]

  * [[system_call]]

# External

  * Wikipedia page about [[!wikipedia UNIX]].

  * [*Standardizing
    UNIX*](http://www.informit.com/articles/printerfriendly.aspx?p=691503), an
    article by David Chisnall.

  * The first in the series, {{$2010_brown_ghosts_1}} introduces the concepts
    of [[file_descriptor]]s and the single, hierarchical [[namespace]].

    Next, {{$2010_brown_ghosts_2}} discusses issues with *conflated designs*
    such as the `mount` command (a problem we have partly solved / solved
    differently with our [[hurd/translator]] approach and the
    [[hurd/virtual_file_system]]), and the plethora of flags that can be passed
    to the `open` [[system_call]].

    In {{$2010_brown_ghosts_3}}, he deals with *unfixable designs*, such as
    UNIX [[signal]]s and the *UNIX permission model* (which is
    clearly inferior to a [[capability]]-based system).

  * [*UNIX File Permissions*](http://www.greenend.org.uk/rjk/2004/perms.html)
    (2004) by Richard Kettlewell.  ([[!taglink open_issue_documentation]]<!--
    TODO: split out UNIX permission stuff into unix/file_permissions or
    something.  -->)

[[!ymlfront data="""


    D. J. Bernstein's [*self-pipe trick*](http://cr.yp.to/docs/selfpipe.html)


    Richard Kettlewell's suggestions about [*how fork(2) ought to


    "Neil Brown's 2010-10-27 article [*Ghosts of Unix Past: a historical search
    for design patterns*](http://lwn.net/Articles/411845/)"


    "Neil Brown's 2010-11-04 article [*Ghosts of Unix past, part 2: Conflated


    "Neil Brown's 2010-11-16 article [*Ghosts of Unix past, part 3: Unfixable
